

Once trapped in the basement of bandits, Kiyoko knows very little about himself when he's rescued By an important figure. Frederic and his brother Oji. They face challenges ahead of them, but nothing lasts forever, wether it be happiness or sadness. What lies ahead of these three?

Harley_Wantland · Fantasía
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95 Chs

Against the King: Reality hurts

Kiyoko struggles to breathe as he is somehow unfazed by the impending pressure. Kiyoko's eyes widen as a near black spirit escapes from the crack. 6 blood red eyes glaring up at Kiyoko. Enough to make a seasoned veteran fall in fear. But Kiyoko was still unfazed. The scary being appeared in front of Kiyoko.

"You don't seem to be affected by my pressure… I knew that would become a big issue" Kiyoko jumps back and away from the maleficent being.

"Who are you!!?" The beings form slowly taking shape. It's long white hair floating behind him. His face is covered in scars. The man's face seemed familiar but Kiyoko couldn't tell.

"Ice prism!" The forest freezes as the spirit is enclosed in a thick case of ice. Kiyoko looks over in shock as Frederic leans on his battle ax.

"Frederic!?" Kiyoko is shocked before being slammed into a tree. Frederic jolts to look as the Demon manipulates the ice into swords.

"He can manipulate ice!?" the swords fly at Frederic who jumps and flips over them but getting hit by one in the shoulder. Kiyoko jumps forward swinging his sword. The demon regenerating as soon as he's sliced. He slaps Kiyoko, sending him flying through several trees.

"Kiyoko!" Frederic grits his teeth and jumps forward. He swings his battle ax and chopping off the demon's head but it instantly regenerates. Frederic plants the blade in the ground and uses it for leverage to kick the demon. The demon was completely unfazed by the kick. Frederic spins around and tries to punch it with ice. The demon grabs Frederic's arm and throws him to the ground. Lifting his hand into the air and creating a massive fireball. Frederic's eyes widened in fear.

"FIRE AND ICE MAHO: ELEMENTAL DIVE!" Kiyoko flies in from the left and kicks the fire ball off into the distance. Creating an explosion big enough to destroy a mountain. Kiyoko slides along the ground and creates a wall of ice. The demon manipulates the wall of ice back at him. Kiyoko blocks it but slams into a nearby riverbed.

"Elemental dive… Ice Prince!" Frederic bolts forward swinging his fist to capture him in ice. The demon grabbed the ice and threw it back. Frederic Barely dodges and throws an ice punch to the demon's face. The demon grabs Frederic's arm to throw him but is kicked in the face by Kiyoko. The demon slides back releasing Frederic. A drop of black blood dripped from his mouth. The injury has already healed.

"You should've gone for the neck" in an instant Frederic appears beside the demon with an ice covered ax. Kiyoko opposite him with a fire sword. The demon grits its teeth and grabs the blades and slamming the two into each other. Kiyoko and Frederic violently cough up blood as they fall to the ground unconscious. The demon lifts its hand as a blade grows from its palm.

"I've neutralized the only threat to my plan" he violently swung his hand down and stabbed Kiyoko in the chest. Kiyoko coughs up blood as his eyes go blank. Crying unconsciously as the demon takes more form. 10 large horns stretching across his head.

"You won't… win!" Frederic coughs up blood as he gives the Demon a death glare. The demon is laughing maniacally.

"What?... Are you ranked 20…? Cause I could go all day…" the demon glares at Frederic. The pressure is growing in intensity.

"You're lucky I don't see you as a threat to my plan… you and your friend are lucky to even be conscious… you're in the presence of a King after all…" Frederic gulps and tries to laugh.

"What kind of King are you…?" The demon lifts his hand as a sword floats above Frederic.

"I'm the Demon king… Nicholas Oritsu" Nicholas swings his hand down stabbing through Frederic's Abdomen. Frederic violently vomits blood as he collapses to the ground.

"Ojira… Lamech…" Rank 8 Lamech and Oji appear in front of Nicholas. Frederic in disbelief.

"Set our plan into action… Lamech… start construction on our base in the dark continent… Ojira… take out the Orcs… if they learn of our plan, their muscles alone will defeat us like it did 3000 years ago" Ojira nods. Lamech shouting.

"Why do I have to take the boring job!?" Nicholas glares at Lamech.

"Are you disobeying me?... Did you forget Ojira is higher rank than you…" Lamech grits his teeth.

"Yeah but… I'm stealthier than him-" in an instant Lamech explodes into a puddle of black blood.

"You lower ranks are as disposable as a Maho-less fool... Let's get going Ojira" In an instant the puddle of blood turns back into Lamech. Nicholas walks a distance away. Ojira turns and walks over to the still barely conscious Frederic.

"You must be questioning everything you've ever known… but I will say this… I was never your brother… this who I really am… I'm Rank 2 Ojira… I took that horrid human form to infiltrate your kingdom… and I can say it was easy as pie…" Frederic can barely speak as he's in shock.

"Where… is Oji…!?" The demon laughs maniacally.

"... Truth is… he died as an infant… as did your mom… your stupid father got with another lady and had you… Then killed her when she wanted to run away with you" Frederic coughs up blood as Ojira slams his head through the ground. Frederic falls unconscious as Ojira stands.

"I should see where my Leigh went…" Ojira walks away as a gray glow surrounds the two. Healing them just a bit before fading away. A massive beam of flames exploding into the sky before disappearing.