
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

End of mission

"N-naruto be careful it my first time" Kakashi said blushing heavily, whispering in his ear Naruto said "Sensei I'll be gentle", he grabbed Kakashi waist and pulled it close to his groin, biting Kakashi red ear he took off his trouse-----



'Then why did you even ask in the first place' Naruto mumbled.

They decided to rest for the day and continue the journey the next day. Sasuke finally couldn't take it anymore, so when they all settled for the night, Sasuke went over to Naruto who was standing guard and spoke.

"Naruto please don't reject me!" He said with evident of frustration in his voice, "I've tried so hard and nothing I do seems to work, I'm still so weak" he paused, raising his head to look at Naruto who was staring at the sky.

He felt his chest hurt, so he clenched it, he bit his lips as it bleed, he always felt weak too weak, why?, Why Was it him?, he always wondered.

He continued as his knee felt weak, it gave out as he dropped to the floor, "Naruto please make me strong, I beg you!".

Sure he had his pride, but he would do anything to be strong, he would even make a deal with the devil if it meant he could have his revenge.

He remained on his knees, his vision clouded by tears of frustration, he grabbed the dirt in his hand as he clenched his fist awaiting naruto's answer.

"Hooo! Why do you think I could make you stong?" Naruto questioned still looking at the sky, his face expressionless

"Of c--" Sasuke wanted to answer till he paused.

'why? Why? How will he make me strong?, Why did I feel he could help me?, why did I not think of this?. He is a genius and also powerful but why did I feel like he could offer much more.' he clenched his head as he thought of this.

"help me" not knowing what to say he said in a weak tone almost sounding like a whisper.

"Come to my place after this mission, that will be all, go to sleep" naruto said with his same expressionless face, not paying a single bit of attention to Sasuke tantrums.

"Um" with a nod Sasuke walked back to his earth made tent, leaving behind the Crimson hair that was let down blowing with the wind.



"Hehe I can't wait to write my new book, this research is needed, hehehe" a man with long white hair resembling a lion's mane, could be seen squatting behind a wooden wall and peeping through it, he had a perverted look on his face, with his nose bleeding profusely it makes one wonder if he needs help.



"Ahhh shh ahhhh Shhh you'll blow my cover" Jiraiya told the four feet toad wearing a red haori and carrying a sword on his back.

But alas it was to late as the women who were bathing already heard the voices.

They screamed and started throwing all they could find at the figure they saw.

"Quick quick let get out of here now!" Jiraiya hurriedly told the toad who did the necessary handseaals as he disappeared with a white smoke with Jiraiya.



'Phew that was a close one hahahahaha' the toad sannin thought as he laughed to himself.

"Jiraiya-sama fugusaku-sama wants to see you" the taod told him.

Immediately Jiraiya heard those words his face turned serious as said.

"Okay let's go"


*Land of Waves*

On their seventh day in the village, the rest of the team except Sasuke and Naruto, helped to build the bridge, Sasuke said he had to train, but Naruto just didn't care since it wasn't part of the mission.

Suddenly a ninja with white bandage, brown skin and shaggy black hair carrying a large sword started walking towards them with a beautiful figure with long black hair.

"Zabuza" Immediately Kakashi saw him, his eyes widened in shock.

"Kuhuhu, it's an honour, that the 'Kakashi of the Sharingan' knows me" Zabuza one of the swordmen of the most who became a rouge said.

Kakashi immediately took out his kunai and got into a fighting stance.

"Kuhuhu, surely that's Kakashi for you, but I'm no--" before he finished he was kicked in the face and sent flying crashing into rocks.

He stumbled and regained balance as soon as his foot touched the ground.

Looking at the place he once stood he saw a Red haired teenager wearing strange clothing and earrings, he immediately realized that the redhead was from the Uzumaki clan by the color of his hair and from the crest on his earrings and gloves.

Surely that has to explain his monstrous chakra reserve, strength and agility at such a young age.

"Naruto!" Kakashi eyes narrowed, because he didn't even see Naruto move.

Naruto ignoring the shocked gazes picked up a rock lying on the ground and infused chakra in it, once it was done he threw the rock to what seems to be a random direction.

"I don't understand why you waste time talking, if you want a fight" Naruto expressionlessly said.

"Kugh" a figure came out of the direction he threw the stone, the figure appeared to be the same age with Naruto, the figure had a beautiful face but it was Zabuza companion 'Haku of the ice style'.

