
Mystic Shadows

Ming Chen, a software developer in a big firm fed up with life, creates a mercenary group with his two buddies, wanting to chase their childhood dream of adventure and purpose in this modern day world. What entails to this small group that started at a spur of frustration at life? Will this group be disbanded after the frustration subsides?... or If they continue, do they get squashed by authorities?... or Something else entirely awaits them, which changes their lives completely? ... Find out by yourself.

Im_jealous · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Meeting again

Later that night, the trio found themselves in one of the best bars in Taipei City, Ounce.

"I think we've had enough for the day."

Kun Ming suggested, realising they had already consumed more than their fair share. He had been mindful of his intake, knowing he might need to assist the others back to their apartment.

"What's the rush? Come on, one more round!"

Han Wei insisted, standing up with his glass and making his way to the dance floor, determined to extend the night's festivities.

"Come on, Kun Ming, you barely had anything. Besides, I discovered that our alcohol tolerance has increased even more with our newfound 'evolution'."

Ming Chen chimed in, raising his glass in readiness to join Han Wei on the dance floor. He attempted to persuade Kun Ming further, leaning in and whispering.

Kun Ming sensed an unusual atmosphere today. Given Ming Chen and Han Wei's usual tolerance, they should have been overwhelmed by now.

Ming Chen, still conscious, was whispering about it instead of shouting. Kun Ming realised it might be because of their newfound powers.

"Okay, I'll dive into this madness for today. Hopefully, I won't regret it when I wake up tomorrow."

Kun Ming decided to join in the fun, at least for this occasion.

He downed his drink in one go and poured himself another. Kun Ming got up with his cup, prepared to accompany Ming Chen.

But just before they could make a move, a familiar voice caught their attention from beside.

"Chen, Kun... It's been a while. Good to see you guys."

Greeted a voice. Three individuals joined them, two of whom seemed genuinely pleased to reunite with the duo.

"Indeed, it's been a while. You two lovebirds are still inseparable... Wei and Juan."

Ming Chen teased. Turning to the trio, Ming Chen and Kun Ming initially felt a bit surprised seeing Wei Lian and Li Juan holding hands. However, their surprise quickly turned into genuine happiness.

Wei Lian and Li Juan were their college friends and among the closest ones.

Despite Wei Lian's wealthy background and Li Juan's political family ties, they never acted superior and always respected the Ming Chen trio during their college days.

"As usual, you forgot to mention the third wheel."

Kun Ming teased, looking at the third person with a hint of playfulness.

"Oops, my bad! Let me introduce you... This is our friend, Jie Hao Lin. Lin, these two are our college buddies, Ming Chen and Kun Ming."

Li Juan quickly corrected, tapping herself lightly in self-reproach as she introduced the other guy to Ming Chen and Kun Ming.

"As expected of you, haha."

Ming Chen chuckled. He raised his hand to playfully knock on Li Juan's head, a gesture he used to do frequently due to her forgetfulness. However, he quickly remembered his increased strength and controlled it to avoid causing her any discomfort.

"Ouch... Can you stop doing that? Why don't you treat Wei the same way?"

Li Juan complained, rubbing her head. However, both Ming Chen and Kun Ming didn't take offence, as it was a familiar and lighthearted gesture whenever she forgot something obvious.

"That's because he doesn't have a bad memory and doesn't need the treatment. Let's sit and talk."

Kun Ming added with a smile, and both he and Ming Chen politely greeted Hao Lin.

Hao Lin nodded in acknowledgement as everyone took a seat on the nearby lounge.

"Where's Han? You guys wouldn't party without him, right?"

Wei Lian inquired with a hint of doubt.

"Are you looking for me? He-he, I spotted you guys the moment you arrived."

Han Wei chimed in, appearing from behind. He took a seat beside Ming Chen with a hearty laugh.

Wei Lian and Li Juan exchanged eye rolls at Han Wei's obvious fib, but they were genuinely pleased to see him.

The mighty trio being together again brought them joy, especially since they hadn't met for almost two years.

"Okay, let's chat and drink. You guys have already made the day better for us... Let's have a blast tonight."

Wei Lian said, expressing their enthusiasm. Han Wei didn't wait for any further conversation and promptly started pouring drinks for everyone.

"Ah, it's like this..."

Wei Lian stuttered, caught in a dilemma of not wanting to reject but also being unable to drink yet.

"Stop stuttering already... Are you waiting for someone else?"

Ming Chen interjected, pinpointing the issue and causing everyone, including Li Juan, to burst into laughter.

"Haha! Chen... Indeed, we're waiting for two more people who will be joining us soon. It's a kind of blind date for Hao Lin with one of the girls that's coming. It's actually arranged by my brother... We're here to support him."

Li Juan quickly explained, trying to diffuse the situation and avoid embarrassing her boyfriend further.

"Oh! So the main character today is Brother Hao... Sorry for my haste."

