
Chapter 38: Chores.

Author Note: Nothing of importance, just enjoy the chapter, and if you have any questions, make sure to comment!

And like always, remember if you want to read up to 13-15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

I'm currently updating the novel 2-8 chapters a day in patreeeeon. On chapter 51 so far, though by the end of today it will be chapter 53-55.

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz

Enjoy you sexy bastards.



[Arata Takeshi - POV]


I dipped the brush into the paint bucket, swirling it around before slapping it against the wall of the house we were supposed to paint. The bright, cheerful yellow clashed with my mood. D-Rank missions... the bane of every young ninja's existence. It's hard to believe that just a month ago, I was sparring with Anko and kicking her ass. And now, here I was, painting a house.


"Hey, Takeshi! Look at this!" Shisui called out, balancing precariously on the top rung of a ladder while waving his paintbrush like a flag. He was grinning from ear to ear, his enthusiasm somehow undiminished by the mind-numbingly boring task at hand.


"Shisui, you're going to fall," I muttered, barely glancing up from my work. He wasn't even using chakra to keep himself rooted.


"Nah, I've got perfect balance!" he declared, leaning even further out.


I was honestly surprised he wasn't bored by this. He had been a genin for quite a while now, meaning he had already passed the D-rank stage of a genin's life, and yet… he was having the time of his life.


I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the thought. His energy and optimism were inexhaustible. It was like he was incapable of being bored, no matter how mundane the task. It was both admirable and incredibly annoying.


"Admirable and annoying," I thought. I had found the perfect words to describe Shisui.


"Itachi, a little help here?" I called out, hoping my teammate could rein in Shisui before he damaged something we would be legally obligated to fix.


Itachi, who had been silently painting a section of the fence, looked up and gave a slight nod. "Shisui, focus on your task," he said in that calm, composed voice of his. "The sooner we finish this, the better."


Shisui huffed but complied, returning to his section of the wall with an overly dramatic sigh. "You guys are no fun," he grumbled, though the smile never left his face.


Mr. Yamato, our sensei, stood nearby, observing our progress with an unreadable expression. He was probably used to Shisui's antics by now, mostly because I could tell he was keeping a close eye on us, especially on Shisui. Yamato was a good sensei, strict but fair. He didn't say much, but when he did, it was usually something important.


Sighing, I returned to my task, my mind wandering as I brushed the paint onto the wall. D-Rank missions were supposed to teach us the value of hard work and humility, but I couldn't help feeling like my talents were being wasted.


But I suppose I was just being a brat. What can I say? I wanted to be out there, becoming stronger, not stuck here painting a house. Even so, I knew that everyone had to start somewhere, and even the greatest ninja had to do their fair share of grunt work.


"Hey, Takeshi, you missed a spot," Shisui said, pointing to an area near the base of the wall.


I sighed and bent down to fix it, silently promising myself that I would get through this, just like every other tedious task. One day, I would look back on this and laugh... maybe.


Who knows, I might enjoy watching others do this when I'm a Jonin. I doubt I will ever get a team, seeing I dislike kids in general, but I could always see Genins suffer and enjoy it.


"Hey, Takeshi!" Shisui called out again, this time from the other side of the house. "I bet I can finish my side faster than you!"


I couldn't help but smirk. "You're on," I replied, picking up the pace.


I suppose Shisui makes these chores more bearable.




After finishing the paint job, we gathered our supplies and made our way to the Hokage's office. The prospect of another mission, no matter how mundane, was at least a change of pace from painting houses, which is what we had been doing for the past week. As we walked through the village, I couldn't help but notice the remnants of the Nine Tails attack. Buildings were still being rebuilt, and the atmosphere was heavy with the weight of loss and recovery.


Yet, life went on, and so did our duties as shinobi, mundane as they might be.


We arrived at the Hokage's office and waited outside until we were called in. Mr. Yamato knocked on the door, and we were soon ushered into the office, where the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sat behind his desk. He looked up from his paperwork and smiled warmly at us.


"Ah, Team Yamato," he greeted, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "How can I help you today?"


Mr. Yamato stepped forward and bowed slightly. "Hokage-sama, we have completed our previous mission and would like to request another assignment."


Hiruzen nodded, glancing at a stack of mission scrolls on his desk. "Very well, let's see what we have here." He sifted through the scrolls, finally pulling one out and examining it. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Ah, this one should be perfect for your team."


