Starts at the beginning of Naruto and features Tenjho Tenge characters as part of the Naruto universe. The main Characters are Uzumaki Naruto, Natsume Maya and Hyuga Hinata.
Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Tenjho Tenge
Here is chapter 19:
Last time:
Hiruzen nodded and jotted a few notes down. "Noted; now tell me how you personally feel about this situation ANBU Cat. What do you think his punishment should be?"
Yūgao took a deep breath and said, "Academy student Uchiha Sasuke is a danger to himself and those around him. He is psychologically unstable and though I do not believe it was premeditated I do believe he was trying to kill his fellow student Hyūga Hinata. He should have his chakra sealed and be locked up for attempted murder. He is a waste of valuable training resources to the Ninja Program and by my evaluation should have been dropped from it long ago. It was not until this incident that I realized how truly bad it was."
"Would you be willing to stand by that statement in a court proceeding?" asked the Hokage.
"Yes Hokage-sama, I would." stated Yūgao.
The elderly Hokage nodded at her display of resolve. "This is classified ANBU Cat but under my authority as Hokage; Uchiha Sasuke is to be tried in a Court Martial as a full ninja would. This village will not tolerate these actions by anyone. The fact he is the Last Uchiha does not make him above the law. A thorough investigation will be taking place but rest assured that Uchiha Sasuke is no longer a student in the Ninja Program. He is a criminal and will be punished as such."
Yūgao let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Thank you, sir."
Chapter 19
Konoha, Hokage's Office
"The only reason Uchiha Sasuke is even alive is due to the ANBU type protective gear he had on." said ANBU Dove as she examined the charts showing the severe damage to Sasuke's body. "The two Hyūga Clan members we had evaluate the damage to his body independently stated that the sixty-four palms strike was executed perfectly. It seems Hyūga Hinata's potential is even greater than was realized. As an aside both Hyūga Clan members seemed extremely pleased if not ecstatic about this matter."
'Hanako-chan must be proud.' thought Hiruzen to himself. 'Young Hinata may become the next Raven yet.' "Thank you for your efforts Dove. The ANBU investigation seems to be proceeding smoothly. Is there anything further to report?"
Dove shook her head. "No sir; statements are still being gathered from all that were present including the Uchiha's classmates, teachers and many other witnesses. Should we move Uchiha Sasuke to the secure ward for his protection Hokage-sama? The Hyūga Clan seems to be very interested in knowing exactly where he is at all times. They've had someone on station near the Hospital to watch him from the very second they found out about the situation."
Sarutobi pondered for a moment. "I made Hyūga Hiashi limit his clan's activities to legal ones but perhaps it would be a good idea to reinforce the idea with the clan that Sasuke is off limits. Knowing the Hyūga Clan as long as I have, they are probably observing the young Uchiha to make sure he is unable to escape Konoha and the associated consequences."
"With all due respect Hokage-sama; the boy can't even crawl out of bed to use the bathroom." said Dove. "He is a complete and utter wreck physically. The staff is calling him 'One Nut' ever since he shrieked aloud about it."
Hiruzen chuckled and asked, "Is that your diagnosis as a professional medic ninja ANBU Dove?"
Dove just shrugged. "Unless Tsunade-sama comes down to check him over herself I think that is as good a diagnosis as anyone is going to give at this point Hokage-sama."
Natsume Clan Home
Naruto was dropped off by Hikari shortly before Maya and Hinata got home with Aya in tow. When Naruto saw Hinata he raced over to her and said, Hinata-chan; are you alright?! I went to the Hospital after my mission and they said you returned to class. I have been worried about you all day."
Hinata smiled and hugged her boyfriend. "I'm fine now that I'm here with you Naruto-kun. The scratch on my shoulder is all healed up and other than being limited to light sparring I'm good to go."
"Nee-chan, you're home!" said Hanabi as she bolted out of the front door to hug her big sister. "Hi Maya nee-chan, Aya nee-chan, Naruto nii-san. An ANBU came by earlier today to talk to Hanako Obaa-chan; she said you went to the hospital. Are you okay Hinata-nee?"
Hinata smiled and hugged her little sister. "As you can see, I'm just fine Hanabi-chan. I'm surprised you came rushing out here without your sandals though. Where's Natsu-san?"
