
Naruto! The Martial Guardian!

Fuck around and find out

one_punch_op · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 : Naruto




Heavy rain was falling on the village, fortunately, the Dojo was built on an elevated platform making the rain not a nuisance.

My students were with me in this rain we sat close to the front door drinking tea, and they enjoyed my story of defeating a monster with strength compared to a strong ninja.

Their passion always shined brighter when I told them them my story or whenever we talked about ninjas.

Something miraculous happened at that moment, a blond-haired child ran towards the Dojo for some cover from the rain.

(Third - Pov)

The blond-haired child approached the Dojo in a miserable state asking for help.

"Please I-I just need cover." The blond looked very pathetic, and scared of being rejected again, left in the rain to be drenched.

A man with a magnificent mustache smiled and gave him the queue to come inside the children beside him wanted to say something but it didn't come out after watching his face smiling at Naruto.

"It's okay, little boy... You want some tea?" Bang's smile kind, made the blond face brighter as he made his way slowly toward Bang with a nod stunned in a pleasantly.

"...Yes..." Tears crept in the child's eyes as he made his way in.

"Shiori, bring the towel from there." Bang still kept his smile and looked towards Shiori before telling her to bring a towel.

She stood up and ran towards the towel before bringing it quickly Bang didn't like his students being lazy so he made it a strict rule to fulfill his assignments and work to be done as quickly as possible or they would be punished.

Yuta gave Naruto his spare clothes while Naruto dried up, Doku brought another tea cup before his teacher even asked.

Bang patted all 3 of them in a grandfatherly manner and gave Naruto his tea, they sat down again peacefully watching the rain get heavier as it became impossible to see anything.

Today was July 4th and rain was common during this time.


Naruto sat right between Bang and Shiori, bang could see him flustered at the prospect of being near someone a little older than him and an adult.

People of these ages had mostly shunned him or avoided him at all cost.

They peacefully drank tea but because the rain was unrelenting as water gathered in the village the kids decided to stay the night.

It was a sweet dream for everyone, especially Naruto.

(Naruto - Pov)

I was cold, alone, running from roof to roof to hide from the terrible rain, but 'those' looks and people shouting bad words at me made me escape, facing rejection from every roof filled me with hopelessness.

I was looking for someone to accept me, someone who helps me in my time of need, someone who wouldn't throw me 'those' looks and curse my existence.

Why were they doing this to me?... why?...

In my Desperation I found a big house? Dojo... Yes... Fist of the Water Stream Leaf Dojo...

I found him... I found them... Those who didn't hate me and specially him, he looked at me with kind eyes, offered me tea in this cold and terrible rain, offered me a towel, clothes and a place to sleep as we silently enjoyed the rain...

Yes... I enjoyed the rain... This was my first time enjoying the rain... Because rain made me cry... It made me sadder, it reminded me of all those stares and rejection, but that day I found a place for myself, a place that had people who were kind to me, who didn't curse at me.

I didn't know it now but their appearance in my life would change me for the better, change my life for the better.

As I drank the tea offered by the uncle, it filled me with warmth... I had never felt warmth like this in my life... It brought tears to my eyes... I felt ashamed of crying Infront of them... But I didn't feel judged by them... As I sipped the bitter tea it's scent captivated me... And calmed me... It felt like... Like home... Is this what it feels like to have a home?...

(Bang - Pov)

Finally, the time I had been waiting for had come, to make the changes in his life I had the opportunity to do what I failed to in the past.

I will do everything right with the chance I have now.


(Third - Pov)


July 5th...

Fist of the Water Stream Leaf Dojo...

A man was sitting with 4 other children, 3 early risers and 1 late sleeper.

Eating breakfast early in its true sense, since it's 5 am.

The breakfast was peaceful, 3 of the children comfortable enough to talk with eachother about the academy, wondering what boring lessons they would learn today.

While the blond was sitting quietly but a heart-warming smile took its place on his face.

The atmosphere was very welcoming everyone could feel it, it resonated with everyone, after the rain had stopped everything felt peaceful.

Yuta, Shiori, Doku saw it... Everything people said about the blond was false, aside from Shiori who was without parents Yuta and Doku had been told by their parents to avoid him but they didn't know why.

"So what is your name kid?" Bang asked with a kind smile, thousands of questions were ringing in his mind constantly pestering him... He wanted to unload them all at the same time but, he didn't want to intimidate the child Infront of him.

"N-Naruto" flustered at being questioned so suddenly but regardless he answered, he didn't want to ignore someone who showed him so much kindness and trust to let him stay the night.

