
Naruto FanF: Bratva

The pain was excruciating at first. Alexender had been shot and felt the worst pain that a human can feel in their body. Then, it started burning like there was a hell in his abdomen. But after a moment, there was nothing. Only numbness thanks to his adrenaline. Despite the pain, he kept fighting for the sake of his unit and the mission. Even if he was the last operative left, he would complete the mission. In his attempt to avenge his fallen comrades, he fell into a trap. There were numerous contacts waiting for him, ready to finish him off the moment he entered the perimeter. A mere second, there was a moment when he thought the mission would be successful. he thought his comrades wouldn't have died in vain, and he could finally return home to take care of his little brother. He could even start a family and close his life in peace with someone who accepted him. But it was all just an illusion. A teams of French legionaries were pointing their newly acquired HK14 rifles at him. They were shouting in a language that three years ago he would have just laughed at their accent. Alexender tried to take out his stolen Glock to fire his last bullets, but he couldn't feel his whole body. Looking down, he could see six to ten bullet holes in his abdomen. He fell backward, his vision blurring as the life began to leave his body. Even though he couldn't feel anything in his body, he felt regret, anger, and sadness that he couldn't complete the mission and return the promise that he made to his little brother. Tears streamed down his face, and closed his eyes, waiting for death to come. "Damn, that hurts." "Welcome Alexander Kuznetsov, i have a proposal to you" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realistic naruto oc fan fiction, realistic level up (even if have senju-uchiha blood) and hopefully good fights. I don't own naruto as well as the pics i will use So basically a soldier got reborn in naruto

Rejnid · Cómic
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35 Chs

Chapter 8: Kenjutsu

The day after unlocking my Sharingan, my brother suggested to me the idea of using my Sharingan in training, even for running.

He said it was for training my eyes as well, it was more exhausting because it drained my chakra after 2H of training, resulting in more rest, and less chakra using, so we changed it to use only on Taijutsu spares and using katas.

I thought about trying to use my first jutsu, the fire ball thing, and proposed it to my brother, and as expected he approved it, but sometimes later.

6 Months later

As usual, our training progressed a big chunk, he said that my level of Taijutsu and speed was higher than some Chunin, and honestly i was proud of that, but the problem is i know no jutsu, even if having great chakra control for my age, even being proposed Iryoo-nin justu, but turned it down to base heavily in more offensive and defensive Ninjutsu.

So today we finished the chakra control, being able to imitate Jesus and spar while walking on water, it was disturbing at first with all of my attention trying to not get wet, but i get beaten every time, so i tried to adapt and fight back controlling my self in water.

My Sharingan become easy to control, being able to maintain it the whole day, but the most important thing, is my left eye being 2 tomoe and the right one still 1 tomoe, improvement that is.

So today, briefing of the day, at 8:20PM, i and my brother stay at the cliff like usual every time after we finished our training, talking about stuff, everything and anything.

"So what will we do tomorrow? i mean i am still waiting for my Kenjutsu training and the jutsu..."

He thought a bit while humming, then spoke "Well tomorrow we start Kenjutsu, we will do the running part the morning and Kenjutsu after, while the rest of the day it will be as usual, honestly you exceeded my expectation brat," he then looked at me with a slight raised eyebrow "a prodigy huh."

I chuckled a bit, and shrugged "What do you want me to do, guess i am really gifted huh" i stated with a smirk.

I got smacked then looked at him angrily, he had an annoyed face "Still can't beat me tho."

I groaned and responded "Shut up, you are a Jonin level, and i low level Chunin."

"Give me 5 year you asshole, and i will beat your ass." i said with an taunting smirk.

"I am nearly 17 years old, and you 5, way to go."

"Come on, being near 5 year old and a Low-Chunin level is still impressive."

He laughed a bit, then got up, he said "So do you want your fire ball jutsu or no?"

I looked up at him for a moment, processing what did he just say, i shot up and throw my arms backward "Kami, been waiting for ages aye."

He chuckled a bit and made a motion to go our of way, so i did what he said, i waited, then he made some hand signs, 3 actually, "Katon: Goukakyuu No Jutsu" Then made an O with his index finger, breathed some air, then shoot a large 3m fire bal.

