
Naruto : Frosted Core

A heartbreaking moment early in his shinobi career makes Naruto question the life he has lived thus far. With a new resolve and a promise to fulfill...He will finally accept the demons that plague him that will set him on the path to greatness. ================================ Disclaimer: I make no claims of ownership of Naruto….it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto

MoonLight18 · Cómic
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38 Chs

Chapter 28: Welcome to the Real World II


All the audience was able to hear was the flesh smacking against flesh of the blows and Neji's grunts of pain.


Neji lie on his back, panting for breath and cringing at the pain that was coursing through his body. As he waited for more punishment to be heaped on him, he noticed that the attacks stopped. He struggled to get back to his feet, wincing with every movement. He knew he needed to regain control of this match.

"Stop hiding like a coward and attacking when I can't see! Fight me like a man!" Neji voice rang throughout the arena. He was frustrated, he was being shown up by such a failure. He was met with an irritating laugh from his opponent.

"Fufufu…It seems you are mistaken about the kind of profession you're in Neji-kun. I'm not a samurai, or some storybook hero who's going to fight you in some battle for honour. I'm a shinobi. I attack from the shadows.

In fact, it's only because you're a fellow Konoha shinobi that I haven't killed you yet." Naruto's voice reverberated throughout the arena.

The cold mist as well as the implications of his words, said in such a matter-of-fact way, sent a chill down people's spines.

"You see, I'm impartial to using a sword. But I stuck to Taijutsu so far because I didn't want to kill you. But now that I think about it, I guess I can maim you a little. I'm sure you can endure excruciating pain for a few hours, at least until the medics can fix you. Prepare yourself Neji."

As he said those words, the killing intent rose sharply in the arena. It wasn't a lot, just enough to scare the lesser folk in the arena, as well as stun Neji for a bit, before Naruto vanished once more.

This time Neji felt a small cut on his arm. Before it was followed by another, and another, and another. Paper thin cuts started blossoming all over Neji's body. Even though a normally small and inconsequential wound, the sheer number Naruto inflicted upon Neji compounded the pain exponentially.

What was even more impressive, was that Naruto cut deep enough for Neji to feel the burn, but not deep enough to draw blood. It was an exhibition of precision and finesse with a blade.

Neji felt tears wet the corners of his eyes. He was used to blunt trauma pain during his spars with Lee and Gai, and wasn't even a stranger to cuts and stabs from Tenten, on the rare occasion she was able to land a hit on him.

But the precision with which Naruto sliced him up was a whole new sensation that his body didn't think it would ever experience. The stinging pain made him want to scream out but no sound was able to leave his throat. He was on his knees as he tried to find some way to alleviate the pain. What he didn't notice was that the mist was slowly receding.

The first view that the audience received once the mist disappeared, was of Naruto calmly standing in the middle of the arena, without so much as a drop of sweat on his body. His breathing was even, and his posture was relaxed. It didn't even look like he was trying.

Neji on the other hand, was on his knees, trembling in pain. His clothes were dirty, his hair was frizzy and he had some blood leaking from the corner of his mouth, and only the experienced shinobi in the audience picked up on the multitude of shallow cuts that were flayed across his body.

Most of them winced as they felt the phantom pains of what they were seeing.

"In the beginning of this match, you called me a loser, a failure that was fated to lose to you today. All I see is a sad, pathetic little boy, too weak to fight back, to spineless to take charge of his life. All you're left to do, is default to the position you were meant to be in.

On your knees, before a superior being." Naruto taunted with a condescending smirk on his face. There were many gasps in the audience at the cruel words of Naruto that cut deeply into Neji, who could do nothing but lay there with humiliation all over his face.

"How dare you?! You know nothing! The Hyuuga Clan is div-" Neji started his rant, only to be cut off by Naruto.

"Save your breath. I already know the situation of the Hyuuga Clan. I honestly couldn't care less. So save your sob story for someone who cares. This isn't some competition where your compare your suffering to others and magically have and excuse for being an asshole.

You chose your path because you were too weak to make something of your life. You took the easy way out. Ranting about your suffering to everyone that would listen to you, hoping for some pity. There are other people who have it just as bad, if not worse. But they don't whine like some broken record like you do.

They pick themselves up and get on with their lives, something you're incapable of doing. And that Neji, is why you are, and always will be, a failure." Naruto said, with complete seriousness.

The arena was silent, as many absorbed the words said by the young blonde. Those closest to him, and those who knew of his situation, could easily tell he was referring to himself and his situation, as opposed to Neji's.

Neji though, was gritting his teeth in absolute anger. His resentment for the blonde reaching boiling point. He wanted to eradicate this failure before him. Luckily for him, the idiot blonde allowed him just enough time to recover.

"You talk too much, loser." Neji said with an arrogant smirk on his face. Naruto almost burst out laughing at the irony of the statement. Neji then took up a stance that had many in the audience, gape in astonishment, none more so then the members of the Hyuuga Clan.

"You are within my range of divination." The smirk increased tenfold. As he exploded from his position, ready to deliver on of the most iconic Hyuuga techniques.

