
Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

Kuuro_6988 · Cómic
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15 Chs

Red chakra

Naruto's footsteps echoed through the bustling hospital corridor as he made his way towards the reception desk. The bright fluorescent lights overhead illuminated his determined expression, reflecting his unwavering resolve to check up on Sasuke and see his sensei Kakashi. He had been told they would be there, seeking treatment.

As he approached the reception desk, Naruto couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. He knew that Sasuke's injuries were serious, and the possibility of visiting him, even for a brief moment, provided a much-needed sense of comfort. With a polite yet urgent tone, Naruto inquired about Sasuke's hospital room, directing his question towards the attentive medical ninja behind the desk. "Where is Sasuke's hospital room?"

A wave of disappointment washed over Naruto as the medical ninja delivered the news he had feared. Visiting hours had already come to an end, adhering strictly to the hospital's policy. The weight of his exhaustion and worry settled upon his shoulders, causing him to lower his gaze momentarily. Despite his disappointment, Naruto understood the importance of respecting the rules and regulations of the hospital, acknowledging the efforts of the medical staff. He offered a sigh of understanding and gratitude, thanking the medical ninja for the information.

Resigned to the fact that he wouldn't be able to see Sasuke and Kakashi today, Naruto turned his back to the reception desk, ready to exit the hospital and continue with his own training. However, just as he was about to step through the front door, a familiar voice called out to him.

Startled, Naruto paused in his tracks and turned his head towards the source of the voice. There, standing a few metres away, was Kakashi, his one visible eye observing Naruto with a mixture of fondness and concern. The silver-haired Jonin had detected Naruto's presence despite his usually exuberant nature seemingly toned down in recent times.

A sheepish grin spread across Naruto's face as he locked eyes with his former sensei. It was true that he had grown quieter, contemplating his experiences and embracing a newfound maturity. However, the sight of Kakashi brought back a surge of familiar energy, and Naruto couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the unexpected reunion.

"Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of joy and relief. Without wasting a moment, he bolted towards Kakashi, his feet propelling him forward with renewed enthusiasm. Kakashi, ever the calm and composed mentor, extended his hand in a gesture to halt Naruto's sprint, a small smile forming beneath his trusty mask.

Realising that Naruto's exuberance hadn't waned, even amidst his personal growth, Kakashi decided to interject before the hyperactive shinobi could reach him, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and warmth.

"Hold it right there," Kakashi interjected, his voice firm yet laced with a hint of mischief. Naruto's cerulean eyes widened, curiosity and anticipation mingling in his gaze. He couldn't help but wonder what Kakashi was about to reveal. It became evident that Kakashi had already deduced Naruto's thoughts, the questions that swirled in his mind. His sensei's next words only deepened the mystery.

"I know what you are going to ask," Kakashi continued, his tone hinting at a hidden secret. The realisation struck Naruto like a bolt of lightning. Kakashi wouldn't oversee his training. A pang of disappointment coursed through him, briefly eclipsing his initial excitement. Thoughts raced through his mind. What could he be thinking and who is he going to be training? And why would Kakashi make such a decision? Did it have something to do with Sasuke?

Before Naruto's imagination could conjure up wild scenarios, Kakashi spoke again, breaking the suspense that hung in the air. "I've got other things going on," he confessed, his voice tinged with a touch of regret. "I knew I couldn't give you my full attention." The words carried a weight that Naruto couldn't ignore, emphasising the gravity of Kakashi's responsibilities beyond their training. The reality of being a Jonin, juggling numerous obligations, settled upon Naruto's understanding.

Naruto's gaze flickered behind Kakashi, and he caught sight of a man who seemed to emanate an air of mystery. Sporting a bandana headband and donning sleek black sunglasses, the man stood confidently, clad in an all-black outfit that exuded an aura of authority. Naruto's eyes twitched involuntarily, a flicker of recognition dancing across his features. The man before him was none other than Ebisu, the very same person Naruto had once unknowingly incapacitated with his mischievous "sexy jutsu." The memory caused a mix of amusement and slight embarrassment to surface.

