
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
522 Chs

Chapter 34

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A/N: Hey guys... I'm currently disheartened by you guys... I was expecting my patrons to Renew their subscriptions this month, but three of them left. It broke my heart deeply but I'll continue... For those who remained.


Title: Chunin Exams 6


"Yo." Shun greeted his fellow Jounin leaders who were seated in one of the higher floors in the tower.

Seeing him appearing out of nowhere and greeting them so casually, some of the Jounins raised their guards against him while the familiar ones merely nodded their heads before turning back to the huge screen showing the different parts of the forest.

"Tch. Boring..." he muttered to himself as he went and took a seat beside Kakashi who was seriously minding his business.

"Hey spiky." Shun greeted only to receive a "hmm." of acknowledgment from the one-eyed Jounin much to his annoyance.

Seeing no one being particularly interested in chatting with him, Shun also paid attention to the screen and came to realise why most of them were sulky.

It turned out that Gaara has been going on a rampage since he stepped into the tower, killing any and all examinee he came across.

And as it turns out, he was already entering the tower.

Looking at the other screens, Shun couldn't help but compare the exams to all those inner sect exams or something similar.

Out of the 79 that actually went in, less than half were still alive. "Hmm?" Shun hummed as he caught sight of a lone figure also making her way into the tower.

"Yakumo?" Shun muttered and then looked at Kakashi and nudged him. "Hey, how come I didn't know she was participating in this exams."

"Who?" Kakashi asked as he looked up with a boring expression. "Oh she? Well, thanks to a certain someone, she's already Jounin material, this is just.... village secrets."

"I see..." Shun nodded and turned to look at the screen. "So she's Konoha's dark horse... You guys probably want her to dominate the entire exams. Raising your worth in the eyes of the world..."

Kakashi visibly twitched but didn't react as he continued reading his book.

'Now that's interesting... This exams just took a new turn, well, considering the fact that Orochimaru would be attacking mid-exams, she won't get her chance to show off. A pity.' Shun reasoned.

He really wanted to see how much she had developed her abilities and how much longer she could last in her [Edo full release], the Bankai. That mode had potential to alter reality with her imagination being the limit.

'i really want to have a fight with her.' Shun thought before looking to another screen to see the bloody figure of his team.

Well, two were bloodied with one being relatively less affected.

Haruta being the medic of the group was relatively alright but her pale face was enough to tell anyone that she'd exerted all her efforts in keeping the duo safe.

Seeing this, Shun smirked and thought. 'Well, this will show them how weak they are.'

Unlike cultivation worlds where might makes up the difference in a battle, in this world, no matter how strong you are in terms of chakra or bloodline, techniques and experience are what makes the difference.

The three, having never left the village to engage in any life threatening battles, always had the thought that they were strong.

The three members of his team, despite their upbringing and clan support, had held a somewhat naive view of their own strength. Shun recognized that, had it not been for his rigorous training before their departure, they might have met a tragic end, endangering their bloodlines.

'Welps, I was tasked in making sure they returned safely, guess send a mini clone to watch over them won't be all that bad.' Shun thought and passed his chakra through the tower.

At a well hidden corner of the tower, a miniature shun sprouted from the ground looking all cute and all before vanishing.

'Hmm. Guess it'll be a five day wait till the last person enters the tower...' Shun thought and immediately shut down his consciousness while folding space around his body.

(A/N: Limitless.)


The days passed, and the tension within the tower continued to escalate. Shun's miniature clone diligently kept an eye on his teammates. It monitored their every move and condition, ready to intervene if necessary.

As the last day before the final participant's entry drew near, Shun's thoughts wandered to the imminent arrival of Orochimaru.

Shun couldn't help but Marvel at the audacity the man had to walk into the tower amidst the watchful eye of the third Hokage whom Anko had called after witnessing Gaara's record breaking act.

Despite being under a well made disguise, to walk in with the face of a village Chunin was the peak of Guts in Shun's book.

On the fifth day, Shun watched the trio of Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, along with Kabuto face off against the three Ame Genins.

Shun couldn't help but wonder why the trio, especially Naruto and Sasuke didn't find Kabuto suspicious. Weather it was because of his headband or due to his amicable personality, he couldn't tell.

As for the Ame Genins, they didn't pose much of a threat to the team as the skill [Analyse] was able to tell apart the original body from the clones the genins generated.

'Hmm, should I put a restriction on that skill? It can be a cheat considering the world we're in.' Shun wondered.