He had not expect to be hit, he was sure he completely hid his presence, but that did not seems to be the case as a bullet fast object flew toward his head, if he hadn't reacted in time he would have been dead, despite he was still injured as he couldn't dodge the object he later realised was a stone completely.

Immediately twelve more ninjas came out and surrounded them.

Kakashi immediately regained focus and ordered, "Naruto!, Sasuke, Sakura, you'll have to deal with them by yourself, I'll handle the swordman"

He believed Naruto would be fine, and was also sure Sasuke could at least protect himself, so he was the least concerned about the two, but the same could not be said for Sakura.

"Hmpf after I'm done with the 'White fang's' son I'll deal with you" Zabuza said to Naruto who still stood there in his grace, with an unreadable expression.

Kakashi seeing Zabuza was distracted immediately rushed forward, and kicked him, but Zabuza saw this and jumped backwards.

Seeing the fight has started the other ninjas rushed at the three genins but Haku knew better than to underestimate the redhead.

Seeing this Naruto immediately got into a Tai-Chi stance, he bent down to adjust his center of gravity, with his right leg forward, his left leg facing the other side , standing in an 'L' posture, he had his left hand behind his back and his right hand aligned with his right leg.

Noticing the unfamiliar stance, Sasuke immediately stoped and activated his Sharingan, that was spinning rapidly, his idea was to copy naruto's strange taijutsu.

The twelve ninja didn't think to much of it and rushed at Naruto, the first one came close and attempted to stab Naruto with a kunai, but was surprised when he found his own kunai embedded in his neck, shocked he droped dead.

The second and third didn't give him a moment to relax and rushed right after the first with a kunai and a sword, the second suddenly noticed that his center of gravity has been shifted and he was falling, and judging from his position he would fall directly on the tip of his comrade kunai.

All he could do was think till he died, not giving the third a chance Naruto spun his hand in a circular motion, and quickly struck the pressure points in the third ninja body with accurate precision and fluid motion, resembling water movements.

The ninja fell to the ground unable to move as Naruto stomped his foot on the third ninja throat hard, the ninja died slowly from suffocation and internal bleeding unable to even move.

Seeing the way their companions were easily killed by the kid dangerous taijutsu, they Immediately stopped and unanimously decided to use ninjutsu going forward.

""Fire style: fireball jutsu"", ""Wind style: gale palm""

They sent a large fireball toward naruto, amplifier by the wind, unfortunately for them it was Naruto they met.

Naruto seeing the fireball moving speedily towards him, quickly did handseals

"Water style: War hammer"

Putting an enormous amount of chakra in the jutsu, he spat a large amount of water toward the fireball, the water he spat turned into a Viking style hammer and hit the fireball send it back to the ninjas, but the water didn't stop there, although most of it had evaporated due to touching the fire ball, it didn't stop the rest from hitting the remaining ninjas who escaped the death of the fireball.

Looking around only three ninjas remained, which are Zabuza, Haku and the already running ninja that was part of the twelve reinforcement.

Kakashi and Zabuza fight has already finished as he wanted to behead the swordman, Haku seeing this, wanted to go and save Zabuza but naruto punch caught him off guard as he was also sent flying, he was already to late as Kakashi had already killed Zabuza.

Although not without suffering serious injuries, a win is a win.

Haku seeing the death of his master was enraged, the temperature around them dropped significantly, not wanting to give the Yuki clan kid a chance, four golden chains with sharp edges, bond the kid and started draining the kids chakra reserve rapidly, till it killed him.

*Land Of Fire*

After a few days they began their journey back to the village, as they reached the gate and confirmed their identity , Kakashi turned to the children and said "You guys can go rest, I'll report the mission to the Hokage"

Nodding they all went their way.

Reading the report Hiruzen face paled significantly, the report showed Naruto use two unknown water jutsu which he created, also use a dangerous taijutsu that seems to use the enemy attack against them.

Calling Naruto who is already a Jounin level ninja at the age of fourteen a genius is an underestimation.

If only he had the will of fire, but unfortunately the kids mind is broken.

He obviously started to regret his choice on Naruto's upbringing.

He just hoped that whatever is Keeping Naruto in this village should still be there.

Sighing he took a puff out of his pipe and signalled Kakashi to leave, he stood up and went to the window lost in thoughts.