
Naruto: Ashigaru

Two people from our worlds were reincarnated. The first one reincarnated as an orphan, and the last one was from the Yamanaka ClanThey didn't know each other, but they will have to work together as they didn't know a lot about this world, and they have to leave Konoha if they didn't want to be brainwashed by Danzo. What would they do? Author note: There will be techniques from the other series, but the main story will stick to Naruto. They will be a bit overpowered, but I will try to not overdid that. If you have any ideas or suggestions, leave them in the comment section. And if you want to support my creation, you can visit my Patreon account at pat_reon.com/zwolf1 (without '_'). You can also read five more advanced chapters there. Thank you :)

Zolf001 · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 03

We move to the east as fast as we can, disguising ourselves as ordinary civilians who need to evacuate. I can hear the voice of Shikaku Nara, the Jonin commander, from Aoki's Radio.

"Genin and Chunin, help the evacuation! All of the Jonin, to Hokage office, now!" It was a special radio for all of the Konoha Ninja and as a genin, Aoki has to be ready every time for a situation like this. But now, Aoki closed the radio and destroyed it so that the Konoha Ninja will not have a hint about our escape.

"Use soru, and avoid the hospital at all cost. All of the powerful ninjas will be there to protect the medic. Use the civilian district route. Avoid using chakra, the detection team will notice us. Let's meet five kilometers straight from the east gate."

I nodded as he leaves me behind at a high speed. Honestly, soru is probably the best skill out of all rokushiki. Combined with Shunshin no Jutsu, I think we can escape from anyone.

I move at a high speed while observing the evacuation. I can see the young Guy Maito and Genma Shiranui lead the evacuation. Fortunately for me, they are not good at detecting the unknown presence, especially when they are under the stress of evacuating people.

I move to the meeting point with Aoki as fast as I can. It is quite easy for me to leave the village with no one guarding it. But in all honestly, even if not in a dangerous condition, it is still easy to leave, as it is just two chunin who usually guard the gate and the detection skill will not see us as a threat as we are born in Konoha.

I arrived at the meeting point without getting into any trouble and wait for Aoki as I activated my observation haki, scanning this area. I can hear a frightening roar from afar which I know coming from the Kyuubi.

'So it has already started. Come on, Aoki-san. Don't take our time too long.' I muttered anxiously.

But after fifteen minutes, I didn't feel Aoki's presence I started to think about the worst scenario. If I can reach the spot just in 20 minutes with geppo, the only reason that I can think of why Aoki hasn't arrived here for almost one hour is that he gets into a troublesome situation. If he didn't come here in the next fifteen minutes, I will have to leave this place alone.

Fortunately, I just need to wait for five more minutes to feel his presence coming from the north. I cannot help but frowned as I think about his route.

'Why did he take a detour and leave from the north?' While I rack my brain thinking about his reason, I feel at least five more persons following him, This got me alarmed instantly as I let out my kodachi from the sheath in my back and hide, preparing for a sneak attack.

Then as Aoki nearly arrived, I can hear him shouting in English,

"Wait for them to follow me and kill them from behind with your slash attack!" I know that he has already known my presence thanks to his detection technique from Yamanaka combined with his observation haki. Meanwhile, while his chaser didn't show any expression, I know they are confused as they don't know anything about English and what we said.

I gripped my kodachi tightly and prepared to kill them from behind. Right after they passed through my position, Aoki shouted,


That is when I started to let my instinct take over, moving as deathly as I can. I use soru to shorten the distance between me and the guy nearest me as I stabbed him right through the back of the neck deep enough to kill him.

Then I move instantly toward the second person with an acrobatic move and launched a high kick with Rankyaku, snapping his head. That was the slash attack that I learned from the memories of Kaku from One Piece.

Right after I killed the second man, Aoki has already stood beside me with a cloth full of blood, he killed the last three.

"I will explain it to you later, but for now let's burn the corpses. We have to move fast and find a place to hide for a while." I nodded without saying anything and collect the corpse. I think I am still not comfortable enough with this killing lifestyle. Then I feel a pat on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. You don't have to be comfortable about killing. You will always value everyone's life, as it is in your nature as a medic. Just, don't hesitate when the time to kill is necessary, okay?" I nodded, assuring him that I am okay. He sighed in relief as he started to make a hand sign for Goukakyuu no Jutsu to burn the corpses.

"Let's find a place to rest." I nodded as we activate our observation haki. It didn't take a long time to find a cave for us to sleep in for the rest of the night.

"So, why did they follow you, and why didn't you outrun them?" I started the conversation the next day. Aoki didn't reply immediately, still busying himself with his can food.

"Well.." Aoki opened his mouth and started to speak. "They are Danzo's people who were tasked to intercept Konoha's message for Daimyo so that Konoha will not receive any help. From my father's memories, those five are among the best in Danzo's little group, so I decided to take a chance and lure them here."

I sighed, didn't really know how to respond. While I didn't like the change of plan to escape silently, at least we kill five more future threats for us.

"So, what do we do now?" I changed the topic, didn't really want to speak about the last night's accident. He smiles apologetically before replying,

"Well, we can't go out right now as the daimyo have definitely heard about what happened in Konoha. If what you said about the future is true, then Yondaime is dead last night and Konoha will have no Hokage for a day, so the army from the capital will be sent here to increase the guard. Just like what we planned, we will have to wait for a few days before we make a move."

Then suddenly, we heard a step coming from the inside of the cave, alarming us as we took a stance to get ready for a combat situation. We quickly activate our observation haki and Aoki's detection Jutsu, but it didn't reveal anything, which only make us tense.

"Akira-kun, hide and be ready for a sneak attack or escape. I will be the bait. Remember where should we go if we got separated here." Aoki whispered to me lowly. I nodded and go outside, hiding near the cave's mouth.

The sound of the step is getting louder and I can see the shadow of a person coming from the cave, but we cannot detect anyone there. Suddenly, we can hear the voice of the old man coming from inside,

"Observation haki? Is that your technique to feel and hear the soul of all things? Interesting." Then I was stunned when I see the face of the old man who was speaking.

"Is that Iroh?" I whispered dumbfoundedly. But it seems the old man can hear my voice as he snapped his head toward me and replied with a warm smile,

"It's been a long time since someone recognized me by that name. Indeed, I am Iroh, the dragon of the west from the fire country. Who might you be, young man?"


Author note:

You can also read:

- Transmigrated Into Anime World as Kiyoko Shimizu's Older Brother up to chapter 37

- Naruto: Ashigaru up to chapter 08

I want to add more chapters to my Patreon account so you can read up to 10 chapters. But I still don't have that many chapters, so I just added them little by little. Hopefully, by the end of the week, you can read up to 10 chapters when you become a member. Thank you!

You can read all of it at my Patreon account, pat_reon.com/zwolf1 (Without '_') Thank you for your support! :)