
Myth of the heavenly flower warrior

There, in the world where a curse boy was born. His name is Chan Treia meaning moonlight however for 15 years of his life there was nothing but dark cloud. The boy is the son of the one of the most powerful clan,but no one not even his family want him. He passed the entrance exam with the highest recorded in the history of the one and only elite academy for young lord in his country where he learning everything form cultivating to military strategy and only then he met a brilliant young man and soon to be his teacher who call himself Rahu that his new life started taking form. Chan Treia and Rahu would go on to full fill the mission given by the academy in other to graduate along side side with his 6 more classmates. On his journey he discovered a-lot of strange mythical creatures ever live in the human world and go on to unlock their mysteries and even his own. There is mysteries creatures connecting to his past life and would go on to hunt him even after his new reincarnation. . . . -Why such an innocent boy bear such a deadly curse? -Why Rahu is said to be the only one who can change his life? -What is waiting for him in the dark? And most of all Why doesn’t he seem bother at all by his missable life and people hatred toward him?

long_lyza · Fantasía
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7 Chs

" The new old beginning "

Fire!! help!! my lady... No..... (sound of the heartbeat) Dear... Help help (voice of a woman) "Chan Treia Mother love you so much" (Chan Treia ) "No mother.... mother, please don't leave me" DIE DIE DIEEEE ( The black smoke start to fill the picture showing unknown creature roaming around wildly repeatedly said) "Die Die DIE HAHAHAh they will die HaHAhAh You... you will kill all of them hahaha"

BAME BAME ! the sound of thunder and storm crush the sky loud enough to wake up a teen sleeping in a small storage house on the slope of the mountain

"AHHAAHAHAHAH" the boy woke up and found himself covered in cold sweat, he wrapped away the sweat and felt sick in his stomach.

WAWAWA (the sound of puking) "Tsk" the teen he wiped his mouth. This is Chan Treia he is now 16 years old, he is a student of "Chakrava academy located at the peak of mount Ou Dong". It has been 16 years already and tonight is the night mark the day of his birth. Many years has passed by people started to ignore a big stormy rain welcoming spring, and as time pass by human start to grow.

Birth-Youth-Old-Sick-Dead this is just the normal circle of human life, Strange, Why do humans fear death so much even if they know they are going to die in the end, even more strange, why treat someone you suspect to be bad badly? isn't it like kicking a random stray dog and expect it not to bites? This is the logic people found easy to agree with but hard to apply. That is the very reason why Chan was treated badly by both the student and teacher from his academy.

All the top teacher would go on to tell the student to be careful around him and as for the student, they are all rich young lord, after all, treating him as a servant doesn't look like a wrong thing to do, even though they come from the same class. From the day Chan started school he is always at the top of his class, teachers are impressed by him however they choose to ignore the student's jealousy as such he was constantly being bullied.

At the break of dawn, Chan Treia prepared his bed then carrying two buckets of water and head down to the base of the mountain. The bucket carrying chore is originally designed to make students more productive in the morning, however, most of the students chose to do sword practice instead, For that Chan Treia was forced to carry their duty. On the base of the mountain, there is a Magnolia Tree on the other side of the bridge. By this year the tree has grown to its full size and offering the flower that even more beautiful than ever.

As he getting closer to the bridge he sees something unusual. No, it not a fearsome creature, but rather a man sleeping soundly back against the beautiful magnolia tree. He is wearing a red shirt with long sleeves along with flowers embroider from the shoulder to the waist and a book covering his face. The man sleeps without a care of the world, no one can tell how long he been like this. Chan Treia carefully fills the water in the bucket so he doesn't wake the man up, but in the end, the man is still awakened. He takes the book off his face and looks at Chan Treia revealing himself. The man looks to be in his early 20, With long raven hair braided on his shoulder, skin as white as snow, and two beautifully shaped edge eyes, the strange man sitting under the Magnolia tree staring at Chen Treia without saying a word

Chan stood there emotionless staring back at the man before heading to the top of the mountain, just for a moment a deep voice ego "Wait" the man has already crossed the bridge and now standing next to him asking him to wait. Chan stopped and looked back at him waiting for the man reason for stopping him

