Starts at the beginning of Naruto and features Tenjho Tenge characters as part of the Naruto universe. The main Characters are Uzumaki Naruto, Natsume Maya and Hyuga Hinata.
Naruto: Curse of the Ryugan
Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Tenjho Tenge
Well, a lot more drama in this chapter than originally planned. We also get to see the second homework from hell assignment so there's a little humor in there. Here's chapter 13:
Last time:
"Now go back to the minimum amount of chakra and set off the tag I made." Gazeru nodded and sent a minimal chakra burst. There was a massive explosion that left a thirty foot, perfectly round crater and nearly blew the class off their feet. After the dust settled everyone was gawking at the massive hole in the ground. Naruto then said, "Note it took Tortoise five minutes to make an unreliable tag that would have taken out two or three enemies. Also note it didn't explode evenly so if it had been thrown in the center of the group of enemies it might not have taken out the primary target."
Naruto then pointed to the thirty-foot crater. "Everything in the kill zone of this tag would have been destroyed from the center evenly which gives you four times the blast radius to knock out your target. It worked the first time with a minimum of chakra and was created in less than twenty seconds which means it could have been made on the battlefield. Now, does anyone see a difference between the two?"
Most of the class was in awe and Tortoise was utterly humiliated. Gazeru had stars in her eyes. Naruto's voice was laced with killing intent. "This is what I have to teach you to be competent seal masters. If you want to learn follow me back to the classroom. If you don't report to Commander Dragon that you have failed and stop wasting my precious time." Oh, boy…Hanako Obaa-chan would be proud…
Chapter 13
Konoha, Natsume Residence
It was Thursday morning and Hyūga Neji went to visit his Obaa-Sama Hanako at the Natsume residence. He had been quite irritated that his Grandmother was coddling his spoiled main branch cousins and hadn't visited her even though Hanako invited him to come over quite a while ago. He didn't want to be confrontational (Hanako could kick his ass six ways to Sunday in a heartbeat). Still, he was miffed that Hanako-sama was showering Hinata-sama with attention when she was such a weakling. Why waste the effort? Knocking on the front door of the Natsume Clan Home he quietly waited and Hanabi-sama opened the door.
"Neji nii-san! I'm happy to see you. Obaa-chan has been expecting you for days." said Hanabi.
Neji cringed a bit. "I've been very busy with my genin team and haven't had time to visit. I'm sure she'll understand."
"I don't know about that." said Hanabi with a raised eyebrow. "Hanako Obaa-chan is very strict about punctuality and you never sent a message. She's meditating in the dojo. Just follow me nii-san."
Neji was sweating a bit as he followed his younger cousin through the Natsume Clan home to the dojo. Hanabi opened the door and the scent of his Grandmother's favorite tea wafted through the air to his nose. "Neji nii-san is here Hanako Obaa-chan." said Hanabi happily.
Hanako nodded and said, "Thank you for bringing him to me Hanabi-chan. I wish to visit with Neji-kun in private so please return to your studies."
Hanabi bowed. "Yes Obaa-chan." She whispered to Neji on her way out, "Good luck."
Now Neji was really sweating as Hanako-sama called him over. "I've wondered when you were going to turn up Neji-kun. You've missed several advanced juken lessons with me. It wouldn't be because you're jealous that I'm helping Hinata-chan too, would it?"
Neji sat in the seiza position before her, "Of course not Obaa-sama; why would I be angry?" He quickly found himself knocked flat on his back by the chopsticks of doom.
"You know that you a hundred years too young to lie to me Neji-kun." said Hanako. "Also, I have told you to address me as Obaa-chan time and again, not Obaa-sama. You are my grandson and there is no need for such formalities between us. Now, I want you to tell me the real reason you have not been coming to see me. I have missed spending our special time training together with my grandson Neji-kun."
Neji sat back up rubbing his forehead from the chopsticks of doom and saw them float back to his Grandmother via chakra strings. "I am sorry Obaa-chan but Hinata-sama is a spoiled member of the main house that gets everything handed to her. I was…upset that you were helping her and not me. You make me feel special and-"
"You are special Neji-kun." said Hanako. "You are very precious to me. I left a note for you to come here when I took Hinata-chan and Hanabi-chan into my care because you were out of the village at the time. I wanted to explain the direness of the situation so you would not feel left out. I cannot believe you've been angry this long. If that damn seal wasn't on your head, I'd-" 'Wait! What am I thinking? Naruto-kun is the best seal master in generations! If anyone can remove it, he can!'
