
Mythical Ethers

Creation, Destruction, Preservation. The three balance the current universe. Along with time, many cults has been made to awake the ABSOLUTE EVIL. To prevent them from arising it, we have the S.T.A.R Corps (Search, Traverse, Act, Research) to set the balance into place. THE DARK corrodes the universe the necessary steps are provided to annihilate darkness. There is nothing wrong, right?

the_JD · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The Man In The Blue Shorts

[The sun is high, a bustling city, filled with LOWER and MIDDLE classed people, the day is looking longer today]

Jay: Goddamit it's so hot here, no wonder why nobody stays here in J22 for a longer time.

[A vendor is selling Hot Glone (A winter food)]

Jay: Yep people here are absolutely crazy. What now? [Jay looks at a small café]

Jay: I'm sure I have come right place, haven't I? Wasn't the S.T.A.R Corps supposed to have a huge headquarters?

[He approaches the counter] 

Woman: Good day sir, what would you like to have? [The woman was giving a broad smile to Jay]

[Jay smiles back and shows the card to the woman, the woman frowns for a second but again smiles broadly. She prints out a receipt and hands it to Jay]

Woman: Please pass this to The man in the blue shorts. Thank you.

[Jay takes the receipt to The man in the blue shorts. He was in blue-tinted shades, sipping a cup of cold martini]

Jay: The woman at the back told me to give it to you.

[The man in the blue shorts took the receipt, looked at it, and looked at Jay. Jay looked back at him and smiled. He took a sip of his martini and looked at Jay]

The man in the blue shorts: Heyyyy.. you are the kid that brat(referring to Uzair) told me about, how old are you? Lemme guess, 13.. no 14!

[Jay seems to be pissed off]

Jay: So basically you guys are a bunch of jerks who can't say the right age of a 16-YEAR-OLD kid.

The man in the blue shorts: Chill man, you're short, that's why I thought you were 12, sorry 14... hehe

[Jay seems to be more pissed off than before] 

Jay: I'll.....

The man in the blue shorts: [Sensing something] Wait....

[Suddenly a man is running towards a woman with a knife, she seems panicked. The man in the blue shorts scoffed and looked straight at the man with the knife, and he started to fly, the man in the blue shorts threw him off the building, which caused even more panic among people]

The man in the blue shorts: Everybody, SHUT THE HECK UP. You guys are pissing me off. [That seemed to have worked, everybody calmed down], see that wasn't so hard.

Jay: Ummmm who are you?

[The man in the blue shorts throws his ID

NAME: SETH Choudree


TROOP: ---

HEIGHT: 6'3'


Seth: Nice to meet you, JAY PAR

Jay: How do you know my name? 

Seth: I scanned you, with this [Showing the scanner]

Jay: What's that?

Seth: Oh this, this is I.N.F.O (Intelligent Non Fallible Object)

Jay: You were gonna take me to the HQ 

Seth: Yeah almost forgot.

[Jay and Seth walk to the baking room, Seth pressing a bunch of buttons when Jay is completely contemplating the fact that the S.T.A.R Corps is a bakery.]

Seth: Here we go...

[The room suddenly closes in, and goes down at a pretty scary speed]





Jay: Whasdisapenig (What is happening)

Seth: Wahs? (What?)

Jay: [Looks confusingly] nevesminhs (Nevermind)

[The elevator comes to a halt suddenly, Jay falls pretty hard]

Seth: Welcome to S.T.A.R Corps

[Jay's eyes gleam as he looks into an enormous place, filled with people working tirelessly and agents training in one room. He sees another area filled with accounts section, people look really tired. Over there, there is another section of people boarding a huge spaceship]

Jay: Woah, I'm still 16, am I allowed to work?

Seth: Don't worry, the government can't see you here [winks], now you should go and meet Uzair. He's right over in that room with the sign "Board of Directors" I'll meet you again, see i have stay in my post as the "RECRUITER" 

Jay: Doesn't seem like an important job, but okay.

Seth: What, you just wait there, you prick, you know who I wa--

[Jay cuts him off as he sprints for the room "BOARD OF DIRECTORS" he sees Uzair, he seems to be tensed up while talking to the old men, he seems pretty agitated]

Uzair: What, why.. killing him seems to be more of a stretch no? No way I'm not gonna--

[Uzair sees Jay]

Uzair: Speak of the devil, he brat, how are ya, didja get enough sleep?

Jay: No, what's happening?

Uzair: See, these old geezers want me to kill you, you are posed as a Universal level threat, I cannot do it as you are somewhat more annoying.

Jay: What? Kill me? and you don't want to do it because I'm more annoying. Jeez

1st DIRECTOR: You are not permitted to leave from here

2nd DIRECTOR: Guards, catch him and throw him to the detainer, we shall transport him to the 9th Celestial prison

8th DIRECTOR: You touch him, you face my wrath

[It was the first time someone fought for Jay's rights, he Stares at the 8th DIRECTOR]

8th DIRECTOR: I'll hold on to this

Jay: Why are you geezers fighting over me

Uzair: [In a low voice] Bro, be quiet

Jay: No, I think we should address the elephant in the room, why do ya wanna kill me

7th DIRECTOR: I guess he doesn't know who who he is, One Of The 10 SERVANTS OF DARKNESS, 𝕃𝕌𝕄𝕀ℕ𝕌𝕊 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕄𝔸𝕃𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝔼ℕ𝕋