
Naruto: A Different Reality

In a Naruto universe veiled by the ominous specter of an alternate past, the legendary rival of Hokage Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha makes a fateful decision. Instead of using izanagi to hide in the shadows, Uchiha Madara uses it a new lifeline against his battle with Hashirama Senju. Desperate to stop the Madara's madness, Hashirama seals his once-friend within the depths of a Shinigami seal but due to black zetsu's interruption something unimaginable happens. Black Zetsu, the cunning manipulator, who now has the bodies of two of the greatest shinobi of all time with all their secrets, orchestrates a plan that threatens to unravel the very fabric of reality. Even the combined might of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha may not be enough to thwart this impending catastrophe. The world stands on the precipice of ruin, its fate hanging by a fragile thread. Amidst this chaos emerges our protagonist, a figure from another realm, transmigrated into this desperate Naruto world. Possessing knowledge of the original Naruto World, they are tasked with a daunting mission—to rewrite destiny itself. As alliances shift like shadows and ancient evils stir, Ryouma Uchiha embarks on an odyssey through the heart of darkness. With the weight of a doomed world on their shoulders, they must navigate treacherous waters, forge unexpected alliances, and confront the deepest shadows of the shinobi world. Join Uchiha Ryouma on an epic journey where the boundaries between worlds blur and the line between friend and foe fades. Will they be the beacon of hope this fractured world needs, or will darkness claim all in its grasp? Prepare for an adventure where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the echoes of a new legend begin to resound.

DRAGONs_layer · Cómic
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21 Chs

War Intensifies As 7 Month Passes

7 Months Later:

Ryouma was sitting in his room with leaf sticking on his forehead. His eyes were closed and his legs crossed.

There was no fluctuations on the leaf as it remained still in his forehead.

After some time, Ryouma opens his eyes as leaf slids down in his hand.

'Alright, leaf concentration exercise can be considered mastered. My chakra control is very good for my age.'

Ryouma gets out of his room and heard to Obito's house for breakfast.

'War is really intensifying if mom, a retired ninja had to be sent on the battlefield. I can only pray that my parents remain safe.

Luckily mom was not sent to front but back lines to treat injured from a sudden attack. I don't know much about the situation now but till now war was with Iwa and Suna but the sudden attack from Kiri has changed the tides for worse for Konoha.

Only Kumo remains but the fact that the village is silent is unsettling for me. I don't know the situation of Kumo now, but in canon it was one of the aggressive villages continuously provoking and iching for war.

Maybe something changed there too. I guess I will add it to the book. This Naruto world is not the same as canon. So I have lost my trump card, my knowledge. But still I know the whole history of the world, so I just need to connect the parts in between to regain some of its advantage. But I know it is going to be tougher than I imagine.'

Sighing loudly, I thought about the improvement I have made in past few months.

'I had completed my chakra flow about 3 months ago, in about 7 months in total and about one-fourth the time normal children couple of years above me take. Not bad.

But both Kasumi and Obito had yet to complete it. Kasumi however is about to complete it but Obito is even behind as he gets bored of the exercise.

After completing mana flow, I had started working on chakra control and change in chakra form.

'My customised devil fruit provides me with increased affinity towards fire. That added with the exercises I have been doing till now has increased my proficiency in change in chakra nature to fire to level of chunnins.

So I am focusing on increasing my change in chakra form to high level. Sadly just focusing on Rasengan won't increase my change in chakra form.'

Rasengan surely is the epitome of change in chakra form but just mastering that will not make you a master in every other chakra form.

Change in chakra form is like a tree and Ransengan is a top most branch. Surely to reach there you would have to climb up the tree but the other branches would remain unexplored.

'Kakashi didn't make Naruto master other forms simply because he didn't need it in creation of Rasenshuriken.

But unlike Naruto my arsenal is not gonna revolve around Rasengan so I need to learn other forms too.

But there is no excuse to not learn Rasengan, it is a cool A rank jutsu, quite distructive too. Above that I remember the steps through which Jiraiya taught it to Naruto, it will make it simpler for me to learn and it's not like it will not help me greatly in learning change in chakra form. But I will start from basics and there is also the fact I don't have enough chakra to do that.'

I was a bit excited too. Why? Because now that I have completed my leaf concentration exercise, according to Uchiha rules, I would be given my first jutsu to learn, the Great Fireball Jutsu.

'I remember it was quite fun to watch sensei's shocked face when I told her that I completed my chakra flow and now I am working on chakra control. I will be the youngest till now to be given the scroll to learn. Before me it was 4 years 7 months.

Sadly I know that I will not be able to master it before academy starts, which is in 3 months.'

Typically jutsu scroll is given after one learns mana flow and leaf control exercise. Normally in Uchiha clan, children learn that till the age of 6 or 7 whereas civilian kids learn that till age 9 or 10.

Even exceptional Uchiha kids take upto 5 years and till then they have enough chakra to perform it.

But as I had done it at the age of 3, I don't have enough chakra to perform it though my change in chakra form is also not up to the mark.

Chakra is the combination of physical energy and spiritual energy. It's initial reserves are determined by lineage but it's rate of growth depends solely on one's own growth.

Physical energy is the source of a ninja's vitality, strength, and stamina. It provides the raw power and physical resilience needed for performing physical tasks. It also contributes to a ninja's ability to recover from injuries and heal wounds. It can be trained and developed through physical conditioning, training exercises, and combat practice.

Spiritual energy on the other hand represents the mental and emotional aspects of an individual, including thoughts, feelings, consciousness, and inner strength. It contributes to mental focus, concentration, and emotional resilience. However increasing spiritual energy can be considered easiest and hardest task at the same time.

Spiritual energy is considered as the strength of the soul, it is lowest at birth when the soul is just like a blank paper. Experiences and memories fill that blank paper and make up who we are. Our personality, our character, our thought process, our will, everything depends upon the soul.

So spiritual energy can be increased by simply gaining more experiences and memories, building up ourselves, our character. However it can as easily be lost if you lose yourself in this constantly changing world.

'I believe that's what happened with Kakashi after Obito, Rin, Minato, Kushina died. He lost himself in self blame that why he was depressed and was not able to become stronger even when going into battles almost daily in his time as anbu. Only later when he became sensei of team 7, his will strengthened and he began improving again.

Whereas Obito's soul strengthened itself as he got brainwashed by Madara after Rin's death. He got a goal he was willing to die for. In combination with Hashirama cells, Madara's teaching and his own willpower to achieve his goal, he was even able to fight Minato one on one for a short while. A very impressive feat.'

Even in Uchiha clan, training in simulations and demonstrations are given to increase the experiences of talented children from a very young age as done with us.

'But my problem is not spiritual energy as I have got a lot of it from my previous life's experiences, it is my physical energy that's insufficient.

I guess I will focus on that in coming months. Maybe I can even learn 8 gates.'

On the other side, my fuinjutsu training is going slower than I expected because I am not giving it much time.

I am focusing on learning abouts poisons, animals and plants for now, along side some basic first aid.

'I have no plans to use them in my fighting style but they can come handy anytime.'

As I was going over what I will be doing today, I reached Obito's house. I knocked the door and Obito almost instantly opened it.

"Oh hey Ryouma, welcome inside. Grandma, Ryouma is here."

He said that and ran away.

"Sorry for intruding, I guess"

(A/N: What do you think about my theory in spiritual energy?)

Sorry there is a bit change in schedule. So I will post chapters at 5 pm from now on.

DRAGONs_layercreators' thoughts