
Naruto: Dragons Blade (Completed)

I’m broke, don’t assume I own anything except my child Take

Oofdiditagain · Cómic
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32 Chs

What how long?

As Take's eyes opened he was meet with a mountain of papers when an aged voice spoke out

"Oh, so you finally awake took you long enough well since your awake mind to tell me why you were unconsciously swinging your sword for 2 years"

The moment he heard '2 years' Take's mind seemed to shut down as he stared at the Hokage's face not know what to say

"2...Years... wait I'd be dead of starvation or dehydration or something like that, that wasn't funny"

"I'm not joking boy now once again do you mind explaining exactly what the hell you were doin-"

Getting his words cut off by the door being kicked in by Anko the moment she saw Take she darted towards him attempting to pick him up into a hug only for him to nonchalantly slip out of arms and poke her on the forehead leaving her dazed

"You can hug me to death later Anko, now what's this about me being out for two years it felt like I was only in that space for a few weeks"

Bringing his hand up to his chin he thought for a moment before snapping causing a small burst of white lightning to appear seeing this he started laughing till his sides started to hurt as everyone in the room including the anbu that appeared when Anko kicked down the door to stare at him like he's lost his mind until he calmed him self

"Well you see I kinda hit a breakthrough and got dragged into my self or what ever you call it and got literally beat to death by all my family members over the time I was unconscious"

As he finished he shrugged his shoulders before realizing that he was taller then Anko as he looked over his body he found that his physique has developed quite well over the past two years he now stood around 190cm and his hair now reached his shoulders seeing that everyone was still staring at him he asked

"Where's Shushi and Itachi at I figured they'd be here too"

Hearing this caused everyone to freeze as the atmosphere in the room became tense the first to speak was the Hokage

"Shushi is dead... as for Itachi he defected after massacring his whole clan"

Hearing this Take froze his chakra unconsciously flairing up to unprecedented levels as his sword started to violently hum as he spoke slowly

"Don't... fuck... with... me, were y'all's skullcaps fucked into oblivion or something, there's no way Itachi would do something like that, no there's no way...no way... DONT FUCK WITH M-"

As his aura started taking a violent manner causing arcs of lightning, small torrents of wind and small tuffs of flames to roll off his body his words got cut sort as Anko jumped into his body hugging him tight with tears growing in the corners of her eyes

"Take please calm down... please..."

As Take's senses came back to him he saw Anko battered from the chakra rolling of his body he took a deep breathe causing the violent chakra to slowly calm down before dissipating all together as he wrapped his arms around Anko

"I'm sorry"

Letting Anko release it all into his chest he mouthed his previous words to the Hokage earning him self a nod before he sent a large amount of lightning chakra to his feet speeding off towards the location of his apartment holding Anko tightly


Upon his arrival to his apartment Anko already passed out so he laid her on his bed before moving towards the corner of the room and lifting up the floor board and taking out all the scrolls before unsealing all the scrolls and studying all of them after a few hours he could barely keep his eyes open as he climbed onto bed completely forgetting about the guest that he previously laid down

As Anko woke up she felt a weight on her chest that was new her first thought was that her chest grew a few sizes growing excited she looked down to find a light brown haired head resting on her chest as the boys arms were wrapped around her seeing this a toothy smile rose on her face as she wrapped her arms around the boy before looking around the room seeing a large assortment of scrolls with fresh markings seeing this caught her curiosity but unwilling to wake the boy on her chest she closed her eyes relishing in the warmth and and the beat of his heart against her chest


As Take woke up he felt a softness against his head that was incomparable to his pillow seeing a fishnet covered mound in front his face his mind went blank until heard a slight chuckle causing a red hue to creep up his face as he slowly cranked his head up to see his inordinately soft pillow with a wide toothy grin as she grabbed his face and gave him a kiss causing him to go wide eyed, coughing to hid his embarrassment he let out a wry smile

"Morning Anko how'd you sleep"

"Definitely not as good as you I'm pretty sure you coped a few feels in your sleep, you better take responsibility for taking cute little me into your bed and having you way with me"

As she watched his face transform into one of guilt then determination she couldn't help but laugh as he spoke

"Go get a shower and dressed while I cook up some breakfast"

Leaving a somewhat surprised Anko behind he made his way into the kitchen, while Anko letting her curiosity get the best of her made her way over to the scrolls and picked one up but just as she picked it up she heard the sword laying close by violently humming as she felt a chakra pulse expand she heard rushed footsteps soon before the door came flying open revealing Take with a serious face before he saw Anko causing him to sigh in relief

"Damn Anko let me know before you do shit like that you had me thinking some idiot came in here trying to rob me"

Picking up his sword and pricking himself he motioned for Anko to do the same before they both let the drop fall on to the blade

"There now you'll be able to read through the scrolls as you want, just don't share anything within with anyone... I'm trusting you here Anko... don't make me look like an idiot for doing so"

Leaving his words behind he made his way back to the kitchen as Anko glossed over the scrolls until she picked up one labeled 'Clan Techniques' the first one she saw caused her to take a deep breath in as she read the description provided

[Gift Of A Dragons Will:

A technique that condenses all the remaining life force and chakra pathways and the chakra within in a dense ball of energy to pass on to the younger generation]

As she continued down the scroll finding various jutsu related to the transfer of chakra and life force she reached one that caused a cold chill to run down her back

[Descent Of The Dragons Force:

The final technique of the Hikomori family when the burnt one rises again generations of life force are sacrificed leaving a single heir to be reborn from the ashes of their ancestors after burning the life force turning it into pure chakra it is forced into the chakra pathways cleansing and widening them forcing the heir into a 10 year slumber sealing away the mass of chakra and hindering the usage of chakra until heirs body is developed enough to handle the influx of chakra]

Remembering the burn marks that wrap around Take's hands she couldn't help but feel a great deal of sorrow for him not only has he lost every last one of his family due to their traditions and just recently two friends causing her to see him in a slightly different light then before as she slowly stripped before making her way to the bathroom


After breakfast they both made their way to the Hokage's office after waiting for the receptionist to give them permission to enter they found themselves infront of him after a few seconds of silence the Hokage spoke up

"Due to his absence Take Hikomori will be pulled out of the academy but due to the power he has shown yesterday he will be placed on a empty team under Jonin Anko Mitarashi until other Genins are added onto said team that all"

Anko was the first to speak

"Thanks Hokage"

Before Take could voice his opinion not that it would have mattered anyways he was dragged away for one of Anko's 'Training Sessions' where he gets poisoned before being blindfold and mercilessly beat until he diminishes the effects of the poisons gaining a tolerance or immunity to said poison while also tempering his body this continued for the next 6 hours eventually leading to all his senses except touch and taste being blocked forcing him to defend against a bloodthirsty Anko and poison while Anko simply enjoys herself

(A/N: Here's yet another disgrace which I call a chapter hope you enjoyed if you didn't your probably sane and should drop this novel before you lose anymore brain cells then you already did reading this far, well anyways if you got any ideas drop them in the comments they may find their way into this dumpster fire and help it spread)

1601 words including A/N

Oofdiditagaincreators' thoughts