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However, considering the current Sun Luyao, it's actually his own creation.

To scold him as useless would be akin to criticizing one's own craftsmanship, wouldn't it?

So Li Fan held back the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

With another cold snort, his thoughts shifted, and the current ineffective "Sun Luyao" had already been destroyed.

After a moment, a completely new simulated personality was born again. "Senior, about that formation just now..." The new simulated personality was completely unaware that it had just been created, its memory still stuck in the moment of the destruction of the Lingxu Formation, its face pale.

"It's too profound; the junior has yet to learn." Sun Luyao's tone was bitter, fearing to provoke Li Fan. Li Fan felt the crystalline sphere condensed at the cost of the entire small world and smiled kindly, "Don't worry. The Infinite Primordial Lingxu Formation is indeed more complicated. I'll demonstrate a few more times."

The plain words sent shivers down Sun Luyao's spine. But he dared not retort, only blankly following the other party towards the next target small world.

A hint of solemnity flashed in Baihua's eyes, turning into a golden light, flying towards the endless void opened by the Rift Whale.

After all, they couldn't rely on it to transcend the limits of the mundane and reach the realm of true immortals. No matter how many, it would be futile.

Before Sun Erlang could speak, the voice of the Crafty Master had already sounded, "Whether it works or not, it's not just talk. Let's see the real deal! Sun kid, deal with her properly!"

Daoist Baihua felt himself gradually slackening.

The voice of Sun Erlang responded, but it did not come from these puppets, "Senior misunderstood; these puppets are all controlled by me alone. So, it can also be considered fair..."

Before the words landed, Sun Erlang's figure disappeared from Baihua's spiritual sense.

Sun Erlang admitted frankly, "This time, junior has practiced for a while and feels improved, so I come to seek guidance from senior again!"

There were also scenes of being captured by the Fishing Pond before, with those survivors from various realms.

The newcomer was none other than the Holy Emperor's senior disciple, Sun Erlang.

Li Fan's selections were all from the Xuanyellow affiliated small worlds, the smallest category that had not yet been discovered by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, to prevent attracting the attention of the Xuanyellow Realm towards the Immortal Ruins.

Sun Erlang cupped his hands, "Senior, be careful... This time, it's really different from before." Baihua Daoist joked, "Sun kid knows he can't win, so he's changing from solo to a group fight?"

"I wonder if these guys are all really dead." Baihua couldn't help but think so.

Opening a small world.

A golden glass flower appeared in her hand with a slight movement of her mind.

Baihua smiled, "As I said, don't listen to that Crafty Master's boastful talk, saying that puppets are comparable to longevity. They are ultimately just lifeless things, how could they truly compare to us cultivators?"

"Golden of Rift!"

Just as Baihua was lost in thought, there was a ripple in the space ahead, catching her attention.

Emptying her mind, not thinking of anything. Occasionally, some fragmented scenes flashed by.

"Are you here to pick a fight again?" Seeing Sun Erlang's expression, Baihua knew his intentions and couldn't help feeling helpless.

Petals fell one by one, but the glass flower itself remained intact. After a while, the space around Baihua Daoist was already enveloped by countless golden petal lights.



Petals flew, constantly colliding with the puppets hidden in the dark.

All along, she had always carried out the Holy Emperor's missions perfectly. As a result, the rewards of Source Essence had never been cut off, and recently, it had become even more abundant.

Li Fan weighed the crystalline sphere in his hand, "Two or three more, and it will far exceed the protection provided by my 119th generation [Cultivation of Sentient Beings]. There shouldn't be any problem." In the void, there were five almost identical voices, accompanying Sun Erlang's words simultaneously.

But Source Essence was just that.

"It should be the puppets manipulated by that kid, but even my spiritual sense can't lock onto them?"

After the Source Essence gained freedom, it gradually lost its goals and motivations. The most frequent thing done every day was taking care of many paradises, making their spiritual energy flow smoothly and full of vitality.

One by one, dark golden-coated puppets also gradually revealed their true forms.

Experiences since awakening in this grand opening of the Holy Dynasty.

"Senior Baihua."

There were a total of five, quietly surrounding Baihua in the center.

Baihua Daoist finally became a little interested.

Next was daydreaming.

