
Naruto's Hashira Journey

what if you give Naruto the breathing styles of the Hashira's from demon slayer

Jojo016 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

More Training and Youth

After all the hard work, Naruto leveled up and got Wind Breathing.

"Hey system, what just happened to me" he asked, referring to the surge of memories that he got after acquiring Wind Breathing

/That Host would be the memories from the previous Wind Hashira. Sanemi Shinazugawa/

"Memories?" Naruto questioned

/Yes. Whenever you have acquired a new breathing style you would have their memories on how to use it/

"Ah so-" he was cut off by the system

/That doesn't mean it also includes their experience. You have seen how they fight and how to use the breathing style in the memory. You have to work your way and gain experience for you to be on equal footing/


Naruto sulk and groaned at what it said

"That's not fair" Naruto said, thinking that what he trained today was just a for nought

/Host, the road to success is never easy.../ the system said bluntly

Naruto looked down at what the system said said

/But...it's always worth it. Don't be so down Host, you now have Wind Breathing which is a win for you/

He looked up again and thought for a bit and realized that it was right. All shinobi got strong through hard work like the fourth Hokage and the bushy brow Might Guy

"Ok, so what now?" He said

/For tomorrow you need to get ready for training. You still have a long way to master Wind Breathing. In other words, prepare for hell/ it bluntly said

Naruto shooked at that and proceeds to go home. He didn't know that he was being watch by someone, all the way to the Hokage mansion. Inside in a office sat a old man wearing robes and the Hokage hat with a kanji for fire at the middle. It was none other than Hiruzen Sarutobi, using Tōmegane no jutsu on his crystal ball using it to look through the bathhous-(COUGH) I mean using it to look for Naruto as his anbu reported to him that Naruto was not at his apartment.

He searched for Naruto's chakra signature and found him at the training grounds watching him train.

'What are you up to Naruto?' he questioned why.

Hiruzen continued to watch Naruto and saw his eyes filled with determination

'Minato...' he said in thought as he was filled with sadness that he couldn't fulfill his promise

He saw Naruto finally finished and saw him going home and decided to visit him. He got up and went straight to Naruto's apartment













After he got home Naruto freshened up at the shower and was drying his hair with a towel

"Hey system is there an easy way to communicate with you?" He asked

/You could just talk to me with your thoughts Host/

"Wait, I could do that?"

/Yes. All you have to do is say it in your mind/

Naruto tried and said 'Status' and it appeared in front of him

'That was great! Now I don't have to say it out loud in public for people not to think that im crazy' he said in thought

He sat down on his bed and said in thought

'Can you explain to me all about Wind Breathing'

/Wind Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics wind, specifically powerful torrents of air and whirlwinds, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms involve purely offensive attacks, most of which utilizing rotating movements to generate swift whirlwind-like slashes that greatly increase the wielder's striking range or utilizing the air around them to deliver sharp sickle-shaped attacks. Users of Wind Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating wind when unleashing its techniques/

Naruto's eyes sparkle and said "That's so cool!" He couldn't wait for training and use wind breathing

/Host you must train Total Concentration Breathing in order to use breathing styles/ the system reminded him

"Alright, first thing tomorrow morning is training the.....that thing you just said" he said

As he couldn't understand what it said

*Knock* *Knock*

He heard his door knocked, as he went to open it and saw Hiruzen with a grandfatherly smile

"Jiji!" He said happily

"Hello Naruto, mind if I come in?" Said Hiruzen

"Sure!, come in" as he lets Hiruzen inside

He closed the door and walks with Hiruzen and sat back on his bed

"So what brings here Jiji?"

"Well I decided to visit you, now that I have free time" Hiruzen said

Naruto nodded and turned silent for a moment.

'Hey system can Jiji also see the panel?' he asked

/No Host. Other people cannot see the system, only you/

Naruto just nodded at what it said

Hiruzen noticed this and wanted to ask but he was cut off by what Naruto said

"Hey Jiji, can I also become Hokage?"

Hiruzen was caught off guard on what Naruto said but he immediately asked naruto

"Naruto. What does being Hokage mean to you?" Hiruzen asked

Naruto thinks on what to say for a minute or two and now says

"Jiji. As Hokage, you are responsible for guarding and caring for the village. Being Hokage indicates you are extremely strong, and people look up to you. I want to be Hokage Jiji! I want to change other people's opinions about me! But not just a Hokage.... I will be the strongest swordsman" Naruto declared

Hiruzen's eyes widened and surprised by the declaration. He saw a glimpse of Minato behind Naruto. He gave Naruto a warm smile and patted his head

"I'm sure you will do fine, but remember there will be others stronger than you and many obstacles you will face" Hiruzen said with a stern voice

"Then I will train hard and surpass them! No matter how many obstacles I will face. I will face them head on!" Naruto said with a smile

Hiruzen smiled and said "that's my boy. Well then I best be going, its getting late."