Calming herself down mentally, Hanako said, "Neji-kun, do you have any idea what's been going on in the Hyūga compound? Do you know why there were so many arrests and why I took Hinata-chan and Hanabi-chan into my care?"
Neji sighed. "It has been kept silent and as a member of the Branch House I am not privy to that information. I do know that there has been a great deal of unrest and Hiashi-sama seems very upset about it. I would think he'd be happy to be rid of Hinata-sama given what a weakling she is." He got decked by the chopsticks of doom once again for that comment.
"Did you ever question why Hinata-chan seemed so weak Neji-kun?" asked Hanako earnestly.
"It's just her fate." answered Neji. "It's the same as me being doomed to be in the Branch House. Fate is unchangeable."
Hanako sighed. "I will somehow change this delusion of fate you inherited from Hizashi if it's the last thing I do Neji-kun. I hated your Grandfather for branding Hizashi and I hated that you were branded as well. I'm happy knowing that bastard is locked away in jail."
Neji was a bit taken aback by the anger in Hanako's voice. "What…what happened then?" he asked.
Hanako said, "I don't know if you are aware but you late Aunt Himawari was murdered." Neji's eyes got big as saucers. "She was slowly poisoned to death by the Hyūga Elders and the medical staff because she wanted to ban the caged bird seal that has plagued our clan for generations. Hinata-chan also wanted to ban the seal and they began to slowly poison her as well. Hinata-chan would have died of heart failure by her eighteenth birthday. She was also being physically tortured and abused almost daily for months."
Neji was completely dumbfounded. "I-I can't believe this! Why did she not tell anyone?"
Hanako frowned and said, "Wait here Neji-kun; I know Hinata-chan will be upset with me for showing you the file but there is irrefutable proof there of what you cousin, who still loves you despite your hatred towards her, went through. Hanako soon went and returned with Hinata's medical file. "Just for your information Neji-kun; let me tell you a few things. Hinata-chan didn't tell anybody she was being tortured because they threatened to hurt Hanabi-chan if she did so. Also, back in the Second Shinobi War I was captured and tortured by Iwa and it was nothing compared to what Hinata-chan went through. This report was compiled by the Hokage's private medical staff so know that it is impartial and absolutely truthful. I want you to read this in detail and tell me how you feel about Hinata-chan afterwards."
For a half an hour Neji looked at the medical report; the pictures and Doctor Akira's conclusions. He stared in shock before the reality of it all sank in. For the first time in his life, he openly cried for Hinata-sama feeling that her fate was far worse than his. Eventually he ended up in Hanako's embrace as she comforted him. They talked for a long while about his feelings after that and Neji found that he could no longer truly resent Hinata. It would take time but he promised himself to be a kinder person and a true cousin to her. No one should have gone through what she did; especially at the hands of their own family…
Training Ground 42, 8 A.M. Saturday
It was morning and morning the advanced Genin Class had a simple job. They had to get from their 'hidden base' at the west side of the heavily forested Training Ground 42 to the 'home base' on the east side.
"You are the Blue Forces." said Yūgao on Friday. "Your enemies are the Red Forces. All you twelve have to do is get from your 'hidden base' in Red Country on the west side starting at 8 A.M. to the safety of Blue Country which is the base on the east side. I shouldn't tell you anything about who your opponents are, but I will say there are twelve of them and they volunteered to help in this simulation. Their job is to 'kill' you and your job is to make it across the training grounds alive by any non-lethal means necessary. The simulation ends when you are all safe in 'Blue Country' or 'dead.' Aside of that you each get twelve blue paint kunai and twelve blue paint shuriken. Naturally your opponents have red ones."
Yūgao got a particularly nasty gleam in her eye. "I look forward to seeing how you perform as a unit . You are dismissed for the day."
After class ended the genins in training heard Naruto say, "Any means necessary huh?...That gives me an idea…"
The genins in training worked feverishly through the night…
Flashback end…
At precisely 8 A.M. Yūgao gave them the signal to start and vanished in a body flicker. Everyone was waiting with baited breath as Hinata activated her byakugan. "There are two at the left of the forest entrance. They are wearing ANBU masks."
Sakura gulped and asked, "ANBU? What ANBU are they?"
"They are Tortoise and Raccoon from what I can tell." answered Hinata.