And then, in an instant, it burst forth.

But he estimated that his behavior of digging the roots of the Xuanyellow Realm's tree would definitely not last long.

She faintly felt a large presence behind her, secretly following.

Never got it before, felt extremely cherished, said she must taste it. After truly being rich, it gradually became tasteless.

Baihua Daoist was at the border of the Five Elements Great Paradise, staring into the void. After sensing that familiar aura, her tense nerves relaxed instantly.


"Entwining Wood of Entanglement!"

"Dousing Water of Extinguishing Life!"

"Burning Fire of Intent!"

"Void Earth of Nothingness!"

The strange forces of the Five Elements emerged from the five puppets respectively, not rushing to attack Baihua, but forming an array in an instant.

In the array, Baihua seemed to instantly leave the void and return to the Five Elements Great Paradise.

However, the Five Elements Great Paradise here was not vibrant; instead, it was filled with a murderous intent.

Each aura of the Five Elements inside the paradise was like a sharp sword. Sensing the outsider Baihua, they launched a frenzied attack.

Golden of Rift, silent and sharp, could tear through space.

Entwining Wood of Entanglement, lurking in the void, once entangled, it would never let go.

Dousing Water of Extinguishing Life, extinguishing all vitality. Even the glass golden flowers released by Baihua decayed rapidly after being touched by it.


The Five Elements generate each other, and the five forces transform endlessly.

Baihua was trapped in the array, seemingly enduring days of siege, yet the onslaught showed no signs of weakening.

"This is the Five Elements Killing Array."

"The main array should be those five puppets. Instead of directly attacking the enemy, they've transformed into array eyes..."

While Baihua was contemplating, she didn't notice that behind her, a dark golden puppet had silently appeared.

Hidden within the raging aura of the Five Elements, it resembled a golden sword, decisively striking.


The sound of metal clashing echoed through the Five Elements Killing Array, and Baihua's figure suddenly turned transparent.

A glass golden flower bloomed within her body.

Under the radiance, the sword that had struck into her body gradually became glassy and transparent.

The power of the Golden of Rift erupted, breaking free from the erosion of glass, then disappeared again, concealed within the chaotic Five Elements Killing Array.

"Not bad."

For the first time, Baihua Daoist revealed her true appearance in front of Sun Erlang, praising lightly.

"If it were the me from before, I'm afraid I would have been seriously injured by your move."


Within Baihua's transparent body, the glass flower quickly expanded. Under the pure radiance of glass, the raging forces of the Five Elements were all assimilated into solid glass crystals.

In just a few breaths, the glass flower swept everything around it, engulfing the entire array space.


A slender finger emerged from the solid crystal.

Gently tapping on the condensed flower.

A crack appeared, then quickly spread throughout the entire flower.


The flower exploded into countless fragments, and the previously raging Five Elements Killing Array completely dissipated into nothingness.

Baihua also reverted to her original form, looking around.

But what made her slightly change her expression was that this move, the Pure Life Glass that could instantly annihilate a small world, seemed to have not broken the Five Elements Killing Array?

In the void of nothingness, a disturbing breath began to emerge again.

After identifying it, Baihua Daoist suddenly realized, "It's not the Five Elements Killing Array, but the Yin-Yang Five Elements Great Array."

The Yin and Yang energies alternated, and within the chaos, the Five Elements' auras emerged endlessly.

Soon, the previously calm void became lively again.

Seeing this, Baihua couldn't help but furrow her brows. She could easily destroy the array, but couldn't stop the process of the Yin-Yang giving birth to the Five Elements.

Even after repeated destructions, the killing intent targeting her in the void remained constant.

"The power of the Yin-Yang Five Elements combined with the array, although it hasn't increased much in terms of damage, it has become much more difficult to deal with."

Although Baihua also had some understanding of arrays, she did not sense any traces of the array around her.

"Hahaha! Baihua, you're helpless now! Surrender sooner!" The arrogant voice of the Crafty Master resounded after the array.

Baihua snorted coldly, her eyes shining brightly with dazzling golden light.

"Sun kid, be careful, finally forced this move out! Let's see how our prepared countermeasures work."

After being blessed by Source Essence, Baihua's glass light seemed to become purer.