Hanabi looked sheepish and said, "Natsu-san is sleeping off a hangover is what Obaa-chan told me. What's a hangover nee-chan?"
Maya stifled a snort and Hinata smiled and explained, "It's like a really bad headache and nausea from drinking too much alcohol Hanabi-chan. Drinking too much is a bad thing and you shouldn't do it."
Putting her hand on her chin in a thinking pose; Hanabi said, "That explains things then. I heard Hanako Obaa-chan scolding Natsu for being a wimp and a lightweight before she sent Natsu-san to her room."
Naruto and the girls were doing their best to stifle their laughter but weren't doing very well. The idea of Natsu being confined to her room by Hanako was hilarious. Finally, Naruto said, "I just love Hanako Obaa-chan!" as he laughed. Then he scooped up Hanabi which made the little girl squeal and the group walked back into the house.
Once everyone was inside and settled and Hanako came out to join them Hinata explained the situation in an edited version so Hanabi wouldn't get upset that her nee-chan had been hurt.
Hyūga Hiashi came trotting up to the Natsume residence in a cloud of dust with his nephew Neji right behind him. Hiashi knew that his Mother Hanako had a soft spot for Neji and brought him along to (hopefully) avoid his Mother's wrath at him going against the Hokage's (and more importantly Hanako's) wishes for him to stay away from his daughters. "Neji, are you one hundred percent positive that Hinata-chan was unharmed? I'm prepared to declare a blood feud with that little Uchiha bastard if she even has a tiny scar."
Neji answered, "Both Hinata-sama and Suzu-san assured me earlier today that Hinata-sama was all right Hiashi-sama. Suzu-san is a capable and respected medic so I think she would be well qualified to judge." Neji looked over at his normally composed, stoic Uncle. He'd watched as Hiashi unraveled from an emotionless, proper clan head into a nervous, terrified Father worrying about 'his baby girl Hinata-chan' as they traveled together from the Hyūga Compound to the Natsume Clan Home.
Neji supposed that his Uncle's behavior might be considered humorous in other circumstances but given his own improper thoughts about his cousin earlier that day Neji felt he had no room to talk. The thoughts he had previously still made him blush in embarrassment.
At any rate, Neji had no delusions as to why he was here. His job was to act as cushioning should Hanako Obaa-sama get displeased with Hiashi-sama's arrival at the Natsume residence. In reality Neji figured Hanako Obaa-chan would bat him aside effortlessly and rip Hiashi a new one with extreme prejudice should she wish to do so. Actually, the more Neji thought about it the more he decided he would just jump out of the way if it came down to being a meat shield between his Grandmother and Uncle. He'd side with Hanako Obaa-sama every time…Those chopsticks of doom were deadly!
Neji was broken out of his semi mutinous thoughts by Hiashi-sama when they arrived. "Please knock on the door Neji-san." said Hiashi in a stately fashion.
Neji thought, 'Coward; you're just staying back in case you have to run!' Neji went to the door and rapped on it crisply three times and waited…
…A minute later his Grandmother opened the door and said enthusiastically, "Good afternoon Neji-kun. How is my fine Grandson? Please come in!" Before Hiashi could utter a single word, Neji was pulled inside by Hanako and the door was shut again in Hiashi's face…
Hanako grumbled to Neji, "He used to send your Father ahead of him when he'd misbehaved. If he wants to see Hinata-chan he's going to have to knock on the door himself and talk to me first!" She regarded Neji a moment. "Well, it's still nice to see you Neji-kun. Everyone is sitting in the dining room in back; why don't you join them? It would be good for you to meet your cousins' friends. Which reminds me, why haven't you brought over you genin team for me to meet?" Neji started sweating. "You aren't embarrassed or anything are you?" she asked with a delicate eyebrow raised.
"Ummm…" Neji was really sweating under his Obaa-chan's stare now. Her eyes were positively gleaming with mischief. "Well, my jonin sensei is Maito Gai. He can be a bit…overenthusiastic about things."
