
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

SoftCrow · Cómic
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295 Chs

Chapter 145

"What a disgrace..."

Upon returning home, Kaito felt a touch of embarrassment. He had actually been prattling on about ideals with a group of realist clan leaders.

It's not that ideals cannot be utilized, but one must consider the individual in question when invoking them.

Everyone harbors such thoughts deep within, but these seasoned clan leaders had long buried their ideals. They couldn't possibly use them as a rallying cry, given how their ideals had been bloodied and bruised by harsh reality.

As clan leaders, they represented more than just themselves. Naturally, ideals had to give way to reality.

As such, Kaito's not-quite-idealistic 'for Konoha' lacked appeal to them.

Even for individuals like Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo, the so-called 'for Konoha' was just an excuse.

Therefore, it would be better to discuss practical matters. After all, their actions, at their core, were for themselves and their clans.

"Nevermind, even though it's indeed embarrassing, the necessary tasks have been accomplished, and arrangements made. All that's left is to wait."

To impeach a Hokage through political means is an immense challenge, but it's not impossible nor void of opportunities.

Opportunities favor those who are prepared, and all of Kaito's actions were preparations for this.

Through today's conversations, besides conveying his own messages, Kaito also gathered information from the feedback of other clans.

The Hyuga, Aburame, and Inuzuka clans had begun their preparations. The Hyuga clan was tasked with monitoring the Sarutobi clan, while the Aburame and Inuzuka were watching the Uzumaki and Uchiha.

As for the Shimura clan, although it needed to be vigilant, Danzo had been very decisive when he joined the ROOT. He had included all the elite of the Shimura clan, most of whom had been dealt with by Kaito unbeknownst to them.

Kaito was somewhat taken aback by this news because he wasn't clear about the whole Shimura clan situation.

Although the clan was mentioned in the original narrative by Senju Hashirama, they never seemed to make an appearance.

Even after so many years in this world, Kaito hadn't come across many from the Shimura clan, let alone anyone exceptional.

This was a stark contrast to the neighboring Sarutobi clan, even the Uzumaki and Uchiha clans were faring much better than the Shimura clan.

Now he understood; it seemed that Danzo had led the entire clan into the trenches.

As for Lady Nara, Kaito knew from Yaneko that the Nara clan had dispatched her father.

He was unsure about Kakashi's situation, but since Kakashi was already aware of his mission, he should be preparing and taking action.

"But there is one more troublesome issue now, where exactly is Jiraiya?"

Jiraiya was carefully selected by Kaito, groomed to be the new Hokage to overthrow the Third.

While Kaito was very sure that Jiraiya would not obediently take up the position of Hokage, as long as Jiraiya remained a ninja of Konoha, he didn't have much choice. Even if he wasn't willing to become the Fifth Hokage, he could still serve as an interim 4.5 Hokage.

This interim 4.5 Hokage, the acting Hokage, might even better meet the needs of the major clans compared to a legitimate Fifth Hokage.

But to prevent Jiraiya from causing trouble once he sat on the Hokage's seat - like frequently suggesting replacements, Kaito carefully contemplated the countermeasures.

"After all, we can use Orochimaru's pardon to persuade you to wait patiently until a truly suitable Fifth Hokage emerges."

Granting a pardon to Orochimaru was one of the most direct methods Kaito could think of, given that Jiraiya always used it as an excuse to stay out of Konoha.

If Kaito pardoned Orochimaru, then what excuse would Jiraiya have for remaining outside? Did he also want to betray the village like Orochimaru?

Aside from this, Kaito also thought of another way: to have a sincere talk with Jiraiya about his so-called beliefs and ideals.

Jiraiya was indeed a very idealistic person, and there was no denying his ideals were lofty.

However, ideals are just ideals, and ones that don't conform to reality are doomed to be harshly beaten by it.

Jiraiya's life was essentially hijacked by his so-called ideal, always fantasizing about achieving 'peace' through 'communication between people'.