"Him? Are you serious?" Naruto blurted out, a hint of disbelief colouring his tone. The thought of Ebisu becoming his new teacher seemed almost comical to him, considering their previous encounter. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on Naruto, and a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

Kakashi met Naruto's frustrated gaze, his visible eye brimming with unwavering confidence in his decision. He proceeded to explain, his voice carrying a mix of sincerity and conviction. "Naruto, Ebisu is an exclusive private tutor who teaches the elite. He is a special Jonin with extensive knowledge and expertise. I promise you, he is a better teacher than me." Kakashi's words struck a chord within Naruto, instilling a sense of trust and reassurance. The sincerity in his sensei's voice left little room for doubt.

Furthermore, Kakashi's words reminded Naruto of a painful truth he often disregarded; the need to strengthen his foundation and master the basics. His frustration slowly morphed into determination, as he absorbed the weight of Kakashi's words. Naruto's azure eyes met Kakashi's gaze, a resolute nod signifying his acceptance of the situation.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Naruto shifted his attention to Ebisu, acknowledging him as his new teacher. He swallowed his pride and set aside any preconceived notions, recognizing the opportunity to learn and grow.

With Ebisu as his guide, Naruto found himself standing outside a traditional bathhouse, its wooden exterior exuding a sense of tranquillity and relaxation. The gentle sound of flowing water beckoned them inside, where a serene hot spring awaited. Naruto's eyes widened with curiosity, eager to uncover the secrets of their training.

Ebisu led Naruto into the bathhouse, the warm, soothing air enveloping them both. Stepping onto the wooden platform that surrounded the inviting hot spring, Ebisu turned to face Naruto, his gaze steady and determined. He chose his words carefully, ensuring that Naruto understood the gravity of their training exercise.

"Naruto, now that we are here," Ebisu began, his voice calm yet filled with purpose. "To put it simply, we are going to walk on water." The words hung in the air, mingling with a sense of challenge and excitement. Ebisu stepped forward, his foot hovering just above the shimmering surface of the water. With unwavering confidence, he took another step, and then another, effortlessly traversing the liquid expanse beneath him. Naruto watched in amazement, his eyes tracing Ebisu's every movement. The sight before him was nothing short of extraordinary, Ebisu truly was walking on water.

Ebisu pushed his sunglasses up his nose, his gaze fixed upon Naruto. He began to explain the intricate technique, breaking it down into simple yet essential components. "In order to walk on water," he elucidated, his voice steady and measured, "you have to continuously emit a tiny amount of chakra from your feet into the water's surface. It's about constantly adjusting that amount, allowing your body to float. This type of control exercises not only your chakra control but it also teaches you to regulate your expenditure of a fixed quantity of chakra."

Eager to put his newfound knowledge into practice, Naruto took a moment to focus his chakra, feeling its familiar energy flowing within him. With a determined expression, he removed his t-shirt, shedding his doubts and limitations. Concentrating his chakra in his feet, he took his first step onto the water's surface. His feet sank slightly below the water, a momentary setback. However, Naruto refused to be discouraged. With unwavering determination, he maintained his focus, adjusting the flow of chakra until he achieved a delicate balance. Slowly but surely, his feet began to rise, defying the resistance of the water.

The hot spring water burned against Naruto's skin, causing momentary discomfort. However, he found peace in the knowledge that this discomfort was temporary, a mere obstacle to overcome. With each passing moment, Naruto's control over his chakra improved. The burning sensation gradually faded into the background, drowned out by the exhilaration of his progress. His feet, once submerged, crept closer and closer to the water's surface, defying the laws of nature. After a mere five minutes, Naruto found himself joyfully gliding across the water's surface, his heart brimming with a sense of accomplishment.

Ebisu, unable to conceal his astonishment, gazed at Naruto in awe. Witnessing Naruto's determination and rapid progress, Ebisu realised that he had underestimated the young shinobi. A newfound respect and admiration settled within him. In this moment, as Naruto walked on water with grace and confidence, Ebisu saw not just the boy with the demon fox sealed within him, but a truly splendid ninja in the making.