" You are the student of Chakava academy aren't you? What is your name?" the man he barely knows asking him his name, Chan with a long white bandage wrap around his mouth can only shake his head left and right

"Oh? not telling? " Chan didn't waste any more time and heading back with baskets on hands

"Younge master" Chan Treia stopped his eye widen not sure how to react the man see his reaction and walk past him in the same direction. The wind started to blow his hair dance to the magnolia flower paddles making the back of that men even more mysterious and dazzling at the same just like the picture drawing from the heavens

"Call me that if you meet me" he finished speaking and moved far away from his sight

After a long time, Chan has reached his school "Bing" just in time to start class. "Chatter Chatter" the class is noisier than ever and its already time, but the teacher hasn't started the class yet, What is so important to even make both teacher and student losing their discipline? It's already time to started the class what's the hold-up? That right today is a very special day because It seems there is a certain someone in the school. Chakava academy is the school for the young lord, lady, and brilliant scholar it was created to train the future face of the country. The system wasn't like any other school funded by the government instead it was funded by the lord and master from many countries around the world.

If you wish to study there having a bright mind is a must, even if you come from a rich background it would only put your family in shame if you can't pass the school's brutal entrance exam. Many noble would train their kids night and day to at least pass the first round of the exam and many would wait for the right opportunity because as you can see the exam can be taken once in your lifetime and the odd of passing is rare, only the top 100 students are chosen every two years. If the students have it hard imagine becoming the teacher. That is why having teachers is even rarer no wonder most of the students pay high respect to their teacher

"Student I have an announcement" the headmaster in his normally cheerful face standing in the middle of the hall next to young-looking man making a big announcement, student and teacher are gathered around to hear the news

"From today on this is your teacher Master Rahu" the young handsome looking man smile at all the student in the hall. "Bam Bam" the sound of many arrows shooting like it was a war on one of those Chinese movies straight through the heart of the teenage female students. The most unusual part is that now Master Rahu the only teacher, who is qualified by the school at the age of Early Twenty. From then on we could see where the wind blow and just like a raindrop the idol of the school had changed. Chan sees the man under the magnolia tree looking like a folktale Tevada (heavenly official) is now his teacher. The man suddenly locks his eye with Chan and smiles at him glaring while cock his eyebrow childlessly. Meanwhile, Chen stood in the hall emotionless then walk away to his now empty class paying no more attention to the rest of the announcement. After the announcement was done all students went back to their class ready for the lesson of the day.

"AHAHAH" two students have entered the classroom early, then one of them started to scream when he saw something in the classroom before him

"For fuck sake! that damn no name almost had me" the student saw Chan in the classroom sitting at his table alone doing nothing with bandages covering around his mouth he looks lifeless, no wonder the other student got confused. Due to past trauma, Chan reward system was triggered, for most children having their rewarded system triggered at a young age can lead to producing two types of results.

First, the child would fall into a rebellious state becoming a trouble maker or easily angered, this type is called the "Filling an empty shell" because due to lack of attention making a child wanted to be noticed of his existence to the point of doing anything to gain it.

However, the second category is very commented among most children it's called the "The empty shell" is the state where a child would close up all of his existence to the world not wanting anyone to acknowledge him making him antisocial. by believing he is unwanted by the other people making the child question his own life and the thought of suicide has commonly occurred. Chen has fallen in the second category, but in his case is more severe he has also become emotionally numb, unable to express his emotion he has become a human-robot doing what other people told him to do, without any gold or ambition and he would disappear from time to time earning the nickname the no-name ghost child.

The teacher has entered the class and started the lesson carrying another announcement on their own and at that moment students knew they have to be terrified. Everyone seems to expect what the teacher will say, but they couldn't stop their shiver because they all knew next month is their final exam the fourth step toward graduation.

hello everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter please give me feedback if you find something needed to be improved in this story or error. As always thank you for reading <3

Note: for all of you who don't understand the word Master and young master are different

Master = teacher

Young master = the young lord coming from a noble family

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