

Living here in the underworld for about a hundred years isn't all that bad as I have company going around the underworld and collecting ancient souls that have been forgotten and absorbing it, making me somewhat stronger.

I of course did visit my followers in the human world at least once a month. My fame throughout Greece didn't change even though humans now knowns that I live here in the underworld but in fact, my followers did grow faster as I have taught them that just like Olympus, the underworld is also somewhat beautiful.

Bored of the scenery in the underworld I asked Hades if I can transform it and he is fine with it as long as it's far from his kingdom in the underworld so I went to another level of the underworld deeper and completely transformed it just like earth and Olympus it has grass, trees, animals, and empty cities as no souls have resided it yet.

But after years of upgrading my humungous underworld deeper than Hades the population went up and some of the souls that reside in the underworld that I created are mostly my followers as some of the followers of the Olympian gods are just ignorant and arrogant or just too full of themselves.

Currently, I have been hearing a beautiful voice coming from the deeper part of the underworld. But I just don't have the urge to go see who is the one singing and just sometimes ignored it.

One day just arriving from visiting Hades I again heard the beautiful and majestic voice, This time I don't have to do it as I am bored so I went in the direction coming from the beautiful voice.

Upon arriving where the beautiful voice is coming from I see a slim woman and a beautiful face. There I see Nyx, though I only guest it was Nyx because of her dark hair and dark beautiful dress while laminating light from her dress.

There I introduce myself and of course, she was confused as to who the hell am I. We spent hours talking and explaining why I am here in the underworld. At that moment Nyx and I spent at least hours every day to talk and of course, I sometimes flirt with her trying to have sex with her but sometimes disrupted by her husband Erebus.

Getting tired of Erebus I challenged him into the duel of death which of course if one of them is defeated the one who lost will be sealed away and thrown into the deeps of Tartarus.

Of course, Erebus having too full of himself accepted, and said the one who wins will be the one who gets Nyx. I won the duel of course by angering and insulting him, In the rules, the one who is defeated should be sealed away but for me, I need to finish it now or he will have a chance to get me in the future so just after killing Erebus, I absorb his soul and his divinity going into me making me somewhat stronger but still not enough to make my current strength change.

After the duel, I have been married Nyx and of course every night we have sex, and just like that she became pregnant with my child. Of course, knowing this by Zeus and the other gods including Hades they were surprised that I have killed and tamed the primordial deity Nyx.