With newfound confidence in his ability to walk on water, Naruto's gaze roamed over the surroundings of the bathhouse. The peaceful atmosphere seemed undisturbed until his eyes caught sight of a man with flowing white hair and a scroll strapped to his back. Naruto's brows furrowed in suspicion as he realised the man was discreetly peering into the women's bathing area. The audacity of his actions sparked a sense of protectiveness within Naruto.

Ebisu, following Naruto's line of sight, immediately sprung into action, his resolve unwavering. Without hesitation, he charged at the white-haired man, his voice filled with determination. "I will not permit any disreputable behaviour!" However, his charge was abruptly interrupted as a colossal toad materialised beneath the man, causing Ebisu to freeze in astonishment.

Recognition washed over Ebisu's features as he finally comprehended the situation. "Y...You're..." he stammered, his voice trailing off. The realisation dawned upon him. Standing before him was none other than Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin. The renowned shinobi's presence and the appearance of the toad were more than enough to confirm his identity.

As the toad's tongue extended, seeking to ensnare Ebisu, a swift intervention occurred, surprising both Ebisu and Jiraiya. A kunai, adorned with an explosive tag, swiftly embedded itself into the toad's tongue, causing a momentary distraction. Ebisu's eyes widened in astonishment as he turned to see Naruto, his student, standing firm. Naruto's act of assistance showcased a level of competence and resourcefulness that surpassed Ebisu's expectations. Naruto truly was an impressive individual.

Before Ebisu could utter a word of gratitude or astonishment a new toad appeared swiftly taking care of him. Jiraiya swiftly appeared in front of Naruto, his hand pulled back, ready to strike. His eyes met Naruto's, curiosity sparkling within them. "You're an interesting kid," Jiraiya remarked, his tone laced with intrigue. As the words left his lips, Jiraiya unleashed the Five Pronged Seal, releasing the seal that Orochimaru had placed upon Naruto. In an instant, Naruto recoiled in pain, his body propelled backward by the force of the release.

Jiraiya's attention remained fixed on Naruto, an air of fascination surrounding him. Naruto's resilience and potential reminded Jiraiya of the Fourth Hokage, their shared bond of father and son surfacing within his thoughts.

With a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, Jiraiya finally relented, his interest piqued by Naruto's display. "I guess it's okay to stop my research for a moment," he mused aloud, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. The encounter with Naruto had ignited a curiosity within Jiraiya, causing him to temporarily set aside his scholarly pursuits in favour of exploring the potential hidden within the young shinobi.

Naruto's gaze remained fixed on Jiraiya, his determination undeterred by the sudden turn of events. Without a moment's hesitation, he focused his chakra, channelling its power into his legs, propelling himself forward with remarkable speed. A flurry of attacks followed, as Naruto employed the martial techniques he had honed during his training before the second exam. However, to Naruto's frustration, each strike fell short, narrowly missing its intended target. It was as if he were being tested, pushed to his limits by the seasoned Sannin.

Just as Naruto prepared to launch another assault, a second toad materialised, its swift action thwarting Naruto's advancements. Its long tongue snaked out, ensnaring Naruto and effectively neutralising his offensive stance. The situation had taken an unexpected turn, leaving Naruto momentarily trapped and vulnerable.

Approaching Naruto, Jiraiya's voice rang out, cutting through the tense air. "You know, you're not too bad, kid, why don't you train under me for a while." Jiraiya remarked, a touch of amusement lacing his words. Naruto's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected response. This was not the outcome he had anticipated. Nevertheless, he welcomed the invitation, recognizing the opportunity to further his training under a renowned shinobi. "Uhh, yeah, I'd like that," Naruto responded eagerly, his voice filled with curiosity and determination.

Jiraiya, the "great toad sage," introduced himself, his words causing Naruto's eyes to twitch involuntarily. The disparity between Jiraiya's current behaviour and his purported status as a sage was puzzling, but Naruto chose to set aside any reservations. What mattered most to Naruto was the chance to train with a powerful and experienced shinobi, someone who could help him reach new heights.