'How did I just know that the members of my fuinjutsu class volunteered for this just to get back at me for making them practice calligraphy?' thought Naruto. 'I'll show them the power of seals…' he thought mischievously. Naruto said, "Emi-chan; can you hit them at this range?"
Emi raised an eyebrow. "I could hit them at this distance if they were to stay still but we are talking ANBU here Naruto-kun."
Naruto smiled and said. "Just hit about five feet short of them with this kunai." he said as he handed her a blue kunai with a tag around it.
She gasped, "You can use these on a kunai? Won't it hurt?"
Naruto gave her a fox like grin. "Trust me Emi-chan; it's harmless."
With Tortoise and Racoon…
"I'm going to beat the living hell out of Uzumaki-sensei before I 'kill' him with red paint!" said Tortoise as he rubbed his hands together greedily.
Raccoon shook his head. "Just don't maim him too bad or ANBU Cat and Commander Dragon will be really pissed –not to mention he might get revenge on us later in class."
"I'm just going to beat him a little senseless, okay?" said Tortoise irritably. "Why is that red haired girl throwing a blue kunai at this range? It's going to fall short of the mark-"
SSPPLLAATT! When the kunai hit it exploded into a blob of blue paint nearly thirty feet across. Tortoise and Raccoon were completely engulfed in a tidal wave of blue paint and the genins in training rapidly moved out.
"DAMN YOU FOX-SENSEI!" wailed Tortoise pitifully as the kids ran by.
Naruto said, "Operation: SCREAMNG BLUE MURDER is go!" During the next two hours blue paint explosions were everywhere and two thirds of Training Ground 42 was decorated in blue in the process.
Between the weeping ANBU and the chortling genins in training the whole simulation was shot to hell via fuinjutsu tags placed everywhere. All twelve of the Advanced Genin Class had been up all night planting blue paint bomb tags, shock tags, paralysis tags and flash tags (among others) everywhere and Naruto's fuinjutsu class members were all wiped out as a result. Yūgao's class was sitting in the east base/Blue Country all laughing at the expense of their victims. It wasn't to say Naruto had done it all by himself. While he'd been feverishly creating tags Shikamaru, Maya and Sasuke picked out strategic places to put them. Once the locations were picked out the entire group sneaked out after dark and placed the tags in position before dawn. It really was a group effort. The Red ANBU Team never knew what hit them.
They heard a knock on the door and Hinata quickly identified it as ANBU Commander Dragon with her byakugan and answered the door. "Good morning to you Dragon-sama." she greeted nicely. "Is there something we can do for you? We are currently involved in a simulation."
Commander Dragon chuckled. "I'm here in place of your sensei Yūgao to inform you the simulation is complete. She's feeling blue. You are all free to call it a day. I'm afraid all of your opponent's are too busy showering to stop you. Well done." He turned to Naruto and whispered, "Your class has been delayed until 5 P.M. so your students can clean up." Naruto smiled ferally and nodded.
ANBU Tortoise's Apartment 2 P.M.
Tortoise spent all morning scrubbing blue paint off himself. He may as well have bathed in the stuff. It managed to get everywhere and he was exhausted just from cleaning himself. His whole plan to get back at Uzumaki-sensei for humiliating him in front of the class and bossing him around about his bad handwriting had colossally backfired. Now all his classmates were irritated with him because they were afraid of the consequences that would occur in class later. After finally getting the last of the blue paint off of him Tortoise laid on his bed for a short nap…
A chibi Tortoise was happily writing in class with a musical note above his head when a chibi Naruto marched up. Chibi Naruto was wearing a black trench coat and a black bandana with a skull and crossbones on it. He was toting a kendo stick and whacked chibi Tortoise square on the noggin. "ON YOUR FEET OR ON YOUR KNEES SOLDIER!" yelled chibi Naruto as he snatched the paper chibi Tortoise had been writing on. "WHAT THE **** IS THIS ****? WHERE DID YOU ******* LEARN HOW TO WRITE YOU ******* PIECE OF ****? I OUTTA ****** SHOVE ***** ***** ***** TABLE LEG ***** ***** UP THE *** OF A ****'S MOTHER YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF ****! Chibi Naruto violently whacked chibi Tortoise on the head again and bellowed, "YOUR ***** ANCESTORS WOULD BE ******* ASHAMED OF YOUR ******* ***! START OVER FROM THE BEGINNING ****FACE! IF I EVER SEE THIS KIND OF **** FROM YOU AGAIN I'LL **** AND **** YOU WITH AN AUGER UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT! DO YOU HEAR ME ****FACE?"
