
Caldera Island

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Tenjho Tenge

AUTHORS NOTE: Here is Chapter 56. Enjoy!

AUTHOR'S NOTE II: Here is a synopsis of the ANBU and ANBU Brat Teams as a little refresher:

Team 7: Jonin Sarutobi Asuma; Chunin Akimichi Choji, Sai and Haruno Sakura. Current assignment: On Duty sorting Orochimaru's Library in Konoha.

Team 8: Jonin Yuuhi Kurenai; Chunin Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba and Kurama Yakumo. Current assignment: On border patrol near Hot Springs Country. *①

Team 9: Jonin Maito Gai. Chunin Hyūga Neji, Lee Rock and Tenten. Current assignment: On border patrol near River Country. *②

Team 10: Jonin Mitarashi Anko. Chunin Nara Shikamaru, Isuzu Emi, and Yamanaka Ino. Current assignment: On duty sorting Orochimaru's Library in Konoha.

Team 11/ANBU Team Kuro: Jonin Uzuki Yūgao/ANBU Cat. Chunin Uzumaki Naruto/ANBU Fox, Natsume Maya/ANBU Raptor, and Hyūga Hinata/ANBU Raven. Current assignment: At Tiger Tree Village in the Land of Ōrora searching for the Dragon Flower.

ANBU Team Aka: ?/ANBU Dove, ?/ANBU Bear, Chunin Tomoe Hikari/ANBU Gazeru, Chunin Uchiha Mikoto/ANBU Lynx Current assignment: Guard Duty in ANBU Konoha headquarters. *③

[ ] signifies hand signs

{ } signifies a foreign language

Last time:

Hyūga Clan Compound

That afternoon, Hiashi ordered that am informal banquet would be held for the entire Hyūga Clan the coming weekend and that the Akimichi Clan would be catering the event. It was a bit of a shock to the normally conservative Hyūga but what the Clan Head said went so they didn't question it. It was also stated that the entire clan was required to attend if possible.

Neji was a bit apprehensive about inviting his Team but in the event but even the Hokage was in attendance with her husband Jiraiya-sama and their daughter Mito.

The appropriate speeches were given to greet all of the guests attending the banquet but few actually knew why the dinner was being held to begin with. After several courses were served Hiashi rang a small bell to get everyone's attention. He said:

"As you all know it has been the dream of our heiress Hinata-sama to unite the houses and banish the Caged Bird Seal forever. Tonight, I am here to sign that into Clan Law. The Hyūga Clan is no longer divided and is now one greater house as it was meant to be. Former Branch House members, I ask that you please remove your bandannas that covered the Caged Bird Seal before the Rising Sun set the Caged Bird free."

Neji stood up and was the first to remove his headband. He was followed by Hyūga Hoheto and slowly the rest of the former Branch Family revealed they were indeed free thanks to the Rising Sun.

The first to start clapping was Senju Tsunade and soon the entire compound was filled with thunderous applause from all present. It was truly a momentous occasion and all but a few traditionalists were more than happy to see the Caged Bird Seal was gone at last…

Chapter 57

Ōrora, Tiger Tree Village

Naruto was having breakfast with his team at the small inn for guests in the Tiger Tree Village. They were looking over their copy of the poem that was apparently penned by a survivor of Uzumaki Ashina-sama's quest to Ōrora so long ago. They were highlighting the parts of the poem they understood so far.

Yūgao went over the first verse:

In the land of Ōrora "This is self-explanatory,"

Far 'cross the mountains "We crossed through the Kumo Northern Mountain range."

We'll journey there upon the winds of fire

Through the mystic's portal

To find the ancient one

The quest to find the dragon's flower is mine "This line is also self-explanatory."

"Okay, so we have to travel to find this ancient one through some portal by riding winds of fire." said Maya. "We need to talk to the locals about this."

Naruto read the second verse aloud:

The gateway to his kingdom "That's the tunnel network through the mountains."

Lies through the cave of dreams "We know we've been through the Cave of Dreams already."

There before us waits the ancient king

In halls of golden splendor

Bathed in blood red fire

The mystery of ages waits within

"The rest of the verse seems to refer to this ancient one's home." said Hinata. "I wonder how literal it is. It sounds like an opulent castle or fortress of some sort,"

Maya looked over the third verse:

Now we stand before him

The last one of his time

To seek the ancient knowledge of his kind

He gives up words of wisdom

In a strange forgotten tongue

Tales of samurai and mystics

Lost in time

Maya thought aloud, "All this talks about is the ancient one himself and how knowledgeable he is. We still don't know exactly who or what the ancient one actually could be."

