
Mystic Thief

Seventeen-year-old Devon Oasis became an orphan at the tender age of seven when his parents fell victim to an invasion. The tragedy occurred after their rival kingdom, Feuer, stole the power crystals that energized the defensive pillars of Devon's home kingdom, Audaznimo. The kingdom of Audaznimo was attacked on the same night the crystals were stolen, although the assault did not originate from Feuer. Audaznimo, having placed unwavering trust in the impregnable defense of the pillars, had let their guard down. Unfortunately, the pillars failed, resulting in a massacre of innocent lives. The method by which Feuer managed to dismantle the supposedly impenetrable towers remained a mystery to all. Although Audaznimo managed to push back the invaders, it was too late—the damage was already done. Devon, having lost his parents during the invasion, was fortunate to find solace with his uncle, the leader of a theft gang within the kingdom. Initially hesitant to involve his nephew in their illicit activities, Devon's uncle ultimately decided to impart his knowledge, believing it would benefit his nephew in various ways. Thus, Devon was introduced to the clandestine world of thievery. He became a part of the group, a group of young people of similar ages who had to steal to be able to sustain the orphanage. They were always reminded by his uncle that they were only stealing to make sure they survived at the orphanage since the kingdom didn't care about them and went on to lay out certain morals for them as thieves. However, Devon found those morals to be pointless because he had grown to love the thrill of stealing, the great sensation that came from being chased after taking someone's possessions. If there was anything he wanted, he was going to take it no matter what because to him, upholding morals as a thief was pointless and his fate as a thief was already sealed. Excerpt: "You know this is a B-ranked mission so Emilia will go with you and please try not to do anything careless?" His uncle's words rang in his mind as he freely tumbled down the hill of sand and when he finally hit the floor, he lost consciousness. [ Host is active ] [ System rebooting ] "What's going on?" He groaned as he sat up on the floor and pulled out the knife that was stuck on the left side of his abdomen, he was bleeding but surprisingly, he couldn't focus on that. [ Reboot completed ] [ Hello, Devon ] [ Your Master Thief System Is Active ] "What the heck is going on?" After mumbling those words, his vision slowly began to fade until he crashed down to the floor and passed out. What he obtained that day was a system that aligned perfectly with his major goal in life. "If all I have to do to become better at stealing is to keep stealing then that means I'm never going to stop for anything or anyone." ______ The story is going to start out a bit slow paced but I assure you that you're in for a ride because it won't take long before everything speeds up and the plot starts to get revealed bit by bit, enjoy! You can join my discord here https://discord.gg/pE6fkY88pp. I post character arts plus you can ask me any question regarding the novel. Please read my review before reading the novel. Also if you have time, you can check out The Angel System by ECM Manga.

Franklin_Nwakamma · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
70 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four: For You

Devon lost his sword in the clash with the spider and although he lied about it falling off a cliff when they were helping the old man with something, he still had to get a new one for their sparring session today.

He didn't really like the idea, but Michael insisted that they had to continue from where they left off yesterday which meant he was going to fight Aurora again but this time with a real weapon.

He was in the locker room now with his gaze on the weapons hanging on the wall.

For an orphanage that shouldn't have anything to do with this kind of stuff, they sure had a lot of weapons in that room.

There were about five different kinds of polearms there, a chain axe, a great axe, great sword and various kinds of swords.

There was also a replica of the black-hilted sword Michael gave to him but he wasn't paying attention to them or any of the other weapons because he had seen them all before.

His gaze was on a pair of weapons that looked like they were just added newly.

Double blades crossed over each other on the wall a little to the right to make an X.

If the blades looked basic perhaps he would have just glanced over them but they had a unique design that he seemed to like.

The hilts were mostly black with the tip having an outline of red and then the blades.

The blades were a bit shorter than a normal sword but a bit wider with a little bit of curve from the tip, the blade also had a tiny red zigzag pattern running down the blades.

"Hmm, never tried a double blade before, this could be a nice experience." He muttered before picking up the blades. "Or a painful one."