"Hakke Rokujyuuyonshou"

Naruto just smiled serenely at him, before making a single hand seal. As Neji got closer, Naruto implemented his jutsu.

"Suiton: Mizukagami"

From the water, that Naruto previously released and utilised for his water dragon, a flat circular pool of water formed, facing the direction of Neji. From the shimmering surface of the water, a perfect copy of Neji burst through, with the same stance, except in reverse. Neji couldn't stop his charge, and followed through regardless of his duplicate's appearance. He assumed it was another petty trick from Naruto.

"Two strikes!"

"Four strikes!"

"Eight strikes!"

"Sixteen strikes!"

"Thirty-two strikes!"

"Sixty-four strikes!"

For each and every strike that Neji delivered, the counterpart Naruto's jutsu conjured, mirrored him perfectly. Deflecting each strike with the same precision that Neji trained his body to be able to use. The more strikes he delivered, the more agitated he became at seeing not just his, but the most dangerous technique of the Hyuuga Clan, being countered so easily.

Usually, the Mizukagami no Jutsu is classified as an E-Rank jutsu, as it can only sustain one hit before dissolving. It was meant for one-on-one encounters to reflect a single move of the opponent. But Naruto was able to modify the jutsu, with his monstrous chakra reserves, and his unnatural training methods.

He was able he sustain the jutsu with a steady stream of chakra and masterful water manipulation. Making it the ultimate counter technique.

As Neji delivered the final strike, the counter-Neji dissolved into a puddle of water. He stood there, heavily panting from the strain the technique put on his body, only to realise that it was absolutely useless.

His opponent still stood opposite him, with that infuriatingly calm smile on his face. Despair slowly started to set in, as it finally dawned on him how hopeless his situation was. Before he could think more on it, Naruto moved to strike him.

Naruto purposely moved at a slower pace for Neji to track him. He moved to strike Neji with a closed fist that Neji caught with his right hand. However, Naruto revered the grip and took hold of Neji's wrist. As Neji tried to send a finger jab at Naruto's right arm to disable it, he realised, with a shock, that he couldn't move his left arm. It just hung limply. Naruto smiled at seeing him finally realise it.

"Ah I see you finally caught up. You see, in the mist earlier, when I cut you up with my sword, I lightly cut into the tendons in your left arm. Not so much that it would be noticeable, but just enough for my plan. So that in the event that you put too much strain on your right arm, you would damage it further and lose mobility in your left arm.

I knew you had the Hakke Rokujyuuyonshou up your sleeve, that's why I cut you. I've been watching you Neji-kun." Naruto said with a smile, though his eyes were dancing with a bit of sadistic amusement at seeing the realisation dawning on Neji's face.

"And now you find yourself in a deadlock with me. Though you are at a disadvantage, as your one good hand is preoccupied, whereas I have the full use of my right hand. Let me show you, genius-kun, how outmatched you truly are."

To the absolute shock awe of the audience, Naruto started rapidly going through one-handed seals.


(In the Stands)

"That's impossible!" Kurenai shouted in disbelief.

Asuma's cigarette fell out of his mouth at what he was witnessing.

"What the hell is Kakashi teaching his kids?" Asuma muttered, although it was loud enough to be heard by those around him.

"Kakashi-sensei doesn't teach us any jutsu. All we do in training is teamwork drills. The only technique his taught us was the tree-walking. He mostly focuses on Sasuke-kun in terms of jutsu training. Everything you see Naruto doing here, is most probably self-taught." Sakura informed, much to the shock of the other Jounin sensei.

"That sounds like very unyouthful conduct from my rival." Gai said.

"Hahaha! I absolutely love this gaki! Not only does he have a sadistic side…That hundred cut torure that he used was beautiful…but he's also this talented.

He definitely has my vote for Chuunin." Anko commented.

Then she got a glint in her eye along with a seductive expression on her face. "Maybe I can tutor him one-on-one. I want to see how long that sword of his is."

Her inappropriate comments made those who knew her sweat-drop, and pray for Naruto's safety in the future.


(Back in the Arena)

Neji was gaping in horror and disbelief at what Naruto was doing. It shouldn't be possible.

As Naruto completed his series of one-handed seals, he stomped the puddle beneath his feet, causing the water to rise, before shaping them into numerous sharp senbon.

He looked at Neji with a smirk on his face, though he was a bit nostalgic on the inside at using his dead lover's technique.

"Hijutsu: Sensatsu Suishou"

The multitude of water senbon accelerated towards Neji, burying themselves into his body without mercy. He cried out in agony at the punishment his body was forced to take once again. He could feel his mind on the precipice of breaking at the torture he was forced to endure throughout the match. He didn't have time to recover though.

As soon was the final senbon impaled him, a Naruto shadow clone rushed in with a high kick that almost caved his chest in, sending him straight into the arms of another clone behind him, who caught him in a full nelson before glowing brightly and exploding. Neji's agonised screams tore through the arena, making most of the audience cringe and look away.