Hanako got a rather nostalgic look on her face. "So he still talks about the Flames of Youth like his Father Maito Dai did?" Seeing her grandson's eyes widen, Hanako said, "Bring your team over sometime. I'd like to see the kind of person Gai's turned out to be. His Father was a card but he was a good man through and through. I'd wager Gai has turned out the same." Neji (once again) was a bit shocked at his Obaa-chan's great insight. "Looks like Hiashi has finally gathered enough courage to come to the door. Go to the dining room and greet your cousins Neji-kun." said Hanako as she shooed Neji off and headed towards the door…
'It's just like when I was little!' lamented Hiashi in his mind. 'Kaa-san won't acknowledge my presence until I knock on the door personally and announce myself! Oh, the humanity!' Gathering his courage Hiashi knocked on the door and said, "Kaa-san, it's Hiashi-kun. I know I'm not supposed to be here but please open the door."
Hanako opened the door a few seconds later and said in a scolding but sarcastic tone, "My, my! This takes me back a few years Hiashi-chan. After all this time haven't you realized that YOU have to knock on the door? Using poor Neji-kun like you did your twin brother Hizashi; for shame!"
Hiashi wanted to cry in embarrassment. "Please Kaa-san; have some mercy! I need to see my Hinata-chan and make sure she is alright! I'll see to it that Uchiha pays dearly for harming a hair on her head. May I please see my precious girls Kaa-san?"
Hanako returned to her normal demeanor and said, "There; that wasn't so hard, was it? All you had to do was man up and say please to your Kaa-san. Come in and sit down while I get Hinata-chan." Hiashi sagged in relief as he sat down in the front room. It appalled him how his Mother could make him feel like a five year old again –he just hoped Hinata-chan and the others hadn't heard her referring to him as Hiashi-chan. That would be a step beyond embarrassing…
Hanako came into the dining room where everyone was seated and found the kids were all playing cards. Hanako said, "Hinata-chan; Hiashi-sama is here to see you and is very concerned about your injuries. Please talk with him in a courteous manner. Give him the full story. I'll wait in here with Hanabi-chan until you are done with your discussion. After that I will bring Hanabi-chan out if she wants to see her Father."
Hinata nodded. "I will do as you ask Obaa-chan." Naruto squeezed Hinata's hand under the table and she smiled at him softly before she went into the front room to talk with her Father. Squaring her shoulders; Hinata came out into the front room where Hiashi was fidgeting as he sat there. Hinata said formally, "I bid you greetings Hiashi-sama; I trust you are here because of the incident I had with the Uchiha?"
Hiashi looked up and saw Hinata in her ANBU style gear. Her hair had grown out more since he saw her at the hospital and in spite of himself Hiashi gaped at how beautiful and stunning his little girl had become. She carried herself as his Mother Hanako did. There was a quiet air of nobility and confidence that she exuded the Hiashi would never have dreamed Hinata could possess…
Hinata's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "Did you come to stare at me or did you want to discuss something Hiashi-sama?"
Hiashi would have sworn his Mother was talking to him in that instant and cringed. Resisting the urge to slap himself; Hiashi said, "I haven't seen you in weeks Hinata-chan; you've become so radiant. I couldn't help but admire how beautiful you've become in this short amount of time."
Hinata came over and sat opposite of her Father; well out of his reach. She said in a business-like tone, "I'm sure you didn't come here to sweet talk me Hiashi-sama. Please state your business so we can get on with this."
Hiashi sighed, 'What I'd give for her to call me Tou-san again. Even Otou-sama would be welcome though it's too formal.' "Hinata-chan I came out to discuss two things. The first is the situation with the Uchiha as I intend to do everything in my power as the head of the Hyūga Clan to see him brought to his knees for hurting you. The second is much more important though; I want to mend the broken relationship we have. I miss both you and Hanabi-chan every day. Not seeing my little girls has taken all the light out of my life. I'd do anything to-"
"Let's discuss the Uchiha." said Hinata cutting him off. "I presume you want a formal report of the incident earlier today so you can press charges?"
"Yes my daughter." said Hiashi somberly. 'Will she ever forgive me?' "Please tell me all that happened. I will destroy that Uchiha for what he's done to you."
"I already crushed him utterly." said Hinata without emotion. "Here is my report of what happened as I already told the ANBU…" Hinata described things to Hiashi in detail and more than once Hiashi wanted to yell in anger at what had happened. Hinata did show him where she'd been injured and that there wasn't even a scar much to Hiashi's relief. Hiashi wanted to hug Hinata and tell her how proud of her he was for mastering the sixty-four palms technique but Hinata kept her distance from him. "Well, that completes my report Hiashi-sama. I trust that is all you need for legal proceedings."
