
Chapter 77

Last Time:

"I have an idea." Naruto replied with a grin on his face.


~ With Naruto and the girls ~

Naruto groaned as he, Yugito, and Samui finally walked out of the Raikage tower. He had sealed the body Yugo had in his size and was now walking towards a nearby lawyer's office. "Naruto-kun, what are we doing here?" Samui asked as they stepped into the cool office. "I just need some documents drawn up girls. I won't be long." Naruto said as he fished out a few bucks from his wallet. "Why don't you two go get us something to drink and I'll be back in a few minutes." Naruto said, sending them across the street.

"Naruto-kun, why can't we go in with you?" Samui asked, curious about what he was planning to do. "Just something.." Naruto replied, but was suddenly grabbed by Yugito and pulled into a headlock. "Tell us or we hurt you!" She said with a dangerous tone in her voice. Naruto shook his head and slipped out of the hold. "Believe me, I won't be long." Naruto said to the girls. They huffed and walked away, leaving him to his devices. Naruto grinned and walked into the lawyer's office.

~ With Naruto ~

Naruto walked inside and looked to the tall, lanky man sitting behind his desk. He had oily, black hair swept back and wore a cheap suit, making Naruto watch the man carefully. "Yes, how can I help you?" He asked, making Naruto sigh. "I need some help managing my estate and everything I own." Naruto said, making the man grin. "Of course, of course, do take a seat and we'll see what we can do." He said. Naruto nodded and took a seat. "Before we begin, I would like to call in a witness to watch over the proceedings and record them so nothing goes wrong." Naruto said to the man.

The man smiled. "Naruto-san, of course you can. While I might not look like the most honest of men, I have never betrayed a client." The man said. Naruto nodded and left to get Yugo.

~ Time skip – After Yugo Arrived ~

Naruto huffed as he dragged Yugo into the office, then slammed the door shut. After he had left, he had been hounded by the girls as to what he was doing. He told them he had to get somebody that wasn't involved to watch over the proceedings, but they continued to pester everything he did. Naruto finally lost them, went to the Raikage tower, and snuck Yugo into the lawyer's office. "Naruto-san, I take it you have everything you need?" the man asked. Naruto nodded and took a seat. "Let's begin.." Naruto said, but never got the man's name.

"Daichi. Daichi Ikematsu." The man replied as he took a seat behind his desk. "Let's begin."

~ Time skip – After Everything was settled ~

Naruto grinned and shook his lawyer's hand. "Naruto-san, I do hope we can continue to do business soon." Daichi said. Naruto nodded. "Sure, just make sure that those documents are dated to three months ago." Naruto said to the man, who nodded. "No problem. If anyone asks, I'll just say they got held up in my office." The man replied. Naruto nodded and walked outside, then turned to Yugo. "Remember, Yugo-san. This happened three months ago." Naruto said to the man, getting a nod out of him. "Perfect. Just promise me that you'll remember that if anyone should ask, and your debt to me is paid." Naruto finished.

Yugo nodded, then looked at his watch. "Shit, I'm late. I've got to go, Naruto-san. Thank you again!" The man said and walked away. Naruto nodded and turned, only to see a fuming Yugito and Samui waiting for him at a nearby restaurant, arms crossed. 'Shit, how am I going to salvage this one?' He wondered, until a small stand of flowers caught his attention. "I'm saved.." He muttered and pulled out his wallet.

~ In the Restaurant ~

Samui huffed as she finished yet another dry martini. "Where is that idiot?" She wondered. "Who knows, but when he gets here.." Yugito said in a dangerous tone. Before any of them could formulate a plan, Naruto walked into the restaurant. He held a bouquet of beautiful Marigolds in one hand and a bouquet of exotic blue dyed Orchids. He quickly approached where they sat and handed Samui the Marigolds, then Yugito the blue dyed orchids. "Sorry for the hold up." Naruto said as he took a seat and looked through the menu.

"Naruto-kun, what are you planning?" Yugito asked in a 'no-nonsense' tone. Naruto looked around to see a few off duty shinobi around the restaurant, making his slightly nervous. "We'll talk when we get back home, I promise." Naruto assured Yugito and kissed her hand, making her blush. "For now, let's just enjoy the evening and where it goes." Naruto said as he gave a quick kiss to Samui. Both of the girls shot a small glare at him, but relented and enjoyed their dinner. "So Naruto-kun, what do you think we should do while you're on house arrest?" Yugito asked.

Yugito then smirked and ran her leg up his, making him shudder as her leg got closer and closer to his crotch. Samui sighed and elbowed Yugito, making Naruto sigh in relief. He then tensed back up as Samui ran her legs across his crotch. "I could think of a few things.." Samui said, making him tense up. "Uh.. Let's just… uh.." Naruto said, making both girls smile, knowing they still had this kind of control over him. Naruto huffed as they both giggled. "You guys are cruel.." Naruto said as he adjusted himself in his seat.

"Well, let's eat." He said as he motioned the waiter over to take their orders. Yugito was about to retort when her stomach grumbled. "No argument there.." she sighed out.

~ That Night – With Naruto, Samui, and Yugito in the House ~

Naruto sighed as he stepped into the newly built house. "Well, if anything, they have good taste.." He muttered as he knocked against the thick oak door. He and the girls then went upstairs to explore the house and looked around. There were three bedrooms, two medium sized ones and a king sized bedroom. There were also two bathrooms, one in the king size bedroom and another in the hallway, and it came equipped with the standard kitchen, bedroom, laundry room, and backyard. "It's nice, but.." Samui said as she looked around, a confused look on her face. "It's not what you expected, is it?" Yugito said, getting a nod out of her fellow blonde.

