
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Cómic
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522 Chs

Chapter 76: Departure

Support me on my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


Title: Departure


"So... How was your little break from the wars?" Shun asked the three, or rather, the two Senju men standing in front of him.

Compared to when they first came here, their entire demeanor had changed whether for the better or not, he wasn't bothered to figure.

"It's been refreshing." Hashirama said.

"Informative?" Tobirama simply said.

"I see... And you lady Mito? How was your experience learning from Yuki and Xin?" Shun asked.

Mito bowed nobly and said. "It was a life changing experience. I believe my experience there will help me better help my husband in more ways than only a wife."

"I see. That's good." Shun nodded. "I called you all here because u believe it's time for you all to leave."

There wasn't much of a reaction from them so shun continued. "It's not that I'm chasing you away, but I just got informed that your clan has sent some individuals to search for you in this land."

"And according to our stipulated rules, they have trespassed and should either be disposed or forever banned from leaving, but seeing as you all are their reason for coming here, I decided to inform you that you should leave."

"I wouldn't want your presence to attract unnecessary violence to this island. You should understand that much right?" Shun smiled as he explained.

His demeanor didn't give any feeling they could actually get a read on. It was as though he was talking to children and assigning or informing them of a task.

The two Senju brothers nodded in understanding. This rule wasn't new to them. Yes, they were in a silent alliance but that alliance also stipulated that unless they were at peace, they were prohibited from stepping on the Tengoku island.

And unlike the Uzumaki clan, the Tengoku clan had the might to protect their island.

"It's good that we understand eachother. Unfortunately for you two, you didn't get the approval of any special squad to prompt them to give you any token. Fortunately for you, Mito got the approval of two squads." Shun said as he stood up.

"Although you don't know the importance of these tokens, you're all family, so I believe Mito wouldn't use this token without consulting you, Hashirama. Make good use of it." Shun continued as he gestured to the three squad captains standing behind Tobirama, Hashirama and Mito, but before he could speak Tobirama asked.

"What is the token about? I've read about the training grounds if your clan, is that related?"

"Hmm? Not at all, I believe Mito would be a dear and give you an explanation but as I don't have much trust in Yuki's thought process, I'll give you a short summary." Shun said and sat back down.

"You see, this clan, or this entire village of ours is known to be the strongest there is on this planet currently. No, it's not arrogance, I believe Hashirama would understand, you did... discomfort a few of them..." Shun chuckled causing Hashirama to blush in embarrassment before nodding in approval.

"We have the confidence to totally annihilate any clan of our choice but we don't, this also means that we have the confidence to do anything humanly possible for anyone who asks for our help."

Seeing the disbelieving expression on Tobirama's face, Shun smiled and said to Kazuma. "Get the test Steele from academy."

"Which one if I may ask?"

"The one used for the captains assessment." Shun replied.

Kazuma nodded and flashed away.

"What's the testing Steele?" Hashirama curiously asked.

Shun was about to explain when Mito began. "It's this object used to measure ones chakra and physical strength. According to Mito, it is made from many seals and crystals, don't worry, you'll see it soon."

She explained with amazement and some pride at knowing more than the two brothers.

"As Lady Mito has said, but do exercise patience, you'll know everything you need to know soon." Shun said and in some seconds, kazuma returned with a scroll in hand.

Placing the scroll on the floor, he poured his chakra and a crystal pillar appeared. It was almost two meters in height and both wide and strong enough to withstand a certain level of force.

The crystal pillar was adorned with various colours fron the lower level up until the top. The colours were Iron, Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Black.

(A/N: Don't ask me the colours of iron, copper and bronze, just take it as it goes.)

"You may have noticed but the People around the island wear varying colours of armbands. Those colours represent their level of chakra, physical strength and merits. Iron being the lowest, Black being the highest." Shun explained.

"Amongst us here, only three of us are at the black level while the rest should be at the diamond level. Kazuma, Kageno, Mikoto, please." Shun gestured pointing at the Steele.

The three nodded and approached the Steele. Kazuma went first, placed his hand on the steel and poured in his chakra. From the lowest levels, the colours were illuminated from iron all the way to the middle stages of Diamond.

Removing his hand from the steel, he three a punch with enough momentum to destroy the building they were in but as soon as the punch hit the steel, the entire kinetic energy was absorbed, causing the steele to light up again from the iron level and stopping at the peak of the gold level.

Kageno followed suit and had the chakra at the early diamond level and physical strength of early gold level.

Mikoto follows after with chakra at peak diamond level with physical strength of early gold level.