As if even space itself was crystallizing, forming a sparkling gem around her.

The Yin-Yang Qi nurturing the Five Elements, and even the structure maintaining the array, under such pure power, had no room to exist.

The light from outside shone in, and the killing array here was about to be broken by Baihua.

"You're the only one with Source Essence?!"

At this moment, the smug voice of the Crafty Master sounded again.

A purely golden finger, regardless of the solidified glass crystal, suddenly appeared in front of Baihua without warning.

The crystal shattered with a bang, turning into flowing light. The golden finger, unstoppable, pressed fiercely towards her forehead. Baihua's expression changed slightly, and her body turned back into a pure glass form.

Under the same golden light, Baihua faced the golden finger.

What surprised her was that this seemingly terrifying Source Essence golden finger turned out to be an empty shell.

Upon contact, it collapsed into countless golden threads, entwining her entire body.

"Sun kid, reel her in!" The Crafty Master's excited voice rang out.

In an instant, the golden threads completed their spread. Amidst the interlacing, Baihua Daoist, caught off guard, had already fallen into the net!

The glass flower wanted to bloom with radiance, but upon contact with the golden net, it was dissipated into nothingness.

A huge force came from the golden net, dragging Baihua awkwardly forward at high speed.


This time, Baihua was truly enraged.

"All living beings are glass!"

In an extremely cold command, Baihua's figure, seemingly captured, disappeared without a trace.

The glass flower, too, exhibited an anomaly. Petals fell one by one, this time disappearing completely after falling. In an instant, its internal truth was revealed.

In the fluctuating light and shadow, there emerged a world of glass!

Frozen in glass, countless beings suddenly opened their eyes!


The golden giant net that wrapped around the world outside suddenly showed faint cracks.

The surprised and angry voice of Crafty Master sounded again, "Didn't you say you fled from the realm? I didn't expect you to turn the entire Wansheng Realm into a glass state!"

"What a vicious woman!"

In the glass world, the voice of Baihua Daoist came, "Do you understand anything? This is for survival!"

"Not only for me, but also for the entire Tianlian Sect!"

Amid Baihua's angry shouts, a brilliant light erupted from the glass world, completely breaking free from the golden giant net that bound her.

"Sun kid, retreat quickly!"

"Elder, please forgive me..."

She vaguely heard Crafty Master's somewhat embarrassed and Sun Erlang's helpless voice.

Back in the void, their figures were nowhere to be seen.

The glass flowers bloomed again, covering the central glass Wansheng Realm. Baihua Daoist reverted to her original form.

Instead of pursuing, she returned to the Five Elements Grand Cave. "Just had a fight, finally not so boring anymore. I wonder when we can truly go to war with the Wanxian Alliance?"

"If we can really escape from the Xianyu, or even the entire Abyssal Star Sea. Perhaps there will be a day when the Tianlian Sect sees the light again." Baihua Daoist pondered.

She had a special confidence in the Great Awakening Holy Emperor. Baihua casually glanced outside into the void.

There, where the Holy Emperor had been, she faintly sensed an energy that made the entire glass Wansheng Realm tremble slightly with fear.


Inside the Holy Chao Daqi, the Crafty Master, somewhat embarrassed, looked at the seven dark golden puppets in front of him, cursing and grumbling.

"I should have thought of it earlier. Those who can survive the Cataclysm, how can they be simple? I was actually deceived by her submissive appearance in front of the Holy Emperor..." 

"Crafty Master, oh, Crafty Master, you're really confused!"

Sun Erlang remained silent.

This Baihua elder, who always seemed amiable, suddenly burst out with such terrifying power, indeed somewhat intimidating.

However, the purpose of this match against the opponent was also achieved.

Sun Erlang looked at the seven dark golden puppets in the field.

With the help of these puppet bodies, he not only became more familiar with the power of the seven souls of heaven and earth in the puppet core.

But also, his grasp of the Source Essence was further enhanced.

"No! I don't believe it! I, the Crafty Master of the Heavenly Mechanism Realm, will be surpassed by a small Wansheng Realm!" Crafty Master's words were ruthless, as he took out something from his bosom.

"Sun kid, come and install these puppets!" Crafty Master said fiercely.

"What is this?"

