
NARUTO - Path of Change & Peace

A boy, thrusted into the body of a strange seven year old boy living out in the country. No village to his name. All the boy had was a mother that really wasn't his, and power bestowed upon him by the very being that put him in the predicament he was in. How will this little boy from a backwater, unknown village impact the world of Ninjas? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bare with me, this is my first story...

JKunalived · Cómic
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3 Chs

The Encounter

The power rushing within me was euphoric. It was like I was floating, ascending above what one essentially would call a mortal. It was intoxicating. I wanted more, but I knew I needed to hold back. I don't know if this mark has any side affects and using the first stage should be more than enough to deal with the bastards causing problems.

Activating one of the branch abilities connected to the mark, Domain, I felt my senses expand to an overwhelming degree. It was like I could see/sense everything around me within fifty-meters. That range was more than enough to catch a glimpse at the battle I was closing in on.

I smirked. This mark was more interesting than I thought. This domain ability is only one of the many abilities granted.

With my enhanced speed, I reached the location of the battle quicker than I expected this body to be able to achieve. Apon my arrival, I had already analyzed what was really going on with the domain, so everything here was as I expected.

The domain recalled everything going on perfectly and in real time with no lag. In fact, I felt that if I trained this, I could probably use this to predict the future, but for now? That's just wishful thinking. Not that it's impossible though.

Hopping up and into one of the trees thick branches, I looked down upon the group of bandits attacking a small group of four.

One middle aged woman with black hair reaching and flowing silkily and smoothly to her lower back. She wore a black one piece outfit with what seemed like bandages wrapped tightly around her right thigh. On her left, she had a pouch full of kunai and shuriken's.

On her back sat a sheath for a smaller blade. Maybe a tanto?

Behind her stood three rather old people. Two were female and one was male. They stood huddled together as if trying to fuse into one another or even shrink. With the way they were so close and shaky, I knew just from a glance that they were scared shitless.

'It'd suck if they had a heart attack or something mid battle... Eh, I guess that would be better than being blown to bits by the magic these few are using.' I mused, watching on with a certain interest. Mostly in the energy I felt that powered said magic.

It didn't feel like mana. It came from directly within the human body. So maybe it's chi? Or whatever those practitioners call chakra? That would make sense. I'll call it Chi for now until I've gained insight on it.

I don't seem to have it. Either that or I haven't unlocked it yet, which means I still have room for growth. A smile creeped on my face before I even knew it. A way to enhance my strength further just appeared, of course I'd be excited.

So I didn't fight the smile, I let it die down naturally.


My attention was pulled out of my useless thoughts. I witnessed the sight of the bandits actually struggling to kill off this singular woman. By no means was she an easy target though, I understand why they're struggling, but even then. It's kind of disappointing to see that mediocre skill like hers would cause this much of a problem for a whole group of grown ass bandits that were capable of using Chi to their advantage.

But then again. They're bandits. Outlaws that chose the life of crime instead of a more professional way that granted knowledge and power. Financial and physical.


The woman dodged clumsily, barely escaping the path of a medium sized fireball that was spewed out of one of the Bandits mouths. She gasped for air as she landed shakily, the bandits in front of her chuckling at her antics.

She clicked her tongue and scoffed. She was clearly getting antsy about her situation and by the way she kept the group of elderly in her field of vision, be it peripheral or not, told that she cared about them dearly and that they would be a weak point in this battle.

I intended to help her out just because I'm craving a battle, but I still wanted to analyze the enemy. For all I know they could be immensely powerful and I could be underestimating them greatly. I doubt it, but It's still a possibility that they have an ultra-secret-all-killing secret technique.

"Why do you struggle so much!? We didn't plan on killing you all, but now we definitely will!" One of the bandits shouted, quickly mashing his hands together after doing a few hand signs. I felt Chi drain from his being as it shot into the ground, his palms acting as the median between the two.

The woman didn't get a chance to reply as she was soon forced to dodge several earthen spikes shooting out of the ground. She narrowly dodged one, messing up her footing and causing her balance to be disturbed. The bandits didn't let go of this mistake and punished her for it.

A sixth spike shot out of the ground, impaling her left calf.

"UGH!" She grunted in pain, forcing herself to hold in a scream.

She collapsed to the ground in a heaping mess. Her entire being was dirtied and bleeding. She was clearly no match for the group of bandits who didn't even have to move from their spots to handle her. I bet she's feeling very weak right now and is wishing for someone to save her!

