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The Whirlpool in the Sky, about to close. The Saint Emperor reached out, grasping the final beam of starlight shooting out from within.

The nebula spun, dazzlingly bright, undergoing a refinement in the hands of the Saint Emperor, flowing like gentle water beneath him.

Transformed into a luminous throne.

The Saint Emperor sat upright, his voice like thunder, slowly speaking, "The boundless primordial chaos, the boundless pre-existence; the division of Yin and Yang, the rotation of the Five Elements; all things are born, created by the Great One..."

Every word and sentence was profound and obscure. But under the Saint Emperor's recitation, the fortunate beings in this world who had the chance to listen all faintly felt a sense of contemplation.

The fleeting sense of enlightenment that had just been enveloped by the starlight above their heads regained clarity in the Saint Emperor's words of the Dao.

"Dao governs heaven and earth, mastering it leads to immortality; freely roaming in the azure skies, driving the course of creation; enduring through countless epochs, nurturing the vast lands..."

Even those with mediocre aptitude and low cultivation levels seemed to grasp something under the Saint Emperor's voice.

The anger in their hearts grew stronger.

Even the enlightened ones listened as if enchanted.

Yin Shang scratched his head. He felt the foundation of his own Dao within, as if it were eager to burst out.

"This is the creation of the Master, as well as your own."

However, at this critical moment, no one dared to question the great Saint Emperor's decision. The Wanxian Alliance ruled over most of the Xuanhuang realm, still able to command as they pleased, precisely because of the presence of Tianxuan Mirrors and Transmission Arrays spread throughout the various states.

And while everyone was distracted, they hurriedly left the cave.

"During the three-year preparation period, some means can be deployed in advance."

The remaining disciples were all the same.

Six disciples, arranged in order.

Sun Luyuan was speaking eloquently at a gathering, but suddenly sensed something, quickly interrupting his lengthy discourse.

"Is this the saying of 'when one person achieves enlightenment, even chickens and dogs ascend to heaven'? No, this clearly demonstrates selflessly sharing one's own enlightenment, regardless of kinship, and passing it on to others. Hiss..."

"The [Dark Needle Plan] is finally going to be implemented? We've been waiting for this day for too long." A glint flashed in Sun Luyuan's eyes. He suppressed the excitement and slight fear in his heart, concealed his aura, and hurried to the agreed meeting place.

Figures like Sun Erlang and Ou Shangtian, with extraordinary aptitude, had even brighter eyes, with purple qi swirling around them.

"I'll give you three years to comprehend. Three years from today..."

The voice of the Saint Emperor echoed in the hearts of the people.

The teachings of the Saint Emperor would take the majority of them the rest of their lives to digest.

In the Xuanhuang realm, Tianquan Province.

Whenever there was trouble in any province, support from other provinces or even from the headquarters of the Wanxian Alliance could swiftly arrive.

"Congratulations, Master, on achieving enlightenment!" Sun Erlang bowed.

Thus, disrupting or interfering with this connection became a top priority in dealing with the Wanxian Alliance.

One by one, they nodded in agreement.

The so-called Dark Needle Plan aimed to destroy the Tianxuan Mirrors and Transmission Arrays of the Wanxian Alliance.

The Saint Emperor's gaze swept over the six disciples below. "My Holy Dynasty will conquer the Wanxian Alliance and reclaim the Xuanhuang realm!"

"Three years."

... The Saint Emperor preached for a full three days and nights.

The bodies of the six disciples trembled at his words.

But Sun Luyuan had already made up his mind.

Apart from the reasons that prompted his rebellion earlier, the bigger factor was the recent demise of Sun Luchang.

Even if it was just casual comfort.

They had known that this battle would come. But no one could have anticipated that this day would come so quickly!

Even after the image of the Saint Emperor faded away, they remained immersed, unaware.

Sun Luyuan had been waiting for an explanation from the Wanxian Alliance.