With his weapon now chosen, he made his way to the training room where Alvis and John were still battling it out.

John seemed to be the one on the offensive as he was constantly trying to hit Alvis with his long sword but Alvis was doing pretty well in blocking everything with his spear.

Compared to their last spar this was getting pretty interesting.

John quickly tried to bring his partner down with a sliding kick after failing to hit him with his sword once again, but just before his leg could get to Alvis, he quickly sprang up and while he was still in the air, he sent his pear down on him with both hands.

John wasn't able to react to that fast enough as the wooden part of the spear came down on his head and a loud bonk was heard afterward.

"Owwwww!" John screeched with both of his hands on his head because he had to drop his sword.

It looked like there was a bump there right now.

Erina couldn't help but let out a little chuckle and Emilia was covering her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from letting anything out.

It was obvious that Devon wanted to laugh out loud but he had to stop himself from doing that, Aurora just scoffed and Krayan had no reaction at all.

"Sorry." Alvis apologized with an awkward expression on his face.

"Nice job, Alvis." Michael intoned before turning his gaze to John. "You still have a couple of things to work on, John."

"I know," John muttered with a sigh before he picked up his sword and slowly got up from the floor.

"You're up next Devon and Aurora."

As soon as Devon heard his name, he slowly got up from where he was sitting beside Emilia with both of the blades in his hands.

No one other than Emilia saw the pair of weapons when he walked into the room with them but now they could all see it.

"Just what are you doing with double blades, Devon?" Alvis asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah, what are you doing with those?" Aurora added as she made her way to the center of the area from the other side.

"Oh, this is my new style of weapon, using just a sword is boring so I'm going double." He replied before quickly spinning the sword in his right hand.

"A single sword is boring?" Aurora uttered before turning her gaze to the long sword. "I'll show you what's boring."

Michael wanted to say something about Devon using double blades as this was his first time using them, but on second thought he decided to just watch and see what he could do with his new style of weapons.

"If you two are ready then you can start."

As soon as Aurora heard that, she quickly charged in toward Devon with her blade.

She went for a strike immediately and Devon had to quickly both of his blades together to block her, and just after her blade made contact with his, she sent him staggering backward with a push before charging toward him again.

She was trying to be quick with her swings and slashes but it was obvious that Devon had the faster reflexes as he was able to counter every single hit with both of his blades.

Making use of both blades correctly was a bit tricky for him but at least he knew how to swing them correctly.

Aurora swung her blade over his head but he was fast enough to duck to avoid that but he wasn't able to block her knee which quickly followed from below and hit him straight in the face.

However, he didn't stumble after that kick and instead quickly sent his elbow down her face before he sent her staggering backward with a double foot kick.

"I see." She muttered before letting out a deep breath.

"You see what….."

Just before Devon could finish what he wanted to say, she quickly charged toward him.

"Argh." She grunted before striking her sword toward him.

Devon quickly lifted both of his blades to block the strike, but just as the blades clashed, he felt a staggering impact in both of his hands.

"What the?"

She didn't stop there and kept on coming toward him with more blade strikes.

She had lost her style now and was just channeling all her brute force into her swings and slashes to overwhelm Devon and it was working quite well because with each block and dodge, he kept moving back until he finally got to the wall on the other side.

"Why the heck are you swinging your sword with so much force, this is just a spar?" He had to finally ask in between his racy breathing as soon as his back touched the wall.

"Just to get you in this position that's why." She replied with a smug look on her face. "This fight is over."

"Yeah, for you."

Just before her blade could get to him, he sent the blade in his right hand flying toward the wall on the other side and at first it didn't look like anything until the blade got to the wall and just dragged Aurora's blade off her hand.


She wanted to turn and check what just happened but she couldn't because Dave had his other blade against her throat now.

After watching him pull that off, Alvis couldn't help but smile.

"When did he do that?" Erina muttered with a flabbergasted look on her face.

"Yeah, this fight is over for you." He said once again looking straight into her eyes which were filled with rage now.