But the reality is, without military power as a foundation, without interests as a guarantee, who the hell would have a sincere talk with you?

Though Naruto did achieve the situation Jiraiya dreamt of in the future, a key element in it was Naruto's overwhelming power!

If Naruto hadn't shown power beyond ordinary understanding during the Fourth Great Ninja War, how could other ninjas have respected him and acted according to his will?

Moreover, a key point that Jiraiya might have overlooked was that he first nurtured Naruto's power before conveying his own thoughts.

Individuals are like this, so how about the complex world of the many ninja villages? Without power, how could they possibly function?

"One person is deceived by a 'parable' from a frog, it really makes one sigh."

Kaito shook his head, he really felt a bit of pity for Jiraiya.

He really liked Jiraiya in the original work, and was even tricked into shedding a lot of tears by 'the only bet Tsunade ever won'.

Therefore, he also planned to do something, whether it works or not, at least he did something, after all, he truly respected this person who kept striving for his slightly ethereal ideals.

But while he respected him, Kaito had to remain cautious, because Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hiruzen were enemies.

Who knows how he would view what he had done to his teacher, what kind of attitude he would have towards him.

Of course, Kaito felt this was a low probability.

After all, everything he did was reasonable and in compliance.

He didn't believe that even if Jiraiya did consider him an enemy, once he became the Hokage and was controlled by the seven major clans, what kind of wave could he possibly stir up!

"Forget it, no need to think so much. The important thing is to find this guy, and we have more pressing matters at hand."

Kaito murmured softly, his gaze inadvertently drifting towards the moonlight outside the window....


Bathed in the hazy moonlight, Kakashi moved silently within the Anbu base.

Today was supposed to be his day off, but after seeing those operation reports and encountering Kaito, he couldn't quite find the peace to rest at home.

Honestly, he was aware that some in the Leaf Village might be dissatisfied with the Hokage. As a competent Anbu member, he had his fair share of such experiences.

But it was today he realized that his understanding of this Hokage was indeed superficial.

That the Hokage could provoke the combined resistance of the two major bloodline families and the five major secret technique families of the Leaf Village only highlighted the depth of resentment he had aroused.

"But this is good in its own way, only with many people can we genuinely remove him."

Kakashi silently mused, though a crowd was just a precondition. They were still lacking many necessary elements to impeach the Hokage.

The task was to prove that the Hokage had committed an unforgivable error!

And, coincidentally, the one holding all the evidence was none other than Kakashi himself, making him the key to this impeachment.

"It's the first time I've realized, I am actually quite an important person."

Whenever this thought crossed his mind, Kakashi couldn't help but offer a bitter smile. Yet, this was good in a way, as it meant he could personally avenge his father!

His mission objectives were clear, only two, but each was not simple.

The first was to find a way to bring out the remaining operation reports from the Root division.

He was quite familiar with this task, having infiltrated the Hokage's office twice already.

However, he couldn't rush this. To ensure there were no major issues, he had to coordinate it with the execution of his second task.

And that second task was to locate Yamato's current squad and understand their mission plans for the upcoming period.

Then he would seize an appropriate opportunity to capture this kid and secure the documents from the office, only then would he be able to complete all his tasks.

It's safe to say that he needed to merge these two tasks together to ensure the highest degree of safety.

"Of course, it would be better if I could avoid a confrontation. I just wonder what Yamato is thinking."

Kakashi quietly mused, if possible, he would indeed prefer not to resort to force, as his relationship with Yamato was quite good.

Their acquaintance was due to Orochimaru's mission. Even though there had been misunderstandings and disputes due to certain special circumstances, they had reconciled during the subsequent missions. Upon understanding Yamato's inner desires, Kakashi had decided to help him.

Finally, the Third Hokage stepped in and recruited this 'righteous' lad into the Anbu, and he even joined Kakashi's own team.

However, the lad left the team later on because he became a squad leader, and it's been a while since they last saw each other.