It wasn't until the blood essence that had been left in the underground blood pool suddenly dried up that Sun Luyuan felt as if all hope had died.

"That kid Ou Shangtian said something about being able to influence or even destroy the Tianxuan Mirrors of various provinces, but I don't know what method he used. However, the elite warriors of my provinces have long been prepared." Sun Luyuan pondered as he hurried along.

Surrounding spiritual energy spontaneously poured into his body, giving him the appearance of a sudden enlightenment.

He knew that once the arrow was loosed from the bow, there was no turning back. If he acted now, he would firmly establish himself as a traitor to the Wanxian Alliance. If discovered, there would be no escape.

These days, he had watched the Wanxian Alliance continue to issue messages of departure to the outside world, even including images of the late Sun Luchang.

And at this moment, the Saint Emperor had already returned to his throne.

When he had been chosen to go outside the Xuanhuang realm, Sun Luyuan had still harbored a glimmer of hope for Sun Luchang's survival. But obviously, he had hoped too much. The guardians of the provinces, as well as those so-called important figures of the alliance, were truly just expendable materials. Once abandoned, they were abandoned.

"The Wanxian Alliance..." At this point, Sun Luyuan had completely given up hope for the Wanxian Alliance.

He had fully sided with the Holy Dynasty.

"Leaving aside everything else, the benefits I've gained from the Holy Dynasty in recent years far exceed those from the Wanxian Alliance, where I've been toiling away."

With these thoughts in mind, Sun Luyuan arrived at the agreed meeting point.

Beside the white mist barrier that towered between heaven and earth in Tianquan Province.

A few years ago, due to the great turmoil in Xuanhuang, this white mist barrier had ruptured and crashed to the ground. The unshackled primordial mist flowed out and spread in all directions, mercilessly devouring all living beings it enveloped.

Although the turmoil gradually subsided and the mist barrier was restored, this dead area never recovered its vitality.

It was enough to see how terrifying the primordial mist was.

"Who would have thought that the Holy Dynasty would have a way to almost completely neutralize the influence of this primordial mist. It's safer to meet here than anywhere else!"

After scanning his surroundings to ensure no one was following him, Sun Luyuan cautiously took out the [Pu Xian True Boat].

Entering the boat, he navigated into the midst of the white mist barrier.

With a steady speed, changing direction continuously, after a while, he indeed saw another Pu Xian True Boat quietly parked in the midst of the mist.

A black light flew out from it, slightly breaking through the mist, and came before Sun Luyuan.

Sun Luyuan received it and found it to be a black jade-made storage ring. When he looked up again, the previous Pu Xian True Boat had disappeared without a trace. "So cautious, he wouldn't even show his face."

Inside the black jade ring, neatly arranged were nearly a thousand square-shaped jade pieces engraved with mysterious characters.

Sun Luyuan took one out and carefully examined it while reading the instructions conveyed by the black light just now.

"Just carry it into the Tianxuan Mirror or Transmission Array and detonate it with a spell?"

"Is it that simple?" Sun Luyuan was somewhat surprised.

Suddenly, he felt an impulse to try it out. However, after careful consideration, he could only shake his head helplessly.

"It's already set to activate. It can only be detonated three years later. Until then, not even the core formation has been activated, it's just an ordinary jade..."

"No wonder I couldn't sense the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power."

Sun Luyuan put the jade back, his expression darkening. "Let these cultivators, whom the Wanxian Alliance considers ants, be the first to toll its death knell."

Just as the various parts of the Holy Dynasty began to set the stage for the conquest plan three years later.

Li Fan had already used the Lingxu Array to obliterate four small worlds.

He had gathered enough materials, which he called [Essence of All Things].

Pure energy conglomerates emitted a dreamlike, colorful gloss. To Li Fan, they were almost as valuable as the essence of golden source power.

"Have you mastered this formation?" Li Fan gazed into the distance, but asked the Infinite Mirror.