"There is nothing to worry about here Naruto, you will always be welcome here." Showing a kind smile with kinder words Bang wanted to break the shell the child was trying to hide in.

"Naruto... Do you live alone?" Bang asked to know his living conditions, he saw how people treated him but never tried to talk to him... He was aware of the eyes that were on Naruto.

"...Yes... Although I live in an orphanage they always throw me out." After some silence Naruto dimly answered, he was saddened by how it might happen to him again and maybe he might not even be allowed to return after yesterday.

"Hmm... It doesn't matter now... You can stay here whenever you like... As I said you will always be welcome here." Bang said these words to lighten the mood but Naruto gave him a hopeful look that seemed to shine brighter than the sun.

Those words ment the world to him... Every single moment he spent thinking why no one loves him... Why everyone hates him... Why was he treated so cruelly by everyone...

He didn't have the answer for that but he knew... That he had found someone... Someone who showed him kindness and generosity... But he didn't want to bother them.

"B-but wouldn't I be a b-bother?" Naruto fidgeted as he asked this question, dreading the answer he closed his eyes.

"Never... As I said you don't need to worry." He calmly and gently said those words as Naruto opened his eyes in pleasant confusion... Tears slid down his eyes as he had never felt so good.

Bang patted Naruto with affection, knowing how the cruel the village could be he had made the decision to keep the child for as long as he was allowed to and even if he wasn't... He would fight for it.

The kid saw Naruto and thought how cruel could people be to say that he was a monster, Bang was their teacher even though he taught them only for a month they respected him and his teachings, he taught them to always treat others with kindness and they would do that no matter what their parents said, at least Shiori didn't have to worry about that.

"Don't tell your parents about Naruto being here alright?..." He calmly told the kid to not mention about Naruto's presence in the Dojo.

"Hai sensei!!" The kid enthusiastically agreed.

"Good... I think it should be time for your early training correct?"

"Hai Sensei!!!" They agreed with even more enthusiasm.

They followed Bang who gestured Naruto to follow, they stood in a line and Bang showed them his movements, exercises and they including Naruto followed him to the best of their abilities, while he corrected them in any flaws.

After an hour it was 6 am the warmup was done but since it time for the academy they would return to the Dojo after noon.

"Ok Sensei thank you for the lesson, we will return after noon Bye!! Bye Naruto!!" Shiori as always enthusiastic said goodbye.

The others a little tame said their good byes and went their way to the academy.

Naruto happily waved at them, causing Bang to feel happy... There was hope for the kid.

Naruto curiously asked Bang if they can continue the training and Bang happily agreed.

They continued their training and within 3 hours Naruto was exhausted.

Bang brought him a glass of water for both of them and they decided to talk.

"C-can I call you S-Sensei?" Naruto shyly asked, to which he received a happy nod.

"S-Sensei why did you name this dojo Fist of the Water Stream Leaf Dojo?" Naruto asked curiously not knowing he just awakened the cool Martial artist inside Bang.

Bang got up and said "My name is Bang also know as Silver Fang, I have created Water Stream Rock Smashing fist a perfect blend of Offence and Defence, I strive to teach young children like you how to become strong and self-dependent and carry my legacy in the form of my Martial arts and Philosophy." He said introducing himself officially and showcased his fluid movement as his had twisted and flowed like a spirit possessed him and ended it with stance akin to a mantis preparing to fight.

Bang's movements mesmerised Naruto, he felt like Bang was an unstoppable force of nature, he felt an otherworldly power from him, he didn't know why but he wanted to achieve the same mastery as Bang did, he wanted to be as calm as Bang was, and effortlessly be cool as him.

(Just like how the anime and Martial arts fans were, when we watched how he beat down Garou <even though the animation was trash>).

Looking at Naruto Bang nodded to himself, this was the proper response he wanted from his students specially Saitama but he was a special case including Genos so he wasn't bothered.

Looking at the sparkles in his eyes he Naruto a speech to motivate him.

"Naruto, if you aspire to grow stronger and safeguard what holds significance for you, will you embrace my martial arts teachings and make me proud? Are you prepared to tread the path of self-reliance, confronting challenges with a steadfast smile? Will you emerge as a genuine hero? Will you evolve into an authentic martial artist?" Bang's words resonated within Naruto, igniting a sense of fulfillment—a glimpse of the coolness he could attain, mirroring Bang himself.

"YES!!!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing with a fervor and anticipation that were foreign to his own ears. A novel warmth suffused his being, igniting a sense of purpose that had never before flickered within him.