"Ok then, See you later Jiji" Naruto nodded

Hiruzen went to exit but quickly added

"Oh and Naruto before I go I need to tell you that you will be enrolling in the academy in about a month" he said

"Thanks for reminding me Jiji. I will use this time to train myself!" Naruto said

Hiruzen nodded and exited Naruto's apartment














Hiruzen is back into his office and was staring at the window. He heard the door opens and didn't look back to see who it was, but he knows who it is

"What is it this time, Danzo" he said now turned to see a old man with a cane and bandages on his head covering his right eye and right arm and a cross scar on his chin

Danzo looks at Hiruzen and says calmly

"Hiruzen as you know that the academy is starting at a month and you decided to enroll the jinchuriki alongside the Uchiha"

Hiruzen looked at Danzo in the eye and asked

"Yes, why is that?"

"Hiruzen, the jinchuriki will just waste time in the academy. Give him to me and I will mold him to the perfect weapon" Danzo said

Suddenly the air around them got heavy. The anbu hiding around the office felt the pressure but were able to compose themselves. Hiruzen who was releasing killing intent directly to Danzo said

"It is my decision alone, not yours. Remember Danzo I am the Hokage" he said with anger on his voice

Danzo who is composed but inside was furious at this. He scoffed and said

"You will regret this someday Hiruzen" he said coldly and left the premises

Hiruzen stopped the pressure and sighed.

"Cat, Badger" he ordered

Then out of no where two anbu were kneeling in front of him "Hokage-sama" they both said

"I want you two to monitor Naruto. Knowing Danzo he will sent his ROOT to get him, understand" he said

"Hai" "Hai" then they sunshin away

(The next day)

Naruto was back at the training grounds, warming up

"Alright system, what are we doing today?" Naruto asked

The he saw the task


Total Concentration Breathing

Lung power training

Run laps

Do weighted push ups


Do all this while inhaling as much air as possible and slowly exhale. Finish this within a month


Naruto looked at it and didn't complain since all he has to do is breath in as much air as possible

-Day 1-

(A few moments later)

He regrets it since he found out it was hard and difficult to manage but it didn't stop him and so he continued running while breathing deeply

He wonders about how to do the weighted push ups. He couldn't buy some weights cause the shopkeeper would just throw him out

Suddenly he heard some beside him and looks to his right

"Hello Naruto!, a fine morning today isn't" said Might Guy with a smile that sparkles

"Gahhhh!" He screamed in fright that he didn't sense the person beside him

They stopped and Naruto was panting heavily

"*Pant**pant*...um your ...Might Guy ...right?" He said

"Yes!, I am!"Guy said with a thumbs up

"You seem to be in thought Naruto, I could see it in your eyes. Is there something in your mind to be spacing out?"

"Oh...uh I was thinking on how to get some training weights but since I couldn't I will just use makeshift ones" Naruto said

Guy frowned on what he heard, he heard on what Naruto had to live and what he has gone through. Jonins and other high ranking individuals know Naruto's identity as jinchuriki. Guy thinks for a bit and said

"I have spare weights with me. You can borrow them" Guy said

Naruto raised a brow and said "you carry extra weights with you?"

"Yep, I carried them with me just for something like this!" he said with a thumbs up

Naruto just looked at him with a blank stare

Guy took the weights out from his bag at the hip and gave it to Naruto

"Oh and before I forget..." He added while giving it to Naruto. Naruto grabbed the weights and almost fell to the ground. He gritted his teeth and his legs were shaking due to the heavyness of the weights

"They are 20 kilograms each, I gave you four so they are 80 kilograms. Just put it on your arms and legs" Guy said

"A...little...help" Naruto said struggling

Guy quickly took it before Naruto could fall down. He put the weights on Naruto's arms and legs and he had trouble moving around

"This is what you use for training?" He asked Guy

"Yes! Now I must be going, I had something's to attend to. Keep moving forward Naruto and fan the flames of youth within you. Farewell!" He dissapeard from his sights

"This is gonna be hard to get used to" Naruto mumbled

-Day 2-

Naruto was doing push-ups, struggled but keeps going and continues to inhale large amounts of air