That was when Uzumaki Michiko came in and said, "Good morning to you Naruto-sama and friends. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation as I came in. Are you trying to decipher a verse?"

Yūgao nodded. "We have an old poem written after the trip Ashina-sama took. We're hoping to figure out what's written here."

"May I see the verses?" asked Michiko. "Perhaps I can help."

"Certainly." replied Maya. "Have a look."

The older woman looked over the poem and said brightly, "I'm happy to say I can explain the first verse at least. The second and third have never been travelled to as they are on the other side of the portal."

"What can you tell us?" asked Naruto. "Anything could be of help."

Michiko explained, "Lady Kanna could tell you firsthand because she's been there. The winds of fire refers to the massive caldera full of lava at the end of the aqueduct system. In the center of the Lava Sea is Caldera Island that rises high enough that it actually has a solid surface on it with plant life. Supposedly there is a portal to another place there."

"So how do we ride the winds of fire?" asked Hinata.

"Oh, that simple." She replied. "You ride a giant Pteranodon across the Lava Sea. They are gliders as well as flyers and the updrafts of heated air makes them soar high above the lava…of course you have to tame them a bit to obey your commands. Falling off or flying too low would mean certain death."

"So those featherless birds are called Pteranodons?" asked Hinata.

Michiko nodded, "Pteranodons existed here long before man, they were considered deities by the locals before we Uzumakis came and started taming and riding them. The people started calling us nobles after that. As you can imagine we weren't sure how to govern a huge tree full of native people but eventually we came to a sort of understanding."

"Menma-sama seems more like a despot than an understanding ruler to me." said Naruto darkly.

The advisor seemed a bit taken aback but said, "Menma-sama and Kanna-sama's parents died when they were only seven and Menma took over at that point. Some believe he is… a bit too used to getting his way. We do not speak of such things openly."

She saw Team Kuro flying through ANBU handsigns so fast that she couldn't tell who was talking and who was listening.

["It's not our concern Naruto."] signed Yūgao. ["Our duty is to find the Dragon Flower at return it to Konoha. Nothing more; nothing less."]

Hinata signed, [Yūgao-sensei is right Naruto-kun. Stay focused."]

Naruto nodded sadly and Maya signed ["Think of our loved ones and the Withering. We can't let them down."]

Finally, Naruto turned to Michiko and asked, "Is there any way we can meet Kanna-sama?"

"I'm sure Lady Kanna would be happy to meet you." replied Michiko brightly.


Kanna's Quarters

Uzumaki Kanna was whistling to herself as she got dressed in the morning. She'd had a good night's rest and was just adjusting her headband when Michiko knocked on the door.

The advisor said, through the door, "Good morning Kanna-sama; are you up and about?"

Kanna came over and opened the top half of her wooden door. "Good morning to you Michiko-san. I was just getting ready to go out hunting for the day."

"Aren't you forgetting something?" asked the older woman.

"Like what?" asked Kanna cluelessly. "I have the Kaze no Hashi and my kunai. What else would I need for hunting?"

Michiko face palmed. 'She is as dense as her parents were.' Kanna-sama, I've arranged for you to meet Naruto-sama after breakfast. He needs to learn to ride the wild winds like you do."

"Why would he want to learn to ride a Pteranodon?" asked Kanna crossing her arms under her bosom. She frowned. "Not just anyone can ride them."

"He's searching for the Dragon Flower." replied Michiko. "You know where those are."

"Through the portal." said the redhead.

"Correct!" chirped the advisor happily. "He treads the same path as Ashina-sama did long ago and will need your help."

Kanna said darkly, "I'll have to test this Naruto-sama to see if he if he is worthy to ride."

"Of course, you will my Lady." answered Michiko. "I'm sure he wouldn't have it any other way."

"Good." said the beautiful redhead. "Take me to him Michiko."

Tiger Tree Village Inn

Naruto and the others were looking over a detailed map of the Lava Sea and discussing how to get across it when Kanna walked in and said, "Which one of you is Naruto-sama?" Then she realized there was only one male in the room and sweat dropped. Coughing to cover her faux pas, the redhead said, "I am Uzumaki Kanna and I'm here to test you to see if you are worthy of riding the wild winds."

