
Naruto: Altering System

Don't worry about the title and give it a try.

Rachel_Sanchez_6658 · Cómic
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1 Chs


Origin Space

In a vast all encompassing void only two things can be seen, the vague blurry figure of an old man and a bright blue transparent window. The window glows with a blue hue as a sentence slowly scrolls onto the surface.

[Chose your first chakra nature.]

Once the blurry grey soul reads the text on the futuristic window it becomes excited at such an opportunity. Past images of an old anime the old man watched as a child flash as he remembers the joy of his youth.

The edges of the man's mouth curl up as he smiles with grand aspirations of the future. 5 separate new windows appear before the man each with a symbol representing a certain element belonging to the anime Naruto.

The first has a simplistic image of a large mountain towering over all other beings completely overshadowing everything in existence. The second image is a raging forest fire burning all life to ashes with extreme heat and power continuously growing and consuming. The third is an endless sea of water sparkling and teeming with life and energy at some times gently going up shores at other times crashing with extraordinary might and vitality. The fourth is a twirling tornado shredding everything in its path without mercy as thousands of beings die to the sharp blades of wind. The fifth is a fast bolt of lightning radiating heat and strength while piercing through heaven and earth, loud cries of thunder slam throughout the world forcing others to cower at the display of strength.

More text scrolls by through the blue screen detailing the advantages and disadvantages of the five elements while also showing the advancements available for each element. The eyes of the old man shine with greed as he reads these descriptions, his old crafty eyes clearly showing his wealth of knowledge and experience.

[Fire Nature: The moulding of one's chakra that changes it to that of the fire nature requires either advanced chakra control or a fire affinity. Fire nature is strong against wind but weak against water and has high destructive capabilities but also high chakra consumption.]

[Earth Nature: The moulding of one's chakra that changes it to that of the earth nature requires either advanced chakra control or a earth affinity. Earth nature is strong against water but weak against lightning and has high defensive capabilities and also has low chakra consumption.]

[Water Nature: The moulding of one's chakra that changes it to that of water nature requires either advanced chakra control or a water affinity. Water nature is strong against fire but weak against earth and has balanced defensive and offensive capabilities and may have low or high chakra consumption based on surroundings.]

[Wind Nature: The moulding of one's chakra that changes it to that of the wind nature requires either advanced chakra control or a wind affinity. Wind nature is strong against lightning but weak against fire and has high cutting capabilities and also medium chakra consumption.]

[Lightning Nature: The moulding of one's chakra that changes it to that of lightning nature requires either advanced chakra control or a lightning affinity. Lightning nature is strong against earth but weak against wind and has strong piercing capabilities and also high chakra consumption.]

The old man gazes under the 5 main windows marvelling at the many jutsu listed below each chakra nature. Carefully the old soul considers his current situation and the external threats that will soon face him if he truly does reincarnate into the universe of Naruto like he assumes.

'Hypothetically if I do become reincarnated into the world of Naruto I'll probably be born in one of the 5 major villages that will participate in the great shinobi wars, unless I'm born in an earlier period in which would be the worse thing possible. Being born before the start of the series is dangerous as my knowledge of the world will be very shallow and its likely I won't survive.'

'But being born after the series has already ended is a horrible option as well as I don't know anything about Boruto besides that there are more Otsutsuki. I have no idea what situation I'll be in once I'm there so I need a strong chakra nature that can not only help me escape from enemies but also attack if necessary.'

'Judging from the jutsu listed below each chakra nature lightning nature is the most suitable for me at this moment as one of the 3 jutsu available is very good for evading opponents and traveling large distances.'

The old man slowly moves his hand to towards the blue screen and he taps it with his pointer finger. Chakra swells through the window as powerful currents of electricity electrocute the weathered soul. Despite the supposedly bright flashy light the old man feels nothing as the screen changes once more.

[Lightning nature has been chosen, select your first jutsu.]

Three options appeared each being extremely useful and valuable, such jutsu would be highly coveted by many ninja in the shinobi world, after all jutsu are the most efficient ways of increasing battle strength.

[Lightning Flicker: An advanced version of the body flicker that incorporates lightning nature into the original jutsu. When using the technique one strengthens their leg muscles with lightning nature allowing for extremely fast movement far surpassing the normal body flicker.]

[Lightning Dagger: An advanced lightning nature jutsu that creates an extremely sharp dagger that can pierce through many tough defenses, when thrown it can be controlled to hone in on a target. When throwing the dagger one must continue to feed chakra into the dagger through a chakra string otherwise it cannot be controlled.]

[Lightning Gauntlet: An advanced lightning nature jutsu that creates two extremely dense gauntlets that completely cover up one's arms, this technique allows for incredible defense as almost nothing can break them. When using this technique line must be careful to not lose control over the jutsu otherwise it would shatter.]

The old soul caresses his arms feeling slightly cold as he makes a decision that cannot be reversed. With a quivering voice the old man lightly whispers, "I chose Lightning Flicker as my first jutsu."

Once the old man finishes his sentence massive amounts of knowledge flood his soul like the tides of the sea, unforgiving and relentless. Shivering with exhaustion a crazed light fills his eyes as he feels overwhelming joy.

"So this is the basis upon which the entire universe of Naruto relies on, what an incredible power system. Truly ingenious, without the help of the system I doubt I would ever be able to actually comprehend any nature element even if I was given another life time."

With his outstretched arms the chakra produced by the old man flows like a gentle breeze slowly moving along his soul. But in an instant the man's chakra becomes rigid and hot, no longer looking like a wave of blue energy but rather computer circuits detailing the inner workings of the old soul.

Chuckling to himself the old man spreads the bright hot electricity around his body enjoying the incredible feeling of his chakra moulding into lightning.

'This system is incredible, directly giving me the knowledge on how to control and mold my chakra. Best of all I didn't need hand seals to do so, hand seals help control chakra in specific ways to mold it into chakra natures but this is unnecessary for me. With the system's technique I can outright ignore the significance of hand seals and use chakra to its fullest potential.'