Chibi Tortoise shrieked in terror, "SIR, YES SIR!"
"WHAT DID YOU SAY SOLDIER?" yelled chibi Naruto as he clocked chibi Tortoise on the head again with his kendo stick.
Dreamscape end…
"AHHHHH!" screamed Tortoise as he woke up from his horrible dream. 'I'm never, never going to plot revenge on Uzumaki-sensei again as long as I live! …Come to think of it; why was my nightmare censored for PG audiences…?'
Maybe Tortoise inhaled a few too many paint fumes…
Natsume Clan Home 3 P.M.
Hyūga Natsu arrived at the Natsume clan home. She'd done a lot of soul searching and truly felt awful about what happened to Hinata-sama. She truly considered confronting Hiashi-sama about it but seeing how broken and distraught her Lord was she felt it would just be pouring salt in an open wound.
She did talk to Kō and found the man was grieving over what had happened to Hinata-sama. He never went to the medics for the thirty-two palms strike from Hinata-sama because he felt it was appropriate for him to suffer after what had happened. Natsu felt bad for him but at the same time she couldn't see the massive rift ever being healed between him and Hinata-sama.
Natsu decided that she would serve the Natsume household faithfully if they would have her but at the same time she would fully understand if they decided not to trust her. She did inform Hiashi-sama she'd seen the medical report but didn't say anything more. The Hyūga patriarch said he would 'trust Natsu to use her best judgment' and that he had 'failed utterly as a Father.' He wished Natsu the best of luck and after that he hung his head and dismissed her. Natsu felt sorrow for Hiashi-sama but the look she'd seen in Hinata-sama's eyes told her that forgiveness wasn't coming any time soon -if ever.
Knocking on the door Natsu was greeted by Aya in her usual friendly manner. "Hello, Hyūga-san. May I help you?"
"Hello, I'm Hyūga Natsu. I was wondering if Natsume Maya-sama was home. I offered my services as a maid to her earlier in the week." said the nervous kunoichi/maid.
Aya nodded. "She is home. Please step in and I'll run and get her."
'Well, that went better than last time with Uzumaki-san.' thought Natsu with a shiver as she waited for Aya to return.
Aya soon arrived with Maya who gave her younger sister instructions to retrieve Hanako Obaa-chan and Hinata-chan and bring them to the kitchen to discuss things. Maya said, "This way please Natsu-san. We will discuss things in the kitchen. I'm interested to hear how you intend to help around here since we've always been self-sufficient."
Natsu thought, 'That's not a good start.' Soon Natsu was sitting in the kitchen with Maya, Hinata and Hanako-sama. She was nervous and was listing off her kunoichi skills for Maya's sake. Hinata already knew and Hanako was a mystery to the young kunoichi/maid.
"So what do you think of Naruto-kun?" asked Hinata. "He is living here and is part of the family. If you are biased against him because of the Kyubi then you are not welcome in this house. Hanabi-chan informed us that you said to shun him in the past. That will not be tolerated."
Natsu recoiled a bit. "I had no idea Uzumaki-san was living here on a permanent basis."
"He is a permanent resident here in the Natsume Clan home." said Maya. (Truthfully it was supposed to be temporary but Maya and Hinata were going to make it permanent one way or another). "So how do you plan to help as a maid around here anyway? No offense but the Natsume Clan hasn't ever had a maid or any sort of house servant so I don't even know what you would be doing."
Natsu said, "Well, I can cook, clean and do laundry. My primary task has always been taking care of Hanabi-sama and educating her. I would be happy to resume that duty."
"She told me that your opinion of Naruto-kun was very negative." said Hinata.
"I admit in the past that I found Uzumaki's behavior to be rather unseemly and I did tell Hanabi-sama to avoid him." admitted Natsu.
Hanako asked, "So it had nothing to do with his burden?"
"I did not trust Uzumaki-san because of that but I have seen the error of my ways." answered Natsu nervously.
Maya said, "The decision is ultimately mine as I am clan head here. I really don't trust you all that much but we could use an extra set of hands to help around the house due to our heavy training schedules. I believe we can try this on a trial basis over the next month. Do either of you have any misgivings?" she asked Hinata and Hanako.
Hinata shook her head 'no' and Hanako said, "As long as Natsu proves herself trustworthy I see no reason why she can't work here."
