
Naruto : Frosted Core

A heartbreaking moment early in his shinobi career makes Naruto question the life he has lived thus far. With a new resolve and a promise to fulfill...He will finally accept the demons that plague him that will set him on the path to greatness. ================================ Disclaimer: I make no claims of ownership of Naruto….it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto

MoonLight18 · Cómic
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38 Chs

Chapter 29: One-Sided Beat Down I

"Holy fucking shit!" Anko exclaimed, as she sat amongst her fellow Jounin and their students. They were all staring at the arena that Naruto just vacated, with varying degrees of shock, awe and fear.

Watching the apparent dead-last systematically dismantle and break the prodigy of the Hyuuga clan was an awe and fear inspiring experience.

"I think I may need some new panties." She panted out, her face flushing red. The others were in too much shock to properly respond to her audacious statement, though Kurenai did twitch briefly.

Although she was annoyed by Anko's comment, Kurenai never took her eyes of Naruto who was calmly making his way out of the arena. She was always one to follow the crowd on things…being a bit of a weakness of hers. Hence the reason she never took a deeper look at Naruto. People said he was the dead-last with no talent, and that's what she always believed.

It was shameful to admit on her part. She was a kunoichi, a Jounin at that. Intelligence gathering and observation was supposed to be one of her strong points, yet she completely disregarded the ability of a fellow shinobi. She wondered if it was because of this habit of hers that she wasn't promoted until a few months ago.

It also explained the veiled looks of contempt that Kakashi would occasionally shoot her.

"I can't believe it…" Ino muttered, seeming to be in a daze. It went against everything she believed and everything that was supposed to make sense to her. She was beautiful. Sasuke was the 'Rookie of the Year'. Naruto was the dead-last. Those were indisputable facts.

That was what her reality was supposed to be like. But Naruto crushed that reality before her very eyes. She couldn't help but think about the times back at the academy, when she along with the rest of the popular kinds would bully Naruto. For being the dead-last and for being different. He was different now all right.

He grew up since those days…to be a strong, handsome man who was brimming with self-confidence. She wondered if she had a chance with him.

Tenten looked as though her entire worldview was shattered. She had completely disregarded Naruto as a threat, thinking that as the dead-last, Neji, and by extension herself, could easily wipe the floor with him. Watching him beat, break and humiliate one of the strongest people she knows without even breaking a sweat was almost too much for her mind to handle.

Lee, on the other hand, looked as though a fire had been lit beneath him (or maybe his flames of youth levelled up), at the dominant display from Naruto, a fellow dead-last, against his biggest rival, as well as the huge compliment Naruto paid to him during the match.

"Gai-sensei! Naruto-kun's flames of youth are burning so brightly! I need to get back into fighting condition soon if I want overcome Naruto-kun's magnificent youthfulness.

If I can't do that, I will run 100 laps around Konoha, and if I can't do that I will climb the Hokage monument 200 times with my teeth!" Lee declared passionately, with an almost visible fire burning in his eyes. His sensei looked at him with a few tears in his eyes.

"Lee! I'm so proud you! You're flames of youth are burning brightly in my eyes!" Gai responded to his student, who looked at him with a look of admiration.





The more prudent members of the rookies turned away, before they could be scarred for life by one of the most horrific sights in the Elemental nations. The Jounin weren't even paying attention to them in the first place, having long grown used to Gai and his antics.

"I told you this would happen." Sakura pointed out a little smugly. She wasn't sure if she should be happy she could rub this in Ino's face, or be a little scared at how brutal and sadistic Naruto seemed to be.

It was such a contrast to the Naruto who used to follow her around like a puppy and beg her for dates. Looking at him now, she couldn't help but feel a little regret.

He really grew up in the last few months, becoming stronger, more attractive as well as mysterious. Some of the things that drew her to Sasuke. She wondered what could have been if she had accepted one of Naruto's dates. She decided that it wasn't the time to think about that.

Looking at the strength of Naruto, and knowing how strong Sasuke is…she began to question her worth on Team 7. It was a bitter pill to swallow…but she realised that she was the dead weight of the team. No amount of posturing and preening on her part could change that. She had work to do if she wanted to catch up.

"I would be surprised if he didn't make Chuunin." Asuma commented, drawing the attention of the rookies. Seeing them looking to him, he decided to elaborate.

"Chuunin are expected to be team leaders. Having strength isn't enough, you also have to have a good head on your shoulders. Seeing as how Naruto not only controlled the pace of the match, but also lured his opponent into his traps, all while keeping a level head.

Not many people could do that. It makes him almost a shoe-in for being a Chuunin. He definitely has my vote." He finished.

The rookies were looking at Naruto in a new light following Asuma's evaluation. It seemed like not too long ago, Naruto was simple a blonde knucklehead, pulling pranks and ditching class. It is only now that they can truly comprehend the gulf in class and ability that seemingly opened up between them and him. It was a humbling realisation.

Hinata, for her part, could only look on in admiration and adoration at the way Naruto performed. It really drove home that hard work paid off in spades, and that nothing will ever change if she sat on her ass all the time hoping things will magically fix themselves.

Naruto, like her, was regarded as talentless, yet there he was, completely dominant in a fight against the 'prodigy' of her own prestigious clan. She knew it was a little delusional of her, but she couldn't help but think that Naruto specifically put on such a display as a message for her.

Whether he did, or it was just a figment of her over-active imagination, she will take away the lessons he put forward in his fight. It was time for her to evolve. She would not fail. Not after the faith that her Naruto-sama has placed in her. That was more than enough to push her further than she ever tried to get.

She focused her eyes, which were normally a light shade of lavender but seemed to have darkened for a moment, on the figure of her younger sister. The malicious intent that she unconsciously projected seemingly affected Hanabi, who shivered slightly at the malevolent sensations she was feeling.