Kakashi wasn't sure about Yamato's current situation. After all, each squad had their own independent and confidential missions. Therefore, he needed to investigate properly.


Just as Kakashi was lost in thought, a voice abruptly interrupted him.

Upon hearing the voice, Kakashi stiffened, lifting his gaze to see a brown-haired figure sprinting towards him.

In the Anbu headquarters' lounge, no one would wear their masks unless going on a mission.

So Kakashi recognized the person almost instantly, and yet, his heart twisted with complex emotions.

Suddenly, he felt incredibly lucky, thinking how he could actually run into Yamato.

Yet, a feeling of inexplicable discomfort also surged within him, especially upon seeing Yamato's expression directed at him. The feeling of distress became even more palpable.

"It's you, Yamato."

Kakashi managed to force a smile, although it faded as quickly as it appeared because he himself found it too strained.

"Long time no see, Kakashi-senpai!"

Yamato didn't seem to notice Kakashi's unusual demeanor, his face still lit with a smile as he approached.

He hadn't seen Kakashi in a long time either. Upon meeting the man who had rekindled hope within him and helped him escape Danzō's control, how could he possibly not feel happy?

"Senpai, it's been a while since I last saw you. What have you been up to recently?"

"Nothing much, just carrying out Anbu tasks. Speaking of which, how have you been?"

Kakashi steadied his emotions before slowly asking.

"Sigh, the same really. Just carrying out the tasks that need to be done, especially given the bad situation recently."

Yamato seemed a bit helpless when talking about himself, shrugging slightly before continuing.

"The Uchiha have taken down Danzō, and now many of the Root tasks have fallen to us, so everyone's busy.

Whether it's village defense or patrols in various places, we're involved. Right now, I'm more looking forward to being on night duty at the Hokage's tower.

At least it's a bit more relaxed that way. Don't you think so, Kakashi-senpai?"

Kakashi quietly listened to Yamato's words, nodding slightly in response.

Indeed, being on night watch at the Hokage's tower was the most relaxed task. All one needed to do was stay awake for the night to complete the task. After all, no one in the Leaf Village would dare to easily attack the Hokage's tower.

Even that guy Uchiha Kaito only sought trouble with Danzō, not the Hokage.

Furthermore, Kakashi could tell that Yamato was not emotionally affected by Danzō's death.

It made sense, considering no one actually liked Danzō, who was such a dark and icy figure.

Moreover, Kakashi had heard that Danzō once wanted to control Yamato in the most extreme way possible. It would indeed be strange if Yamato held any affection for him.

"Indeed, the tasks at the Hokage's tower are quite relaxed. I just came from there last night, so I can relate."

With that, Kakashi slowly began, then seemed to ask casually.

"By the way, when are you going to be on duty at the Hokage's tower? If our timings match, we could hang out during our break."

"I, probably not for another half a month."

Yamato stroked his chin, seemingly recalling before he answered uncertainly.

In reality, Yamato knew that revealing one's mission whereabouts as an Anbu member was incredibly risky, but he had absolute trust in Kakashi.

"How about this? When it's my turn to be on duty, I'll inform you in advance.

That way, if we both have time, we could meet up. It's been a while since I sat down and had a good chat with you."

"We'll see then."

Kakashi nodded lightly, but a flicker of guilt passed through his eyes.

He hadn't expected things to be so easy, but he also knew that it was simply because he had taken advantage of others' goodwill.

Watching Yamato, who still had a smile on his face, Kakashi finally let out a hesitant sigh.

"Though you'll have to remind me, you've said something you shouldn't have today. Write a reflection when you get back."


"Just a reflection, no punishment this time. But remember, don't casually reveal your whereabouts to anyone in the future, even to me, especially because you're Anbu."

"But, senpai, you're someone I absolutely trust."

Trust, huh?

Kakashi lowered his head and walked forward. This word was simply too heavy for him.

Especially this time...


The morning sunlight pierced through the clouds, sprinkling the dawn over the ground.