The artificially reconstructed personality, Sun Luyao, remained silent for a moment before finally answering, "I've almost mastered it, senior."

Li Fan nodded in satisfaction, lightly tapping his finger, and a beam of light was absorbed into the illusion of Sun Luyao: "Next, you'll continue to set up formations in these places."

"Just quietly set them up, no need to activate."

With that, Li Fan handed over all the source power essences he had plundered when he returned to the Sun Family not long ago to the Infinite Mirror.

Sun Luyao quickly collected the golden light, eagerly thanking Li Fan.

Then he headed towards the target small worlds, disappearing in a flash of light.

If he were the real Sun Luyao, executing Li Fan's mission alone might involve some subterfuge. But now he was nothing more than an artificial personality.

Even the joy of receiving the source power essences was simulated, so naturally, he wouldn't disobey Li Fan's orders.

"The Infinite Mirror's spirit formations are even worse than mine. But it's more than enough to destroy a realm. After all, the weak small worlds I've chosen for him have no cultivators present."

"Although this world shouldn't show up again, leaving some backhands is the right move."

Although the connection with the Saint Emperor had been completely severed, Li Fan still faintly sensed the significant changes that had occurred to the Saint Emperor.

"Has he had another enlightenment in the starry sea?"

"Clearly, his original talent was ordinary, but with many fortuitous opportunities, he now seems to have the aura of a true master of destiny..." A hint of irony flashed across Li Fan's face.

"Unfortunately, it's destined to be in vain!"

Li Fan's consciousness split into a fine thread, flying towards the territory of Guangyang Province.

He intended to hand over the [Essence of All Things] he had collected for protection to his main body. After just half a day's effort, Li Fan had already found his target.

It was the Daoist Qianxun, who practiced in seclusion within the mundane world.

Quietly drifting into the body of a nearby Foundation Establishment cultivator, the person's body jerked slightly, then quickly returned to normal.

Turning around, he approached Daoist Qianxun.

"Elder, how about a game of chess?"

The scruffy Daoist, who was picking his toes without any grace, suddenly looked up.


After successfully obtaining the Law-Seeing Jade Card from Daoist Qianxun, Li Fan first entered the Dao Tower in Guangyang Province, rented a small courtyard with all his belongings, and then used the method of [Dao Dan] to completely seize the body of the attached cultivator.

Li Fan extended his hand, inspecting his new body with a slight frown.

"Compared to the environment exposed in the starry sea, this method of seizing seems not so perfect in the Xuanhuang realm."

Li Fan moved around a bit and felt some discord.

"Seizing Zhao Xian might be able to deceive the Immortal Seclusion Tower."

"But seizing this one..."

"Although the power of symbols is abundant, it may not be able to evade the inspection of the Wanxian Alliance. It still needs further refinement." Li Fan manipulated the body of the attached cultivator and set up a formation around him.

Then he strode into the formation.

"Using the body as a vessel, refining it with the formation~"

Li Fan muttered lowly, using the power of the formation to slowly polish and eliminate the disharmony within the body he had seized.

During this process, the experiences of the Saint Emperor's cultivation in this life, the sights he had seen in the Xuanxian Ship, and the insights gained by his main body during seclusion all rushed into his mind.

Blended and comprehended by Li Fan.

His fingers flickered, modifying and perfecting the formation he had just set up.

The anomalies of the body and soul were also gradually eliminated during this period.

"From today, I am Feng Yuansheng!" Li Fan's consciousness smiled faintly.

To verify, Li Fan first entered the Tianxuan Mirror in Guangyang Province.

Sure enough, he bypassed the inspection of the Tianxuan Mirror and successfully entered his Tianxuan Mirror space with the identity of Feng Yuansheng.

"Two thousand contribution points..."

"It's quite stingy indeed."

Li Fan sighed lightly, but didn't make any changes.

