
Naruto Vs Kiba

Next match, Naruto vs Kiba, both of you please come forward."

"Aren't you going to wish me good luck?" Naruto asked.

"You don't need the luck to beat him, and if you somehow lose this fight, I won't let you live in peace."

"Well, I won't live so that's fine."

I joked around with him a little to make him relaxed because this was going to be a tough fight for Naruto. Naruto had only fought with me till now and never seen a proper fight before today.

Also, Kiba's fighting technique was unique naruto didn't have any experience with Kiba's fighting style. Not to mention Kiba wasn't that weak.

I would go as far as to say that if Sasuke hasn't awakened Sharingan then I think Kiba would win against him.

But that's not enough to beat Naruto, Naruto's raw strength and stamina would be too much for Kiba to handle especially if the fight goes on for a long time.

Anyway, both Naruto and Kiba arrived on the stage.

Kiba looked at Akamaru. "Akamaru be careful he is strong."

Kiba didn't underestimate Naruto because Naruto came second in the race.

"3, 2, 1, Start."

As soon as Iruka sensei said start Kiba got in all four limbs and rushed towards Naruto. Naruto didn't have enough fighting experience to deal with an unexpected situation during the fight.

Naruto didn't know what to do so he got in a defensive position. Kiba tried to hit Naruto with an elbow to the body but Naruto blocked it with his hands.

When Naruto dropped his hands to defend against Kiba's attack Akamaru took the opportunity and scratched Naruto's face.

Akamaru was still young so it didn't have enough power to cause some serious damage but its claw was still sharp and was still able to draw some blood.

Naruto got a little tense when he started to bleed. Right at this moment, Kiba who was already close to him delivered him a nice punch on his face.

Naruto was pushed a couple of steps back because of the punch. Kiba also wasn't very experienced in fighting and instead of turning on the gas while Naruto was hurt he created some space, which gave Naruto a little time to recover.

Kiba smiled. "Nice job, Akamaru"

Akamaru barked excitedly *woof woof*

Naruto took a deep breath and focused. He then ran towards Akamaru.

Kiba became surprised when Naruto ignored him and tried to attack his dog.

"Akamaru, run away, he is coming for you."

Kiba also-ran towards Akamaru to block the attack in case Akamaru wasn't able to dodge on time.

Naruto was about to catch up to Akamaru but suddenly Naruto turned to the side and the side and threw a kick. Kiba was running towards him and Akamaru from the right and he wasn't expecting Naruto to turn around in the last second and attack him.

Kiba wasn't able to react in time, and since he was running on all fours he got kicked right on the head. The kick instantly knocked him out, he was running into the kick which increased its power by a lot.

There was complete silence after Naruto knocked out Kiba. Akamaru ran towards Kiba and stood in front of him trying to protect him from Naruto. He looked at Naruto and started to growl and bark.

Iruka sensei came forward and took Kiba to the medic.

"You shouldn't be that aggressive against your friends."

"Sorry sensei, I didn't mean to do that."

"It's all right, he is not hurt badly but you should be careful in the future."

To the normal civilian students who already hated Naruto, he instantly became a ruthless monster. They wouldn't dare to cause problems for him from now on.

Hinata was worried about Kiba's safety and was also amazed by Naruto's power. As for Sasuke, he was just surprised by Naruto's power and wanted to fight him to test himself against him.

As for Naruto, he seemed a little sad because of the results.

"You did good." I said.

"But I hurt him badly."

"So what? What else are you supposed to do in a fight, you have to be used to this kind of things if you want to be a good shinobi if you are going to be sad and depressed every time someone gets hurt then you might as well stop trying to be a shinobi now.

"You will never make it if you get this emotional over such a small thing."

I scolded Naruto for a bit because I don't want him to be a too kind-hearted person. That kind of behavior kills you in this kind of world.

"Next, Sasuke Uchiha Vs Ruki Sato."

It was finally my turn. I was a little excited about this fight. After all, he would be the 2nd ever person I was going to in this world.

Naruto didn't say anything looks like he was still thinking about the Kiba thing.

I sighed and tried to tease him a bit to elevate his mood.

"Hey don't feel so sad, you look ugly when you are sad. Hinata might not like you if she sees you like this."

"You look ugly, you ugly bastard."

"Anyways, watch the fight closely, that kid is strong."

Naruto nodded his head and didn't say anything. Sasuke was already on stage waiting for me. I went towards the stage while smiling.

"Sorry to make you wait."

"You look strong, I hope you don't disappoint me too much."

"Don't worry, I will thoroughly kick your ass if that's what you want."

He glared at me when I said that. His fangirls also started to curse at me.

"How dare you disrespect my Sasuke."

"Sasuke beat his ass."

"Yea Sasuke get him."

What surprised me was that few girls were cheering for me. The girl who was staring at me this morning, Hinata, and few other girls were rooting for me.

"Best of luck Ruki Kun"

"Do your best."

I looked at Sasuke and smiled. "This is what it feels like to be you huh? Not a bad feeling."

Then Iruka sensei spoke. "Are you both ready? 3, 2, 1, Start."


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