Of the three, Kazuma was the strongest, followed by Mikoto and then Kageno.

Shun wasn't surprised at Mikoto's peak level chakra as he knew his earlier surgery on her drained her of her chakra permanently. As someone who could awaken a domain, a certain level of chakra and control was needed.

Mito however was surprised at the result but didn't say anything to it.

"Kageno is someone who doesn't have much physical strength nor chakra but makes up for it in precision and swiftness in finishing his assigned task, hence his qualifications as a captain. Tobirama, why don't you give it a go?" Shun smiled at the stern looking Senju.

"Hn." He hnned and then followed the procedure the others followed and poured in his chakra.

The Steele lit up from the iron level all the way to the peak gold level almost threatening to push into the early diamond level. Seeing this, he squinted his eyes in disbelief before hnning and the throwing a punch, which also lit up till the peak gold level and stopping there.

"Not bad for someone who has been fighting without a proper training his entire life." Shun said in praise but for some reason, Tobirama found it insulting.

"That wasn't an insult, Tobirama-nii. If you had spent some time exploring this village instead of holing yourself up all day for an entire month, you'd understand that." Mito said and went forward to place her hand on the Steele.

This wasn't her first time doing so. In the training dimension, she was required to follow this procedure so as to see how far she had trained when her training was over.

The steele lit up as usual from the iron level to directly to the mid diamond level before stopping much to Tobirama's disbelief and Hashirama's awe.

Mito nodded before making an handsign and muttering, 'Kai'. And instantly, the light on the steele shot up to the mid black level before stopping.

There was a pin drop silence in the room with the only people not really affected being Mikoto, Shun and Hashirama.

Unlike Shun and Mikoto who had an in-depth knowledge on Mito's case, Hashirama's was due to his sensory ability, also, as her husband, she didn't really hide it from him to begin with so...

Following the procedure, her physical strength was also at the black level due to her seal already released.

Hashirama also tested and had the same result as Mito with chakra and physical strength at the black level. This was without his Senjutsu so unlike the deep shock the others expressed at Hashirama's base strength, Shun was merely impressed.

'Wonder how strong he'll be if Ashura's chakra is unlocked and stacked.' Shun wondered with a slight smile on his face.

"With that settled, let's go back to what I was saying before this. Not counting the three captains here, the other seven and their vice captains are already strong enough to take on the full power of the Senju clan, no?"

Tobirama frowned but didn't deny, neither did Hashirama.

"So with that token in hand, you can request of anything from the respective squad. If the request is more than the captain can fulfill, the captain is obligated to bring it up to me or the Sonchō at that time."

"The Sonchō is not required to see this request through, but depending on the request, he should be obliged to do so." Shun concluded.

"That's good, it should add a layer of protection over us in the future." Hashirama said with a smile. He wasn't bothered in the least about Shun's blatant underestimation of his clan as to him, all that mattered was whether he could successfully protect what he wished to protect.

"That is true." Shun nodded. "Anything you want to say before you leave?"

"What is your own level?" Tobirama asked causing everyone to look at him in confusion. The thought on their mind unknown.

That was a reasonable reaction though, to the three captains, Shun had never bothered to go all out whenever he trained with them and they could feel it in their bones that they would have no chance at retaliation if he did.

"You should know about our clan's Domain, yes?" Shun asked to which Tobirama nodded. "I've heard and read up on it."

"Then you should also know that to have a domain, a certain level of chakra is needed to achieve this, yes?" Shun asked again to which the Senju nodded.

"If Mikoto, who's a non-combatant could have a peak level chakra only due to her injury, how much chakra do you think she possesses at her peak?" Shun stood up and made his way to the steele.

"Don't forget Hashirama had to use a good portion of his strength to hold her back in your clan. If that's the case, how much chakra do you think me, the Vilage chief, who needs the approval of all nine captains to become the chief, possess in this body of mine?" Shun asked with a light smile on his face.

"The ancients had a saying which the people of this generation seem to neglect so often, 'There's always a mountain higher than another mountain.' It's meant to tell us never to be arrogant or conceited in our strength as there's always someone stronger." Shun said and placed his hand in the steele.

"Pay close attention to someone capable of leading a village such as this." The instant he said this, the Steele lit up and climbed allt he was over to the black levels peak, in the next instant the Steele began rumbling causing Shun to quickly remove his hands.

Throwing a one inch punch at the Steele, it lit up again and began rumbling, but as it absorbing an energy in motion, Shun couldn't hold back and the Steele was destroyed.