Natsu let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Then I will be honored to serve in the Natsume household."
ANBU Headquarters 5 P.M.
Naruto had been riding his class hard about their poor calligraphy skills and their inability to make proper seal patterns all week but today he decided to try something different. He wanted to inspire them. Since they had a two hour weekend session he felt it was worthwhile to discuss some of the practical applications of seals. "Good evening class. I hope you aren't feeling too blue at getting your assess handed to you by a bunch of Academy students earlier today."
Everyone groaned at the reminder of their embarrassment and their (currently) least favorite color. "Now that I have your attention I'd like to direct your thoughts towards the different kinds of tags used in that simulation." said the blonde. "The paint tags represented exploding tags. The shock tags could have been used as is or upgraded to their more lethal sibling that electrocutes you. The paralysis tags were standard as were the flash tags and smoke tags though any of them could be altered for more lethal effects."
Naruto hung a non-functional copy of each of the tags he mentioned. "How many of you can make all these tags?"
After going through each tag individually Naruto was face palming and said, "All of you can make sealing tags, flash tags, and smoke tags and some of you can make shock and exploding tags. Most of you know the basics of disarming tags because that's what the Fuinjutsu Team's job mainly is. The general practice is for our shinobi forces to purchase exploding tags from outside sources because ours don't perform well…correct?" The killing intent coming off of Naruto was very heavy by now and the class was sweating heavily as they all nodded in the affirmative.
Naruto sighed. "How many of you know about supplementary tags?" Seeing no one had even heard of them Naruto pulled a small circular tag out and said. "A supplementary tag is a tag that affects other tags around it. This is a proximity or chain tag. I had several of these in Training Ground 42 earlier today. When you get near one of these little gems it sets off a minimal chakra pulse. Can any of you tell me what use that would have?"
Gazeru raised her hand and Naruto motioned for her to answer. "If it sends out a chakra pulse couldn't it be used to set off other tags?"
Naruto nodded. "Correct! If I have and exploding tag concealed somewhere nearby I can rely on my enemy to set off this little baby and cause the other well-hidden tag nearby to detonate. Unlike a wire trap that can be physically seen and avoided or a landmine that has to be physically buried this can sit out in plain sight or hidden under something as small as the leaf of a tree. I could be miles away from my enemy and take them out without having to lift a finger. It's great for ambushes or a delaying action."
He continued, "Another type of supplementary tag is a fuse or timer tag. It can be preset to let out a chakra pulse at a given time rather than by someone setting it off. Instead of having a physical wire or a mechanical timer you have one of these stuck someplace inconspicuous. They can hold chakra charges for weeks so you can have everything set up and be out of the country when your trap is sprung."
Naruto's class looked rather amazed at the concept. (It was considered level one basics to chain seals together in Uzu but Naruto didn't go there). He pulled out another small tag. "This is a chakra detector tag. Like a listening tag it has a twin that receives its signals. This would tell you how strong someone who passed by it was. For example; if you were planning to assassinate someone that was jonin level, this baby would signal you if someone of that chakra capacity was near it. Seals can do anything. They are only limited by the scope of your imagination. Watch." Naruto drew all over the chalkboard and then activated the cleaning seal he placed there that was identical to the one he'd put on Iruka's chalkboard before. When the board glowed and turned spotless Naruto said, "The applications are endless once you learn the mechanics!"
There was a soft murmur of amazement through the class. "If you are willing to learn you can do all kinds of things both on and off the battlefield." said Naruto. "Seals are not limited to combat and security only. But in order to create them properly we must be precise in both our symbols and our calligraphy. A very complex seal with the slightest error in it could have disastrous results. As fuinjutsu masters we must strive for perfection in everything we do related to the sealing arts. I practice my own calligraphy for an hour or more every day just to stay sharp."
Naruto exhaled deeply. "Monday I will have proper calligraphy brushes for you and I will show you the proper way to use and care for them. Then we will practice calligraphy one kanji at a time until it is right. After that we will move on to basic sealing symbols." He looked at the clock and saw there was still forty-five minutes left. "We're done for the day. Reflect on what I've said and take the rest of the evening off. If you have any questions feel free to ask. You're all dismissed." As everyone filed out they looked at Naruto a bit differently than they had before. Naruto sat down at his desk and looked over yet another basic fuinjutsu textbook he'd been given to examine. It was garbage too. 'Hell, it would be easier to write my own then try to teach with these crappy things. That's the twelfth one!' He looked up and saw Gazeru standing there smiling. "I'm sorry Gazeru; did you have a question for me?"