"You will teach us to ride the Pteranodons?" asked Naruto. "That's great Kanna-chan! When do we start?"

'Kanna-chan?' thought the redhead. "That's Kanna-sama to you Naruto-sama…and I said I am going to test you to make sure you are worthy of riding."

The blonde ninja nodded eagerly. "Okay, what's the test?"

Her green eyes glinted. "You will spar with me on the forest floor and I will test your mettle."

Naruto said, "Okay, let's do this!"

Kanna said, "You're that eager to get pounded?"

"I'm always up for a spar." replied the blonde.

"Must you do it on the forest floor?" asked Michiko in concern. "Naruto-sama-"

"I'm not holding back." said Kanna. "If you're smart you won't either Naruto-sama."

The blonde smiled showing his lengthened canines. "Let's get wild then!"

Forest Floor

The vast majority of the Tiger Tree Village watched Kanna and Naruto as the pair tree hopped down onto the soft grass and stretched their bodies to loosen up for the upcoming battle royale. As the two opponents faced off on the forest floor as the crowd above cheered for Kanna to stomp Naruto into the dirt. Team Kuro and a minority were cheering for Naruto.

"Any rules?" asked Naruto.

"Anything goes." replied Kanna. "You'd better pray that Ashina-sama's blood runs strong in you Uzumaki Naruto." She had a bloodthirsty smile and said, "I'm the strongest warrior of the Uzumaki Clan."

Naruto growled, "Talk is cheap. Let's go."

"GO!" screamed the crowd.

Kanna slashed her palm and slammed her hand into the ground and roared, "Summoning jutsu: Great Tigers!" A pack of six massive tigers appeared and the redhead said, "Get him my friends!"

The largest of the giant tigers growled, "Yes Kanna-chan!"

Naruto saw them coming and created a dozen shadow clones before he launched himself at them like a battering ram. Kanna and the tigers were expecting him to run rather than take the offensive. Tackling massive charging tiger wasn't a conventional tactic but the sheer ferocity of Naruto's assault took them off guard. The original Naruto body flickered in front of Kanna with the Shippuuhime drawn only to be blocked by the Kaze no Hashi. The two blades sparked and arced as they impacted again and again and the Uzumaki Clan roared in approval.

As the blonde and the redhead were having a vicious sword duel, the tigers and shadow clones were swirling around them in a massive melee that was absolutely feral.

Naruto knocked the Kaze no Hashi from Kanna's grip and sent her flying with an open palm strike. The red haired kunoichi rolled with the blow and regained her footing only to unleash adamantine sealing chains at her blonde opponent. Naruto was bound in the chains only to puff out existence.

"A shadow clone?!" said Kanna as the real Naruto appeared behind her and slapped a restraining tag on her. She smiled and puffed into smoke herself. Then the Kaze no Hashi popped and revealed the real Kanna. The two opponents circled each other and the last of the tigers and shadow clones puffed into smoke.

Both fighters sheathed their swords and engaged each other in a fearsome taijutsu battle. She was faster and landing more hits with her superior mastery of the Uzumaki style but Naruto was so solid and durable that he was shrugging off the damage.

By this point the power between the two was reaching a crescendo and they both leapt back and drew their swords again. She panted out, "I'm…not done." and took a defensive stance.

Naruto was breathing heavily himself and said, "You are strong…"

Uzumaki Menma's chakra enhanced voice rolled over them. "This spar is a draw. Sheathe your weapons." The crowd groaned in disappointment.

Kanna look irritated at her brother and hissed, "Not fair brother. That was no way to finish a spar."

Naruto smiled and said, "Still, it was fun. You are a superb kunoichi Kanna-sama. That Tiger Summoning was awesome!"

The redhead smiled tiredly. "You aren't bad yourself Naruto-sama. I will teach you and your friends to ride the wild winds."

Kanna's Quarters

"I would have lost." said the redhead to Michiko. "But at least I would have been defeated honorably instead of stupid Menma meddling in my affairs. There is no shame in losing against a stronger opponent."

Michiko said in a placating tone, "I think Menma-sama was trying to keep you from being hurt."

Kanna frowned. "He was just setting a precedent. Menma was making himself seem stronger than Naruto-sama and I when he's weaker than either of us."

The advisor was quickly starting to realize just how divided the twins had become and changed subjects. "What do you think of Naruto-sama? I think he's quite a fetching young man."

The younger woman nodded. "He is strong and handsome in his own way. I like his whisker mark tattoos."