Hiashi realized Hinata was about to get up and leave and said, "Please stay a moment Hinata-chan. Don't walk away from me again; I'm begging you to let me make amends. Your Father has made some terrible mistakes and it's killing me inside. I love my precious daughters and heirs. I want both you back in my life. Tell me what it would take to make it up to you. When will you came home to me? I miss you and Hanabi-chan every single day Hinata-chan."
Hinata closed her eyes in deep thought for a few moments. It seemed like an eternity to Hiashi. Finally, she opened her lavender eyes and said. "I don't know what you can do Hiashi-sama. After Kaa-chan died the Hyūga Compound became a prison for me where I was abused and oppressed. It's an unhappy place and you cast me aside like garbage. (Haishi winced). Then the Elders did everything in their power to destroy me. Living here with Obaa-chan I am very happy and so is Hanabi-chan. I can't speak for her, but I don't want to go back to that place."
Hiashi had tears in his eyes. "You are the heiress to the Hyūga Clan Hinata-chan. Everyone misses your warm presence. There must be some way I can make it all up to you. Please just name it!"
The heiress sighed. "I can't think of anything Hiashi-sama. I think the wounds are too deep to ever heal."
"Would you be willing to spare some time for your Father Hinata-chan?" asked Hiashi. "Bring your Obaa-san if you like. If you and I could even enjoy tea together on weekends perhaps we could figure out a way to make peace between us and heal those wounds. Please give your Father a chance."
The Father and daughter stared at each other a long time. Finally, Hinata said, "I'll talk to Obaa-chan about it. Perhaps there is a neutral location we could have tea at if it doesn't interfere with my training schedule."
'It's a start.' thought Hiashi hopefully. "You won't regret this Hinata-chan; as your Father I promise you I'll make things right. I love you my baby girl."
Hinata looked a bit uncomfortable for a second and said, "I'll go get Obaa-chan; goodnight Hiashi-sama."
"Goodnight Hinata-chan." said Hiashi quietly as his eldest daughter departed.
Hanako soon came out into the front room with Hanabi holding her hand. Hiashi noticed that Hanabi seemed shy and a little fearful as she clung to her Grandmother.
Hiashi sad, "Hanabi-chan, I've missed you so much. Let me look at you. Won't you come give your Father a hug?"
Hanabi looked sadly at her Father, "Daddy; why did you let all those terrible things happen to nee-chan? I want to know. Hinata-nee-chan was hurt so badly! Why did you not stop them?!" yelled Hanabi as she burst into tears and clung to Hanako.
If Hinata's cool demeanor was like a kunai in Haishi's heart, then Hanabi's tears were like the kunai was being twisted…
"Hanabi-chan, I didn't know…" said Hiashi weakly. It sounded pathetic even to his own ears…
Hanabi rushed forward and yelled through her hot tears as she pointed at him, "You didn't know?! You're supposed to be the smartest and strongest in the clan Daddy! You are the clan head! How could you not know?!"
Hiashi broke down and cried. He reached forward and embraced Hanabi in his arms and held her. "Daddy's so sorry Hanabi-chan. I love you and I love Hinata-chan. I made the terrible, terrible mistake of letting the elders watch over you girls and they did horrible things behind my back. Please forgive me!"
Hiashi felt Hanabi slowly return his hug as they both cried. "My baby girl…I've wanted to hold you for so long…" He realized he was sitting in the floor cradling Hanabi. "Hanabi-chan; I want to make it all up to you and Hinata-chan. Please help me. I promise I'll make things better. Will you help me make things better Hanabi-chan?" he asked as he looked into her sad eyes with his own.
Hanabi looked over at Hanako who smiled encouragingly. Hanabi then turned back to her Father and said, "I'll try Daddy; but nee-chan was hurt so much that I don't think she'll ever forgive you. I love you but I don't know if I can forgive you either. Nee-chan needs me and I don't want to go back to the compound without her."
Hiashi gently ran his fingers through his youngest daughter's long brown hair. "Just do what you can Hanabi-chan. I don't want to separate you from Hinata-chan. I love you both and want to earn forgiveness from both of you. Please give Hinata-chan a hug for me. I don't know how I'm going to do it yet but somehow, I'll make it all up to both of you Hanabi-chan." Seeing Hanako looking at him in earnest he said. "I need to talk to your Obaa-san for a little while. Will you give that hug to Hinata-chan for me?"
