
Naruto's Strange Night.

Mr_Insane_3041 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Sensual Night

Naruto, age 12, was sleeping soundly in his apartment. It was after the second part of the Chunnin Exams and tomorrow he would start training for his match against Neji so that he could avenge Hinata. The obvious blond hadn't noticed that he had started developing a crush on the shy Hyuuga.

The young boy woke up when he sensed that someone was in his bed, but before he could react, a sweet smelling cloth was pressed over his mouth and nose while his arms were being pinned to his sides.

"Mmmph!" His yell was muffled by the hand that was pressing the rag over his face.

Naruto soon felt his eyes drop as he slipped into the darkness. His captor smirked when she felt her victim go limp. Time to take her new toy home and start playing with it.

When Naruto woke up, he noticed that he couldn't move and that his arms and legs were spread apart. The blonde also noticed that he was nude.

Once his mind was cleared of the effect of the chloroform he noticed that he was laying on a bed and that his hands and feet were tied to the bedposts. Someone had also put duct tape over his mouth, muffling his screams.

Naruto started thrashing, but couldn't break free.

When he started to calm down, he noticed that he was in a room without windows and a lamp hanging from the ceiling, so at least it wasn't completely dark.

Suddenly, the door in front of him opened and a woman stepped in to the room, and it was someone he knew, Anko Mitarashi.

She was dressed in a fishnet shirt and a pair of panties, nothing else.

Her captive couldn't help but notice her breasts and perky nipples under the shirt. In response to the sight, his penis started standing up, earning him a smirk from his captor. He sure was big.

Anko walked over to the bed, swaying her hips seductively. This would be a night that would change both their lives.

She had found the blond too cute and his blood delicious, and after seeing his match against Kiba, she knew that she had to have him. Naruto would be not only her first student, but also her lover. In return for using him sexually she would teach him everything she knew about being a ninja.

Before kidnapping him she had of course tried to find out as much as possible about him. The things she found out, not all acquired through legal means, showed that his life had been very similar to her own. He hadn't even received proper education like the other genins. Everyone had treated him as an outcast, much as they had done to her when she first arrived. Luckily she had found a friend in the slightly older Kurenai Yuhi.

Naruto's only friends seemed to be his teammates, and they were forced to get to know him because they were in the same team.

Anko had also managed to overhear that her newest "friend" had the nine-tailed fox sealed inside of him.

Some more investigation hadn't revealed who his father was, but she could guess based on his looks, but his mother had turned out to be her idol Kushina Uzumaki, and not only did she have a very powerful chakra, but she had also had a bloodline called Shoton, a bloodline that combined earth and lightning chakra to crystallize things.

The snake-mistress already knew that she would have to teach Naruto the Shadow Clones secret ability, but once he knew that they would be able to cut down his training that would usually take years to just a few days. She had chosen a kid with more potential than that Uchiha kid could ever have, and she was going to enjoy every minute of his training.

Even though she had recently found out that her old teacher's teammate Jiraiya was back in the village and had plans to train the boy himself, he would have to wait until after the exams. She saw Naruto first.

She had now reached her prey and smiled seductively at him. The jonin had even put on pink lipstick and mascara to look more sensual.

Anko straddled the younger boy and leaned down so she could lick and blow into his ear while rubbing her breasts over his chest, causing Naruto let out a small sound that was muffled by his gag.

She stopped licking his ear and moved her head so she was face to face with the child. The young woman slowly traced her fingers over his cheek while keeping her seductive smile. Her other hand started to play with one of his nipples.


She smiled at his gagged voice. It turned her on.

Anko ripped the duct tape of Naruto's mouth and just as he was about to scream she pressed her lips against his, kissing him passionately. It was time for her to reveal why she had kidnapped him in the first place.

Once she had removed her mouth from his, she handgagged him so that she could talk without interruptions. Anko couldn't help but feel excited about pressing her hand over the young blonde´s mouth.

"Okay kid, here's the deal: I studied up a little on you. You have a lot of potential, and I want the credit for helping you unlock it. That's why I'll be training you until the final part of the Chuunin Exams. In return for letting me do this I will not only give you sexual experience and help you get girls, I will also reveal everything I know about your mother."

Anko removed her hand from her captive's mouth and stood up at the side of the bed with an expression that clearly showed that she wanted an answer immediately.

Naruto thought for a moment. This crazy girl wanted to train him so bad that she would give her body to him. Not only that, but she held a clue to his mother, or at least, that was what she claimed.

"How do I know that I can trust you?"

Anko thought for a moment. The young orphan didn't have any experience of people who wanted to teach him anything, at least not willingly.

"How about this: I'll tell you everything I know about your mother now, and you promise to take me up on my offer. I heard that you never go back on a promise."

That sealed the deal.

"Okay, I accept your offer if you untie me."

His request was accepted.

One hour later they were sitting in Anko's kitchen (Anko had brought over a set of clothes for Naruto while she kidnapped him. She had also put on a short skirt) eating breakfast that she had prepared while the new teacher revealed everything she had found out about Kushina Uzumaki, including why she had gone through all the troubles kidnapping him. The reason was excitement. Luckily, she had already contacted the Hokage and told him she was training the young blonde.

"Your mother, Kushina, originated from the Hidden Whirlpool village and moved here when she was just a little girl. Shortly after, her village was destroyed because the other villages feared the Uzumaki-clan's skills with sealing techniques."

"I come from a clan that was so skilled with seals that other villages feared them?" Naruto asked in astonishment.

"Yes, seals can be very dangerous, especially in the hand of masters such as the Uzumaki-clan".

"So you'll be teaching me about seals then?"

"I can teach you a few basics, but seals aren't my specialty."

"So, then, what are you going to teach me?"

"You'll see, but let me first continue the story."

"Okay." Naruto was getting eager to hear more about his mother.

"Now where was I? Oh, yes. Kushina came to this village to become the village's next jinchuuriki."


"Yes, a jinchuuriki is a person who has one of the legendary tailed beasts sealed inside of them, like the nine-tailed fox."

"Wait, are you saying that the nine-tailed fox was sealed inside my mother?" Naruto's attention was bigger than ever.

"Yes. She took over after her predecessor, Mito Uzumaki, was growing too old."

"So all containers of the nine-tailed fox were from the Uzumaki-clan?"

"Yes, but you´re the first male."

Naruto pondered for a moment about what he had been told while Anko took care of the dishes. It was the least she could do after what she had done to him.

"Now then," she said, interrupting his thoughts, "let's get started with your training."

The two of them was soon standing outside a place that Naruto knew all to well.

"Um, why are we back at the Forest of Death, Anko-sensei?"

Anko smiled sweetly at her young student, a smile that both scared him and turned him on.

"Because here we can train without anyone seeing you. After all, you don't want anyone to get a peak at the Fourth Hokage's legacy?"

Naruto nodded. It did make sense.

Neither of them noticed a beautiful young blond girl with blue eyes that had overheard them.

"The Fourth Hokage's legacy is hidden in the Forest of Death?" She thought.

"That may help Shikamaru in the last part of the exams. After all, if it was hidden in here without anyone finding it, it must be extremely valuable and well protected."

One thing did however seem pretty strange to Ino Yamanaka as she followed the teacher and student back in to the forest. How had the exam-proctor found out about it, and why hadn't she taken it herself? Either way, an idiot like Naruto didn't deserve something that important. The blonde couldn't understand what Hinata Hyuuga saw in him when there were plenty of other guys who were far better, like Sasuke. But even though it wasn't going to be easy to lay her hands on whatever was hidden in the forest, it would surely be worth it. Ino just had no idea how much her life would change before she would come out of the forest again.