"Excellent! For I stand beside you in this journey," Bang proclaimed, his eyes alight with the fires of conviction. "Through the shadows of your most challenging moments, I shall be your beacon, guiding you to become the mightiest martial artist the world has ever witnessed." With a solemn nod, he extended his hand, an invitation to destiny.

Naruto took his hand without any hesitation and decided on the spot that he would become the strongest Martial artist there ever was.

Because of that speech Naruto felt rejuvenation in his body as an immense amount of energy filled him and they continued the training with more enthusiasm and energy.

3 pm...

(Yuta/Shiori/Doku - Pov)

We were returning from the academy and dropped by our home to tell that we stayed at the Dojo for the night so we didn't face any punishment.


As we returned to the Dojo we didn't expect the Third Hokage to visit our Humble Dojo as well... He looked somewhat serious.

We hope everything is going to be alright.

(Hiruzen Sarutobi - Pov)

I was informed by my anbu that a newly Founded Dojo within the leaf had not only allowed Naruto to stay in to cover from the rain and showed him kindness but also let him stay the night.

Something like this shouldn't be a problem... But the person who did it came to the Leaf village a Month ago and I am afraid of Minato's son being manipulated by an unknown factor.

If that wasn't enough I heard that the man has encouraged Naruto to become a Martial artist... Martial artist?!! This is ridiculous!! He is supposed to be a ninja!! A ninja!! Damn it!!!

I approached the place with steady but calm steps, although my face looked more serious and turned more angry from the grandfatherly smile I usually showed he was still calm... At least on the outside.

I saw 3 children look at me with worried looks... Did I look that scary or what? I slowed my steps a bit... though they didn't notice my glances they quickly ran into the God forsaken Dojo I was going to.

(Bang - Pov)

3:15 pm

I was calmly waiting for the children to arrive while Naruto was blissfully sleeping, as I meditated.

I sensed them but... There was an extraordinary presence with them? How peculiar? Though not the strongest presence I had to witness but strong nonetheless.

The kids arrived in a hurry surrounding me expressing their worries.

"S-Sensei the Third Hokage is here!! Why is he here?!! Is it because we kept Naruto here at the Dojo for the night?!! Is he going to hurt us?!!" Shiori expressed her panic before anyone could say anything, looking rather worried.

I gave them all an unconcerned smile saying "Don't worry it's alright, even if the Hokage has any problem with Naruto staying here, he is just doing his job as a Hokage." Freeing my students of any worries was my responsibility and I will take care of them regardless of their burdens.

"B-but he looks very angry!"

(Third - Pov)

The Third Hokage... Leader of the Leaf came in Bang's humble Dojo with a calm expression and calm steps non revealing his intentions for the visit.

The dojo was a simple place, there was nothing to decorate the dojo, but the presence of Bang was very notable, it seemed calm and unbothered but their was something serious about it.

Naruto had already woken up after all the noise that they were making at this time of the day.

"Kids take Naruto with you to the backyard and check on the plants for me will you? Hokage-sama and I have something to discuss." He was still sitting calmly as Yuta and Doku took Naruto away while Shiori politely went to the kitchen and within 6 minutes she brought the tea kettle with freshly brewed tea.

She brought 2 cup and poured the tea slowly, all of this was observed by Bang and Hiruzen.

Once the cups were filled she place the kettle down bowing to them before running towards the rest.

Hiruzen seeing felt perplexed, the man in front of him had earned the respect of these children in less than a month, not to mention wether it was young, adults, or old they all had the same feeling of admiration.

That was not the ridiculous part, what was ridiculous were his stories of him defeating monsters, at first he believed them to be a lie but after sitting with the man face to face it seems there is some level of truth to this but how much is uncertain.

"Who are you? I have never seen you in the village before. " His tone calm as he calmly eyed. Bang with a sharpness to them he observed all of what Bang's body language spoke.

"My name is Bang... As for why you have never seen me is because I just came to the village, to open this Dojo." Bang was smiling, calmly answered the leader of the Village. He was confused as to why would the Hokage visit him.

Hiruzen was a little surprised at Bang keeping himself calm even in his presence.

"The blond kid, who stayed with you... His name is Naruto Uzumaki... He is an Orphan in the village... What do you intend to do by opening this Dojo in a ninja village?" curiosity was like an itch to the Third Hokage, he wouldn't be satisfied without a scratch.

"I intend to teach my Martial arts and Philosophy to these children and help them succeed in their life goals." Bang's smile never seemed fall as he made his intentions clear, having nothing to hide.