"I agree." said Michiko. "He reminds me of your Father in that he is kind as well."

Kanna smiled. "Kaa-san and Tou-san would have liked him."

The advisor said, "Now let's take you to the infirmary and get you healed."

Rolling her eyes, the redhead followed the older woman to get patched up…

Tiger Tree Inn

Hinata finished healing Naruto and smiled, "There we are Naruto-kun; all better. You should have been more careful. Kanna-sama is a dangerous kunoichi. I'm glad she has agreed to help us."

"I agree." said Maya. "I thought she was a bit arrogant at first but she can back it up unlike Menma-sama. He's full of hot air."

Yūgao sighed. "The main thing is that we all try to get along kids. We are temporary guests here at best so let's stay out of their politics. For what it's worth though, I agree with you all. Kanna-sama is a skilled kunoichi to be able to go head on with Naruto-kun."

Menma's Quarters

The Tiger Tree Village Leader was talking to his younger male advisor Asahi about the current situation of things. Asahi said, "Menma-sama, the odds are that you could buy off Naruto-sama with something so he'll leave in peace and not come back. In a worst case scenario, you could always kill him…Of course that's assuming he survives the trip to retrieve the Dragon Flower to begin with."

The black-haired youth huffed, "And how do you suggest we kill him Asahi? He's even stronger than Kanna and she has far more power than I do. She bears the Kaze no Hashi and the Tiger contract. The Tiger boss refused to let me sign because she deemed me unworthy. She said I don't have the Heart of a Tiger whatever that means."

"The summons aren't all knowing Menma-sama. Besides, they are just animals." said his advisor.

"Father always trusted in the summon animal's wisdom." said the younger man.

"And your Father and Mother fell in battle along with the last tiger boss." replied Asahi. "I don't see how wise the summons were then."

Menma stewed a bit and asked, "What would you suggest then Asahi?"

"Send your sister Kanna-sama with Naruto-sama to collect the Dragon Flower from Caldera Island." said the advisor. "She is your only obstacle in ruling the Tiger Tree Village. You would be killing two birds with one stone."

"I will…consider your advice." said the red eyed young man. "I need to be alone."

"Of course, Menma-sama." replied Asahi with a bow.

Kanna's Quarters

The next morning Kanna woke up eager to teach Naruto and the others to ride a Pteranodon. She had been fixed up by the healers last night and was a bit sore but felt there was no reason she couldn't teach the basics to Team Kuro today.

That was when she was summoned by her twin brother Menma…

The redhead soon came into her brother's quarters where he ran the Tiger Tree Village from. He was sitting at his desk working on some paperwork when he noticed his twin sister standing there. He motioned her to be seated and finished the document he was working on before he looked back up at the redhead.

Menma finally acknowledged her and said, "How are you this morning Kanna? Have you recovered from the spar yesterday?"

Kanna looked a bit irritable and said, "You mean the spar you interfered in? I'll be fine in a few days."

"I was concerned for your safety sister." he replied. "…And I have a very special mission for you. I want you to go to Caldera Island with Naruto-sama and his group through the portal to retrieve the Dragon Flower to stop the Withering once and for all."

The redhead was partly elated (she'd wanted to explore the portal ever since she was a child) and partly suspicious (Menma had always been adamant that she should stay away from the portal at all costs). She asked, "Why would you suddenly allow me to go to Caldera Island when you've forbidden it ever since we were kids?"

"I guess you could say there is a higher calling." he replied with a shrug. "Our clan head appears from nowhere and needs the Dragon Flower desperately. For me to be a responsible member of the Uzumaki Clan; I have no choice but to send my best flyer which is you sister. There is no one else who can do it but you."

Kanna eyed him skeptically for a bit and said, "That may be true but I'm watching you brother. When I get back from this mission, we're going to have a long talk."

Menma nodded and said, "I'm sure you'll have lots to tell me about your journey Kanna."

Tiger Tree Inn

Team Kuro was in their full combat gear (minus their masks) when Kanna arrived to start their training. She said, "My brother has assigned me to join you on this mission as I'm the only one who has travelled over the Lava Sea over Caldera Island and back. No one else has dared to go that far but me."

"You sound less than enthused." noted Yūgao.

"If you don't want to join us; I'm sure other arrangements could be made." said Hinata.