Nara Shikashiro quietly awaited in the palace of the capital of the Land of Fire. He was due to meet with the Daimyo of the Land of Fire today.

Nara Shikashiro was the cousin of Nara Shikaku and the father of Yanō. Moreover, he was a jonin from the Nara clan.

He had participated in both the Second and Third Great Ninja Wars, and not only did he play a significant role behind the lines, but he also demonstrated his combat prowess on the frontlines.

You could say he's a textbook member of the Nara clan - intelligent, outstanding, yet indolent.

After the war ended, Shikashiro didn't choose to enter politics, instead opting to rest at home.

In his own words, he said, "After fighting so many battles, can't I rest for a while and experience what it's like to just eat and do nothing?"

Shikaku was rather helpless about his cousin's decision, but he could only comply with his elder cousin's wishes. After all, his big brother had given so much already.

But the most crucial thing was that his cousin has an outstanding daughter, who, although as lazy as him, was just as much a Nara.

But then again, isn't that just typical of the Nara clan?

However, this time Shikaku couldn't just go along with his cousin's wishes, for this time he needed someone absolutely trustworthy.

Receiving this mission gave Nara Shikashiro quite a headache, but thankfully, this time he didn't evade it.

Because, quite honestly, the Third Hokage really went too far!

Sending children to the battlefield during the Third War, relinquishing Konoha's deserved benefits after the war, and maintaining control over the Hokage position even after the Fourth's unexpected death.

Especially his handling of the Hyuga incident and the Uchiha issue, he was so stubborn and unyielding.

One could even say that he'd positioned himself against the whole system of ninja clans!

Could Danzō have acted as he did, to such an uncontrollable extent, without his tacit consent?

The answer is clearly no. It was because of his silent permission that Danzō could act so recklessly.

Now, almost the entire system of ninja clans stands in opposition to him. If it weren't for his longstanding grip on Konoha, his infiltration into every aspect of Konoha...

I'm afraid someone would have rebelled against him long ago, like the Hyuga, like the Uchiha.

"But speaking of the Uchiha, they are quite ruthless, especially my daughter's friend, that guy is truly harsh."

Nara Shikashiro thought silently as he waited.

He had seen his daughter's classmate, a boy named Uchiha Kaito, a handsome yet reserved young man.

But who could've expected him to be so powerful, and so cunning?

Not only did he kick Uchiha Fugaku from the position of clan head and took over himself, but he also solved the internal problems of the Uchiha clan.

Most importantly, he led the clan members to rebel against Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Although he didn't witness Danzō's death, he heard from his cousin about how terrifying this guy's power really was.

Moreover, this young man was very restrained. He understood very well that he couldn't strike against the Hokage, so his targets were always Danzō, always the Root members.

His actions can be described as having severed one of Hiruzen Sarutobi's arms, serving as a wake-up call to him.

Unfortunately, Sarutobi did not seem to learn from it. The death of Danzō had instead ignited a fuse, even if he had suffered defeat harshly.

"So now that the seven clans of Konoha are banding together to impeach you, you have brought it upon yourself."

Nara Shikashiro silently muttered to himself. He was once again visiting the capital of the Land of Fire to meet the Daimyo, all for a crucial mission.

That mission was to secretly inform the Daimyo about just how outrageous the Third Hokage had been, and that they were preparing to impeach him!

Even after speaking to the Daimyo, he couldn't leave. He had to stay and monitor the Daimyo's condition to guess what attitude he was holding.

This mission was anything but easy, and it was incredibly troublesome. If there were any leaks, Sarutobi might become aware of everything.

"So this annoying mission was given to me. Shikaku, you really don't consider your big brother's feelings, even though we're siblings."

Nara Shikashiro silently sighed. Luckily, he didn't know his daughter had been sent to the security department; otherwise, he'd be furious.

"Are you the special envoy from Konoha?"

Just then, a slightly sharp voice broke his train of thought.