The face i made was priceless for my brother, it was rather impressive to see it with my own eyes, wide eyes, open mouth.

Anyway, my brother turned to my direction, he had an proud smirk, he said "Well, impressive wasn't it? well it was a small version anyway."

I snapped back to my brother, "A small version? damn you, it could erase a 2 stage house with ease," i sighed and sat to the ground, "well i guess i will train hand waving to get my hands used to wave fast aren't i?"

He squat beside me and said "Yeah i guess so, generally kids get exited to the idea of having this kind of jutsu in their repertory, but you are more focused in hand sign, i really don't understand you sometimes."

I sighed "Well, like i always say, i am not normal, and i am tired to say so, anyway, let's get home, i honestly miss mother hug."

"You're being touchy these time around aye, feeling lonely?"

I looked up at him with a deadpan, while him having an taunting expression "Is loving your mother and wanting to spend time with her a sign of loneliness or something?" i sat up "well i love our family, even my pride can't take it back from my mouth, and anyone who ask me if i love my family, i say yes without stuttering or even shame."

"Alright alright, i understand, but sometimes you are seriously being clingy to mother, you even use you're Sharingan while with family, why is that? and who would shame himself if he said that he loved his family."

I though for a bit, "Well, like i said i love mother, she is sweet, caring, scary sometimes, but deserve the most love, and also i want to use all my time i have with my family as much as possible to have memories, as for the Sharingan, i use it to have my memories with my family without default when i try to remember those time to speak about them in the future, and i do all of that because i have a bad feeling, this sense of tenseness emanating from my father worries me a lot, so in case, just in case, i save those memories with my photographic memory of the 2 tomoe Sharingan, and also because i believe in the quot that says 'A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man', now do you understand."

He looked at me with a slight surprised expression, then turned serious "Indeed, there is something going on, even if i trust you, i am still a shinobi, i can't say it to you at why or what is happening until father say it himself," he sighed and smiled then patted me "give father time, i am sure he knows what he is doing."

I smiled a bit "Well for the shame part, some kids take shame in admitting in loving his family."

He placed a hand on my shoulder "Well, you are not a kid, are you?"

I chuckled a bit and said "I guess i am not, let's go, like you said i am feeling lonely, want my moma back."

He laughed as well then found ourselves in front of our house.

The night passed like usual, we spoke with my parents, eaten together, the daily hug from mother, then sleep.


So i found my self like usual at 5AM in front of my brother, briefed me the training, then began, running, Ken, Shuriken, hands waving then Taijutsu on water and sometimes on rocks.

Kenjutsu was... well hard, using a tanto was easy because of its weight, but the kata's, was hard, especially when you have to fight with it, some times even my reflex make my move the wrong way thanks to my heavy Taijutsu training, because it was the hard part, using Kenjutsu and Taijutsu separately.

Anyway, the training continued for about 6 other month, i am now 5years old.

And thanks to that, i am a bit proficient in Kenjutsu and mastered my Taijutsu, well i lack speed to get at my brother shoes, but at least i am good at my kata's, i also got really good at hand weaving, 6 months of 1H each day of hand weaving randomly and my brother correcting, was really useful for my weaving speed.

Anyway, i got 2 tomoe each eyes, and got to make fireball jutsu with perfect amount needed.

Today, finishing my training, surprisingly my brother said that today we are not going to the cliff, so just got to my bedroom, bored and not knowing what to do, i searched what book to read, i stumbled upon the Uzumaki report with full red color in the front look with and Uzumaki symbol.

I smack my self hard, because honestly how could i forget this important gold mine that my father gave me.

Anyway, i got to my bed, took the report, then started to read it.

Apparently, the the 2nd great shinobi war, started with the annihilation of the Uzumaki clan, then the mess as we know all that is the war, even if the series stated that the Uzumaki were annihilated, there is the likes of Nagato parents, Kuchina, and maybe some other.

So i started reading the report.

Narioki Utsukame Report

Today we were patrolling along the Nirinobu river when we heard a baby crying, we assumed it was a simple caravan or travelers, but it seem it was more than a caravan from the Tokubetsu Jonin Uraraka who sensed an average of 24 person with high chakra reserve being apparently chased by 6 hostiles.