In Shinobi battles, tricks and Illusions were mainstay. In a situation where even such common things don't work on these two, where would the excitement be?

Shun, thinking this, decided to ignore for the mean time and watched the other participants who were still outside the tower. However, he caught the moment Kabuto bode farewell to the trio and knew that Kakashi was about to leave.

"Need a hand?" Shun asked knowing that the seal placed on the two scrolls was a minor summoning seal grafted from the Hirashin. Moving through space could disrupt any humans sense of balance.

"Nah. I had the flash as my Sensei." Kakashi said and kept his book into his pouch and looked at the scene. "But to think they'd make it this far..."

"What, you didn't think they'd make it?" Shun asked but Kakashi shook his head.

"As their Sensei, I have to believe in them. I've taught them everything they need to know, the rest is up to them." Kakashi said with an eye smile.

"If anyone heard you, they might have actually believed you. Like hell you taught them anything." Shun said and Kakashi turned to him and said. "Didn't I learn that from you?"

"Teach them the theories and leave the practical to them."

"Hey. At least I make sure I show them while also making sure their bodies remembers." Shun corrected.

"I can't bear to hurt them, also, they're plenty strong already." Kakashi said

"That isn't enough...Oh, off you go." Shun said and immediately, Kakashi was teleported out of the room.

Iruka had asked to be the one to congratulate the trio after they made it to the tower but Kakashi had surprisingly, vehemently refused with the excuse that it was his duty

"I guess he's softer than he was supposed to be." Shun muttered.

Afterall, in the original, all the teams were actually congratulated by the Jounin-sensei. The only exception was team Seven who were congratulated by Iruka.

In the original, Kakashi immediately accepted when Iruka asked him, further cementing the believe that he was a somewhat lazy Sensei.

Shun understood Iruka's worry, afterall, he had just gotten to begin accepting Naruto, and all of a sudden, Kakashi had him registered into the Chunin exams, which was a bloody exams.

Spending five days in worry could do a lot to anyone and Iruka wasn't an exception. This time however, Naruto had many others worried about him, so Iruka wasn't all that needed.

'Well, I guess I should go meet up with my team and see how they're recuperating.' Shun thought and vanished from the room.

Masaru, Haruta and Takashi all made it to the tower two days prior with heavy injuries, and despite Haruta's efforts, the amount of blood they had lost couldn't be made up with just medical Ninjutsu.

A good rest with nutritional supplements was arranged for them from Shun's pocket.

"Hey guys." Shun greeted as he entered the room they were lodging in inside the tower.

"Hey Sensei." They all greeted.

"I see you're all looking better." Shun said and pulled a seat to make himself comfortable. "So, what do you think?"

"..." The three looked at eachother for sometime before looking at the floor in both shame and indignation.

"What's this? I haven't seen you lot for three two days and you're all already mute?" Shun asked looking shocked

"Sensei... Are we really that weak?"

"Yup." Shun said mercilessly without any hesitation causing the already deflated trio to look even more deflated.

"And that reaction is why. You just accept my words without wanting to now why. Why did I say that? Why are you weak? Why do you think you're weak? All these are questions you ask on your road to self discovery." Shun began but he could see the kids weren't in the mood for his quirks.

"Sigh. Alright, you're weak, what about it?" Shun then asked them. "You still have one more test to go? Are you going to give up?"

The three looked at eachother but didn't say anything. The harsh reality they had had to face during this exams was enough to change their lives, but still, that was just it.

They didn't have any protagonist aura or a grand desire or goal they were working towards. Hell, was it not for Shun's interference with the timeline, they would probably be dead in one burnt village or someone's playthings.

"Haha, just hold unto your answers for now. When you meet your fellow participants and you're given the option, you can decide then." Shun said and stood to leave the room.

As he was about to open the door, Haruta said. "Sensei..."


"Can we really make it?"

Shun shrugged and said. "I've done my best where you three are, the question is, have you done your best? My father always once told me it's always better to lose when I know that they're 10 others better than me, but should I lose when they're 10 others more determined than me, then I shouldn't say I was his son."

Shun said, quoting a random quote he couldn't even remember where he heard it.

"Eh? But I heard you were a genius..." Masaru asked.

"That's isn't the case at hand." Shun cut him off.

"Now, I think I've done my bit as a teacher. The rest is up to you as the students." Saying that, he left the room.

Hours later, the genins were all called to assembly at the first floor of the tower where they would be addressed by the Hokage.


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