

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Tap is surprised more than anything while Veo is laughing so hard. Din came to his sense and spoke, "N-No It's not what it looks like!" Din said stuttered and Nan still stunned in her chair without blinking. Din walked back to his chair and covering his face with his hands down in embarrassment.

Veo pushed Tap gently inside and sit with them. Nan calmed down and clarifies what were they doing before. Then Veo said.

"I didn't even ask about that? LOL" Veo laugh so hard mocking Nan and Din.

"Then, tell what are you doing here, my-dear-best-friend?" Asked Nan. She found that it was weird that Veo was here. He usually tells Nan if he wants to visit a friend, but this time he didn't even reply her message.

Nan can clearly see Tap a bit stuttered and was faking a phone call and threw all that question to Veo.

"Tap called me when he heard you were here and called me over." Veo answered firmly.

Veo explanation can convince Nan, but seeing Tap's reaction is giving other things to explain. Nan will interrogate Veo about that later. Dropped the curiosity on Veo and Tap, Nan saw Din already back to his composure. Then Nan asked if there's another thing he wanted to ask.

"I think It's enough, we should continue eating. My eyes hurt after reviewing all of these." said Din.

"I think so too. You already get into 'Rum's' character good enough, no, it was perfect. It feels as if I was drowning in front of your version of 'Rum'." Nan said giving compliments to Din.

"Thanks! I am an actor after all." Din threw a joke awkwardly.

"Uh-huh cheeky. Well, you should get my thanks too. I can improve some part that seems off as we review it before." Nan laugh Din's joke off and thanked him after.

Veo and Tap are watching beside them while eating and definitely feel something weird with that situation.

They finished eating and come out to the parking lot together. It is safe because Veo is also there. Finally, two days of recovering are coming to an end. Thanks to Din who helped her. She put her hand on Din's shoulder and said.

"Thank you! My day off hero!" She said while smiling foolishly and left.


On the next day, Nan will start her first schedule to work on the series. She'll meet Min, the Script Supervisor. Although she won the contest, there are several things that should be corrected before turn it into a real scenario. They agreed to meet at 3 pm at the production building's meeting room.

2.30 pm, Nan is already in the meeting room. She read through her script checking for some errors while waiting for Min. a few minutes later, Min comes in. Min looked pretty satisfied because she doesn't have to wait.

They went straight to focus on the script. Min give Nan a lot of compliment of the improvement that she's been working on before she met Min. But, there are still a few corrections and a major thing that needs to be added. A scenario is a lot different than a script, it needs every detail of the process inside the story for the upcoming each and every scene while the script is more focused on the storylines and characters.

Nan and Min already spend more than 3 hours to work on the script and scenario. Min was pleased that Nan can keep up with her pace. This work was supposed to be finished around two or three weeks but she thinks it will be finished this week. Thanks to Nan's diligent works. Then Min asks Nan.

"I think we can finish these within a week. Do you mind if we work more intensely? Can you keep up with the schedule?" Asked Min.

"Oh, Yes. I'm always free after classes." Said Nan.

"Alright then, I think today is enough. We can continue at the next meeting." Said Min while packed her stuff.

"Sure, Thanks for today."

And that is all for the meeting. Nan is proud of her first schedule that went pretty smoothly, on top of that Min looked very satisfied with her work. She plans to buy some snacks to reward herself. but, when she on her way to the basement, she stopped right when the elevator opened.

An awkward coincidence. It was Din and his manager. Din seems shocked, while Nan maintains her face as flat as she could. Both Din and Din's Manager greets Nan then they come down together. Din's Manager asked Nan.

"How is the meeting?" Asked Din's Manager.

"It went smoothly." Answered Nan proudly.

After Nan answered his question. They turn their face to Nan and stared with a weird gaze.

"Smoothly? Are you sure?" Din's Manager asked to make sure of it.

"Yes, of course." Nan answered confusedly.

Nan could see Din smiled from his left side of his lips and it makes her feel weirder. The elevator reaches the lobby, Din and Din's Manager came out because their SUV is picking them up on the lobby. Nan continues to come down to the parking lot. She just can't believe it why could she met Din, just right after yesterday's accident. She just starts to calm her down and breathe normally. The elevator reaches the basement and it opened to a new heart attack for Nan.

It was Tan Wirathan standing right in front of her. She can't believe it. Tan Wirathan the smartest, funniest, and most reliable actor she ever knows. Nan has a soft spot for a smart guy, that's why she was a big fan of Tan. Tan also brings a lot of happiness with his dumb act, especially when he bickered with best friend, Wey Phisakorn.

She dropped her files right after and Tan helps her in reflex, then he asked.

"Oh, are you okay? Did I surprised you?" He asked.

Of course, you are. That is what Nan wants to answer but she can't speak more than


She retrieves her file and runs into her car. She sat down and rest her head at the steering wheel. What a tiring day, It was great actually but bad for her heart. She should get used to it, though. She'll be coming back and forth to this building for the next 3 months.

Thank you for reading! Now, my story is at the end of the first volume. I'll continue with a better story (I hope so lol). I'll improve the characters and also improve my writing capability. Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ssun_aracreators' thoughts