
Naruto: Bloodline Limit

When The Bloodline Limit was developed to its peak, he found out that everything was just a new beginning. “Various worlds? I can conquer the World of Naruto. I can do other worlds as well.” Liu Hao, who had become the master of the Ninja World, was ambitious. Let’s see how he conquers one powerful world after another. How he started all with his Bloodline Limit, working step by step to finally create his own bloodline. Enough to deter countless worlds that belonged only to his bloodline. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/Alipha

nyawdao2 · Cómic
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514 Chs

Hiraishin's Defensive Capability

"It's really different from the sea, or the world of snow that I've experienced before. Now, looking at the desert really gives people a very spectacular feeling. It's vast and boundless, but at the same time, there is hidden killing intent everywhere."

Ryoha and Tsunade walked from the Land of Earth to the Land of Wind. Looking at this desert now, Ryoha fully experienced the greatness and magnificence of nature. To be able to build such a huge desert, was not something that a human could do at the moment.

"It seems that after this period of traveling, this kid's mental state has gradually caught up." Tsunade had been paying attention to Ryoha along the way. Seeing Ryoha recover day by day, it was obvious that he had gained a lot. His mental state was very good and he had recovered.

"It's very dangerous to walk through the desert without someone familiar with the terrain." It was the first time Ryoha had entered the desert. The remnant thoughts of the past told him that it would be more troublesome to walk through this huge desert without a familiar guide or someone who often lived here.

"Have you forgotten me?" Tsunade said proudly. Her words immediately woke Ryoha up. He cursed himself for still thinking like an Earthling. With his own strength, even if he was lost, it would not be difficult to get out of here.

Not to mention, there was also Tsunade. Don't forget that she fought against the Suna ninjas back then. She was the nemesis of the Sunagakure. She was able to destroy Suna's prized puppets with her own strength. How could she not be familiar with the terrain of the Land of Wind?

"Yeah, I can't remember that Tsunade is an all-powerful know-it-all." Ryoha was not stingy with his praise, and Tsunade was not easy to please.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go." Tsunade smiled. Walking in this desert that hid natural killing intent was a completely different feeling from before.

Half an hour later, Tsunade suddenly stopped. Ryoha looked at Tsunade strangely and waited for her words. "It seems that our luck is not good. There will be a desert storm soon."

"No way..." Ryoha did not expect that he would encounter a desert storm that was so dark and difficult to encounter. Moreover, it was the first time he came in and he encountered it. Suddenly, rustling sounds came from the distance. It grew larger as time went. Not long after, Ryoha noticed that the airflow around him began to change. A suction force began to gradually appear.

Sure enough, soon, a desert storm that almost covered the entire sky appeared in his vision. It was too spectacular. The powerful might of nature was fully displayed.

"Should I dodge it or destroy it?" Ryoha looked at Tsunade. After all, Tsunade was the most experienced in dealing with these kinds of situations.

"Fortunately, this is only a desert storm. If there's also a hurricane, the range of the sandstorm would be very wide. We can only avoid it or create an obstacle to resist it. As long as it is destroyed, there will be no problem. Tsunade intended to form a seal to release her Wood Release to destroy it, but Ryoha stopped her."

"Let me do it, Shikotsumyaku Bone Fortress!" Ryoha looked at the violent desert storm and pressed his hand on the ground. A large number of bones emerged from the desert.

These bones kept growing higher and higher, and at the same time, their shape was constantly changing.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a giant fortress made entirely of bones enveloped the desert storm. The powerful tearing force continued to bombard the bone fortress, but it was unable to break it apart.

"This will only last as long as your Bloodline Limit's ability could bear. If this goes on, it won't take long for a hole to be torn open in the bone dome. At that time, it will shatter with a bang." Tsunade said.

"Of course, I know. It's just that I need to seal the desert storm, which is the most important thing to bring up the sand in an area. Moreover, I don't intend to destroy the desert storm. I just want to test out the defensive ability of the Hiraishin. However, I am worried that the preparation for the first use is not good enough, so I restrained it."

Ryoha walked to the front of Bone Fortress and opened his Mangekyo Sharingan. He didn't use the Mangekyo, but simply used the other abilities of the Mangekyo that wouldn't consume his vision. In an instant, a Hiraishin formula had already appeared on top of the Bone Fortress.

"You are not planning to use Hiraishin to transfer the desert storm inside the dome, are you?" Tsunade was also able to use the Hiraishin, but her Hiraishin was the same as Minato. She could use her hands to leave the formula anywhere and move between them.

Although the way she used it was a bit different, the final effect and purpose were the same. However, it was more convenient to use her eyes. In the first stage of the Hiraishin, her hands and eyes were no different. Because her speed of engraving the formula was slower, it was impossible to use it in battle.

However, after reaching the second stage, both of them could instantly draw and leave the formula on the medium they needed. Tsunade left the formulas in the place where her hand touched. Ryoha left the formulas in a place where his eye could see. Relatively speaking, Ryoha's was more convenient and easier to use in battle.

Moreover, Ryoha's Inverted Cross Mangekyo had a wide range of vision, so it was the best choice to combine it with the Hiraishin. On the other hand, Tsunade did not choose Ryoha's method but chose to use her hand to leave the formulas.

After all, each had its own method, and each had its own way of doing things. For Ryoha, using the eyes was the most suitable, but for Tsunade, she felt that using her hand was better for her. As long as it suits them, it was the best way to use it.

Therefore, when Tsunade saw Ryoha's appearance, she knew what he wanted to do. Moving such a large desert storm consumed a lot of chakra. Fortunately, Ryoha's chakra reserve was getting bigger and bigger. Even if it could not compare to her, he was not afraid of consuming a lot of chakra.

"That's what I was planning to do. When I was fighting Pain, I was thinking that Kamui could envelop the target, distort the space around it, and drag it to another space. So I conveniently sent a Kunai with the Hiraishin mark to another dimension through the Kamui at the same time."

"I wanted to see what kind of dimension it was at that time. Would the Kunai be destroyed after the transfer, or would I be unable to sense the Kunai after it got sent there? The result was that I didn't know whether my luck was good or not."

"The Kunai left behind by the Kamui that time didn't disappear, and the Hiraishin mark is still there. Moreover, I also sensed the existence of the mark. In other words, if I can transfer this desert storm to another space, then I absolutely won't hurt anyone.

Ryoha had seen the appearance of the Kamui dimension in the original work. There wouldn't be anyone there. If there was someone who also knew how to use time and space-time ninjutsu, and even if there was one, they wouldn't be in the place where Ryoha transferred the desert storm. If it was really like this, it could only be considered bad luck.

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