Hanabi gave her Father a soft hug and said. "I will. I'll see you later Daddy." Then she quickly hugged Hanako and then took off back to the dining room.
Hanako turned to her son after she watched Hanabi trot off. "Hanabi-chan is such a sweet child…" she said proudly. "I really didn't think you had it in you Hiashi. Perhaps I've been too harsh in thinking you didn't care about your daughters as a Father should. I think there's actually hope for this situation now. I had written off reconciliation as a pipe dream but if you are willing to go this far perhaps there is a chance to mend things even if it is a slim one…"
Hiashi had hope in his eyes as he looked at his Mother. "Will you help me Kaa-san?"
Hanako said, "It's up to you to make things right Hiashi-kun. It's going to be difficult and you and I haven't been close since you brother Hizashi died. Hinata-chan told me you asked to see her from time to time and I'll allow it but know this Hiashi: What happened to Hinata-chan injured her to the core. I can honestly say I don't believe that she hates you now but I don't think she loves you anymore either. It's not like you're going to be able to be her some candy and she'll forgive you for what happened. She's not a little girl anymore but a young woman. I've come to accept that you really were unaware of Hinata's mistreatment but as the Clan Head you are still ultimately responsible. I think you have a chance to make this up Hiashi-kun; I hope you don't waste it."
"I hope we can become close again Kaa-san; I've truly missed you." said Hiashi.
"It's within the realm of possibility Hiashi-kun." said Hanako. "Let's get you to the restroom where you can freshen up. You look like a wreck and it's unbefitting for the head of the Hyūga Clan."
Back in the dining room…
Hanabi came in quietly and saw everyone was still playing cards. It looked like it was down to Naruto (as always) and her cousin Neji. Hinata saw her little sister had been crying and pulled Hanabi up to sit in her lap. She then hugged Hanabi and kissed her on the temple. "Are you alright Hanabi-chan?" Hinata asked quietly. Hanabi nodded and snuggled closer. The sisters made an unspoken agreement to talk later.
Hanabi looked up and saw Neji's eyebrow twitching in a rather manic way. Neji said, "You may have won the last eleven hands Uzumaki but this time I will emerge victorious!" He slapped his cards down on the table and said triumphantly, "Full house; Jacks over Tens! Beat that hand."
Naruto gave a fox like smile. "Pretty good Neji; I only have four Kings." he said as he smoothly laid down his cards.
"Four of a kind always beats a full house Neji-san." quipped Maya with a smile.
Neji face planted on the table. "…You are some kind of evil sorcerer with cards Uzumaki." he said in a muffled voice.
Aya started giggling. "We did warn you Naruto-kun had the devil's luck at cards and gambling Neji-san. Didn't you believe us?"
Hinata and Hanabi chuckled and Maya asked, "Well, Naruto-kun is twelve for twelve Neji-san. Do you want to go for a thirteenth round?"
"I give up." said Neji raising his head off the table. "I have drunk all the bitter wine of defeat I can handle for one night." He replied in a dramatic fashion.
Hanabi snorted and then burst into a fit of giggles at the somber look on her cousin Neji's face. "Naruto-nii is impossible to beat at poker. Stick with checkers or shogi against him Neji nii-san." advised the seven-year-old.
"This is just sad." lamented Neji. "It is as you say Hanabi-sama. I'm just glad no real money was involved or I'd be broke." he said as he motioned to a large pile of chips all in front of Naruto on the table. Neji looked thoughtful for a moment and said "Off topic but I haven't seen Natsu-san. She's usually always around cleaning. Is she here?"
Hanabi said seriously, "Natsu-san was bad and had a hangover so Hanako Obaa-chan scolded her and sent her to her room."
Neji's jaw hit the floor and everyone laughed uproariously at the look of utter shock and disbelief on his face. "I…I had no idea…" Neji said dumbfounded.
"Neither did we." Hinata said between giggles.
Hanako poked her head into the dining room and said, "Well; you all seem to be having fun. Did you fleece poor Neji-kun of all his chips Naruto-kun?"
"I'm afraid he did Hanako Obaa-chan." said Maya with a smile and a chuckle. "We did try to warn Neji-san though."