Han Wei apologised, looking at Hao Lin. Ming Chen and Kun Ming also glanced at him with a hint of apology.

"No, it's alright, guys. Let's have fun once they join us."

Hao Lin finally spoke, looking at the trio. He didn't quite understand why people like Li Juan and Wei Lian respected Ming Chen and Kun Ming so much, but he himself wasn't overly concerned about social status.

"Your brother is the one setting up this match? Seems like Brother Hao Lin and the girl have quite a strong background."

Kun Ming remarked, aware that Li Juan's brother held significant influence in the city and had government involvement.

"Indeed... That's why I don't want to mess this up. It's fine if it's just Hao, as he's our friend. But we need to maintain a certain level of professionalism in front of the guests." 

Wei Lian explained instead of Li Juan, emphasising the need for discretion and respect in this particular setting.

As they discussed, two individuals suddenly approached, instantly stunning everyone present. Even the newcomers seemed taken aback as they looked at the group sitting there.

Amidst the bustling surroundings, an absolute silence enveloped this particular group for a moment.

"Hello, you must be Mei Ling, right? Is this your friend?"

Li Juan finally broke the silence, standing up to welcome the guests arranged by her brother.

"Hm... Sorry, I'm Yu Jie, and this is Mei Ling."

Yu Jie finally diverted her gaze from the trio, who were also staring at them intently, as she awkwardly introduced herself and Mei Ling.

'Of all the people, why did we have to meet these people here?'

Yu Jie cursed her luck, recalling the trouble she had caused that resulted in the company losing three employees, creating a significant uproar and problems for both of them.

Ming Chen gazed intensely at Mei Ling, the one who had rejected him. Emotions welled up within him, a mix of feelings—some emotional, some grateful.

Han Wei and Kun Ming shared in this sentiment, recognising that this rejection had redirected their lives onto an unforeseen path.

"Thank you... We will be leaving now, guys. I don't want to disturb your 'date',."

Ming Chen said, rising to his feet and making eye contact with Mei Ling. His words left the entire group, including Mei Ling and Yu Jie, puzzled.

Only Han Wei and Kun Ming, also standing up, understood the underlying bitterness in Ming Chen's farewell, despite expressing gratitude for Mei Ling's rejection.

Li Juan, Wei Lian, and Hao Lin sensed there was some history between the two groups. However, before they could intervene, the Ming Chen trio began walking away from the group.

"Don't be so hotheaded, Ming Chen. I spoke to the Director, and he mentioned that if you three want to, you can come back to work again."

Mei Lin called out, addressing the trio that had already distanced themselves by about two meters.

"I don't need your pity, Mei. I just hope that we won't cross paths again in this life or else..."

Ming Chen abruptly stopped, his tone carrying a trace of anger at Mei Ling's audacity. His feelings toward her at that moment were undeniably complex.

Concerned about Ming Chen's agitation, Kun Ming and Han Wei gripped his shoulders, urging him to continue walking.

Mei Ling stood there blankly, watching the trio depart. For some reason, she felt a momentary pang of pain in her heart.

"So cold-hearted... Mei, don't take it to heart. It's not like you want to meet him again, right?"

Yu Jie comforted her friend, recognising Mei Ling's sadness. She knew Mei Ling well, understanding that Mei did have some feelings for Ming Chen, and that's why she had instigated him before.

Yu Jie also knew that Mei Ling had to make difficult choices in her life and that love life is not in her hands.

"It doesn't matter. I just said that because they were friends before. Let's go back, Yu. I'm tired."

Mei Ling said, walking away without giving another glance at Wei Lian, Li Juan, and especially Hao Lin, who were left dumbfounded.

'If it truly doesn't matter, why are you leaving right now? Aren't we here for your date with this guy?'

Yu Jie thought to herself, observing her best friend walking away and then glancing at Hao Lin, who appeared utterly bewildered.

However, she didn't stop Mei Ling, recognising that her friend needed some time to collect herself.

The last time a similar situation occurred was the night she rejected Ming Chen. Even though Mei Ling acted normal during the day, she revealed her true feelings that night. Mei Ling was adept at concealing her emotions in front of others.

It had taken two to three days for her to return to her usual self last time. Yu Jie hoped that this time her best friend wouldn't experience as much sadness.

"My apologies, everyone. Let's reschedule this date for some other day."

Yu Jie bowed to the trio and swiftly headed toward Mei Ling to catch up.

"Sure, Miss Yu."

Wei Lian nodded understandingly, sensing that something deeper was going on between Ming Chen and Mei Ling.

'Damn you, Ming Chen. You can't even understand a lady's heart. All the teachings I gave you before are wasted...'

Yu Jie couldn't help but curse Ming Chen silently as she caught up with Mei Ling.

She noticed Mei Ling wiping her eyes near their car and chose not to approach, giving her strong friend some space to collect her emotions. Despite holding back, she couldn't help but curse Ming Chen inwardly for the situation.