Unbeknownst to him, he was monitored by the two anbu ordered by the Hokage

"For a kid his age, he is doing rather well" said Badger

"Indeed" said Cat
















-Day 6-

From the past days Naruto is slowly getting used to the weights and was doing the tasks ok. He tried to meditate while breathing but couldn't since he was getting impatient

/Host. Don't get impatient it takes time to progress/ said the system

'sorry, I just couldn't help it'

/Host you do realized that you are slowly getting used to the weights and was doing push-ups and running at your normal pace. Most people will take weeks to get used to it but your getting used to it by a few days/

Naruto knew that was true because he found out about it at the time he was doing. So he shuts up and continues to meditate
















(Few days later)

-Day 12-

Naruto has now gotten used to the weights, he even received a second task. This time for his taijutsu, a few days ago. Which is punching his fists and kicking his shins on trees, which was painful.




Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 6

Level: 2


Strength: genin

Chakra: jonin (Uzumaki heritage)

Chakra control: low


Ninjutsu: none

Genjutsu: none

Taijutsu: academy student

Kenjutsu: none

Fuinjutsu: none

Sage art: none

|Breathing styles|

Wind Breathing


He saw his strength rosed to genin rank and got estatic about it. He saw Guy training and asked him

"Guy-san can you train me in Taijutsu?" He asked

"I sure can Naruto! But I must asked, are you ready to endure this type of training?"

Naruto looked at the panel


Train under Might Guy by the end of the month


"Yes!"Naruto shouted

"Yosh! Very well, then do 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 squats and 20 km run! While also wearing 30 kg of weights!" Guy said with a sparkling smile and thumbs up

Naruto's brain shut off for a moment and reacted by saying

"Ehhhhhhhh! Are you trying to kill me Guy-san!" Naruto said

"Nope!" Guy said still with a smile and thumbs up

"*Sigh* fine let's do this!" Naruto said as he punched his palm















From the following days, Naruto under Guy's gruesome training progressed, he even showed his training to Guy about the shin kicking to which Guy gives pointers about.

Guy was surprised on Naruto's adaptability, he slowly increase the difficulty but Naruto was able to adapt quickly.

'Incredible! Such youth that Naruto has. He will be a great shinobi when he graduates' Guy said in thought with a smile on his face

Guy introduced Naruto to Lee, his student. Lee happily greeted Naruto as he has heard him from Guy-sensei. The two of them have been training together under Guy and sparred against each other

-last day-

Naruto has finally able to grasp Total Concentration Breathing and his taijutsu just rosed to the same Genin rank, now it was time to say farewell to Guy and Lee

"Guy-sensei thank you for training me. I couldn't done it without you. You too Lee, thanks for all of your help" Naruto said

"No worries Naruto!"Lee said

Guy nodded and said "Lee is right, I too am grateful to train you and being Lee's friend"

"Remember Naruto! Remember to follow your dreams and never give up! With the power of youth!" Shouted Guy and Lee

Naruto sweat dropped at that and smiled

"Let's go, Lee" said Guy

"Hai! Guy-sensei!" Shouted Lee

Naruto saw them leave, then he went home after finally finishing the tasks














Naruto, after changing his clothes sat down in bed and said


/Congratulations Host You leveled up from the 3 tasks/



Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 6

Level: 5


Strength: genin

Chakra: jonin (Uzumaki heritage)

Chakra control: low


Ninjutsu: none

Genjutsu: none

Taijutsu: genin

Kenjutsu: none

Fuinjutsu: none

Sage art: none

|Breathing styles|

Wind Breathing


/Would you like to claim the rewards?/

"Yes" Naruto said excitedly

Naruto saw a flash of light from the panel, after the flash of light, what he got was

/Congratulations for claiming Yoriichi Tsugikuni's nichirin blade, Yoriichi Tsugikuni's attire and Transparent World/

Naruto this time was ready, he closed his eyes and felt the flow of memories on his head. After receiving the memories of the Transparent World, from the corner of his eye he spotted a haori, kimono and a pair of hanafuda earrings. His eyes went to the nichirin blade and held it on his hand, he carefully unsheathed the blade, he saw his eyes reflecting from the blade, he put it back on its sheath and put it aside

"I need to train my kenjutsu so that I can use my new blade" he said

He felt nothing but joy for finally completing it all and was happy that he made friends along the way.

He put the clothes at his dresser and laid down as he closed his eyes and drifted asleep

To be continued


Sorry if it's a bit rushed but I need to upload this as soon as possible due to exams are coming up. See you guys next time on the next chapter. Peace

pls send power stones

Jojo016creators' thoughts