
Chapter 20

A/N: Reuploaded with changes made. WARNING: The chapter is very sensual. All those who are underage, this chapter is very boring and full of tickling. No point reading it.


The next morning, Edwyn and the rest were gathered in the council chambers.

Edwyn was not able to sleep for the entire night. He knew very well how hard it was to mend a broken heart. Yet, he didn't think twice before inflicting such pain upon Daenerys. So, there he stood, resting against the wall as his dulled gaze stared into the red and swollen eyes of Daenerys.

Loathing and anger for himself began filling up in his heart. Unable to be in the presence of a distressed Daenerys, he quickly pushed himself off the wall and jump out from the window after quietly saying, "I'll be on the city walls."

The rest only shared looks among each other, choosing to not meddle. The only possible meddler, Jorah Mormont, was asked to stay back in Yunkai and govern the city in Daenerys' stead.

Daenerys suppressed her bleeding heart and began addressing the council.


Kinvara was scared. Her lord's subjects were massacred in Meereen and Yunkai. The Lord of Light had awoken from his long slumber, his heart beginning to at his shrine.

She had heard of it. A monumental development, a change in destiny had occured through the actions of the unknown. A consequence of them being her lord's awakening. She could feel the raw power of her lord. Despite his heart being the part that survived in the long battle of the gods, he was regaining his power and already influencing the fates of many.

But 'that' abomination had ruined it all. He deprived her lord of his power when he killed so many of his followers.

Her lord was apoplectic with rage. The nerve of a mere mortal to stand in his way, Kinvara would make it right for her lord. The abomination had to die. With Volantis having nearly eighty percent of its population as slaves, she knew just how to convince the Triarchs to sail towards Meereen with their armada.

She addressed the three in the council chambers, "My lords, the lord of light has shown me a vision. It is of utmost importance. Or else Volantis will be in great peril..."

But if the three refused, she had other... more carnal ways to pursuade them.

Anything for the glory of the lord of light.


Edwyn continued training Daenerys without letting their feelings interfere. He'd thought that she would quit trying after his rejection but it only bolstered her to try even harder.

Skimpier dresses and sensual movements was becoming the norm. It annoyed Edwyn to no end because it was wearing him down despite of him. Numerous women had tried to seduce him in the past but none were as enticing as Daenerys.

He spent longer hours training with his clones to distract himself.

Daenerys watched him train without his armour or a shirt on. His body was glistening with sweat. Every ripple of his muscles and the glistening bronze skin made him look like a god.

She finally approached him and said, "Edwyn, you should stop. You have been sparring for hours."

"I'm not tired."

"I know... but the soldiers are and they need to rest or else they will die from exhaustion."

He glanced around and could see the Unsullied falling down from fatigue. He felt silly and ended the sparring then and there.

"I have drawn a bath for you."


He stopped when he looked at her. She was dressed in a gown of sorts that was almost translucent and left little to immagination.

Edwyn took a deep breath and clenched his jaw before relaxing and putting his sword bqck into its scabbard.

".. Uhm.. Thank you."

He swiftly walked past her and into the pyramid to take the bath not seeing the sensuous smirk on her face.

Daenerys took slow steps towards Edwyn as he bathed. Right when she reached the threshold of the door, Edwyn began speaking, "Why are you doing this, Daenerys? I thought you would stop after the rejection but here you are, dressed like that and walking to me while I bathe."

Daenerys had nothing covering her body except a thin sheet of muslin cloth held by her hands to stop it from falling and covering her nethers.

"I am a dragon, Edwyn. Dragons don't quit."

He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent as she sat on the edge of the bath.

"I understand why you do not want to accept me... There's a deep void in your heart that you feel can never be filled. Give me a chance. I may not fill it completely but I may be able to shallow it down."

She genlty caressed his chin and brought it up. They stared into each other's eyes for a while as she bared her feelings for him to see.

Then, she kissed him.. gently.

Edwyn didn't kiss back but neither did he pull away.. so she kissed him again.. The kiss, unbearably fragile, a spike of sensation... There were no words, only sensation, smooth sensation. Tender, like the tickling lick of a kitten.

Edwyn finally gave in and kissed her back.

Daenerys suddenly felt powerless, suddenly stoned. Edwyn was kissing her. She was kissing him.

Kissing: fast, hard, deep, frantic, long and slow. They were tasting the lips, the mouth, the tongue. She placed her hands on his face, the absence of the roughscruff and scratch of a stale shave was so unfamiliar as to seem impossible.

Edwyn rubbed his face against Daenerys, sweeping the cheek, the high, light bones, muzzling the ear, the narrow line of the eyebrow, finishing with a butterfly flick of the lashes.

He was at her breast. A noise escaped Daenerys' lips, an embarrassingly deep sigh, like air rushing out of something.

Edwyn kissed her belly as she entered her legs into the bath.

Daenerys' feet touch Edwyn's hardened penis. He flicked his tongue at her clit making her fall into the bath.

Luscious. Delicious. Daenerys was smooth and buttery, melting against Edwyn's tongue.

Soon, Edwyn was on top, grinding into Daenerys as she was pinned against the walls of the bath.

A thick, musky scent arose, a sexual stew and Edwyn's penis slipped in and out more quickly, more vigorously.

Daenerys came in cacophonous convulsions, great guttural exaltations. She was filled with a flooding sensation, as though a seal has broken; her womb, in seizures, squeezed as though expelling Daenerys herself.

And just as she thought it was over, as she started to relax, Edwyn resumed moving, and Daenerys was flash-frozen at the summit of sensation, her body stunned by the churning of her pussy.

Every grunt, every thrust caused an electric surge, a tiny sharp shock, to flash through her body.

She was seeing flashes of light, fleeting images. It was as though she was losing consciousness, losing her mind, dying. She couldn't bear any more, it was too much.

As she went over the edge, Edwyn thrusted one last time, filling her with his firey warmth.


A/N: This is how you write a proper sex scene. I don't need to write women begging for dicks. No woman ever does that. In fact, it's the other way around. The begging for dicks only happens in hentai and stories written by men who never layed with a woman.