
Mystery of the Silver Bird

Suzie works at a run-down fast food joint but loves creating. She has a very over active imagination. She's been having dreams about this unusual bird that's all silver, and now she seems to be seeing it everywhere. Has she lost her mind? What does it mean? Suzie and her friends discover along side her what it all means.

David_Taylor_5323 · Ciudad
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2 Chs


I can't think of a single story. I wish there was something to just help me write. I wish I didn't have to worry about work so much and wondering how I'd pay the bills. At least I have my boyfriend and friends to lean on. Serenity is obsessed with aliens and magic and tends to use some random stuff to help calm me down. They don't work, but it's nice to know she cares for me. Storm might be a bit extreme, but she knows how I'm feeling. I feel like my life serves no purpose. Clyde is a bit of a klutz, but always manages to make us laugh. Axel is always lazy, but he knows how to make a good joke. The two are very close friends and usually end up making each other laugh. My younger brother, Vin, always finds a way to make me feel better with his music. He and I are close and I always tell him everything. As for my boyfriend, Tony, he's the sweetest guy I've ever met. He's always by my side and always finds a way to make me feel better. If it wasn't for them, I probably be gone already. I wish there was something, ANYTHING, that told me I could just quit. I am so close to just dissapear forever. But I need money to pretty much stay alive, so I can't just leave. I have no extra way to earn money, my stories don't make enough revenue to live off on. I wish mom and dad were still around. It's been so long since their death. They were always supportive of me and would help me get to where ever I wanted. I guess I should head to bed for work, it IS late after all.