Looking up, he saw a middle-aged man with a rather distinctive face slowly entering the room, followed by several ninjas.

At a glance, Nara Shikashiro immediately identified one of them. He recognized this man, for it was Asuma Sarutobi, the son of the Third Hokage.

Without a doubt, this man was the Daimyo of the Land of Fire!

"Greetings, Daimyo," Nara Shikashiro respectfully greeted, then said quietly, "I apologize for any disturbance my visit may cause."

"What's there to be disturbed about? I presume Konoha's visit must be for something important."

The Daimyo took out a fan and began to fan himself, while casting a curious gaze at Shikashiro.

"But why isn't Minister Shikaku here this time? I haven't seen Minister Shikaku for quite some time."

"The Clan Head has some important matters to handle in Konoha and cannot visit the capital."

Nara Shikashiro replied with poise, although he was curious why the Daimyo remembered his younger brother so distinctly.

But being not a man for gossip, he didn't dwell on it. Instead, he continued speaking calmly.

"Therefore, the task of visiting you fell to me, and I hope for your understanding."

"Alright, let's stop with the formalities."

The Daimyo looked at Nara Shikashiro curiously while fanning himself and slowly asked,

"You still haven't mentioned the purpose of your visit."

"This matter is extremely important, and I'm afraid I need to speak with you privately."

Nara Shikashiro kept his head bowed as he spoke calmly. But just as he finished speaking, a gruff voice interrupted him.

"How presumptuous! Who do you think you are? You think you can demand a private audience with the Daimyo whenever you wish?"

Nara Shikashiro slightly raised his head to see a silver-haired man glaring at him with indignation.

He knew this man was one of the so-called "Twelve Guardian Ninja" of the Daimyo, named Kazuma, a complete madman.

He firmly believed the position of Hokage to be unnecessary and thought the Daimyo of the Land of Fire should have control over the shinobi!

If Jiraiya was an idealist, this man was undoubtedly a fantasist.

His outrageous ideas were truly baffling. What merit does the Daimyo hold to control the shinobi? Because he has wealth?

Apologies, wealth does not grant free rein in the ninja world.

On the contrary, his wealth requires ninja protection. Otherwise, it's entirely possible that one day, his entire family could perish in some squalid alley.

The existence of a man like Kazuma probably indicated the Daimyo himself held similar notions.

As long as the Daimyo didn't voice these ideas, everyone could coexist peacefully.

Otherwise, replacing the current Daimyo with another person of the same lineage would not be out of the question.

Nara Shikashiro paid no attention to Kazuma's barks. He simply watched the Daimyo in silence.

The Daimyo looked somewhat uncomfortable. He hadn't anticipated things escalating this far and he could tell that the member of the Nara clan in front of him was not going to budge an inch.

With a reluctant sigh, the Daimyo finally spoke.

"Lord Shikashiro, if you are not in a rush, I ask that you rest here in my palace. We can discuss matters slowly.

Of course, if it is extremely important, then I believe we can..."

"There's no immediate rush, Daimyo," Shikashiro cut him off softly.

"Although this matter is of great importance, there is still a buffer.

However, please note, Daimyo, that this matter concerns not only the future of Konoha but also the future of the Land of Fire..."


"This Daimyo of the Land of Fire is quite interesting. He dares to treat your father this way, could it be because your father appears too gentle?"

In the security department's office, under the noon sun, Kaito was reading a letter and chuckling to Yaneko.

Yaneko, mimicking the Hyuga clan, rolled his eyes at Kaito. A week had quietly passed, and his father had been in the capital of the Land of Fire for a week.

However, during this week, although he had many encounters with the Daimyo, he never had a chance for a private audience.

Fortunately, everything hadn't escalated yet, so the absence of a formal discussion about the impeachment of the Third Hokage with the Daimyo hadn't been lethal.

However, the Daimyo's attitude had caught Kaito's attention, or rather the attention of the family's ninjas.