The pretty green eyed, purple haired girl shook her head. "No, I just think what you said today was amazing Naruto-sensei. I had no idea seals were so fascinating."
Naruto blushed a tiny bit in embarrassment. "Well, fuinjutsu is as much an art as a science Gazeru. I really enjoy them."
Gazeru nodded. "I could really tell you have a great passion for them today Naruto-sensei….and just call me Hikari from now on okay?"
Naruto nodded slowly. "Ummm…Okay Hikari; I'll see you Monday." She smiled and waved on her way out with a soft sway in her hips.
Naruto got up and closed the door before he activated a small seal on the doorknob that sent a chakra disruption pulse through the room. ANBU Commander Dragon appeared in the back row and looked a little shocked that he'd been found out. "How long have you known I was here Uzumaki?" he asked curiously.
"You were here when I first came in two hours ago." said Naruto. "I have a seal on my desk that detects these things you know."
Dragon said, "Actually, I didn't know. Did you take it easy on your class because I was present? I heard you were a drill instructor from hell."
Naruto chuckled. "Actually I am just following Hanako Obaa-chan's advice on how to teach a class." (Dragon cringed). "To tell you the truth I already came close to drowning them in blue paint earlier today, so I thought I'd try to inspire them to do better instead. I WILL whip them into shape though, make no mistake."
ANBU Dragon chuckled, "And what about Gazeru?"
Naruto pondered a moment. "What about her? Her calligraphy is good but it curls too much. It's a bit too girly but I think she will pick up on it. She seems very open minded about learning."
The ANBU Commander sweat dropped. "I don't mean her handwriting; I mean HER. I think she likes you Naruto-sensei."
Naruto went bug eyed and then sweat dropped. "What are you; the ANBU Commander or some kind of a matchmaker? I'm the Kyubi Brat remember?"
Commander Dragon rested his chin on his palm. "Tomoe Hikari started really young in ANBU like Uzuki Yūgao did. She doesn't have many friends her own age as a result. You might find she's far more interesting than just a pretty face. On the other hand, I do see your point. Who would want to date an ugly runt like you? –Not to mention most of your dealings with ANBU have been from behind bars or on the receiving end of an interrogation session."
"Watch what you say Bozo the clown." said Naruto with narrowed eyes. "I'd hate to see you end up in that outfit again."
Dragon asked quickly, "Changing subjects; what about those fuinjutsu textbooks we provided; have any proven useful?"
Naruto shook his head. "I've read twelve out of the twenty-five so far. They're all garbage. At this rate I may have to write my own."
"Well, do whatever you have to do Fox. I'll probably see you Monday. Try to stay out of trouble." Dragon quietly excused himself and Naruto started skimming fuinjutsu book number thirteen…
Hyūga Compound, Hiashi's Office
Hiashi was wondering how things had gone with Natsu. He was finished with his paperwork for the day and was thinking about how much he missed his two daughters. He wondered if things would ever be right between him and his children again. Hinata-chan was still his heir and the only one that could ever see being the next clan head. She actually had always shown a real savvy for clan workings and politics.
What his contacts (and Kō) had told him was Hinata had adopted her Grandmother's fighting style and was becoming more powerful and lethal on a daily basis. She usually flattened her opponents in sparring in the advanced genin class including the much-vaunted Uchiha that was supposed to be Rookie of the Year material. She had demolished poor Kō. If the situation wasn't so bad Hiashi would have been bursting with Fatherly pride but alas…Hiashi heard a sharp knocking on his door and quickly composed himself. "Enter." He said authoritatively.
When the door opened Hiashi was a bit shocked to see his Mother Hanako there. She marched in and closed the door behind her. When she took her stance that Hiashi remembered she took when scolding him as a child he feared Natsu was in the hospital or dead. He said wide eyed, "Kaa-san I-"
"Just be quiet and listen Hiashi." said Hanako in a voice that would brook no opposition. "I'm rather curious to know what kind of a game you're playing sending Natsu-san over, but I think I'm going to let slide for now. If you think she can act as some sort of spy with me around both you and her will taste my wrath."
