
Naruto : Chad Uchiha

a story about a fitness enthusiast uchia trying to spread the joys of bodybuilding in a world filled with psycho ninjas. follow the adventures of Arnolad unchia as he aims to lat spread his way across the ninja world spreading the gospel of the muscle god. what to expect: my first novel so don't expect much but I'll try to make it funny, no overpowered system, no harem,no accurate timing, no bs abilities , no being a hero it starts getting good 15+ chapters I do not own Naruto. this is fanfiction.

persianchad75 · Cómic
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51 Chs

bunch of nobodies

I ran outside to assess the situation. coming out I could see all Uchiha ninja engaging in a battle to the death with the attacking Akatsuki . body parts and dead bodies was all over the place. these basterds attacked the clan when I was out. shisui was holding off kakuzu and kisame,fugaku was holding battling Obito and Itachi with his mangekyu sharingan open. at least he didn't just sit there like a lamb to a slaughter like last time. he was holding up since itachi didn't have his mangekyu sharingan yet. Orochimaru was battling the kongs and the rest of the jonin uchiha members. 

I said loudly " well, well, well. I see we got a couple of rats attacking my clan when I was gone. Did you really think I didn't have a reverse summon ready. bringing 2 friends with you doesn't change anything about you being weaker than a fart in the wind obito. last time I took your arm , this time I will take your life. As for you nobody ninjas, did you all think a sushi,snake and a octopus would be able to deal with the Uchiha clan and me Arnold Uchiah? Seems like I need to make sure all of you are familiar with my game. " knowing I couldn't handle the snake man cause all his stupid jutsu I said as loud as I could "Hokage get your ass here to deal with your students or i can't guarantee my hits won't destroy a village or two side effects. "

obito looked at me and said "Last time you got me after my fight with the 4th badly injured, now with all the new Akatsuki members what are you gonna do? you with brute force can't stop us. your family will end today." Orochimaru said "So this is the Uchiha with yang release, your body will surely help me in my research I cant wait to dissect you. " kakuzu said " don't hate me too much uchiha aronold, I heard you got a lot of money from business, as a businessman yourself you should understand I couldn't turn down the money." Kisame wasn't much for talking.

I began spreading my yang energy healing all who were injured. I know the person I could kill the fastest was kakuzu, it was time for as one business man to another send him to the afterlife. I dashed at him so fast he couldn't respond and punched him, I spread my chakra into all his heart and used destructive yang energy to destroy all of the. he looked at me and said "How did you know, and How are you so fast" I put a smile and said" A secret of the trade my fellow businessman, now go to hell for opposing me. " I looked at obito and said" One down, 3 more to go, start counting your seconds you poor fuck. " as I said that the Hokage came and said "These old bones take a while to dress up , hope you could excuse me, Arnold, leave my student to me." 

while the 3rd was busy with the his student , obito started attacking me . I didn't know what to do , my attacks couldn't land on him, he had grown up and had better reaction speed to cancel my attacks. I said" you know the more of a bum the ninja is the stronger their Sharingan is, you must be the bummest uchiha who has ever lived. A failure in all regards, life, love, money, loyalty, and even looks. " he got angry and said," keep talking but today will be your end." after battling him for 5 minutes trying to doge his attacks or counter-attacking his cheat ass I finally thought of a way to destroy this fool, it was a gamble but it was worth a try. 

I let Obito get a hit, i let him put his hand in my chest.When Obito had his hands on my heart he said " this is the end of the road for you, and you pathetic muscle god." just as he was about to squeeze my heart I reinforced it with yang energy and started doing reverse yang technique on Obito. while I could only stimulate yang energy in a target with direct touch with yang energy it was enough to probably stop any jutsu he would use, that included his teleportation. I started laughing and said" did you really think you could destroy my heart with your pathetic strength, this heart been pumping my body up for all my workouts, it is stronger than all your muscles combined. Now that I got you where I want you, lets see you try using your annoying eyes. no more cheats for you. my road won't end here obito, there is still much more I have to do. "he started panicking and trying to escape., said" how , how are you stoping my jutsu ." i grabbed a hold on him with just my chest muscles squeezing his hand. I said " unlike you i am a true uchiah , one born with talent, and not relying on some bs ass eyes to defend my self. know your place trash." I then punched Obito in the head as hard as I could. his brain scattered in the wind. suddenly he vanished and appeared somewhere else. 

damn it ,he had some extra eyes, he had used izengai. he must have collected the sharignan from before the attack. I said" Using cheap tricks to avoid death are we, I guess its time to fully show you what it means to be a follower of the muscle god. now gaze apon what it truly means to be strong " While Obito was catching his breath I put on the yujiro hanma pose and ripped my clothes exposing the demonic back. it was time to use all my strength.

Everyone was in shock besides shisui , they had never seen something so intimidating. Obito said, "What are you, you can't be human, you must be a demon."

fugaku said, " what is that, no Uchiha has ever looked so frightening."

the 3rd Hokage said: "So that's how it looks like, I'm glad you are part of this village. " 

Orochimaru said:" Even I am scared to approach you, is that a kekegenki , what can cause such a change in the human body?"

Kisame said" my sword is telling me to run away what is that"