Neji just sighed in embarrassment…much to his Grandmother's amusement…
Hokage's Office
The Hokage's office was full of jonins as well as the two loyal sannins. Discussion was being made of the idea of cross training some of the existing genin teams with the advanced genin class of Uzuki Yūgao's. Maito Gai was standing in front of the Hokage reviewing the dossiers of the advanced genins. He was rubbing his jaw in thought and had a look of intense concentration on his face. "Hokage-sama; though the idea might seem radical by some I believe it would stoke the Flames of Youth of all the new students as well as my own. I will volunteer my own youthful team to help in this youthful endeavor!"
Asuma commented, "I have to say the idea of giving Academy Students easy D-rank missions within the village walls is also very good. They could be supervised by a chunin and earn them some spending money as well as earn the village some revenue. It would free up our genin teams for low C-ranks and real combat training."
Kurenai nodded in agreement. "I agree with Gai and Asuma Hokage-sama; something like this should have been implemented years ago. It's innovative."
"It was Minato-sensei's idea but he died before it could be put into effect." said Kakashi. "I'm glad you decided to give it a chance Hokage-sama. Minato-sensei would approve."
Hiruzen smiled. "Well, I can't take all of the credit. The idea of instating the Fourth's ideas were suggested by my successor, the Fifth Hokage, Senju Tsunade." he said proudly as he motioned towards Tsunade standing at his right. The jonins all stared in shock. "I'm telling you this in confidence because she will be taking office in one month's time and we are quietly putting her ideas into effect. It's past time I retire again and with a war looming on the horizon we need a new, younger Hokage and our genins need to be stronger as well. The advanced genin class was the first move in our plans to bulk up our ninja forces. Depending on how successful it is we may incorporate some of the ideas into the regular curriculum as well as have future elite genin classes."
The Third Hokage smiled at the Will of Fire burning in the eyes of all present. "The Advanced Genin program has been a smashing success so far." he continued. "Forcing our youngsters to train seriously and think outside the box has far exceeded my wildest expectations."
A jonin asked, "Not to bring up a sore subject Hokage-sama but what about this disaster with Uchiha Sasuke? There is already a storm of controversy."
Puffing on his pipe, Hiruzen said, "Years ago, a young ANBU named Hatake Kakashi objected the Sasuke remaining in the Ninja Program citing mental trauma and future instability. He was right."
"Then why was the Uchiha kept in the Ninja Program if he was already unstable?" asked the same jonin.
"My former teammates and advisors felt that taking Sasuke out of the Ninja Program would be a sign of political weakness." said Hiruzen in a grim tone. "They are no longer involved and ultimately young Sasuke snapped and now has to pay the price for his actions. Discussion of the situation with the Last Uchiha is over and it will be dealt with within the next month before Tsunade takes office; is that understood?"
The jonins all answered in the affirmative.
The Hokage nodded. "Excellent. Gai, as of 4 A.M. Monday morning you and your team will be sitting in with the advanced genin class for their last month. I expect your students to help teach the others and do their best to learn new things as well. I'll set it up so you and Uzuki Yūgao can meet and get your students the proper ANBU grade equipment and attire. Everyone is dismissed. Kurenai, wait after a moment please."
Everyone filed out with Asuma and Kurenai giving each other a meaningful glance before Asuma left. Once the room was empty except for Kurenai; the Hokage and Tsunade; Hiruzen said, "Please have a seat Kurenai, I wish to discuss your request regarding Kurama Yakumo."
The red eyed Jonin looked rather tense. "I realize I gave up on her before Hokage-sama but since ANBU Fox removed Ido from her, I believe Yakumo's true potential can be brought out. I understand this is contrary to what I said before but-"
The Hokage raised his hand to forestall further comments. "Kurenai, I'm well aware that you feel guilt for what happened but you did the best you could at the time. I'm also well aware that the young Kurama heiress is one of the most powerful genjutsu users in existence despite her lack of training. Bearing that in mind I have a proposal for you."
"A proposal sir?" asked the red eyed beauty.