We discussed about the situation with my team, we voted on proceeding with the protocol, or let it be, the vote ended in observing the group and the hostile.

We got to the site of operation, we spotted 9 males who seems to be civilian even with the high chakra reserve, 9 females who also seems to be a non-combatant, and 2 toddler, as well as 4 Shinobi who we assume to be Genin who all with 2 exception have red color hair.

We waited for the hostile to catch up, it was a team of 3 Kiri-nin , and 3 Kumo-nin who at the moment they arrived, they attacked, one of them used a Suiton jutsu to separate the groupe, the 4 man squad Genin got into combat position and one of them made a Doton jutsu to block the water coming, but at no avail when one of Kumo-nin destroyed it with lightening release.

One of them fled back, colliding with civilians, and the 3 Genin found themselves surrounded by 6 hostiles.

I, the only one who have the Sharingan, decide to start the plan with taking one out with the Sharingan then take him out of the scheme, the 2nd phase of the plan was to my partner Tokubetsu Jonin Uraraka who is proficient in Iryoo-nin jutsu team up with the Genin and support us with Genjutsu, and finally chunin Baki who will be teaming up with me take out one of them from behind then take out the others with even number, but before that i send a crow summon to inform the commander of our situation, fully expecting punishment.

The plan proceeded with success on my part, and Tokubetsu Jonin Uraraka's part, i killed the first Kiri shinobi who seems to be a support one, and Tokubetsu Jonin Uraraka blocked the blade that was going to take out one of the Genin and healed the 4th that was blasted by the Suiton jutsu, but our Chunin in the group, Chunin Baki, messed up, he decided to attack the same target as me but on Kumo's side, the support, but got spotted instead because of him flaring his chakra due to stress the moment of the deed.

Now we were 3 Operators and 4 Genin against probably half Jonin and half High-Chunin.

The fight stopped at the moment, the 5 remaining contact eyed us warily, one of them asked if we were the reinforcement that supposed to arrive to help the Uzumaki, i guess it was because of our blank mask, and black outfit that they guessed we were from the Anbu, we decided to not speak, i later though it was my failure to not buy time for reinforcement, but i am not gonna cry over spilled milk.

On the civilian side, some of them cheered, and some other eyed us warily, 4 of them the Genin's.

The fight started, two Kumo-nin got to me and Chunin Baki while the remaining 2 Kiri-nin confronted the 4 Genin and Tokubetsu Jonin Uraraka while the 1 Kumo-nin supported the both of them from behind.

The battle was not hard on my part, me wanting to no spend time and help Chunin Baki, done a genjutsu with my Sharingan and separated his head.

The Kumo-nin support seeing me winning over his comrade, informed that i may have the Sharingan, which they got back from the fight, regrouped, then after a bit of discussion, they fled, later on i heard from Tokubetsu Jonin Uraraka that she Severely Injured the Kiri-nin and helped the injuries of the civilian.

The reinforcement arrived, some shouting later from the commander about rules, we decided to take them in front of our clan head to discuss about the matter.

End of Jonin Narioki report on Nirinobu Patrol Misssion.

This is from your father

Later on we found out that they were from the Uzumaki clan, fleeing the war, from konoha to settle in a place where they will be at peace, but was chased instead, they agreed to be refugees, built them a settlement, gave them terrain, then made sealing to mask our presence, the group that fled from the fight was tracked, then killed, one of them was near the land of fire border.

Now they are near 60 member, half of them Shinobi, the other part, the civilian, the adult are capable of using Fuin-jutsu and Children are learning them.

Well, that was a pretty good summary, didn't expect to be this troublesome, again, what is the problem now with father?.

Like i said, we are powerful, have powerful allies, what are they fearing.

I decided to get some sleep, it was indeed an resourceful day.

Little did he know that he would regret not eating that night.


Finally, after getting my laziness over with, stress of studies gone with Covid, i can finally do a chapter, well i guess i can do one of 1200 word everyday, this day being a free day, i've done one of 2404 word, so yeah, anyway there is only the stress of not working out and reshaping myself problem that i need to be over with, and that's it, i got my life between my hands.

So anyway, thanks for reading guy, and please if you liked fav this chapter if you are from wattpad, or write a review in webnovel, i want to know your opinion.

See y'a!