
Mythical Ethers

Creation, Destruction, Preservation. The three balance the current universe. Along with time, many cults has been made to awake the ABSOLUTE EVIL. To prevent them from arising it, we have the S.T.A.R Corps (Search, Traverse, Act, Research) to set the balance into place. THE DARK corrodes the universe the necessary steps are provided to annihilate darkness. There is nothing wrong, right?

the_JD · Fantasía
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3 Chs

I'm The Strongest

A new dawn, a new day. Life is not the same for everybody out there. The people have divided themselves into different classes. The Boy here is of the LOWER class, the lowest class in the social hierarchy. All his life, he has been shown discrimination for being in the LOWER class. The MIDDLE and the UPPER have always discouraged him, not to dream of doing anything.

The Social hierarchy is divided into LOWER, MIDDLE, and UPPER classes.

The night fell, really quickly. The boy, to be more specific Jay is doing all he can to survive the night.

This universe is named Ether, again, to be more specific, Ethernus. This is the hub of all the 12 celestial universes. How to travel to other universes? Done by using Universal gate travel (in short U.G.T) which costs a fortune and is generally used by higher classes. And at night, like, right now, the Darkness attacks. 

[A mysterious veil is spread across the planet J22, a nightmarish crawling is heard from afar]

Jay: Another night? Fine. Uhhhh... [Looks at the monster] That's new.

[The monster growls harder, the fins on its back begin to glow in a fiery red manner]

Jay: S.T.A.R. corps should be here anytime soon.

[Hiding and waits for 10 minutes.]

Jay: Yep, they're not coming. 

[Suddenly, a man in a tuxedo and shades breaks into the veil. He looks at the monster and smirks. He starts talking to himself]

???: This guy is Grade 4? Looks to me like he is at least Grade 2. [Stretches his hands, looks at Jay]. You there, whatcha doin'

Jay: [Looks at him with sarcasm] Sleeping. Don't ya think? You wear shades at night, you must be one of the lunatics.

???: Ah.. sarcasm, love it. [Takes off his shades] Time to get into business.

[Throws his shades towards Jay] Hold it for me

Jay: [Looking at the person beside him] Who is this idiot?

Person: Why did he come here? He is the commander of the 17th regiment, one of the strongest, if not, The Strongest commander, UZAIR JOLS.

Jay: Isn't he too young to be a commander? I mean, you can get into the S.T.A.R Corps when you are 16, but, to be a commander, you need to have loads of experience.

Person: Yeah, right [Scoffs] look at him

[Uzair cracks his neck, smirks, and puts his hand in his pocket, taunting the monster. The monster clearly annoyed by his presence lunges towards him. Uzair roundhouse kicks on the monster's head, that one blow, shattered it into pieces]

Uzair: Wow, he was surprisingly weak, didn't have to even use 2% of my strength. Nevermind, I guess I'm the strongest

Jay: [Throws his shades back at him] You know, you are really arrogant.

Uzair: Okay kid, scram

Jay: How old are you?

Uzair: 16. You look like you are 13 or 14.

Jay: Is it because I'm too short? You piece of----, I'm 5'8"

Uzair: Catch [Throws his ID]

[Jay looks at the ID

Name: Uzair Jol

Position: Commander 

Troop: 17th regiment

Height: 6'0"

Power: Space manipulation]

Jay: We are the same age, you idiot.

Uzair: Yeah right, I'm leaving now

Jay: Ahhhhhh-----

[Jay starts to glow, and screams in pain]

Uzair: Oh god, stay still.

[Puts out his hand towards Jay. He stops screaming, his eyes turn bright yellowish-white. Jay---no something else possessed in his body spoke to Uzair]

???: After so long time, I have come back [yawns]. Whoa, the landscape is changed. Where am I?

Uzair: Who are you supposed to be now?

???: Consider me your worst nightmare.

Uzair: [With a smug face][Sarcastically] Ohhh, you are the guy next to my house, the one who farts loudly and never leaves the toilet.

???: [Annoyed] You humans always annoyed me since the beginning, I'll put an end to you idiots------ [The voice becomes fainter and fainter] how.... am... I..... dying?

Uzair: [Looks puzzled] So this brat is stronger than I thought he would be.

[The ??? dies, Jay comes back to his body]

Jay: Wow, I am feeling a surge of energy through my body.

[Uzair scans Jay, Uzair's eyes open wide, looks at Jay in disbelief]

Jay: Why are you staring at me, [smiles] you finally believe I am 5'8"

Uzair: No.... the machine is unable to scan your power. And by the way, you are 5'7"

Jay: What, no way [Eyes in disbelief] I'm--------5'--------7"

Uzair: [Looks in disapproval] If I were you, I would be surprised about the fact that your power is not measurable, but you are surprised that you are 5'7", [Disappointing look] unbelievable.

[Uzair tosses Jay a card, it is a tryout for S.T.A.R Corps]

Uzair: It was nice to meet you, Jade.

Jay: My name's Jay spelled J.A.Y, what, you stupid idiot, you don't know---

Uzair [shushing him]: I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

[Uzair loosens his tie and removes the veil with a weapon, gets on his FlyBike, looks at Jay and leaves]

[Jay carefully reads the card and looks at the dawn. The sun finally rises]

Jay: Damn, I didn't even sleep.

What awaits in Jay's destiny? 

First chapter, let's see how far it does

the_JDcreators' thoughts