Just as it appeared…it vanished. Hinata going back to smiling sweetly as she gazed upon her Naruto-sama. She would eventually take care of any worms that stood in the way of accomplishing her goals…with extreme prejudice.


"Damn…That blonde bastard is just as dangerous as we thought he might be. This might be a problem for the plan." Kankuro whispered to his sister as they stood in the competitor's box overlooking the arena.

Temari, though she didn't reply, agreed with her brother's assessment. Watching Naruto destroy that stuck-up Hyuuga boy made her feel unsettled. She wasn't sure whether she should be unnerved or a little turned on by his display. She looked to her youngest brother who, while still remaining expressionless, had a hateful glint in his eyes.

She could almost feel the bloodlust he was emanating in anticipation.

Shikamaru, for his part, watched the entire proceeding with a calculating eye. He thought he had Naruto pretty much figured out, but then he goes and does something like this and completely throws him off balance. He's definitely counted as a troublesome blonde.

Shino silently looked upon the arena, his bugs having told him of the massive reserves of Uzumaki Naruto. He knew he wouldn't stand much of a chance against someone like that, given the nature of his own skill set.

It seemed like the future will be something to look forward to.


"Quite the promising young shinobi you have there, Hokage-dono." The Kazekage commented. In reality, he was Orochimaru in disguise. He was inwardly salivating at the skill in one-handed seals that Naruto demonstrated, having not known it was even possible till the boy demonstrated it.

Though, on the flip side, the boy could prove to be an obstacle to his plans. Not only his plans for Konoha but also his acquisition of Uchiha Sasuke, who happens to be his teammate.

"Hohoho…Young Naruto-kun is certainly one of the more talented and hard-working shinobi we have. He definitely has the qualities needed by a Chuunin, and he has it in spades." The Hokage responded.

It certainly warmed his old heart to see how far the legacy of his predecessor has come. While he still harbours a large amount of guilt concerning the boy, and the decisions he took in regards to Naruto's life and upbringing, he still cared deeply for the boy.

He had many tough decisions that caused the boy many years of pain and loneliness, and while he regretted those decisions, he would not change them. He made them with the good of his village at heart.

While it may seem heartless, such is the burden of those in positions of power and leadership. He just hoped that the boy would one day come to understand the sacrifices that were made.


There was an uncomfortable silence as Naruto stepped into the competitor's box. Temari and Kankuro shifted nervously in his presence, while Shino remained as stoic as ever. Shikamaru looked a bit annoyed at Naruto, probably for being so damn troublesome, and Gaara just ogled Naruto in a way that only served creep him out.

Naruto just ignored the tension and took up a spot in the corner, next to the railing. He nodded to Shino as he passed him, and made himself comfortable. He was looking forward to the next match.

Not for the apparent pomp and circumstance that the civilians are all hyped up about, but rather to see more of Gaara's abilities. He was curious as to what else his fellow Jinchuuriki could do.

"Sabaku no Gaara and Uchiha Sasuke, please make your way to the field." Genma announced. Gaara didn't respond and simply vanished and reappeared in the middle of the field via a sand Shunshin.

A few more minutes went by, and the crowd starting getting restless. Murmurs started to be heard around the stadium as people wondered where the last Uchiha was.

"Will Uchiha Sasuke please make his way to the field." Genma ordered once again. When he still didn't get a response, he looked up to the Kage box to get some direction from the Hokage.


"Hokage-sama, we have searched the village and there is no sign of Uchiha Sasuke or Hatake Kakashi." Said one of the Sandaime's bodyguards, Raido.

The Hokage looked a little annoyed at the tardiness of one of his Genin, in front of important clients no less. While many people may have flocked to the stadium to watch him, Sasuke being late to such an important event could prove an embarrassment to Konoha.

"Let Genma know that if Uchiha Sasuke doesn't show up in the next five minutes, he will be disqualified." The Hokage ordered. While it may not be a popular decision, he couldn't allow the favouritism of one Genin in such a manner, regardless of his heritage.

He had already seen a masterful display from Naruto, who was a shoe in for being promoted, and would make a more positive and lasting impact on future clients. It would also be more prudent to allow him to be the one to nullify his fellow Jinchuuriki.

And from the display that he put on, he seemed more than capable of doing it, far more than Sasuke.

"Hokage-dono, perhaps you should hold off on that decision. Many people, myself included have come to see the last Uchiha battle my son. It would be prudent to allow him more time." The Kazekage suggested hastily.

Inwardly, Orochimaru was cursing his former sensei for attempting to ruin the little exhibition he was waiting for. He was looking forward to seeing his future vessel in action against a strong opponent.

The gap in power between him and Gaara would make Sasuke see that Konoha is holding him back and cause the boy to seek him out. He needed the match to happen or else he would have to find another way to persuade him.

"I understand what you are saying Kazekage-dono, however, the fact remains that as a Genin, regardless of his family ties, it is his responsibility to show up on time for his match. He had ample time to prepare, as did his fellow competitors who made use of their time well and arrived early.

I will not allow favouritism for the boy on this day. If he can't understand something as simple as being on time, then he is unfit to be a Chuunin." The Hokage declared, much to the displeasure of the disguised Orochimaru.

The Sandaime nodded to Raido and asked him to pass on the message to Genma. The Uchiha boy was getting far too big an ego by the ass-kissing and the sucking up the Civilian Council was doing, he needed to understand that his actions have consequences.

He also made a note to have a discussion with Kakashi. Not only for allowing his student to be late but also about the revelations about how he 'trains' his team that Jiraiya managed to acquire during his time training young Naruto.


read ahead of the public release in p@treon :
