
Naruto: Evil Within

Naruto, the beacon of light, the child of prophecy. What happens when all the hatred he has accumulated burst out one day when his soul is erased and replaced with an orphan. The orphan originally named, Mark Goldbridge, a notorious killer back on earth, his infamy spread across the world, they called him “Doomsday”. Now he has been reincarnated as Naruto Uzumaki, another orphan, inheriting his memories he realised the hatred inside Naruto that even Naruto hadn’t realised. “Don’t worry kid, I Uzumaki Naruto will exact revenge on the Konoha, I will be their demise, rest well”. ——- Author note- I’ve read evil Naruto fan-fics but they aren’t truly evil they still protect the konoha, what I plan to create is a truly evil Naruto, one that has nothing but konoha’s demise on his brain.

RadicalAM · Cómic
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23 Chs

1. Naruto Uzumaki

"He's over there!, quickly surround him!!".

A man with short brown hair was running through an abandoned building as he escaped the police and FBI agents.

"Seems like one of my co-workers ratted me out", he looked back seeing them surround him, he stood there, a pistol and sword in his hand.

Staring off into the FBI agents and policemen in-front of him he realised that today, he wouldn't be able to escape.

'Getting captured is a no, no matter what if they want me, they'll have to satisfied with my dead body'.

Mark Goldbridge was 28 years old, he was an orphan abandoned by his parents at the age of six, due to that, hatred overwhelmed his heart.

So for the next ten years he learnt all sorts of fighting techniques and martial arts, he was adopted by two 'loving' parents.

Although that's what they showed to the outside, they abused him even after adopting him and his hatred for everything deepened, till the pain became nothing.

After reaching his 17 birthday, he killed his adopted parents and hunted down their children, brutally murdering them aswell, he would never forget the mocking looks the children gave him.

After his first taste of killing people, he found thrill in it, so he continued, he killed countless people from orphan abandoners to people randomly bumping him.

Soon he found his biological parents new life, they had started a new family in America, not phased by this, he created a plan, he murdered his sister on a cold evening.

His parents devastated, called for an investigation as to how their child died, taking joy in this, he continued to kill the people around them until one day.

His brother had arrived with his family as they celebrated his sisters death, it was then when he struck, he pulled the electricity out of the house, breaking in through the window he murdered his brothers baby and his wife.

He then turned on his phone light, seeing who it was his parents screamed.

"Ahhh! How could it be you!!".

"You've caused me an unimaginable amount of pain, so I'll kill everything dear to you!" His crazy smile scared his mom as she dropped to her knees.

He then drove a knife through his brothers heart and shot him in the head killing him instantly.

"Oooo, double kill!" Mark laughed as he found it amusing, he especially enjoyed the feeling of killing his family members, due to them having ties with him.

Without waiting for more, he heard sirens, *BOOM* *BOOM*.

He shot two bullets into his parents heads as they both died, he then escaped starting his infamous spree of killing.



"Let's dance!!", Mark then shot a police officer in the head as a battle occurred, gun fire sounded, mark hid behind the wall as the gunfire seized, taking advantage he killed four more.

As the battle continued Mark sustained damage, but his adrenaline and crazy smile allowed him to fight.

Soon he was caught off guard as a fbi agent shot him in the head, "shit! Well I guess that's it".

"Hehehe, at least I've killed all those that have wronged me".

Slumping over, he layed on the ground.

"Let's see each other in hell, even there I'll keep killing you! HAHAAHAHAH,…..".

"Doomsday has died! Collect his corpse!".

That was the last thing Mark heard.


Mark's eyes opened as he looked at the ceiling, "huh? I died right? Is this hell?".

Mark then received a whole load of information, his head hurt.

"Hmmm!" Grabbing his head, flashes of Uzumaki Naruto's life played, "this hatred! How were you able to stay positive? Ahh I see, even you didn't realise that inside you there was hatred".

"Don't worry kid, I'll be their demise, there will be a day when Konoha won't exist". "But to think I'd reincarnate as Naruto".

Mark watched anime, that was the only thing he enjoyed, so knowing that he had kurama and knowledge of Naruto's path.

If he became evil he knew the Sage of Six Paths wouldn't give him the chakra, so he devised a different plan.

"The Sage of Six Paths won't give me Six Paths mode, so I need to think of a way to gain Six Paths mode without his help."

(Author note- I won't say Mark anymore, his now Naruto so it's Naruto)

Currently Naruto was 5 so he only had a year before the academy started, "within this year, I'll train my chakra control and body".

"And since I used swords back on earth then that'll be a weapon I'll use".