"If I may ask, what might those be can give me some details? What might your philosophy be and what is your Martial arts technique, since they are the leafs children and they learn at the leaf academy to become the leaf ninja it is important to teach them everything that doesn't clash with what the leaf teaches." The Third Hokage said in a serious tone, his eyes narrowed.

"Hokage-sama, at my dojo, I impart the teachings of the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, a martial art that focuses on precise strikes and fluid movements to overcome opponents. This technique emphasizes strength, speed, and adaptability, honing both body and mind in the process. In addition to the physical techniques, I also teach the philosophy of resilience and inner strength. I believe that true mastery of martial arts extends beyond mere physical prowess... it requires discipline, perseverance, and a deep understanding of oneself. My students learn to cultivate their inner strength, to face adversity with courage, and to uphold the principles of justice and honor in all their actions. Above all, I instill in my students the importance of using their skills for the protection of others and the preservation of peace. Martial arts are not just a means of combat, but a path to enlightenment and self-improvement. It is my hope that through their training at my dojo, they will not only become formidable warriors but also noble and virtuous individuals, worthy of carrying on the legacy of the Leaf Village." Bang informed Hiruzen through his words and made his philosophy clear to the man.

For 30 minutes the sound of 2 veterans sitting in silence and occasionally sipping tea.

Bang gestured Shiori to come as all the kids were watching from the sidelines but couldn't hear the intense whispers of the old.

"Bring me my cards and that toy hammer will you?" It was more of an order than question, Shiori in a confused but relieved hurry went to fetch his game of 'whack-a-mole'.

It was open to the kids that Bang was feeling playful and that was better than the serious atmosphere that took its place before.

Hiruzen raised his eyebrow in question wondering what Bang's intention might be... "How about we play a game if you like, it would be fun." Bang asked with a playful smile on his face.

"Alright then if it's a competition then so be it." Hiruzen agreed, the atmosphere had calmed down, after Hiruzen had analysed what he said and if he was lying or not it was open to him, he didn't detect any lie and if he were found doing something threatening he would take action.

Bang explained the rules and they decided to finish the game in 10 turns...

The competition started with constant tension as Hiruzen and Bang had to protect their image in front of the children.

The first strike of the hammer went to bang as swiftly struck Hiruzen but he was quick enough to cover his head with a helmet giving his ego the protection it needed, it was a close call as nervous sweat drip from his pores.

The next strike went to Hiruzen as he quickly went for the hit but Bang was quicker than him.

As the game went on with intense competition the match ended in a draw making it the lighter than it was.

Unknown to the students and Hiruzen Bang was going easy on him not wanting to humiliate the Hokage in front the children while also providing sufficient challenge as the Hokage was always on the edge after seeing Bang's first strike.

"The match has ended in a draw it seems, you have quite the reflexes." Bang exclaimed in amusement knowing the Hokage's plight very well.

"you are very skilled yourself, it's a surprise to see someone as young as you to be so fast and strong." Hiruzen took his smoking pipe in his hand and took a puff.

"Now, Naruto is my responsibility as I am his guardian, his parents had made it clear that they want their child to become a ninja and I intend to fulfill their wish." Hiruzen made his points clear, without revealing too much.

"I don't intend to blind my own students to the bigger world out there it's there choice to make not mine, your, or his dead parents to make... It would only limit their mind." Although Hiruzen had some problems with what Bang said he stood up and said his goodbye it was time to go.

The kids ran back to Bang and frantically asked questions about what happened? what did they talk about? And anything that came to their mind about Naruto.

"Don't worry he simply gave me the responsibility of keeping Naruto and taking care of him." Bang said with a calm smile inorder to calm them down.

The kids felt happy and Naruto felt even happier that he was under Bang his Sensei's care from now on.

My thoughts about Bang and Hiruzen.

Hiruzen to me seems like someone who never failed in his youth, so when his failures started to stack up, he failed to redeem himself. Reason being he is surrounded by heartless ninjas working to profit themselves, the village, and their clan.

There being no one to help him in his time of need made him a failure until the end of his life.

Bang on the other side had a brother who helped him, and he took action unlike Hiruzen, who only showed regret for his actions and failures, Bang showed his failed student the right path unlike Hiruzen, who didn't even attempt to face him.

I don't know why but I like these experienced old man-type characters they are so cool in my opinion, Hiruzen just happened to be a failed old man character.

There is another old man who failed yamamoto from bleach, thought his character was built better than Hiruzen.

Bang had very similar philosophy to Hiruzen, he made the same Mistake as Hiruzen but that's where the similarity end, Bang redeemed himself, Hiruzen let himself get weaker.

one_punch_opcreators' thoughts