"Oh~to... I think I used too much strength, hahaha." Shun laughed not minding the silence that dominated the room.

Walking back to his chair, he said. "You should have learned a lot from that library of ours, this is also part of the reason why we don't hide our knowledge, read as much as you want, all we have to do it make the next generation stronger that we are, after all, it's the students Job to surpass his/her master, isn't it?"

"Hashirama, all the questions you want to ask me, ask your little brother, I believe he'll help you achieve your dreams. Tobiram... I don't even know what to say to you... Just know that should the Uchiha clan feel threated by you and are at the brink of extinction, we'll always be forced to step in." Shun said and then looked behind them.

"You should escort them to their clansmen and then out of the island."

"Hai." The three saluted and then placing their hands on their wards, they flashed out of the room.

"What a pain. Hopefully, Tobi doesn't go down the racist route he took in the canon." Shun murmured to himself and brought out his trusty 'phone'.

"Halo, Ria-tan, it's your lovely Shun-nii speaking. Miss me?"

"Not in the least." Came a reply from the 'phone'

"Guh!... Your words break my heart Ria-tan, truly. Anyways, do you remember our plan when we first made the bank system?"

"Yeah... What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about how I'm going to be screwing up some 'Shinobi'."

"Shinobi? Have you come up with a weird name again?"

"Nah... Someone will be coming up with it soon. I'm just saying it incase you both hear about it."

"Oh... Is that all."

"No... well yes but I just wanted to discuss some with you."


"Well you see, Nami-chan is exploring outer space right now, so I was wondering if you would want to go with her? Kaguya too.... It's not good to work for so long, you know..."

"... Who's going to take up our work?"

"Just leave a clone, I plan on doing that too. We've been doing this for decades now, create a clone with my appearance or any random appearance, marry him, protrude your belly, then in some months put the civilians in a Genjutsu and then boom, new child."

"I know Shun, that's what I've been doing for the past few decades. My concern is with the Yamada clan."

"What's their beef?"

"Well, they're a samurai clan so they believe in following a royal family, similar to the shogunate and stuff, so they're going against the democratic system we put in place."

"I don't see how that's a problem?"

"I can't just off them Shun,"

"Well, small time Genjutsu will do the trick, and over a month or at most a year, the entire clan should be under your thumb right?"



"I'm trying to lead... Not dictate... This is a trial, a challenge to me and I have to see it through, if not in this lifetime, then in my 'childs' lifetime."

"I see... I believe you.. but have you told Kaguya about this?"

"She asked if she should erase the entire clan... She's just like you.. too extreme..."

"Hey! That's not being extreme... It's called seeing the bigger picture."

"Your picture. Not mine...."

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever..."

"Anyways, did something happen between you and Hinami?" Ria asked, changing the topic.

"Why do you ask?"

"From the Hinami I know, she wouldn't leave you, no matter what.. she's that dedicated."

"That's true..." Shun said and sighed.

"Just like you, she thinks I'm too uncaring." Shun said.

"Hey... I didn't call you uncaring, I said extreme..." Ria corrected.

"Well, you'd have to be uncaring to be extreme, no?"

"...Whatever, and then?"

"She said I should do something about the current situation of the world, just like that old toad."

"And what did you say?"

"What I've always said and I continue to stand by that... They should learn themselves,"

"... She did tell me that Indra-nii and Ashura-nii-sama's soul are being eroded and you're doing about it."

"Sigh... So she did tell you something..." Shun sighed. "Well, what she's seeing is not what it looks like. Yes, their souls aren't resting but their will still hold strong even after nearly a millennium."

"As far as their will holds strong, their soul can always be recovered. That's the basics of the soul... Didn't she know that?" Ria asked in confusion.

"My point exactly... But I guess Hinami is too caring, that's why I love her but she needs to see the bigger picture sometimes."

"... Yeah. I'll agree with you on this picture of yours, but that doesn't mean I'll side with you."

"Yeah, I figured. It's always you three against me, sigh... Wonder where Nagi is and why he's hiding from me... Nami isn't or she isn't making an effort to do so for some reason and her preferences are becoming quite...unique."

"Oh... I know... It's hot you know... She's with that Tomoe girl you trained right?"

"Yeah... She found her interesting and added her into her harem, I don't even know what to think anymore..."

"Right? An entire island of women, aremt you tempted to go there?"

"Humph, you underestimate me too much Ria-tan..." Shun sounded quite insulted.

"That's my-" Ria nodded in appreciation but was interrupted mid sentence.

"I've already been there a long time ago, hahahaha."

Shun said as Ria was about to praise him.

