
A rebel within

Asana stretched her hand to touch Asaya, the girl who had written down all these words. Her other hand rested on her chin but suddenly shoved it away. Thinking that she may get harm. Thought that must finish her notes first. Her eye's rolled down on the words:

"We arrived in a guesthouse. As the king ordered us to keep being in regular inns uncle chose a small one, but still beautiful. Outsider engraved walls were covered by ivies with pink flowers. More suitable for new lovers to spend their honeymoon and enjoy the sea view and green at the same time.

As we entered in a young debonair slave with curly black hair welcomed us, but when his eyes fixed on Salman froze. Salman the man that uncle saved his life as being slave smiled him back, his dark eyes glittered.

"Do you know each other?" Zia asked pointing to them.

"Brother!" The young man said but kept being there being watchful that his master won't see him. I felt pity for them because they couldn't at least hold each other between arms.

He nodded and didn't approach him seemed to look for the right time. As we checked in, he guided us to a nice floor. There was a big window with a city view! What an extraordinary architecture and every day navigating to higher development. I could see the castle which had been built in the heart of a mountain. A roaring waterfall fluxing down from it. The castle was separated from the city by a gap and a bridge had made a way to reach there. In the end, you could see shadowy high mountains covered under white and gray color.

As the last day of Gemini when the spring ends, white clouds show up in the sky above us with a sudden snowfall surprising the earthlings and we start the Cancer month. I was looking at the snowflakes which were coming down the ground adorably and coquetry. My hand rested under my chin, leaned on the balcony of the second-floor hall as we rented the whole floor.

Salman who had got stuck in that slavery industry no longer was a free man. He passed me a fruit tray and I picked one apple and thanked him.

"Do you find it interesting?" He said while looking outside to may find something.

"Yes, I do, I love snowflakes," I replied and gave a bite to my gained apple.

"I don't like the last cold day of spring, my clan considers it jinx". He was looking outside apprehensively.

"Jinx? Why it would be?" I asked.

"The demonic ghosts will seize the good ones because they want to get our bodies to live again", he trembled.

"That's why you sent favors to poor people? Just to keep them away?" I knew about their culture, but never knew about the reason behind it!

Before we take our room uncle asked him to leave and live as a free man then by, but he refused and said, "I don't have a family let me stay beside you and my brother rather be here".

Uncle shook his head and replied, "I will accept you as one of my staff and I'll pay you like the others, so it's going to be a fair deal". He won approval simply from my strict uncle.

Salman hunky-dory smiled and accepted that deal. Uncle called for having a conversation about our current status.

We all sat on the seats and uncle went on, "Amal gave the other piece of stick to me and Nerssi, so we needed to hide it in a safe place which a man hardly could find it. It's in a cave between a frozen mountain, tomorrow we will be on the way there, not an easy road, but for the sake of saving lives worth it. From Egopta we are going to separate then I and Salman will take the broken stick with us to Persis and will hand it to the safe hands of king Sheed and he is going to seal it."

Zia blinked at me and murmured, "This means I got the permission to come with you".

Uncle heard him and with a hurt tone said, "It will be your punishment to be a part of this breathtaking journey and it will be a lesson to not interfere to an imperative which is none of your business so will learn to ask for permission before arbitrary actions".

Zia's smile faded away from the face uncle shown him, when everyone started laughing, Nathan tapped him on the shoulder and divulged, "Bloke, don't be mad at us for this, but we are happy you'll join us". I was looking at them laughing, living their eyes were glowing. Nathan's popeyed blue eyes wrinkled then brushed a hand into his redhead.

Zia looked at him shamefully, "He accustomed to make me look ridiculous".

So the conversation ended very fast to have some rest.

In the middle of the night, while everyone fell slept to a sweet dream, my mind injected some drugs to avoid me from getting sleep. For the reason that I wondered why it must come that way. I was thinking about Mr.Weirdo and that night again. It gave me a chill.

I jumped up and like a black shadow, quietly tiptoed out of my chamber and without making any other noises entered the roof! Maybe running out could keep me away from thinking about him. The better was when the cold pushed everyone into their warm houses.

I heard the cheers of people drinking to pass this aid. They weren't fretful like the way Salman was. I was running purposefully to find a place to be alone with my thoughts. I became rebellious against my own emotions.

As I was moving through the connected roofs, the snow and wind were kissing my face. I won't deny it was frizzing, but I was enjoying it because it succeeds to heal the flares of fury within me.

I climbed up the huge unfinished building at the center of the city.

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