He handed the scroll to Mr. Yamato, who unfurled it and read aloud. "Mission: Track and capture Tora, the daimyo's wife's cat."


I could barely suppress a groan. Of all the missions, it had to be Tora. That cat was notorious for escaping, and capturing it was a task that had frustrated many a genin team. Shisui, of course, looked excited, while Itachi remained stoic, as always.


Tora the 3rd, as his name suggests, was the third Tora that had been causing mischief around Konoha. Apparently, it was a tradition to name all cats under the Daimyo's household Tora. Why? No idea. This Tora was, according to the records, even more elusive and crafty than its predecessors, if that was even possible. The penchant for getting lost seemed to run in the family, and the daimyo's wife had a knack for picking cats with an adventurous streak… or cats that hated her, one of the two.


"The daimyo's wife's cat," Shisui repeated, grinning. "This should be fun! I remember catching Tora the second before she died."


"Fun" wasn't exactly the word I would use, but I wasn't going to complain. It was another mission, and it was better than painting houses. And there was also the point that I loved cats, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad.


Hiruzen chuckled at our mixed reactions. "This Tora, like all its predecessors, is quite the escape artist, but I have confidence in your abilities. Consider it a test of your tracking skills."


Mr. Yamato nodded, rolling up the scroll. "Understood, Hokage-sama. We will set out immediately."


We bowed and left the office, Shisui practically bouncing with excitement. "I've heard stories about this Tora," he said, his grin widening. "Some say he's so good at hiding, that he has to be a summon."


"I doubt it's a summon. Cats are just naturally good at hiding," Itachi said, his tone thoughtful. "And Tora, like any good cat, is known for being elusive."


I sighed, adjusting the straps of my backpack. "I have experience tracking Tsuki, so it shouldn't be that bad."




[Mr. Yamato - POV]


As we began our mission to track and capture Tora, my mind wandered back to the recent discussions with the Hokage about our team. It was not common for a genin to retract their application for the Chunin exams, especially one as talented as Shisui Uchiha, who despite being so young, was already stronger than some Jonin.


I was almost certain Shisui was going to be promoted to Jonin after his chunin exams. That's how overly prepared the kid was.


Yet, the Hokage had accepted Shisui's decision without much hesitation.


Shisui, despite his readiness for the Chunin exams, had requested to stay on this team, primarily because he wanted to be with his best friends, Itachi and Takeshi. While the decision might have seemed unorthodox to some, it had a strategic underpinning that made sense, especially considering the unique composition and specialization of our team.


Our team was formed with a clear objective in mind: to be an assault and assassination unit. Each member brought unique strengths to the table, and together, in time, they would execute high-risk missions with precision and efficiency. Shisui's skills with the Sharingan and the Body Flicker, Itachi's prodigious talent, and Takeshi's unusual abilities and talent with the sword made this unit a formidable group, even at the genin level.


Not that they were genin level.


Both Itachi and Takeshi could easily beat most chunins. The only thing they lacked was experience.


The Hokage recognized the potential in keeping these three together. Shisui, with his mastery of the Body Flicker Technique and his developing Sharingan, was a natural leader and an invaluable asset in any covert operation, despite how childish he could be. When it mattered, he could be mature. Itachi, though younger, exhibited skills and maturity beyond his years, making him a perfect fit for high-stakes missions. Takeshi, on the other hand, had abilities that were still somewhat mysterious but undeniably potent. His


 knack for chakra sensing and his inherent combat skills added a layer of unpredictability to our team's capabilities.


Training these three together would not only foster their camaraderie but also ensure that they could function seamlessly as a unit. The Hokage's decision was a calculated one, aimed at nurturing their individual talents while preparing them for the critical roles they would eventually take on within the village.


Based on what the Hokage had told me that day when he offered me Itachi and Takeshi to train alongside Shisui, it seemed he wanted this team to be the Sannin of this generation. Though the comparison was lofty, I could understand where he was coming from. The three, much like the legendary Sannin, wielded a fearsome amount of power individually. And when combined? They would be nigh unstoppable.


As I watched them move through the village, searching for clues about Tora's whereabouts, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, thinking just how much the Hokage trusted me to give me this responsibility, to nurture this generation's best.


The Hokage's wisdom in forming this team was evident. He saw the bigger picture, understanding that the village's future depended on the strength and unity of its shinobi. And as their sensei, it was my duty to guide them, to push them to their limits, and to ensure that they were ready for whatever challenges awaited.


Even if that challenge was tracking an elusive cat.