Together, Naruto and Jiraiya ventured to a secluded rural area within the village. The tranquillity of the surroundings created an ideal backdrop for their focused training session. Jiraiya began to impart his knowledge, addressing a lesser-known aspect of Naruto's abilities. "Naruto," Jiraiya began, his voice carrying a sense of authority and wisdom, "are you aware that you possess two types of chakra? A blue chakra and a red chakra." Naruto nodded in acknowledgement, his eyes locked onto Jiraiya, eager to absorb every word. Sensing Naruto's readiness, Jiraiya continued his explanation, delving deeper into the concept. "That red chakra within you contains an enormous amount of strength, and I'm sure you've experienced its power before, albeit in dire situations. However, now I want you to focus on harnessing and manipulating that chakra intentionally."

The significance of Jiraiya's words settled within Naruto's mind, sparking a renewed sense of purpose. He understood that tapping into his red chakra held immense potential, representing a path towards unlocking even greater strength.

Naruto's determination remained unyielding as he closed his eyes, his mind consumed by the memories of the moments when he tapped into the red chakra: on the bridge in the land of waves and within the perilous Forest of Death. He sought to recreate that intense connection, to summon the power that had surged through him in those critical moments. Concentrating with unwavering focus, Naruto shut out the world around him.

Suddenly, amidst the stillness, a single drop echoed through the air; a solitary sound reverberating in a vast expanse of water. Naruto's eyes snapped open, revealing a bewildering sight before him. A colossal cage, more like a gate, materialised in his vicinity, imprisoning an ominous figure within. Naruto's gaze fixated on the imposing presence, his eyes widening with a mix of awe and trepidation. It was the nine-tailed fox—the very source of the red chakra that coursed within him.

Curiosity mingled with malevolence, the fox beckoned Naruto closer with a chilling voice that resonated through his entire being. As Naruto approached cautiously, massive claws, several times his own size, extended from the gate, clawing outwards. The fox's intent to devour him was unmistakable, yet Naruto remained resolute, his determination unshaken.

As the realisation dawned upon Naruto that the red chakra did not belong to him but to the nine-tailed fox, a daring idea sprouted within him. He steeled his mind and spoke with unyielding conviction, despite the overwhelming presence before him. "I've been allowing you to live within my body, so I think it's only fair that you repay me with some of your chakra," Naruto declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

Amused by Naruto's audacity, the nine-tailed fox unleashed a long, mirthful laugh that sent shivers down Naruto's spine. "You possess quite the nerve to threaten me, little one," the fox sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "But I suppose it's only fitting since one day, I will break free from this seal and devour you."

Naruto's eyes trembled for a moment, but he swiftly reaffirmed his resolve. "No, that won't happen," he asserted, his voice resolute. The blue intensity of his eyes bore into the malicious gaze of the nine-tailed fox. "Not now, not tomorrow, not ever."

Chakra began to seep through the gate, swirling and enveloping Naruto's entire being. On the surface, Jiraiya observed with rapt attention as the red chakra, akin to a living symbiote, embraced Naruto's form. A wide grin spread across Jiraiya's face, filled with admiration and anticipation. Naruto had succeeded beyond his expectations.

Slowly, Naruto opened his eyes, a newfound power emanating from within. He faced Jiraiya, his body pulsating with an extraordinary surge of energy. Overwhelmed by his accomplishment, Naruto could only utter in awe, "I... I did it." The strength coursing through his veins felt even more potent than before. Looking up at Jiraiya, Naruto's expression transformed into a radiant smile, mirrored by the astonishment in Jiraiya's wide-eyed gaze. This unanticipated achievement had surpassed their wildest hopes.

Jiraiya's grin widened as he relished in the triumph. "Well then, kid, why don't we put it to the test?" Jiraiya assumed a poised and ready fighting stance, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He awaited Naruto's impending attack, eager to witness the true extent of the young ninja's newfound power.