Kaito had known even before crossing over that there were so-called Twelve Guardian Ninja in the Land of Fire, and these guardians were split into two factions.

One faction considered the Daimyo to be the true 'Jewel' and firmly believed that the Daimyo should be the ultimate ruler of the Land of Fire.

The other faction included Asuma's camp, where they considered the Hokage to be the true 'Jewel'.

To be honest, Kaito had no liking for Kazuma's group. They seemed as unreasonable as if they were under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Idealists, at least, have some logical coherence in their thoughts. Although difficult to achieve, their views are worth respect.

Fantasists, however, are better left alone.

"So what do we do now? If they persist in preventing my father from meeting the Daimyo, wouldn't that derail all our plans?"

Yaneko also found these people irritating, but she was now also feeling a headache because the Daimyo held the key to the legal authority, even if he seemed unimportant ordinarily.

Yaneko had been in the Security Department for a week now. Although she was still technically an 'intern', Kaito, knowing her abilities, had promptly placed her at his side.

Being of the Nara clan, she always had a strong ability to strategize, a trait Kaito valued immensely.

However, she was also feeling uneasy at the moment. After all, even a small misstep in such a significant affair could be fatal.

"We'll just have to wait and see. I believe Uncle Shikashiro will have a solution."

Kaito, however, was calm. He casually shrugged and spoke with a smile.

"He is your father after all. You should have some faith in him. Besides, things haven't even started yet, so there's no need for us to be anxious."

Kaito wasn't particularly anxious at the moment. After all, he still needed to wait for some time.

Kakashi had told him that he would have to wait for some time before he could capture Yamato.

Only when Yamato was on duty at the Hokage's building would there be an opportunity to capture him while also obtaining the operation records of the Root division.

Kakashi didn't dare to remove the operation records of the Root division in advance, and Kaito understood his concerns.

After all, who knew if Hiruzen Sarutobi might suddenly get a whim to check these things?

Although Kakashi had already removed a few documents, it was their small quantity that mattered.

Kakashi had told Kaito that there were probably thousands of documents.

The disappearance of one or two wouldn't necessarily raise suspicions, but if all of them were gone at once, or if the most potentially scrutinized documents were missing, then the risk of exposure would be significant.

"Besides, even if Hiruzen Sarutobi were to surrender because of our impeachment, his interest groups might not necessarily surrender."

Kaito thought to himself. After this period of investigation, Hyuga, Aburame and Inuzuka had basically gathered information on the Sarutobi, Yamanaka and Akimichi clans.

It must be said that since Hiruzen Sarutobi became Hokage, these three clans had grown exponentially.

Their industries spread across all sectors of Konoha, and their respective ninja forces were massive.

The Sarutobi clan alone, while not having as many ninjas as the rumors from Kaito's previous life suggested - something about an army of 3,000.

Still, their ninja force was nearing a thousand. Although most of them were middle and lower ninja, the sheer number was quite intimidating.

The Yamanaka and Akimichi clans didn't have as many ninjas as the Sarutobi clan, but they still boasted hundreds.

Without mincing words, if they really decided to go down fighting, Kaito's side would have to face their human wave tactics without adequate preparation.

"But if they charge en masse, Fugaku, Shisui and I would probably have a good laugh."

Kaito stroked his chin, contemplating the thought of three individuals with Mangekyo Sharingan hardly fearing a human wave tactic.

Especially in situations of extreme crisis, they could use the Susano'o to resist the onslaught.

Regardless, they must be prepared, especially in terms of public opinion. The impeachment of the Hokage must adhere to legal principles, and they must retain control over the initiative.

"It's because he's my father that I dare not trust him. He's hopelessly lazy."

Yaneko didn't know what Kaito was thinking. She helplessly flicked her hand as she spoke.

"Even though I was dragged into this by you guys, as a member of the Nara clan, I couldn't avoid it anyway.

So this time, we must be fully prepared and ensure that nothing goes wrong. I don't want to be ruined at such a young age by you guys."