"You are one of my best jonins Kurenai and I want you to head up a genin team from the advanced group." Kurenai was about to reply but the Hokage cut her off. "I know you want to have Yakumo as your apprentice again but your talents are needed elsewhere. Now, as to my proposal; Yakumo's main problem is she has a weak body. If you can bring her up to par physically, I believe she could fill the slot vacated by Uchiha Sasuke in the advanced genin group. If that is the case, I guarantee she will be placed on your team as one of your three students. What do you say?"
Kurenai fidgeted a moment and said, "I would be very happy with that Hokage-sama. But how can I possibly strengthen her body so she can defend herself with taijutsu?"
"You have two powerful allies now Kurenai." said the Hokage. "Tsunade herself has agreed to personally oversee Yakumo's health regimen. There may be reasons that young Yakumo's muscles are weak. If anyone can solve that problem, it is my student Tsunade; wouldn't you agree?"
Kurenai's eyes widened and she stood up and bowed. "Thank you, Tsunade-sama; Hokage-sama! I want to make Yakumo's dreams come true."
"There is another that is going to help you, Kurenai. It's your old classmate Maito Gai." Kurenai's mind was instantly flooded with horrible visions of poor Yakumo in a green spandex body suit screaming about the Flames of Youth. Not aware that his subordinate was having a mental crisis, Hiruzen said, "I spoke to Gai at length about this and he knows of a very old style of taijutsu called aikido*① that primarily uses an opponent's strength against them without using as much of your own. I believe that style of taijutsu combined with a proper health regimen from Tsunade will give Yakumo a fighting chance. If you agree to this, I want you to talk to Yakumo this evening and report to Tsunade at the hospital at 8 A.M. in the morning. Do you accept this proposal?"
Kurenai nodded. "I'm sure Yakumo will be very pleased. I will explain to her she has to give her all though."
"That's a good attitude to have Kurenai." said the elderly Sarutobi. "Why don't you go see your student and talk with her at the Kurama Manor? I think you have much to discuss."
"Thank you, Hokage-sama." said Kurenai as she vanished in a body flicker.
Tsunade grinned. "I believe you have a soft spot for Yūhi Kurenai sensei. Is there any particular reason? She seems a bit young for you."
Hiruzen turned to his student and scoffed. "Kurenai-chan and my son Asuma-kun have been head over heels for each other since they were just children at the Academy. They've kept it extremely well hidden, but they can't fool me. I can't very well make a bad impression on my future daughter in law, can I?" he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Besides, Kurama Yakumo could be an amazing asset to our ninja forces with the right guidance. It's not all me being a big softie Tsunade-chan."
"But it is a large part of it." laughed Tsunade.
Sarutobi Hiruzen just shook his head in defeat…
The path to the Hyūga Compound
Hiashi said quietly but sternly, "I expect that things regarding my behavior around your Grandmother will be kept confidential Neji-san. It would not do to have anyone's reputations tarnished in the all-seeing eyes of our exalted clan."
Neji looked at his Uncle out of the corner of his eye. 'You mean the fact that the head of our clan is terrified of his own Mother? That certainly wouldn't fly.' "Of course, Hiashi-sama; I understand perfectly." 'Not that I entirely blame Hiashi-sama; Hanako Obaa-chan can be a very scary woman. I guess I'll have to invite Gai-sensei and my team over to see her soon. Given how she is about punctuality and all I should probably mention it first thing tomorrow.'
While Neji was preoccupied with his own thoughts; Hiashi was lost in his own. 'Kaa-san hasn't called me Hiashi-kun since Hizashi died. I've truly missed her. What a mysterious woman. Is this her way of opening the door for me once again…? Speaking of mysteries; Hinata-chan has changed so much. Kaa-san has made her so much stronger than I ever imagined possible. I'm so ashamed of myself that I cast her aside as worthless…I promise you my baby girl; I'll set things right no matter what it takes!'
*①: Before any aikido practitioners go on a rant about me not understanding this particular martial art; this was the way it was described to me and Wikipedia seemed to generally agree. Yakumo's style will be based on countermoves that redirect an opponent's mass and momentum against them without exerting much physical force. I'm no expert on it and will never claim to be.
Well, it seems that perhaps Hiashi is finally making some progress with his daughters. Will he succeed? In the meantime, Yakumo is being given a golden opportunity to become a ninja once again and Gai's Team is going to be doing some cross training with the advanced genin class. Will they be teaching the advanced genins things or will they just get schooled themselves? See you next time. Blue out. 6/15/23