
Naruto: Becoming the Reaper

Logan Wiseman an avid lover of anime and manga, was working at a grocery store when the storage steel in the backroom came crashing down on top of his head killing him. When he woke up he was face to face with the shinigami. The shinigami told him he would reincarnate him into the world of naruto, all he had to do was avenge the Uzumaki clan which was almost extinct. He is given an unbreakable tanto blade and prayer beads that will grow along side him. He was given the ability to master and comprehend fuinjutsu easily, along with all chakra natures. The shinigami also gives him a system which is made from millions of dead reincarnators different systems that he just crushed together. **************************************************************** I cannot promise this will be good or stay on cannon. I am not sure if I will go all the way to Boruto. Also, Honestly MC will be OP, probably to the point that it would basically break the normal story but that's the kinda thing I like personally so yeah. **************************************************************** I do not own anything Naruto or any other anime related used in this story. The only parts I own are my OC's and abilities I come up with.

InkedOtaku · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs


The next morning after seeing Kushina off to the ninja academy, Mito continued to teach Amatsu fuinjutsu. Today she decided to teach him how to create the seals using just chakra as the medium and not having to use the brush and ink anymore. She chose to demonstrate the method using the Perimeter Seal.

"The Perimeter Seal is a seal that spreads across the ground one hundred yards in all directions. This will allow you to sense when someone has entered the perimeter and even the direction they are in. It is avoidable if the person avoids touching the ground or anything with in the perimeter that is touching the ground." Explained Mito as she molded her chakra and demonstrated the fuinjutsu.

As Amatsu watched he got the notification that he had learned it at 120%.

Mito looked at him and asked him to give it a try. When she did not only was she paying close attention, but so was Kurama. He was very interested in how this little boy was able to learn this quickly.

Amatsu took a deep breath. Although he was not nervous, since he knew he would be able to complete it easily, he still wanted to make it seem like he was hesitant to try. While this would have worked on most people under the keen perception of Mito and Kurama they easily saw through this façade, but they chose to ignore it.

Amatsu molded the chakra and then slapped the ground. The seal spread out from his palm as it created the perimeter. Mito and Kurama were not shocked by this as they expected him to succeed easily.

"Good job my dear. Now we will continue with learning the B-rank fuinjutsus." Mito said as she patted Amatsu on his head.

They spent the remainder of the morning going over all the B-rank fuinjutsu. After which they sat down at the table to have lunch. When they sat down Mito had a serious expression on her face, which caused Amatsu to feel a little nervous.

"What is wrong Granny?" he asked sweetly.

Mito smiled and asked "Amatsu, have you ever heard of the tailed beasts?"

'Of course I have! I read the manga and watched the anime in my past life!' He thought to himself before saying "No"

Mito sighed and then began to tell a the story "Long ago there was a man known as The Sage of Six Paths. He had defeated and sealed a dangerous being, after which he decided to divide the chakra up. When he divided the chakra he created nine beings out of pure chakra, they are known as the tailed beasts." She paused for a moment to let this sink in.

She looked at Amatsu to see his reaction and to her surprise to see his face did not change at all. It was almost as if he already new all this and was hearing it again. So she decided to continue.

"The most powerful and prideful of the tailed beasts, is the nine tailed fox, known as the Kyuubi. Years ago, my husband the First Hokage and your grandfather, captured the nine tails and with the help of the Uzumaki Clain seals we were able to seal him inside of me, making me the first known jinchuriki. Even now he is inside me." she paused again after telling him before continuing. Just as before his expression stayed the same.

"Remember when I said I only had a few more years left. Well, even though I am an Uzumaki and have strong vitality and chakra, Kurama's chakra is far to powerful for me to handle, especially at my age. Oh and Kurama is the name of the nine tails. He is a grumpy and prideful fellow, but he has his sweet side too." explained Mito.

Mito heard a growl in her heard, which made her laugh a bit.

"So, before I die, I need to seal Kurama inside someone else. Originally it was supposed to be Kushina. She has far stronger chakra than me and should have no issues handling the chakra. But, Kurama himself suggested you and with your talent and potential I see no issues with it. What do you think?" said Mito.

Amatsu finally has a surprised look on his face. Obviously not because of the fact that Kushina is supposed to house the nine tails or the fact that his name is Kurama. What surprised him was the fact that not only Mito, but even Kurama himself wanted him to be the next jinchuriki. But he had no interest in it. While he planned to change some of the events that he disliked when he watched the series, but this was not one of those he wanted to change.

"I am glad the both of you think so highly of me. Unfortunately I do not think I would be the right fit. I am more than happy to help Big Sis with it in the future, but its not for me." said Amatsu apologetically.

"Well, we tried. If you change your mind let me know, there is still a few years. Anyways we will start to get ready and head to the Hokage office. We need to have a chat about your future with him." Mito said as she got up from the table.

After he got ready, Amatsu and Mito left the house and headed in the direction of the Hokage building. As they walked through the village they were greeted by many people, civilians and ninja alike greeted them politely.

"Lady Mito! Good afternoon!" spoke someone from the side.

Amatsu looked over to find the voice came from a ninja wearing a jonin vest. He had white hair tied back in a ponytail with a tanto on his back. He knew who this was immediately as he was always a fan of him. This was Konoha's White Fang! The father of the future Sixth Hokage, Kakashi Hatake.

Mito greeted him back "Good afternoon Sakumo. What are you up to this afternoon?"

"Well I am just going to let the Hokage know that my son was born and is doing well. What about you?" Sakumo stated.

"Well congratulations, I hope he grows up to be as strong as his father. We are also going to see the Hokage to speak about this boys future." explained Mito.

"In that case shall we go together?" Sakumo asked.

Mito simply nodded in reply and they began to all walk together to see the Hokage. Unbeknownst to them, in the shadows were several people hiding. They were wearing black cloaks and masks.

"Inform Lord Danzo, that Sakumo Hatake and Lady Mito and meeting up and taking the outsider boy to the Hokage's office at this moment." one of the cloaked figures ordered to the other. The one who received the order flickered off immediately.

Kurama noticed the fools trailing them, but chose to ignore them and continued sleeping.

Thank you everyone again for enjoying it so much. I am having fun writting. Next chapter will be full of tension and I am excited to write it!

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