"Don't worry, if there wasn't a solid chance, do you think your uncle would get involved?"

Kaito smiled at Yaneko, then patted her shoulder and slowly spoke.

"Actually, this matter concerns the future of the entire Konoha, not just our few clans.

Because if things continue like this, it'll be increasingly difficult for everyone. Our esteemed Hokage has completely regarded Konoha as his private property.

Although there are risks in impeaching the Hokage, the risks are not guaranteed to occur, and our chance of success is very high.

However, we must be careful, as some people might stop at nothing for power.

But if he truly intends to stop at nothing, then he's just pushing himself into the abyss."

At this point, Kaito paused, his expression becoming incredibly serious.

"And besides, don't worry, I'll protect you.

Just like before..."


The bright moonlight illuminated the earth as Kakashi arrived at the entrance to the Hokage's building.

Under the caress of the silver moonlight, his shadow stretched out long and thin, only to disappear in a blink.

Tonight was not his turn to be on duty at the Hokage Building, and he even had his own mission.

But he received a message from Yamato a few days ago. This made him realize that the time he had been waiting for had finally come.

He passed this information on to Kaito, confident that with this information, Kaito would respond and tell him what to do.

After all, Kaito and those clans had been planning for so long, and they had all been silently waiting.

As he anticipated, Kaito quickly sent him a message.

However, the content confused Kakashi. Kaito asked him to cause a big stir when he obtained the root operation file in secret, especially when interacting with Yamato!

"Wouldn't a big fuss give us away? What on earth is Uchiha Kaito thinking?"

Kakashi was very puzzled, but after much thought, he decided to follow Kaito's plan.

Frankly, he had little room to choose otherwise.

All he could do was trust Kaito, trust that Uchiha and the others from different clans could help him get his revenge!

The moonlight was harsh, and Kakashi silently stepped into the Hokage Building. His scarlet Sharingan appeared particularly eerie in the darkness of the night.

The three tomoe in the Sharingan spun quickly, scanning the surroundings before he familiarly headed towards the Hokage's office.

As an Anbu, Kakashi was all too familiar with their operations. After all, Yamato had once been a member of his squad, a subordinate of his.

He could guess, without much thought, where the Anbu might be hiding.

He knew where they might be guarding, and even where the surveillance equipment inside the Hokage Building was!

Dodging surveillance, bypassing the Anbu's defense areas, he moved along the wall and finally arrived at the window of the Hokage's office.

He easily broke the seal on the window and once again entered the Hokage's office.

Looking at the familiar surroundings, Kakashi felt a sense of ironic amusement.

He realized that he seemed to have a particular knack for breaking into the Hokage's office.

But now was not the time to ponder these things. His mission was heavy; he had to retrieve the operation report from the root.

To confirm whether the report was replaced, he had to check it thoroughly.

He deftly opened the cabinet and quickly broke open the hidden compartment, once again encountering the large scroll.

Then, he tirelessly unrolled the enormous scroll, opening each of the smaller scrolls sealed within for inspection.

As time ticked away, Kakashi went through all the checks, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

He knew that his earlier infiltration had not been detected.

Although the part of checking the scroll was indeed time-consuming and strenuous, regardless, Kakashi had obtained everything he wanted.

"So, now comes the crucial moment."

Kakashi muttered to himself as he slung the enormous scroll on his back and quickly rose to his feet.

The moonlight was so dazzling, and this time, under its cover, Kakashi directly pushed open the main door of the Hokage's office.

His actions were not subtle, instantly attracting the attention of all the hidden Anbu in the Hokage Building.

But this was exactly what Kakashi and Kaito needed, and after all of this, he even lit a signal flare.

Looking at the flare soaring into the sky, emitting a brilliant light, Kakashi slowly moved forward.

At this moment, his crimson Sharingan spun faster and faster.

In an instant, he could sense an energy rushing towards him.

At that very moment, he drew his ninja blade, its cold light suddenly flashed...


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