Kanna waved her hands. "Don't get me wrong. I've wanted to explore Caldera Island since as long as I could remember. I just wonder about my brother's motives." Then she smiled brightly as if to banish her dark mood. "Are you all ready for some training Naruto-sama?"

The blonde said, "Please just call me Naruto. The who -sama thing makes me feel old."

"Ummm…Are you sure?" asked Kanna. "I mean, you are the Prince of the Uzumaki Clan."

Maya laughed. "Naruto-kun hates formalities. He never cared for titles."

Kanna nodded slowly and said, "Well...okay, Naruto. We need to climb up to the top of the tree where the Pteranodons roost up by the aqueduct. We'll see lots of smaller pterodactyl species on the way up but the only ones we can ride are up topside."

As Team Kuro and Kanna tree climbed up; the redhead explained some things about the Pteranodons:

"…The biggest Pteranodons have a 15-meter wingspan*④ and can carry one or two people. We don't use any sort of saddle to save weight." explained Kanna. "We use reins to guide them and stand on their backs with chakra to keep us from falling off…"

"…If you made the journey up the Tiger River then the chakra part should be no sweat. The real trick to riding is following and finding updrafts to keep the altitude you need so your Pteranodon won't wear itself out carrying the extra weight of a person. That's what most people can't handle..."

"…There are lots of updrafts over the lava sea but some are too hot for a person to withstand and others send you up too high where it's hard to breathe. The worst case is missing the updrafts and going too near the lava. In that case you and your ride burn up and plunge into the Lava Sea, never to be seen again…"

The group got up to the top and saw several massive Pteranodons and lots of smaller ones flying and gliding about as they hunted for fish in the massive reservoir that was built into the aqueduct. There were lots of Uzumaki Clan members there tending the animals and maintaining the stables that the Pteranodons roosted in.

Kanna said, "Only the biggest and strongest males can cross the lava sea. Females are smaller and don't have the range the males have. We'll train you on smaller animals over the water before you start learning on the big ones over land and lava. That way if you get bucked off you'll just land in the water and won't be hurt too much."

It took Team Kuro nearly three weeks of intense training under Kanna and the other trainers. They learned the basics very quickly but found the art of flying was very difficult to master as rapidly as they wanted. Still, the redhead was very impressed that they picked up on flying so swiftly and learned to handle the animals as well as they did.

As it turned out Naruto had a natural affinity for flying given his element was wind. Hinata was the best at spotting updrafts at range with her superb eyesight. Maya and Yūgao didn't quite do as well and preferred to ride the trails of the others…Finally Kanna pronounced them ready for a long-range flight….

The redheaded Uzumaki kunoichi had become fast friends with Hinata and Maya during the last three weeks and had grown to greatly respect Yūgao's wisdom. But Naruto was an enigma to her. 'He's the first guy I've ever met that treats me as an equal and can go toe to toe with me.' she thought. 'I really like him but he already has three fiancés and I have no idea what he thinks about me…'

After three long distance flights that partially travelled over the lava; they were ready to make the journey over the Lava Sea…

Kanna painted a homing seal on the backs of their hands that would summon their Pteranodon companions in case the animals became separated from their respective riders. Naruto memorized the seal for future reference before they took off.

At dawn the group of five took off in silence with Kanna leading the flight to Caldera Island. The group travelled quietly in the cool morning air until the Lava Sea came into view and Kanna yelled "Here we go!" as she circled upwards riding the first updraft skywards.

The others followed her example and once they reached the top of the pillar of hot air they glided towards the next column of superheated air. It was a long, hot and arduous flight out to Caldera Island. It wasn't without mishap but no one was hurt in any way and by the time the sun was directly overhead they were looking down at a large island covered in vegetation that hadn't been touched by mankind in over one hundred years.

'So this is what Ashina-sama saw…' thought Naruto. 'I guess the ancient one awaits…'

The group circled down and alighted on a rocky area just outside the jungle that dominated the island. Everything on the island from plants to animals to insects were huge. Dragonflies with meter wingspans buzzed about and boars larger than cattle rumbled by not giving team Kuro or Kanna a second glance.

The group was going to stop and eat something they'd brought in a scroll but saw a coconut over a meter across and had that instead. Naruto had to use a wind cutter jutsu to cut it in half and the party had enough coconut milk and meat to feed a small army when he did.

Yūgao asked, "Do you have any idea where the portal could be Kanna?"

Kanna said, "Of the few times I flew out here I once saw something glittering at the very center of the island but I couldn't tell what it was."