Sun Erlang looked at the square black object in Crafty Master's hand with some curiosity.

"Hehehe, this is the 'experience' we extracted from the ancestral puppet. It can't be replicated. After the Heavenly Mechanism Realm was destroyed, every use diminishes its power. I've been reluctant to use it, but now..." Crafty Master looked at it with some reluctance, but finally gritted his teeth and said.

"I can't let that woman surpass me!"

When Sun Erlang heard the word "ancestral puppet," he felt a slight shock in his heart.

He was about to take it, but suddenly remembered something and hesitated, "Such a precious item, should it not be left to Senior Tianyang? Perhaps it would be more useful to him..."

Crafty Master waved his hand, "I gave him a share long ago. You think he hasn't been seen for so long, where did he go? He's been in seclusion comprehending. He hasn't come out yet!"

"Stop being wordy, do as I say! Hurry up, I might regret it later!"

Sun Erlang stopped being sentimental.

Connecting his mind to the seven dark golden puppets, he crushed the black square object in his hand.

Black liquid flowed out from the gap in his hand.

Like a living creature, it climbed up Sun Erlang's arm and came to his head. It seemed to turn into a hunting cobra, raised its body high, and then plunged straight into Sun Erlang's eye sockets.

Out of trust in Crafty Master, Sun Erlang did not resist.

The moment the black liquid covered his eyes, Sun Erlang's perception of his surroundings changed.

A large number of blurry images surged like a tide, accompanied by disjointed memories of battles.

Or more accurately, memories of being "beaten up." Mysterious and unpredictable spells struck the ancestral puppet.

The puppet could only rely on its own hard material to resist, with little opportunity to counterattack.

But even just enduring the beating, waves of mysterious insights emerged in Sun Erlang's heart.

Beaten up so many times, Sun Erlang seemed to have developed some kind of instinct.

When the attack of the immortal techniques appeared again in his mind, he instinctively generated a feeling of how to deal with these techniques.

This feeling fascinated Sun Erlang.

Unfortunately, before he seemed to truly sense something, the various images suddenly disappeared.

And the previous insights receded like a tide, leaving no trace behind.


Sun Erlang's forehead instantly burst with blue veins, his fists clenched, and he gasped heavily.

His eyes were bloodshot, staring at Crafty Master.

Crafty Master seemed to have been prepared long ago, and had kept a good distance earlier, saying coldly, "Sun kid, sober up. Don't be blinded by illusions!"

"Those feelings of enlightenment, are they from yourself, or from the ancestral puppet?!"

Crafty Master's words poured down like a bucket of cold water, and Sun Erlang suddenly became much clearer.

But even so, it took him almost half a day to slowly suppress the idea of trying to seize the experience of the ancestral puppet from Crafty Master, which was caused by disappointment and attempting to continue his enlightenment.

"Sorry, senior," Sun Erlang said with some embarrassment.

"No need to apologize. You don't have to blame yourself. Even our group of old folks from the Heavenly Mechanism Realm couldn't resist this temptation." Crafty Master licked his lips, savoring the taste of enlightenment.

"Now take a look again, see if there's any difference from before," Crafty Master instructed.

Focusing back on the five dark golden puppets, after a moment, Sun Erlang's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

"Huh? The memories of being beaten up just now are emerging again..."

Sun Erlang closed his eyes to feel it.

Crafty Master clapped his hands, and thousands of holy army puppets appeared one after another.

With mechanical instinct, they simultaneously launched attacks on the dark golden puppets controlled by Sun Erlang.

As if refined by fire, all different spells and techniques were effortlessly dodged by Sun Erlang.

Such results even left Sun Erlang momentarily stunned.

He couldn't even understand why those attacks, which clearly landed on the dark golden puppets he controlled, ultimately caused no damage at all.

It wasn't because the dark golden puppets had strong defense capabilities to counteract the damage.

But indeed, through some extremely mysterious method, all the attacks from the holy army puppets were completely avoided.

"Don't just stand there. Try to maintain this instinctual feeling as much as possible!"

"The remnants of the ancestral puppet's experience will soon dissipate. As for how much you can ultimately retain, it depends on your own luck!" Crafty Master's words brought Sun Erlang back to his senses.