He just rested for a while as usual before leaving the Tianxuan Mirror space.

Walking into the busiest area of Guangyang Heaven City, Li Fan activated the Visitation Jade Talisman.

The sudden burst of light immediately caught everyone's attention.

"What is that?" "This kind of jade talisman... Could it be that thing?"

Soon someone recognized the object Li Fan was holding, and sounds of astonishment and disbelief followed.

Curious cultivators surrounded Li Fan, creating a crowded scene. Li Fan put on a pale face, trying to maintain composure.

As the guiding cultivator approached, the chaotic situation began to settle.

"Silence!" The imposing aura emanating from the guiding cultivator unmistakably indicated his Nascent Soul cultivation level.

The onlookers instantly quieted down. The guiding cultivator inspected the jade talisman in his hand and didn't immediately take Li Fan to the Immortal Alliance headquarters.

Instead, he asked aloud, "This Visitation Jade Talisman is of decent quality. It can be used to deduce suitable Dao techniques... However, as you are only at the Golden Core stage, it seems somewhat wasted."

"Are you interested in selling this talisman to me? Of course, I won't mistreat you. I'll still offer you a suitable Dao technique, as well as all the resources you need for advancement from Golden Core to Nascent Soul."

"Thank you for your kindness..." Li Fan bowed slightly, "But I'm not interested in selling the jade talisman."

Initially expecting Li Fan to agree, the guiding cultivator's expression changed upon hearing his response, "Kid, you better think it over! Just having a suitable Dao technique doesn't guarantee reaching its level. I've already investigated your background. Without family support, it'll be extremely difficult for you to even reach the Nascent Soul stage!"

"I'm doing this for your own good!" The guiding cultivator stared at Li Fan intently.

Li Fan was surprised, "Didn't you hear me clearly, senior? Then let me repeat it for you."

"I'm not interested in selling the Visitation Jade Talisman." This time, Li Fan didn't transmit his words privately; he spoke them loudly for all to hear. The eyes of the surrounding cultivators immediately turned towards the guiding cultivator.

Though no one dared to openly discuss it, their gazes conveyed everything.

The guiding cultivator was quite composed, showing no change in expression, "Very well, let it be. I was just giving you a friendly reminder. A Golden Core cultivator possessing a suitable Dao technique... I wonder how many unscrupulous individuals it might attract."

"Indeed, Senior Yuan Sheng!" Someone else chimed in loudly.

Under the deliberate control of the guiding cultivator, the voices echoed throughout Guangyang Heaven City.

The city immediately buzzed with discussion.

A Golden Core cultivator with a suitable Dao technique. The combination of these two elements was incredibly impactful and instantly became the topic of heated debate.

Information about Yuan Sheng's background was quickly dug up.

Those quick-witted enough had already started pressuring the Yuan family. Without power or influence, and with low cultivation, even if one obtained treasures, how could they possibly keep them?

Inside the Tower of Dao in Guangyang Heaven City.

A white-robed cultivator watched the scene unfold with a slight sigh, "This guiding cultivator truly pushes people into a corner!"

A young man opposite him nodded in agreement, "Unless that Yuan Sheng hides in the Heavenly Mirror and ignores the life and death of his friends and family, he won't be able to keep that suitable Dao technique."

The young man's tone suddenly shifted, "But it's just a suitable Dao technique, yet it's pushed to such extremes. And this is happening in broad daylight, right under everyone's noses... We encountered it just by coming out for tea. One can only imagine how many similar incidents there are."

"The corruption of the Immortal Alliance is evident!"

The white-robed cultivator remained silent. After a while, he shook his head helplessly.

"So, joining our Holy Dynasty to overthrow the corrupt rule of the Immortal Alliance is the wise choice. Tian Ming, you've been to our Holy Dynasty. Such coercion is simply impossible there!"

