
Naruto: Bloodline Limit

When The Bloodline Limit was developed to its peak, he found out that everything was just a new beginning. “Various worlds? I can conquer the World of Naruto. I can do other worlds as well.” Liu Hao, who had become the master of the Ninja World, was ambitious. Let’s see how he conquers one powerful world after another. How he started all with his Bloodline Limit, working step by step to finally create his own bloodline. Enough to deter countless worlds that belonged only to his bloodline. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/Alipha

nyawdao2 · Cómic
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514 Chs

Struggling against the Three-tails

Not to mention Tobi's complex thoughts and plans on how to deal with Ryoha, but Kakashi and the others were already being pursued and attacked by the Three-Tails under Ryoha's control. With Ryoha's exquisite chakra control and manipulation, combined with the unlimited chakra of the moving artillery-like beast, the destructive power of the Three-Tails was brought to its maximum. It seemed like the Tailed Beast Bomb didn't require any cost or consumption; it kept being continuously fired.

"It's truly terrifying. Even Yukimaru would need to exert great effort to defeat a Three-Tails without Jinchuriki and without any restraint. But this person named Ryoha, who hasn't even shown himself and is nowhere to be found, effortlessly controls the Three-Tails as if it's his own arm. No wonder Orochimaru-sama was so eager to obtain your body." Guren stood on top of the Three-Tails' head and was the one who keenly sensed Ryoha's terrifying abilities.

"No, the chakra of the Tailed Beast is too vast. If we continue like this, even if our chakra is depleted and we are killed, the Three-Tails still has a large amount of chakra to squander," Kakashi cursed inwardly. A Tailed Beast without a Jinchuriki couldn't unleash its full combat power like a Tailed Beast with a Jinchuriki. But now that the Three-Tails was under Ryoha's control, its combat power could be several times greater than usual. This made Kakashi and the others extremely distressed. Moreover, this place was behind a lake, which led to the ocean. Wherever there was water, it was the Three-Tails' territory, where it could display even greater freedom.

"Rasengan!" Naruto suddenly leaped up and appeared in front of the Three-Tails, striking it with a powerful Rasengan to its head. "Odama Rasengan!"

Previously, the Rasengan, which was unstoppable once it hit the enemy, only caused the Three-Tails' body to move slightly and emit a low growl due to the formidable defense of its shell. Although the Three-Tails was under Ryoha's control, everything else remained the same as usual. If the power exceeded the Three-Tails' defense limit and caused pain, then the controlled Three-Tails would also feel that pain. Otherwise, it wouldn't emit a low growl.

"Lightning Release: Raikiri!" Kakashi also rushed forward and transformed into a shining lightning, aiming a sudden strike at the Three-Tails' eye. However, even if the Three-Tails wasn't under control, it possessed intelligence comparable to humans. Naturally, it wouldn't let its vulnerable eyes be harmed, let alone now that Ryoha was controlling it.

Moreover, it wouldn't let Kakashi succeed. Although the Three-Tails' original form resembled a turtle, its speed was not sufficient even in water. However, it was formidable underwater. Therefore, faced with Naruto's fast Odama Rasengan and Kakashi's Raikiri, the Three-Tails' massive body, unlike the Nine-Tails or the agile Two-tails, was an easy target to hit.

It could only rely on its greatest strength: defense. It protected its eyes with the hardest part of its body. The impact of Naruto's Odama Rasengan hitting the Three-Tails' head only caused the Three-Tails to feel some pain. However, the head was not the strongest part of the Three-Tails' defense.


A sound of breaking through the air came, and Kakashi felt a huge shadow enveloping him. He raised his head and discovered a gigantic tail sweeping towards him. The Three-Tails appeared to resemble a turtle, and it had acquired the characteristics of a turtle. Although a turtle seemed slow, during the moment of attack, whether it was its head or tail attacking, its speed was as swift as lightning.

Of course, the Three-Tails' head couldn't stretch and contract like a turtle's, but its tail's attack speed was still very fast. It instantly swept toward Kakashi. It could be said that even if Kakashi's Raikiri hit the Three-Tails, it would be blocked by the bone-like skin in front of the Three-Tails' eyes.

However, the price was that Kakashi got hit quite hard by the Three-Tails' attack. Even if it was only a physical attack and didn't involve chakra, it was quite a blow for Kakashi. Therefore, being clever, Kakashi didn't choose to exchange his life for a painful blow from the Three-Tails. He immediately dodged in advance using his Sharingan's ability to predict the opponent's next move.

But he overlooked one thing: he wasn't just facing the Three-Tails; there was also Ryoha observing him from above through the Three-Tails' Sharingan. Kakashi could use his Sharingan to predict the Three-Tails' next move, but could Ryoha, with his strength and his Sharingan surpassing Kakashi's Sharingan countless times, not predict Kakashi's next move and position?

"Damn it, I forgot that the Three-Tails has two other tails," in fact, at this moment, Kakashi also recalled that it wasn't just the Three-Tails; there were two other tails. It was Ryoha who predicted his next move. With Ryoha's strength and his Sharingan level, he completely overshadowed Kakashi's Sharingan countless times. So how could Kakashi escape Ryoha's control?

"Wood Release: Great Wood Pillar Jutsu!" Yamato summoned two giant wooden pillars to support the Three-Tails' other two tails. Although they were immediately shattered by the Three-Tails' tails, it bought Kakashi some time to dodge.

"It seems we need the help of the toads. Gamahiro, Gamatatsu, you guys go back. I'll summon your old man. Summoning Jutsu!" After Gamahiro and Gamatatsu returned, Naruto immediately summoned Gamabunta, a swaggering toad wearing short-sleeved clothes, with a short knife hanging at his waist, and a pipe on his mouth.


Gamabunta took a strong puff from his pipe, but in reality, he was suppressing the urge to send Naruto flying with a puff of smoke. This guy had never been peaceful ever since he met him. Every time he summoned him, it was always to face some terrifying enemy or extremely dangerous situation. It started with the One-Tail, then Ryoha, and now it had become the Three-Tails. When would it ever end?

"You brat, can't you give me a few days off to live comfortably? Even if you summon me, can't it be for something less dangerous and troublesome every time?" Gamabunta glanced at Naruto, who was feeling good about himself standing on top of his head, unaware of Gamabunta's displeasure.

"Gama-ojisan, how can you say that? If I summon you for trivial matters, wouldn't it diminish your worth? I wouldn't dare summon you without a good reason."

Gamabunta had to admit that this guy had also learned to flatter. At least he managed to lift his mood and make him more enthusiastic in battle.

"While I know you're just flattering me, you did a good job with that flattery. Compared to that bastard Jiraiya, you're much better at handling people." Gamabunta felt quite content and in high spirits. However, when a Tailed Beast Bomb flew towards him, it immediately snapped him out of his pleasant mood, and he cursed loudly, "Don't think a few flattering words will make everything okay. The situation is urgent now. I'll deal with you next time."

The thing was, Gamabunta said this every time, promising to deal with Naruto next time, but either he forgot or didn't get the opportunity. Each time he was summoned, Gamabunta was faced with extremely urgent matters, leaving him no time or chance to take care of Naruto. It became an endless loop, and even if he was annoyed and frustrated, he could only channel all his frustrations into his fighting spirit and unleash it fiercely in battle.

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