Naruto knew he was being watched by Anbu's all the time, "that fucking bitch Hiruzen and Danzo, you'll both die".

Naruto then walked out of his house on to the street.

"Ahh, is that the demon fox! Stay away from him son".

"This filthy demon fox! I wish he wasn't alive".

"I heard he killed the Fourth hokage!".

"Yeah he did, I wonder what the Third hokage is doing by not killing him".

'Fucking dimwits, you'll all gonna die soon, keep at it', Naruto in a bad mood walked into ichiraku Ramen.

"Old man, I'd like the usual", hearing the coldness in Naruto's voice Teuchi was concerned, so he made it double portion as he handed it kindly to Naruto.

"Thanks" Naruto said as he ate and quickly getting up.

After walking out, gaining the same looks and hatred, Naruto's killing impulses flared, but he calmed it down.

'I can't show any abnormal behaviour before I get strong enough to reveal my true nature'.

Naruto knew his indifferent nature now would get questioned, but he had ways to put a fake facade infront of Hiruzen.

'I'll need to get out of the eyes of these Anbu's monitoring me, otherwise I won't be able to train'.


Hokage office window.

Hiruzen looked at Naruto's lonely back as he smoked his pipe, 'is this necessary? Haah for the betterment of the village I can't interfere, sorry naruto'.

Danzo standing next to him said "this is necessary, we need to see if the demon fox will go berserk, if it does hand him over to me! I'll make him a weapon for our village!".

Hearing Danzo's words Hiruzen stayed quiet and continued smoking his pipe, 'I should visit him soon, and continue instilling the will of fire into him'.


Naruto knew Hiruzen always monitored him so he acted normally and went back home. Making himself some instant ramen and expired milk, Naruto wondered how the previous Naruto didn't realise that this food was expired.

Although he continued to eat it, looking up he saw Hiruzen appearing and sitting down, not surprised he continued eating.

Shocked by his calm demeanour, Hiruzen deeply looked at Naruto and realised something had changed.

"Hello Naruto, how have you been?".

"I have been fine Grandpa".

"Oh? That's good to hear, do you like the food? Is the allowance enough?".

"Yeah grandpa, but can you increase my allowance abit, I always run out before the end of every month".

Hearing his calm demeanour and new negotiating skills Hiruzen's eyes widened as he realised, Naruto had truly changed and became more reserved.

Realising that this might become dangerous Hiruzen said "don't worry Naruto I will increase it, and hopefully through me efforts you continue to protect the leaf!".

"Don't worry grandpa, i love the village, it has sheltered me, gave me food and a place too sleep, I will become hokage like you and protect the village!".

Hearing this reply Hiruzen smiled as he felt the will of fire was getting more intense in Naruto's heart, he was even gonna become hokage.

"That's wonderful Naruto, always remember, we're here for you" he then patted Naruto's shoulder as he disappeared, the Anbu's continued to monitor him.

"The hokage is really benevolent, to think his still willing to put trust in a demon fox".

"Shut up and continue your monitoring" another anbu said through the ear piece.

"Roger that!".

After he left, Naruto continued eating although he felt like puking, after finishing, he got up as closed his blinds and practiced inside the room.

All his techniques and skills were still with him, all he needed was his body to adapt to it and become stronger.

So the routine began, every morning he'd get up at six and practice his chakra control for an hour, he then would go to the river near the village as he hunted small fish and took some fruits to eat, then he'd practice in his room as it was currently the safest thing to do.

"Naruto has stopped his pranks and mischievous behaviour, that is great and he still wants to protect the village, what a wonderful child you have Minato".

Hiruzen said as he smiled lightly, the reports said that all Naruto did was hunt for small fish and eat fruits and go home to sleep, Hiruzen had made sure for the anbu to not invade his privacy, that's the least he could do.

Naruto inside his house tided up as he brought out dumbbells he made out of heavy rocks and he continued his training.

His body soon became accustomed to his skill experience and his techniques, and to Naruto's standards it was even better than his previous body.

He also added his killing technique with chakra, remodelling them.

He called his new and improved killing techniques "Armageddon" it had four killing moves.

Smiling at his new and improved body, Naruto knew he reached double the strength of a normal Naruto civilian.

And with his killing technique he had a high chance of killing genins. "Since I will be going to the academy, the technique I need is the shadow clone, then it can go to it for me instead".

Naruto's chakra control became adept, that weakness disappeared.

Although he knew how to creat the techniques, Naruto was waiting for the academy to start so the anbu would be focused on his clone.

Then he'd be able to do more of what he wanted.

"I'll develop my rasengan first when the academy starts".