Naruto, although not really feeling merciful to this asshole, still didn't want to kill him, at least in front of all these witnesses, so he toned down the power of the Bunshin Daibukuha, to mostly just a blunt concussive force.

When the smoke cleared, Neji was lying flat on his stomach, a small pool of blood accumulating beneath his body. His groans of pain was like music to Naruto's ears.

The shock being felt in the stadium was almost palpable to Naruto.

He looked to Neji, who was struggling to get to a vertical base. He could have stomped him right then and there, but he needed to make a point with this match. So he stood there and watched, for almost 5 minutes, as Neji struggled, only managing to get to his knees.

But that was perfect for Naruto. He held up a single hand seal and pulsed his chakra. The effects were immediate. Neji's entire body went rigid. He didn't even have the ability to blink. He was just stuck there on his knees, forced to look up at Naruto.

Naruto, for his part, had a neutral expression on his face. He stared directly into the eyes of Neji, piercing his very soul. This went on for a few minutes, before Naruto's stony expression melted to his usual placid expression.

"I bet you're wondering why you can't move right now, yes? You see Neji-kun, the answer is very simple. A Paralysis Seal." Naruto explained.

causing many to widen their eyes in shock and comprehension. Most didn't even know that Naruto had knowledge of the sealing arts. Others weren't even expecting it to be used in such a direct battle.

"I can tell by your expression that you're wondering when I tagged you with this seal. I tagged you at the very beginning of this match." Causing even more shock and confusion.

"Do you remember, before the match started, I walked to a certain spot as a starting point? When you launched your first attack at me, you stood in the exact same spot that I was. Last night, I snuck into the arena and planted that Paralysis Seal, for the express purpose of this very moment.

I could have activated that seal and slit your throat whenever I wanted. The only reason I allowed the match to drag on for so long, was to display my skills to the judges. So you see Neji-kun, you lost this match the moment you set foot in this arena. It was all part of my plan."

The astonishment that permeated the arena was incomprehensible. To control the pace of a match, against one of the most promising young Genin at that, to such a degree was not expected from a Genin, especially one that graduated from the academy only 8 months ago.

"You see, the problem in Konoha is that the word 'prodigy' get thrown around too casually. If you have a fancy bloodline or graduate from the academy as the 'Rookie of the Year', you are automatically labelled a prodigy.

I find it quite repulsive. I can't stand weaklings like you, who hide behind the false praise you get, because you don't have the will to push yourself beyond the norm. Your teammate, Lee, is someone I would have much rather fought. He understands that hard work and dedication that is needed to succeed.

You see Neji, you simply aren't worth my time. I look at you, and I see a pathetic, hate filled little boy, trying to make himself into a bigger deal than he really is. I watched how you almost murdered your cousin, Hinata, who cared deeply about you, in some misguided notion of revenge.

You have never learned, that every action has consequences. However, there will always come a time, like now for instance, when all your posturing and preening is revealed to be the same as you…absolutely worthless. That's why I allowed you to get to your knees before I activated the seal, because this is your natural position.

You revel in being a servant to the Hyuuga clan. You throw around your last name to everyone who wants to hear it. This is my kindness to you Neji. So as you lay there, on your knees like the impotent worm you are, looking up at your superior, I want you to think about what I've said.

Because the bottom line is, you aren't even worthy of breathing the same air as me. You never stood a chance against me, and you never will." Naruto said, before calmly walking out of the arena.

Leaving behind a broken and beaten down Neji, who could do nothing but drown in his own tears of pain and humiliation.

"Winner, Uzumaki Naruto." Announced Genma.

There was absolute silence in the arena…Before they burst out in cheers and applause.

Naruto just shook his head ruefully before continuing his walk. He spotted Hinata out of the corner of his eye. He sent her a playful wink, causing her to beam at him.

As he continued his walk, he looked up to the competitor's box, where he was headed to. He stared directly into the eyes of Gaara. An unspoken challenge was issued.

'You're next, tanuki.' Naruto thought as he left the arena, a raucous applause fading into the background.


Author Note:

Haha…I could help but put in Aizen's iconic catchphrase in Naruto's speech. It just seemed to appropriate in the situation.

I took a lot of liberties with the Mizukagami no Jutsu, but I just had to add it to Naruto's arsenal. I fell in love with it when I saw Yagura use it in the Anime. It was the first counter jutsu that I saw.

The idea for the hundreds of cuts delivered to Neji, was actually from a Fanfic that a read a few years ago. I can't remember the name, but in the preliminaries, Naruto does a similar technique. If you guys know which fic it is, let me know so I can at least give the author a reference.

I know you guys probably wanted something more humiliating (I know how you sick bastards think), I did too…but considering the tone of the anime, I didn't want to go too extreme. I had a lot of ideas, but they felt very 'cracky'. I might do an omake or a side story for all the ridiculous scenarios I thought up.

I gave Sakura a role with more substance in this chapter. As you read in the last chapter, she's starting to question herself and her choices.

Next will be the Gaara fight. I haven't decided whether to kill of the Sandaime yet. I'm on the fence about it.


read ahead of the public release in p@treon :