There was an eerie silence from the other side of the 'phone' before Ria said.


"Hmm?" "Kaguya will hear of this."

"C'mon! I only went there to see how my cute daughter was doing, what kind of person do you take me for?" Shun asked in an aggrieved tone.

"A perverted person?"

"C'mon... All men are perverted there's no exclusion to that. Women too. Men just tend to express themselves more than women." Shun defended.

"I see." Ria said and from Shun's side, he heard a tearing sound similar to the one that sounds when space is forcefully torn apart.

Suddenly, a bad feeling covered his entire being as he heard Ria's next words. "Kaguya-nee, Shun said you are a perverted princess."

"Hmm?" A delicate sound came from the other side of the tear which Shun could hear perfectly well.

"Kaguya-hime, I can explain. You know I'd never say something like that right?" Shun pleaded like a man he was.

"If course I'm aware... Which is why I'm disturbed by the fact that you said it now..." Kaguya's soft voice same over again

"No. No. You don't understand, I never said it in the first place... Try looking a few seconds into the last and you'll see."



"I'm becoming rather suspicious of you now."


"Didn't you say I shouldn't peak into the past or future?"

"Of course-"

"Then why will you tell me to do just that now?"

"C'mon... I'm trying to prove myself innocent here."

"I see.... Ria-chan, I'll be with you in a sec."

Shun hearing this dropped the 'phone' back into his dimensional space and sighed.

"Guess I'll be visiting Veldanava after all,"

Leaving a clone behind he looked into space, where the universe seemed to end, and jn a flash, he was already at the end of the universe. Creating a small tear on the universal membrane, he shrank his body and before the tear could heal, he was out of the Naruto Universe.


Shun's Clone POV

"I guess this should be enough till the end of the fourth Shinobi war." Shun thought as he assessed his body.

This body was created to have a normal human body's body system and not the overly Overpowered body he had.

"This was, perhaps fights will be more interesting. Didn't think only a small misunderstanding will motivate me to do this. Sigh." He sighed as at that instant, the space in his office seemed to open up without much fluctuation.

The only person other that Hinami who could achieve this was Kaguya.

Resigning himself to his fate, he put on a smile and said. "Welcome to this humble office of mine, Kaguya, Ria. Hope we all came in peace?"

"Of course, why would I come in anything other than peace?" Kaguya's soft voice answered as she stepped out of the portal. No. Floated out of the portal.

"Where is your main body?" She asked after throwing him a glance.

"Outside." Shun simply answered.

"Outside... Asin planet or..."

"Universe I'm afraid. You can't possibly catch him." The clone said smugly.

"I see..." Saying that, she created a clone too and as if locking on to Shun's remnant energy, she looked at the same place Shun looked at minutes ago, and teleported.

Thanks to her mastery over both space and time, she quickly passed billions of light-years in an instant at the expense of her entire chakra only to come upon a very study universal membrane.

"You can't possibly follow me, Kaguya-chan," Shun's voice came from the membrane.

"Don't bother looking for me, I left this remnant soul here to pass on my message." He continued.

"I know you want to also leave this boring place and see the universe outside, trust me, there's a lot you don't know about what's outside the outer universe. Just train as I've always taught you, make good use of you time and space abilities and all that will be holding you back is your imagination. Don't mind Ria's accusations about me calling you a pervert, we both know you are so dispens with the attitude."

Kaguya blushed and looked around covertly to see if anyone was around. Seeing there was no one, she heaved a sigh of relief and looked at the Remnant soul in anger.

"I know you're probably giving me the look now, don't bother, I can possibly feel it, when this soul pass on this message it'll dissipate without me getting the feedback so... Oh! The same applies to the clone. Better protect it as if it dies.. well, it dies, no coming back and no me-time."

"Alright. Times up. See you when k see you."

Saying that, the remnant soul dissipated.

"Humph." Kaguya snorted and teleported into her dimension, and from there, she appeared back at Shun's office.

"You owe me." She simply stated.

"Of course I do, Kaguya-hime. Tell me, what is it that you desire?"


Support me on my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.

A/N: Hey guys, how's it going? There's two things I would like to talk about concerning this chapter.

One. Shun isn't a simp, I got the feeling some will lose interest seeing this. No, he isn't, and he isn't also a sigma male.

Personally I don't like that Simp, beta male and sigma male, classification given to boys.

It's all about feelings so there's that.

Second. No... Naruto continues the very next chapter, I just wanted to have a reason to nerf Shun a little to be atleast beatable or injurable with reason.

That's that.