Hence, my que!

Jumping down from the branch of the tree I resided, I swiftly and nimbly landed on my feet with a roll. Everyone in the area was stunned by my sudden appearance. Even the bandits. Using this to my advantage, I utilized my enhanced speed to instantly close the gap between me and the group of seven bandits.

"Wha-" His words were cut off, my blade that was holstered in it's sheath reared it's head as I utilized it to slice the mans jaw clean off his face. I ducked down and pushed off my back foot, dodging the spray of blood that spewed out of my victims face.

He didn't die from the wound, but he will soon.

The sound of his body collapsing to the earthen ground sounded out in the eerie silence that clouded the atmosphere. The occasional sound of bubbling liquids along with the shuffling of leaves and grass was the only signal that what the group was witnessing wasn't a dream. Nor a hallucination.

The bandits were still rather stunned by my appearance and the way I quickly, and rather brutally took down their ally. But that shock only lasted for a moment. However, even with their attention back in the game, my speed and power was still nothing to scoff at.

"K-Kill him! Ignore the fact he's a child!" The one I assumed was the leader of this little ragtag group of heathens, ordered. The others wordlessly followed suit, like the event that just transpired wasn't even real.

Arriving in front of my next victim, my bloodied sword impaled the man directly in his abdomen. Sliding through him like a hot knife to butter. Something interesting caught me off guard though. Unlike I expected, the bandit didn't even flinch, it's like he resigned his struggle and knew he would die anyway.

With a bloody smile, the bandit took a kunai straight from his pouch with such finesse it was clear he rehearsed it. His eyes were bloodshot as he coughed up blood, splattering my face with it's disgust.

Clicking my tongue, I frowned.

"...Dumbass should've just died." I spoke. My words hitting the other bandits ears like a drum. My victim brought his kunai down from over his head, his hopes were clear. He wanted to take this chance to stab me in my cranium. Ending my life along with his.

"So long! Bra-" Just like his companion, his words were cut short. I twisted the blade so it's sharp side was raised to the heavens. This movement halted the bandit due to the sudden increase in pain. I, however, didn't hesitate.

Using just a small amount of my strength, I let the blades sharpness do it's thing. Swinging up, the bandit screamed a bloodcurdling scream before his life ended in my hands. His heart being sliced completely in two along with the rest of his upper body.

The others were obviously shaken up, but they still held their grounds.

"Use jutsus! Keep him as far away from you as possible!" The bandit leader commanded, his hands forming different signs, his minions doing the same. At the same time, they all slammed their palms to the ground.

I stood completely still, letting my domain relay every little action, breath, movement... All of it. I could see almost everything. I could sense, feel, anticipate it all.

The Chi that ran into the earth, and the sum that flowed and changed elements within the air. I could feel it all.

I took a deep breath as the world seemed to slow. It was like my perception of everything was far beyond what the others could comprehend. With a single glance I had found the weakness of every, "Jutsu" thrown at me.

I even went as far as to make sure that all of them would actually hit me, and not try and scurry off towards the wounded woman and her group of old people.

"This is really all you guys amount to? I though I'd be able to experience something... I don't know... Great." The world sped up as my words caressed the people around me. And with a wave of my hand, black rods shot out and pierced the very center of each and every jutsu shot.

These rods have strange properties. I don't know much of what they do, but I know that they have an instinctual name called Chakra Rods. I also know that they absorb and render every source of chakra it touches, null.

The rods pierced the jutsu's causing them to collapse on themselves and disperse as if they never existed. The rods continued on their path and completely shot through each and every bandit that was left.

Time stood still. The only sign of movement was my own breathing, the various plants and the air itself.

A moment later, that peaceful domain was shattered as the bodies of the seven bandits collapsed to the earth. A loud thud following in their wake. Dirt and dust shot up and swindled in the air before resting just beside the very bodies that disturbed them.

I sighed.

My mark deactivated and retreated back to the crescent moon mark on my palm. My attention now fully back on the woman I came here to save.

Turning towards her, I smiled and waved, expecting some sort of thanks. I got the complete opposite. The woman struggled to her feet and held her tanto towards me, threatening to cut me if I got any closer.

"W-Who are you!? Where did you come from!?"

Chapter 2!

This chapter might've been a little hard to read, I apologize. The battle might've been flawed too, but I'm working on it. Thank you for reading if you stuck through it, and I hope you enjoyed!

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