
Mystica: The story of the reincarnated god

Img made with ai A total jerk who was reincarnated into a new world as a second chance.

ThatwriterRIN · Fantasía
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9 Chs

The beginning.

``Huff huff`` Yu Shin panted rapidly as he just stopped running after a rather, long period of time. As it is, he quite was tired. For a fact that he was being chased after by the police, he had done something wrong, bad, unacceptable. To make it short, it was absolutely unpleasant, something an explanation won't do any good with, not to mention understanding.

Shin had beat up a large group of people terribly bad, not for any reason in particular. He also did something to his teacher, he was harassing his classmates and being very violent, he also was doing drugs which was against the law. Shin did not care at all, after all it's not like he was going to be able to get away forever.

After some long time of chasing and hiding he'd finally been captured, the officers had got him and he was going to have to pay for everything he did. Nothing ever goes unexcused anyways.

Now before this story will continue, you will receive a short story of Shin's life for the sake of knowing more about him I suppose.


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Long ago when Yu Shin had just turned 6 years old, he was playing with his toys when something or someone in his head (an evil voice perhaps) started whispering horrible things. The poor little boy had no idea what was going on. Whatever was happening had to stop now or things were going to get ugly.

The voices were repeating the words ``Take the knife now, blood, sacrifice them, do something now, parents must go, behead them, spill blood, kill them, make them suffer, go to the kitchen, sacrifice souls, bloodshed needed, stab repeatedly``

Shin was scared and had no idea what it was and it was like if he hadn't done what this voice was telling him, he'd go crazy. He started panicking and his following actions…

The young boy didn't know what had happened because before he knew it, both of his parents laid lifeless before his innocent eyes, covered in blood, and the murder weapon was in his hands. Their expressions were a look of fear and confusion. All of it happened so quickly as the boy stood there, tears in his eyes as they rolled down his face. Yu shin, not knowing what he did started to sob in front of his mothers body.

After a while Yu Shin finally got up and reached out for his dad's phone immediately and dialed in 911, he explained to the police everything that had happened and in a short amount of time the emergency arrived. Yu Shin was just a knowledgeless child, he had no idea what he'd just done or what the next thing that was going to happen would be and if he'd ever see his parents again.

He was set up for adoption and he luckily got adopted shortly 6 months later but had to attend therapy.

This new family was loving but even so he still missed his parents, he could never forgive himself for what he'd done, he blamed himself for being a bad child, he sometimes wished he wasn't born to avoid all of this.

Yu shin has always thought if he had just told his parents and found away to get rid of of the voices, maybe they could've found a solution no matter how long or hard it would be. Then again it was as if he wasn't the one controlling his body because everything blacked out in his eyes before he saw what he did.

A few years later when Yu shin was in middle school, he wasn't a very good kid. Shin would always be getting in trouble no matter what situation he was in, the voices in his head were still there, haunting him. He couldn't mutter up the courage tell anyone because every time he tried a huge wave of fear washed upon him.

He made so much trouble one day that he was immediately called to the office and soon expelled.

Yu Shin's life was a mess and his adoptive parents were very worried for him, trying to get him to be better, grounding him, talking to him even scolding him. they tried everything but there was something not right. They tried everything and failed miserably each time as he kept getting worse.

Years later shin was now an adult living on his own in an apartment and working, he didn't have as much money but he was doing alright.

One thing hadn't changed though, Yu Shin was still as stubborn as ever and he loved causing trouble for others and sometimes himself.

This was Yu Shin's 5th job of the year he got since the start of the year as he got fired in all of them, he couldn't care less because his life was meaningless to him.

Shin also had depression, ever since 5th grade he was mentally broken and he attempted to end it all so many times but he just couldn't for some reason.

Shin decided to go for a walk around the town for a little air when somebody started chasing him out of nowhere with a gun like they wanted to kill him.

Maybe this was because of all the trouble Yu Shin has always made and probably did something to this person or someone close to them. There was no way he'd remember though.

At the moment all he was worrying about was not dying, he couldn't die just yet not before having a "proper" life or before he said his last goodbye to his "parents" at least.

The person was really trying to hurt Yu Shin and was pretty fast too, luckily Shin was a pretty good runner too and after quite a while of minutes he successfully found a hiding place where he probably wouldn't be found, or so he thought.

'finally some peace-" shin said as he got cut off.

The unknown person had found Shin and was right about to shoot him.

``wait, no! I don't want to die, I have to see my parents!.. let me at least say goodb-``


The bullet flew through the air piercing his skull as he fell onto the ground. Blood spilled from his neck as he laid there... Lifeless.