"Well, it won't be staying around long.." Naruto said as he took a seat on one of the couches the house came furnished with, compliments of the Raikage. "What do you mean, Naruto-kun?" Yugito asked, eyes watching him carefully. "Simple, really. A paid the bill to get this house, but it didn't come out the way we wanted. And I'm dying tomorrow anyway, so there's no reason to keep around a property no one wants." Naruto commented off handedly. He was quickly grabbed by his vest and slammed into a nearby wall by Yugito. "What the hell did you just say?!" She demanded, her chakra levels spiking because of her agitation.

"I said I'm going to die tomorrow.." Naruto reiterated, only to huff as Yugito pushed him deeper into the wall. "Explain. Quickly." Samui said in a serious tone, making Naruto nod. "Well, A said he was going to come in tomorrow and slap a house arrest seal on me, right?" Naruto asked the girls, getting quick nods from them both. "Well, before he does, I'll have a small accident with a faulty gas line." Naruto said as he pulled out a scroll. "But, how will you stop them from noticing the differences? You know, as far as DNA and dental records?" Samui asked. "You asked Yugo to switch your records with this guy, didn't you?" Yugito accused.

Naruto nodded and was finally let go by Yugito. "So that's why you decided to go to the morgue as soon as it was announced by the Raikage you would be put under house arrest." Samui muttered. "Exactly. I can't spend three months doing nothing." Naruto said as he got up and knelt before the girls, taking both of their hands into his. "I know this seems like a lot for me to ask of you, but I need for you both to trust me on this one." He said as he kissed Yugito's hand, then Samui's. "Are you guys with me on this one?" He asked, both Yugito and Samui looking away with flushed faces.

"How about next time, you warn us about what you're planning on doing instead of just dropping it on our laps?" Samui asked, slightly mad she was pushed into this. "Well, you can't really complain. You did tell him we would be with him through thick and thin." Yugito said, making Samui look at her. "Wait, what?" Samui asked. "You're the one who told him what we had discussed. I may have been drunk, but I can still remember everything I heard." Yugito said with a smirk. Samui's blush spread across her face. "We're with you, Naruto-kun." Yugito said affirming, making Naruto smile.

They both then turned to Samui, who was trying with all her might to stay mad. "Remember, you're ours and ours alone!" Samui said as she pulled him up to her and kissed him. Naruto smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Before they could get any further, Yugito stopped them and motioned to the master bedroom. "Come along, Naruto-kun.." Yugito said as she sauntered up the stairs. "We're going to have plenty of fun tonight." Samui finished and Yugito smacked her butt. Naruto quickly jumped up and ran up the stairs after them.

~ The Next Day – Early Morning ~

Yugito groaned as she slowly got up and turned to see Naruto pulling up his pants. She blushed as she saw a bite mark on his ass. "Sorry, was that me?" She asked, blushing profusely. He turned to see the blushing Yugito. "Yea, you get dangerous when you're rough.." He replied, making her blush more. She then elbowed Samui, waking her up. "..Not the nipple!" Samui muttered as she raised her head to see Yugito and Naruto getting dressed. "Did I miss something?" She asked. "We're going to get started with the plan." Naruto said as he began cleaning the room.

Samui slowly got up and got dressed, then headed downstairs. Yugito followed and Naruto sighed. He unsealed the corpse, set it into the bed wearing sleep clothes, and then went downstairs after Yugito and Samui.

~ Downstairs ~

Naruto grinned as he saw Yugito and Samui at the kitchen table drinking coffee. "So, what's the plan, Naruto-kun?" Yugito asked as she saw him take a seat. "I'm going to have a few clones connect the gas line to the house and leave the hose connecting the gas line to the stove loose. As soon as it's connected, I'll have a clone disguise himself as a worker from the gas line and suppress his chakra severely with a seal. Afterwards, you and Yugito will have to pump a small amount of chakra into it to make its small chakra pools different from mine." Naruto said to Samui, who nodded.

"Alright, if I'm correct, then you guys and the clone will bump into A and Mabui as they are coming to activate the house arrest. The clone will leave you guys and as soon as it's clear of you, you will tell A he was from the gas company. That will raise some eyebrows, and you will rush here. One of you will rush to the door and slam it open. As soon as the slightest spark is made by the hinge, the house will blow sky high I'm dead and free to go on my training trip. Of course, you guys will have to sell the whole "I'm dead" thing." Naruto said, making the girls sigh.

"Alright, tears here and there, then a rebound date.." Samui muttered, only to be stopped as Naruto grabbed her and pressed her against him. "Hey, just because I'm dead doesn't mean I'm not yours. And it doesn't mean you're not mine." He finished with a grin and kissed her, making the girl blush. "And don't you forget it." Samui said, then kissed him. Yugito smiled and smacked his butt, making him jump slightly at the sharp sensation of the bite mark she gave him. "You already know why you're mine.." She whispered into his ear and kissed him.

Naruto blushed but nodded. He then turned and made two shadow clones. "Alright guys, let's get to work. We have to time this just right.." Naruto said, making the two clones salute. He then turned to the girls. "Now, let's have some breakfast." Naruto said with a smile.