
Naruto's Strange Night.

Mr_Insane_3041 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Final Night

The next day Naruto sent a Shadow Clone to check up on Hinata before they tested Ino's natural affinity, which turned out to be earth. Then they tested Naruto's just for fun, but discovered that Naruto had a third affinity other than earth and lightning, namely wind (it makes sense that someone with a bloodline that combines two natures has those two as natural affinities.

This confused Anko. His mother had only left the Crystal Style, which meant that his second bloodline had to come from his father, whoever he had been.

"Um, what does it mean when you have three nature affinities?" Ino asked.

"That means that Naruto has at least one other bloodline."The jonin answered.

"Then what is it?" the teenage boy asked curiously.

"I don't know, so we're just gonna have to find out." Anko was really excited about finding new bloodline. They still had one week left before the finals and so far she had managed to get Naruto farther than any of his previous teachers.

That knowledge made her smile. This would show all those fools what this kid was capable of.

By lunch time Naruto's clone had arrived at the hospital where Hinata was, only to find out that she had just been signed out.

As the clone went to the Hyuuga compound it suddenly found its head nestled between two soft things. The clone had been so focused on getting to Hinata that it hadn't looked where it was going and ran into the chest of a beautiful, and sexy, woman with red hair.

"May I ask you why you have your head between my breasts?" the woman asked with a smile, but you could tell that she was dangerous.

"I-I-I'm sorry; I wasn't looking where I was going."

The clone couldn't get away fast enough.

The mysterious beauty watched him run away with a smile on her lips.

"How dare he defile the Mizukage!" the man beside her said.

"Calm down Aoi," she said, "don't forget that that boy is the last of his clan and therefore my future husband."

"If the Hokage allows you to invoke the Clan Restoration Act," a boy beside her said.

"That's why I will tempt the cute boy with my body and the Hokage with a permanent alliance."

"And you think that will work?" Aoi asked.

"Of course. My spies have reported that Naruto grew up without love, and love is something I can offer him, especially after his battle with Zabuza. He's definitely a guy in my taste."

Of course the Mizukage knew that the Hyuuga heiress also had her eyes on the blonde, but she didn't mind. The CRA (Clan Restoration Act) required at least four wives, and the younger girl was definitely worthy of becoming one of Naruto-kun's clan members. Of course Hinata had an advantage; she had known the blonde longer. Too bad she was so shy, but as a fellow clan member Mei would be more than happy to help her. Now she just had to find two more candidates.

The Shadow Clone finally arrived at the Hyuuga house. The only problem now was how to get in without being seen. The Hyuugas didn't exactly like him.

Luckily he was an expert at sneaking around so getting to Hinata's room tuned out to be easier than expected.

The clone found the target of his trip lying on her bed looking at a framed photo of him, though it looked like the picture had been taken without him knowing it.

"Oh, Naruto-kun," she said, "why can't I tell you how much I love and admire you?"

The boy couldn't believe what he was hearing. Hinata Hyuuga was in love with the most hated guy in the village?

At least now he knew where all the unsigned Valentine's Day chocolate came from.

The only problem now was what he would do now. Would he say "hi" to Hinata and try to start a conversation or…

The clone slapped his head. Of course he would say "hi". The whole point of coming there was to get to learn more about the shy girl. He knocked on the window, startling the girl.

Hinata couldn't believe that the boy of her dreams was standing outside her window. Had he heard everything she just said? She blushed so much that she almost fainted.

Once she had calmed down she opened the window to let the boy in.

They both sat down on the bed, but neither one knew what to say.

Naruto had never dealt with a girl who was in love with him. He began to doubt his feeling for Sakura even more. She had never been as nice to him as Hinata. The girl had even tried to help him cheat during the first part of the Chunnin Exam.

Naruto then decided to give up on Sakura and give Hinata a chance. The raven haired girl deserved it.

"So, um, what kind of things do you like?" the clone asked, hoping to start a conversation.

They talked for about an hour and decided to go on date after the exams.

Before the clone dispersed it gave the girl a kiss on the cheek. That became too much for Hinata who fainted.

Once the real Naruto received the memories from the clone it became clear that he wanted to become more at least friends with Hinata, which was why he would take her out for some ramen after the exams.

But he also couldn't stop thinking about the red haired that the clone had run into. He got the feeling that he hadn't seen her for the last time.

The rest of the week passed by quickly and Ino found herself becoming Naruto's friend, and she didn't even mind it. Not to mention that her feelings for Sasuke grew weaker every day. This made her wonder if her feelings for the last Uchiha was just a crush.

The other blonde also found his feelings changing. Sakura wasn't the girl of his dreams any longer and Ino was becoming more of a friend than his female teammate had ever been.

Anko smiled at the two blondes as they were nearing the exit of the forest. They had grown considerably this past month and Naruto had even discovered that he had a second bloodline, Ice Release, which allowed him combine wind and water to create ice. Too bad he didn't have time to learn how to use it.

That was something she had to leave to Jiraiya. Anko just hoped that the old man wouldn't turn him into a pervert, though part of her thought that the idea of a perverted Naruto having his way with her didn't sound too bad. Unfortunately she preferred to be the one in control.

The three suddenly found themselves outside the gate, with the finals being the next day.

After Ino had given Naruto a peck on the cheek she ran towards her home to say hello to her parents.

Meanwhile the jonin gave her student the key to her apartment and told him to go and get his things because they would be living together from now on, as long as he helped with the chores which Naruto thought sounded reasonable, though he had a feeling the nights would be anything but safe.

Afterwards Anko was on her way to the Hokage Tower to give her report, and boy would the old man be surprised over the "dead-last's" progress.