"I assure you Kaa-san; I sent her over to help with Hanabi-chan since I know you must have your hands full." pleaded Hiashi. "Natsu isn't a spy or anything. I just want to make amends with my little girls. I think Hinata-chan truly hates me and it's destroying me inside. Will you help me Kaa-san?"
"After what happened it's a miracle Hinata is still intact mentally and physically." said Hanako in a steely voice. "You should be proud of her for that alone. Regardless, I have another task that brought me over here."
Hiashi asked, "What do you need Kaa-san? Just name it!"
Hanako leaned forward and said, "I want a copy of the scroll that the information on applying the Caged Bird seal is written in. I know there is one sealed up in the safe hidden in the bookcase behind you. I assure you I will return the filthy thing to you and not destroy it, but I need to borrow it for a few days. Don't ask why."
Hiashi was a bit dumbfounded as to why his Mother wanted the scroll or how she knew a copy was kept there to begin with. She must have known from when his Father was clan head…Noticing his Mother's foot was starting to tap impatiently Hiashi wordlessly turned around and got in the safe. After getting the scroll out he said, "This is a very old copy, so it is fragile." Then he handed it over to her delicately.
Hanako took the scroll and said, "This scroll caused your twin brother endless pain and eventually ended his life. If you want to honor your wife's memory and perhaps make Hinata-chan happy then you should ban this abomination that enslaves our family." Hiashi was about to say something when Hanako held up her hand to forestall any arguments. "I know you'll parrot your damned Father in saying it's necessary and it's tradition but remember that old fool had the same excuses for torturing poor Hinata-chan and murdering Himawari-chan." With that Hanako vanished in a body flicker without even bidding him farewell.
Hyūga Hiashi had a lot to think about…
Tawara Bushichi's Apartment
Bunshichi was sitting at home after a long hard day of chasing women without any luck. He couldn't even find his favorite piece of eye candy, Mitarashi Anko. He was currently contemplating selling his soul to the devil just to have one night of passion with her…that's when he heard a knock on his door. 'Is it Anko-chan?!' thought the perpetually unshaven man. He opened the door quickly and saw…Uzumaki Naruto…"You don't know what a turn off you are midget." said Bunshichi depressed that it wasn't his psycho angel.
"You're no dreamboat either ugly." said Naruto as he shoved his way in and sat on the couch. "I need your help Bunshichi-sensei."
Bunshichi closed the door behind them and took a chair. "What do you need my help with Naruto? Got a new move you're trying?"
Naruto held up a very old taijustsu book with the Uzumaki family crest on it. "This is the Whirlpool style of taijutsu that my Kaa-chan used. Hanako Obaa-chan got it from an unknown source. I'd like you to help me learn it when you have the time."
Naruto gently handed the book to Bunshichi who started thumbing through it. The older man whistled. "This is definitely the style Kushina-sama used. I still remember the horrible sounds of joints cracking and breaking when she was busy." He flipped though some more pages. "The main thing about this style is speed and leverage. Upper body strength is a must also. I'd say your body is basically made for this style. Have you kept up with the body hardening workout I gave you?"
The blonde nodded. "I do it every day in the morning before my classes."
Bunshichi had Naruto stand up and mashed on a few of his muscle groups and moved his body around a bit. "Good, you're rock solid but still very flexible. That's what we want. Tell me your schedule and we'll figure out a time to practice together as much as we can. Hell, I could use some of these moves. This one is positively brutal." laughed Bunshichi while pointing to a diagram that looked like a chiropractor's worst nightmare.
"Awesome! I knew I could count on you sensei!" said Naruto.
"I'll need to keep the book here to study it so we can get it right." said Bunshichi. "Is that okay?"
Naruto nodded. "I trust you to take good care of it sensei."
"Alright; give me a few days to study this." said the older of the pair.
"That's fine." grumbled Naruto. "I have to drudge through fuinjutsu textbooks to see if I can find one to teach my class with. They're all garbage so far."
"You're a sensei?" asked Bunshichi in a disbelieving tone.
Naruto nodded. "Yeah, I'm teaching the ANBU Fuinjutsu Team how to do seals. They're really pathetic. They misbehaved earlier today so I nearly had to drown them in blue paint."
Bunshichi had seen the 'Blue ANBU' spectacle earlier that day and exploded into laughter…
Well, another homework assignment down. We'll see how Yūgao grades them next chapter. Also, Tsunade, Jiraiya and family will finally arrive in Konoha next chapter so that should shake things up a bit. See you next time. Blue out. 6/9/23