He cast aside all distractions, focused, and memorized the instinctual evasion of the ancestral puppet.

However, it was the kind of divine skill belonging to the puppet, not something that could be solidified by ordinary means.

Even though Sun Erlang had exerted all his efforts, as time passed, the dark golden puppets he controlled inevitably suffered more and more hits.

After persevering for a full seven days, the probability of evasion finally stabilized at a certain value.


"It's not bad."

Crafty Master consoled.

Sun Erlang was clearly a bit unwilling.

"Don't worry. With further enlightenment in the future, your evasion ability will also increase to a certain extent. But to reach the level of the ancestral puppet, dodging attacks with casual thoughts..."

"It probably requires breaking through the limits of the mortal realm." Crafty Master spoke frankly.

Sun Erlang let out a long breath, slowly suppressing his regret.

"Don't underestimate this one-third. In life and death battles, it often works wonders. Even if others' strength far exceeds yours, their attacks may be inadvertently dodged by you."

"More importantly, you can control seven puppets at the same time. In actual combat, due to the shared sensory feedback of the seven puppets, your performance will be slightly higher than this value..."

Crafty Master began to summarize and analyze the gains from this test with Sun Erlang. "If you were to spar with Baihua again now, there's a high probability you'd dodge the glass golden light of the Wansheng Realm. If the formation isn't broken, she's just a turtle in a jar..." Crafty Master clearly still had some resentment towards Baihua, muttering.

While the two were talking, they suddenly noticed that the surrounding space was faintly trembling.


Sun Erlang and Crafty Master were first startled, then simultaneously flew outside the testing ground.

Not only their location, but the entire Holy Chao Daqi was in violent turmoil.

In the sky, a vortex appeared faintly.

Thunderbolts resounded within it.

"What's this..."

A hint of surprise flashed in Sun Erlang's eyes.

He had experienced a similar scene before.

That was the anomaly that occurred when the environment of the Holy Chao sublimated as a whole.

After the last anomaly, the concentration of spiritual energy in the Holy Chao increased several times. And the number of talents descending from heaven also increased significantly compared to before.

The current cultivation environment of the Holy Chao was no worse than the ordinary regions of the Xuanhuang Realm. If it were to sublimate again...

Wouldn't it far surpass the Xuanhuang Realm?

Not only the several disciples of the Holy Emperor, but also the citizens of the Holy Chao, all came out of their houses, looking up excitedly at the sky. As the most direct beneficiaries of the world's sublimation, the citizens of the Holy Chao spontaneously knelt down and chanted praises to the Holy Emperor, devoutly praying.

If Li Ping were here, he would see that the already condensed aura of the Holy Chao was showing signs of breakthrough once again.

However, taking this step was extremely difficult.

It was just a beginning for now.

Amidst the chants of the Holy Chao citizens, it seemed as if substantial purple aura was drifting out from all directions, being absorbed by the vortex in the sky.

The sounds of wind and thunder intensified, and even Sun Erlang felt his mind shaking.

From above, he felt an increasingly heavy pressure.

Making him involuntarily bow his head slightly.

"Master has made another breakthrough."

A hint of realization surged in Sun Erlang's heart.

From the expressions of other Holy Emperor disciples like Su Yuqing and Ou Shangtian, Sun Erlang saw the same thoughts as his own.

As the vortex in the sky spun faster and faster, streams of starlight sprayed out from it, illuminating every corner of the world.

Where vegetation touched, it visibly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When living beings touched it, they seemed to instantly comprehend enlightenment as if being enlightened by the divine.

Moreover, several condensed vast starlights flew out accurately towards Sun Erlang and the others.

Slowly descending into the world.

"Hail to the Holy Emperor!"

Countless disciples of the Great Awakening bowed in unison, their voices like thunderous waves.

However, the Holy Emperor's disciples, as well as personalities like Baihua, Qiaogong, and Yin Shangren, were somewhat shocked to discover that the familiar faceless Holy Emperor, whose countenance was once empty, had actually grown a visage!

After just a moment of hesitation, the aura emanating from the Holy Emperor confirmed his true identity beyond doubt.

Seated above the Nine Heavens, the Holy Emperor looked down upon the beings below.

With a gentle wave of his hand, all the kneeling subjects rose to their feet.