
Naruto : Crystalline

Crystal Release. Orphaned, Kessho has nothing going for him except a secret he plans to never share. He has been reincarnated. Being reborn into Naruto wasn’t the plan, Kessho wasn’t even really a fan of anime. something he will soon regret. ————————-

JiangDao · Cómic
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2 Chs


Word count: 1079

The sound of the door slowly creaking open awakened me from my mindless stupor.

It was a priority that I had a grasp of where I was, however judging from the memories of the previous Kessho that was not needed.

It was clear that i was in an orphanage and from the 5 year olds memory i had a roommate too. I was part of the lucky few that only had to share their room with one person, in some rooms in fact the headcount totalled 7 - cramming them in somehow.

Here is where this gets interesting though, my roommate hasn't been around for almost 2 days. This did not concern the original Kessho but it sure did intrigue me. Referring to his additional memories, it was quite common for a group of people to go missing at a time recently; I guess this time my roommate was part of the unlucky group, poor lad.

However, a part of me questioned the validity of the memories of the original Kessho that were gifted to me. Who would fully trust a 5 year old? Do five year olds even have functional memories?

I was also quite adamant about Kessho being 5 years old, in reality i didn't actually know how old i currently am, i could be 5 or i could be 10,

A 5 year difference didn't really mean much to me, it was all the same to my old soul anyway.

Finally I decided on finally leaving my room into the communal areas of the Orphanage, guided by the illustrious new memories I strided towards a new life.

This marked me not just accepting my new body but my newfound existence as well.

The scenery around me quickly changed, from the previous rough exterior into a more clean environment scattered with kids ranging from toddlers to teenagers, what really alarmed me however was not the kids but what they were doing.

Scattered were kids who were cleaning under the stern watch of the 'caretakers' or matrons if you will - werent this a violation of Child Labour laws?, especially considering toddlers who could barely crawl let alone walk were forced into cleaning a portion of the area.

Watching these caretakers, for ease i will just name them caretaker A , B and C awakened a new stream of memories, they were not of the pretty kind either. These ''Caretakers'' extra emphasis on the quotation marks were incredibly abusive; at least they would be considered abusive in my world; I hope it isn't any different here.

Safe to say they weren't taking care of anything.

This seemed less and less like an orphanage and more and more like a factory producing goods.

So let me get this straight. Not only was I transported into a world I have little to no knowledge of, except a guy with whiskers bringing peace into the world, but I was also put into a major disadvantage from the very start. Surviving seemed less of a possibility then it was before, I didn't think it would get any lower.

After taking over this body I finally heard an audible sound.

"Oi Blue Brat" a raspy voice called out

I assume it was directed at me, considering I was the only person with Blue hair in the surrounding vicinity, an interesting choice of insult if i say myself.

I turned my head around to face an incredibly daunting figure with a tattoo covering most of her face, Caretaker A.


She seemed incredibly on edge today, from my memories a rare occurrence for reasons I didn't exactly know.

"Don't play stupid with me, an important guest is arriving today, i don't plan on getting on his bad side today"

She seemed to be implying something, something I didn't understand.

A scowl painting her already painted face, she didn't need to say a single word. Her expression already told me what I needed to know.

She proceeded to grab a tuft of hair, dragging me somewhere. None of the kids sent a single glance my way - already used to such antics from the caretakers.

I was given a rubbish bag and was told to clean up the outside pathway, I was also told that I would be dealt with accordingly later.

This all had happened so quickly I didn't have a chance to retort back, but my memory quickly warned me that it would be a bad decision regardless. I guess I had no other choice but to resign to my current fate of being a rubbish collector and so my small hands slowly started putting whatever I deemed rubbish into the rubbish bag, which was basically everything.

I did find a couple dulled out kunai's, i didn't know where they came from, most likely from the negligence of one of our caretakers however which i will gladly keep for myself, i didn't know the legality of carrying ninja weapons but i doubt there's a real set of laws in this world, maybe i'll be the one to create laws that would bind all citizens regardless of power.

I quickly snapped out of my idealistic thinking from the sounds of footsteps towards me, a man covered literally head to toe with bandages. However unlike other people this man had a certain aura around him, He had power, something i was quite familiar with in my past life.

He walked as if he was invincible, for a second I yearned to understand how he felt.

Making eye contact with him, something felt familiar about him but I just couldn't fathom what it was, it was stuck on the tip of my tongue. He seemed to be able to see directly into my soul, for a second I felt a rush of paranoia.

Was I exposed…..????

Caretaker 'A' quickly rushed over to greet the bandaged- mummy looking guy, proving that my prenotion was correct, that guy was indeed powerful.

But would a powerful guy really be wrapped up like that in bandages? He must have really gotten his ass handed to him.

The bandaged man gave one last look at me with his only visible eye and turned back to look at Caretaker A making the intimidating Caretaker look a lot less intimidating


Would you say Crystal Release is a Kekkai Genkai or a Kekkai Touta?

As you would have guessed already the important guest is indeed Danzo, the next chapter focusing on him in more detail.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

JiangDaocreators' thoughts