The young man named Tian Ming had to agree, "You're right, Brother Tian Ci. In the Fishing Pond, countless treasures are fished out and belong solely to the citizens. There's no need to worry about robbery... In this regard alone, the Holy Dynasty surpasses the Immortal Alliance by far!"

Tian Ci smiled, "I can see Tian Ming has made up his mind."

The white-robed cultivator responded with a smile.

"Another successfully persuaded. This time, it truly is a gift from heaven." Tian Ci thought to himself, while another name flashed through his mind.

"I wonder how the progress is with the others."

Unbeknownst to the Immortal Alliance, such changes were occurring continuously in various places.

Once hearts are lost, persuasion becomes a matter of time. Immortal Alliance headquarters.

When Yuan Sheng's body returned to the headquarters once again.

As expected, just like the previous times, Li Fan fell into a trance again.

The master of the illusion, once again, was the Law-Transmitting Celestial.

But this time, the scene presented was different from before.

Below the continuous immortal mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, a middle-aged man was ruthlessly blocked.

"The domain of immortals is not a place for mortals like you to trespass!"

"Weird, wasn't there a maze set up outside? How did this mortal still manage to come in?"

A cultivator in a blue Daoist robe muttered, kicking the middle-aged man away.

The middle-aged man tumbled on the ground for a bit, then surprisingly got up unharmed, smiling, "Esteemed immortal, could you give me a chance? I feel... I should be able to cultivate."

The cultivator sneered, "You, who are almost buried in the ground, still want to cultivate? Cultivation relies on talent and resources. Someone like you..."

The cultivator's face was full of disdain, "Even if you could barely cultivate, our Heavenly Origin Sect wouldn't accept you!"

The middle-aged man didn't give up. He even extended his own arm, offering it, "Immortal, don't you believe me? Take a look at my talent..."

A hint of killing intent flashed in the cultivator's eyes. Spiritual energy surged within him, ready to strike down this ignorant fool.

But then, a familiar voice came from above, "What's your name?"

"Xuan Yuan Gou Dan... No, Xuan Yuan Tuo. My name is Xuan Yuan Tuo," the middle-aged Law-Transmitting disciple said somewhat awkwardly.

"Elder Master!" The cultivator's expression changed, immediately suppressing the killing intent in his heart and quickly saluting.

Similarly middle-aged in appearance, this Elder Master appeared much more spirited than Xuan Yuan Tuo.

Approaching Xuan Yuan Tuo, he carefully examined him.

Then, he extended his hand, passing a stream of spiritual energy through Xuan Yuan Tuo's body to inspect it.

After a moment, the Elder Master shook his head slightly, expressing regret, "Although you do have the potential for cultivation, unfortunately, your age is simply too advanced. It's difficult to achieve anything substantial."

"It may be extremely challenging for you to even establish a foundation..."

Xuan Yuan Tuo hastily interjected, "Elder Master, my demands are not high. I only wish to cultivate. I've toiled in the fields for half a lifetime, always feeling unsettled, believing that I shouldn't spend my whole life in the soil."

The Elder Master was somewhat surprised. He didn't expect this old farmer before him to express such sentiments.

Just as he hesitated, a clear bell suddenly rang from the distant mountains.

The cultivator in the blue Daoist robe behind him also reminded, "Senior Uncle, the Sect Master has called for a meeting."

The Elder Master glanced towards the mountains, swallowing back his words.

He took out a book and handed it to Xuan Yuan Tuo.

"Go back and read this scripture. If you can cultivate spiritual energy within a year, you may come seek me again." After saying this, the Elder Master floated away.

Xuan Yuan Tuo was left stunned. "Xiao Qin, don't make things difficult for him," the Elder Master added before leaving.

The cultivator in the blue robe nodded and, looking at Xuan Yuan Tuo, scoffed, "Truly, fools have their blessings. Now go! Come back when you truly cultivate spiritual energy!"

Seeing this, Xuan Yuan Tuo could only leave reluctantly.