Hinata activated her byakugan and said, "I see some sort of structure about ten kilometers in towards the center of the island. It's some sort of ziggurat. Most of it is covered in vegetation though."

"It sounds like as good a place to start as any." said Maya. "Maybe there is a passage there."

The five shinobi climbed up into the jungle canopy the rapidly and tree hopped over to the pyramid like structure. They found that it was around thirty meters high and built in a stairstep fashion. "These blocks appear to be several meters thick and must weigh several tons each." said Hinata as she studied the structure with her bykugan. "I don't see any entrances on this side."

"Let's go all the way around before we climb up." suggested Maya. That way we can look for writing or entrances."

"Good idea Maya-chan." said Naruto. "Better to be careful and play it safe at this point."

Eventually they found a simple staircase up that was cut int the stone itself that led to the top. Gingerly climbing up; they came to a steaming pool of water like an onsen at the top and did a double take.

"If we came all this way for a hot path I'm going to be seriously pissed." growled Kanna.

Naruto said, "It sure looks like an onsen. It's less than a meter deep and you can easily see the bottom. It looks spotless too."

The group water walked across the steaming onsen util they came to a raised stone rectangle just below the water's surface in the center of the pool.

"This is a grave." said Maya as she looked at the top of the rectangle. "There are engravings all over it." As she read the ancient writing the kanji changed.

-Here Lies-

Hyūga Hinata

Natsume Maya

Uzuki Yūgao

Uzumaki Kanna

Uzumaki Naruto

-May Their Souls Never Find Peace-

"Genjutsu kai!" said Yūgao as she emitted a wave of chakra. Looking down she said with a smile, "At least the names are gone."

"Okay, that was seriously spooky stuff." said Kanna with a shiver. "I wonder who put that genjutsu there."

About that time a massive wave of chakra emitted from the grave and knocked then all back in the water. That's when they heard muffled explosions in the far distance from the direction they came from and screeching and squawking of animals in the forest.

Coming up out of the water and using her byakugun, Hinata scanned the area before her face turned to horror, "Oh no! The Pteranodons! They-they're dead!"

Kanna took off like a shot and left the others in the dust in spite of Team Kuro calling after her to stop and wait.

By the time the Konoha team caught up with the redhead they found her crying over the remains of the five Pteranodons. "They were just innocent babies!" she cried out over the animals. Hinata and Maya tried to comfort the sobbing redhead as Naruto examined the carcasses.

"Well Naruto-kun?" asked Yūgao.

Naruto sighed. "Someone painted exploding seals on the Pteranodon's heads right where the summoning seals were. By my estimation the were supposed to go off when we summoned them to return. That chakra wave from the grave set them off prematurely and saved us…"

"But why?!" asked an anguished Kanna. "Who would have done this?"

Tiger Tree Village

Menma and his advisor Asahi looked at the long-range seals that were paired with each Pteranodon's life energy. They were passive seals that were normally red but turned black when an animal died. That way if a rider went missing, they would know the general direction of where to look.

"The seals worked as planned Menma-sama." said Asahi. "No doubt they perished in the lava."

The black-haired Uzumaki looked out in the direction of the Lava Sea and started shedding tears. "Goodbye Kanna-chan…" he said sadly. "I will have a memorial built for you along with Mother and Father's. I…I'm so sorry!" he cried.

Later that morning the matching seals on the stables were noted to have turned black and the news spread like wildfire throughout the Tiger Tree Village. All of the people were grieving and Menma in particular. The Uzumaki Clan Leader truly loved his twin but knew she had to be eliminated for the greater good.

"This will be a week of mourning." announced Menma to the village sadly. "There will be no search parties as I cannot risk the lives of more precious people to look for remains in the Lava Sea. Let us all pray that Kanna and her brave companions died instantly."

He broke down into tears and said, "Now I will grieve alone…"

Caldera Island

Naruto growled, "We can't go back now. It looks like we'll have to move forward…"


*①: Will be discussed in later chapters.

*②: Will be discussed in later chapters.

*③: And I still need to give Bear and Dove civilian Identities…

*④: I scaled up the standard Pteranodon longiceps for the sake of carrying passengers. See Wikipedia for information on these fantastic creatures.

Cliffhanger no jutsu! Actually, it wasn't planned this way, this was just a good stopping point as the Calera Island adventure is long. Next chapter will be a direct continuation of this one called Caldera Island Part II. See you next time. Blue out. 10/7/23