
Naruto: Bloodline Limit

When The Bloodline Limit was developed to its peak, he found out that everything was just a new beginning. “Various worlds? I can conquer the World of Naruto. I can do other worlds as well.” Liu Hao, who had become the master of the Ninja World, was ambitious. Let’s see how he conquers one powerful world after another. How he started all with his Bloodline Limit, working step by step to finally create his own bloodline. Enough to deter countless worlds that belonged only to his bloodline. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/Alipha

nyawdao2 · Cómic
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514 Chs

Snake's Nest

"Amazing. Looks like I have to re-evaluate you." Orochimaru's meaning was very direct. He was going to put Kurenai's in a new light. He would not fight her with the same evaluation and opinion as before.

"Although you are still hiding something, I have hidden more than you. You won't be my opponent if you use all your trump cards."

Kurenai thought confidently in her heart. She still hadn't used her strongest jutsu, so it was normal for her to have such confidence.

"And Orochimaru, since Ryoha knows what you're thinking, he won't kill you immediately. This proves that you still have some value, so I'll let you live for a bit longer."

To be honest, with Orochimaru's current strength, Kurenai really didn't put him in her eyes. She would only treat him seriously after he used his trump card. Also, unless Orochimaru fixed the problems with his soul, Kurenai would the biggest threat to his life.

"It's a pity. Had Orochimaru resurrected stronger ninjas, then we don't know what will happen in the end."

Sasuke was a little regretful. He knew that Orochimaru had the corpse of many Kage-level experts. If Orochimaru had summoned these people, the battle's outcome would be unknown.

"Do you think Orochimaru will be able to seize Sasuke's body if he wants to reincarnate?" Kurenai asked Ryoha on the way to Orochimaru's base.

While talking, Kurenai used her spiritual power to cover up the others' hearing. This way, they wouldn't be able to hear her conversation.

In the battle just now, Kurenai used a similar method to seal Orochimaru's eyes and senses with her spiritual power. This was not an illusion, so Orochimaru couldn't see her and couldn't sense where she was.

"It's hard to say. Although Orochimaru's soul is severely damaged, he has not shown any discomfort. It's just that his resistance to powerful genjutsus is relatively weak."

"I really think that he might fail to reincarnate himself after being sealed by the Dead Demon, but now that he is in high spirits, his success rate of seizing Sasuke's body should be relatively high."

"Although the Sharingan could restrain Orochimaru, As the caster of the reincarnation jutsu, Orochimaru has his advantages. When their souls collide, the power of their jutsus will be enhanced. The outcome will depend on whose spiritual energy is stronger."

"The Sharingan enhanced Sasuke's spiritual energy, but Orochimaru is a Kage-level expert. Even if his soul is damaged, his spiritual energy seems stronger than Sasuke's."

"However, no matter who won, both souls will be greatly damaged after the souls collide. If Orochimaru does win in the end, his soul would also be greatly damaged by Sasuke's fierce resistance and his Sharingan. It might be difficult for him to reincarnate again unless he can repair his damaged soul."

"However, it is very obvious that it is impossible for Orochimaru to repair his soul with his current knowledge. As far as I know, only two people in the world can repair his soul."

"The first is the person who has Rinnegan, and the second is Tsunade. The former is naturally a lot better. Rinnegan can mess with life and death and greatly affect life and soul. As for Tsunade, it's her ultimate medical ninjutsu. It is powerful enough to heal the soul."

"As for whether Sasuke could win, he would not be much better because his own soul was not comparable to Orochimaru, who has been freed from the Dead Demon Consuming Seal. He has to rely on the Sharingan to minimize the damage to his soul and enhance his spiritual energy against Orochimaru."

Even if he won, his soul would also be greatly damaged. At that time, even if he had the Sharingan, his soul would be very weak, and both his spiritual energy and resistance to genjutsu would also be weakened." Ryoha thought for a while and replied.

"So you think that Orochimaru is better?" Kurenai looked at Ryoha. It had been a while since she last saw this man who made her fall in love with him. She missed him very much. She couldn't stand the uncomfortable feeling she felt before reuniting with Ryoha again. Now that she saw that he was fine, she felt relieved.

"You can say that, but both sides will suffer. If Orochimaru had not reincarnated before, it would be effortless for him to seize Sasuke's body. His soul is very mysterious. Once he is injured, it will be very difficult to cure him, not to mention the injuries that he accumulated after many reincarnations."

Ryoha felt pity for Orochimaru's fate in the original work. This guy was absolutely talented, but unfortunately, his manpower was limited. He went on a journey alone to study all kinds of things. He was even studying something as mysterious as the soul. It was already amazing that he could use the reincarnation technique.

But while the reincarnation technique granted him something, it also took something from him. It brought him eternal youth, vitality, and whichever body he wanted, but it also greatly damage his soul.

After his struggle to retrieve his hands back from the Dead Demon, he got devoured by Sasuke, who only had the power of the 3-tomoe Sharingan. In the end, he was even more unlucky to be sealed by Itachi.

However, the situation changed many years ago. Even Ryoha did not know what the final result would be. He could only guess based on the current situation of the two. The possibility of both sides being injured or Orochimaru successfully seizing Sasuke's body should be the highest.

The two of them talked and laughed and soon arrived at Orochimaru's base. However, Ryoha felt a little strange. Wasn't Orochimaru's base supposed to be very dark, like a snake's nest? Why did it look quite bright despite it was underground?

"Orochimaru, is this really your snake's nest? Why it's so bright in here?" Ryoha remembered that when Naruto came here, the base was dark and gloomy. It looked like a giant snake was living inside.

"Ryoha, this joke is not funny at all. I can just adjust the brightness of this room." The corner of Orochimaru's eyes twitched. Although his eyes were snake eyes, and he used a lot of ninjutsu related to snakes, but he was still a human.

He never admitted that he was a snake. The place he lived in was naturally the place where humans lived. Now that Ryoha mentioned that his base should look like a snake's nest, Orochimaru's eyes could not stop twitching at this comment.

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