After walking for a while, he seemed to recall something, his expression changing drastically. He wanted to look back, but found that the vast immortal mountain had vanished without a trace.

Xuan Yuan Tuo slapped his thigh in regret, "I can't read!"



The illusion shattered with a roar, and Li Fan returned to reality.

Recalling the content, his expression was strange.

"What did you see?" the guiding cultivator asked beside him.

Li Fan, looking overwhelmed, replied, "I saw the Law-Transmitting Celestial preaching in the mortal world..."

"Hmph. The Immortal Alliance headquarters still retains a trace of the Law-Transmitting Celestial's aura, so any first-time visitor here will experience illusions..." the guiding cultivator snorted before explaining.

Accompanied by Li Fan, they proceeded to the headquarters of the Protector Hall.

On the way, Li Fan pondered to himself. "I wonder what connection that illusion had with anything?"

"This Law-Transmitting Celestial also has some peculiar habits, actually leaving behind his life's story here for his disciples and descendants to witness..."

"Hehe, I never expected the mighty Law-Transmitting Celestial to have such pitiful moments."

Li Fan found it hard to connect the dark-skinned old farmer with the elderly man with white hair and a sorrowful expression.

"If the Heavenly Origin Sect had accepted the transmission, perhaps the history of the Xuan Huang Realm would have been different?"

"But then again, maybe not."

"After the transmission awakens, it's not something these small sects can change. Speaking of which, the Heavenly Origin Sect barely lasted long after the Great Calamity, succumbing to internal strife."

"As for that Elder Master, he bears some resemblance to the Chief of the Protector Hall, Xuyuan Xian. Could he be his ancestor?"

In an instant, various thoughts flashed through his mind.

When they reached the stone path outside the Protector Hall, Li Fan gathered his thoughts once again.

Following the exact steps as in his previous life when using the Visitation Jade Talisman, after waiting in line for several days, he finally entered the space of Yanfa Jue.

Seeing the "listless" Yanfa Jue, Li Fan pretended to be very excited.

"Why are you here again?" Yanfa Jue grumbled, clearly annoyed. After all, normal technique deductions could be done with a simulated personality. But for these personally tailored techniques using the Visitation Jade Talisman, she had to do it herself.

"What are your demands?" Yanfa Jue threw a piece of paper over.

Just as it was about to reach the other side, it was caught by the guard stationed there, "Sun Ang."

"Hold on!" Sun Ang's action caught the attention of the other two guards.

"Brother Sun, is there something wrong?" Huayue Ye's expression became serious.

Sun Ang shook his head, "It's just that suddenly, I felt something was amiss. It's better to double-check."

Considering the safety of Yanfa Jue, the other two guards exchanged glances but did not object.

For Sun Ang's arrival, Fuyuan Sheng appeared somewhat nervous.

"Respects, Elder..." Fuyuan Sheng greeted.

However, Sun Ang completely ignored him, placing his right hand over Fuyuan Sheng's head.

Fuyuan Sheng froze on the spot.

After a moment, Sun Ang withdrew his right hand.

But his furrowed brow didn't relax.

"Both of you, please try again," Sun Ang said.

Huayue Ye and Zhang Xu nodded, respectively inspecting carefully. Naturally, they found nothing.

"Perhaps Brother Sun is overthinking it?" Huayue Ye suggested.

Sun Ang still seemed unsettled, but since the inspection yielded no results, there was no reason to continue obstructing.

However, during the development process, he kept a close eye on Fuyuan Sheng.

After successfully completing the technique deduction, Fuyuan Sheng's face turned pale, and he quickly fled the scene.

"Is it because he's been here too long?" With no outsiders around, Huayue Ye asked with concern.

Sun Ang, also known as Li Fan, sensing the obtained Essence of All Things, excused himself, "No. It's just that my mind is unsettled..."

"Perhaps something happened with his family bloodline."