
Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal

[The 3000th Descent of Mystery is about to begin.] [This is your only chance to redeem yourself.] When the whole world was in danger, Wang Teng activated a unique talent. It was the Rank SSS talent - Inequivalent Exchange! He was not purchasing things for free, but the exchange was not equivalent. [Exchange successfully. You used half a bowl of cup noodles. With your Rank SSS talent, you may retrieve an unlimited supply of cup noodles.] [Exchange successfully. You used a bottle of Sad Breeze wine to exchange for the Star Shifting Method.] … From then on, Wang Teng activated a new exchange system.

Pure Salted Fish · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Victory is in sight!

Traductor: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As the sun set, the dust settled.

There was only one person standing on the main road, and that was Wang Teng.

An unusually dazzling white ray of light shot out from the corpse on the ground and instantly entered Wang Teng's body.

[You have successfully killed the formidable Duan Yanqing! Obtained +180 experience points!]

[Twice the result with half the effort talent bonus! Double the experience points gained!]

[You have successfully killed the formidable Duan Yanqing! You have received +18 obsession points!]

[Twice the result with half the effort talent bonus! You have received double obsession points!]


360 experience points!

As well as 36 obsession points!

Although he did not receive any level-up notifications, he should be very close to Level 6!

Wang Teng was overjoyed.

[You have successfully killed the formidable Duan Yanqing! Silver loot box dropped!]

Duan Yanqing's corpse lit up with white light again.

A silver box was floating in the air...


It exploded!

With a 10% drop rate, a blind box was indeed dropped!

It was a silver-grade treasure chest!

This harvest was simply marvelous. Wave after wave, he was simply too happy.

He hurriedly stepped forward and with a gentle touch of his palm, the silver loot box fell into his hands.

It was quite heavy...

[Silver loot box: 98% chance of getting a rare blue item, 2% chance of getting a purple epic item.]

[Open silver blind box, yes/no?]


Wang Teng did not think much of it and opened the blind box.

Another burst of dazzling white light lit up.

The surroundings of the silver treasure chest began to disintegrate, dancing in the air like flowing water and gradually disappearing.

This made Wang Teng's heart ache. This was real silver that had disappeared!

However, Wang Teng did not pay too much attention to it, because what came next was the main event.

The loot box disappeared without a trace, but a golden finger bone appeared in his hand.

[The blind box has been successfully opened! Purple epic item obtained: Kasaya Buddha bone relic!]

[Buddha's bone relic: the ancient people comprehended the Yi Yang finger by looking at the Buddha's bone. It contains the essence of the Yi Yang finger. After fusion, it will increase the wielder's five attributes and increase magic resistance by 100%! At the same time, there is a 0.01% chance of awakening the power of the Great Sun True Blood!]


A dharma bone relic!

A purple epic-grade item!

Furthermore, it would increase the attributes of all five attributes by a large amount! 100% magic resistance!

They also came with the Yi Yang finger. These were two purple epic items!

This was definitely the best of the Purple-Epic level items!

It was too awesome!

Wang Teng was overjoyed, but he suddenly recalled something.

Since the storage ring could be extracted for evolution, he wondered if this Buddha bone relic could be evolved as well?

After saying that, he began the endless extraction.

[Endless extraction failed! This item is incomplete. For every piece collected, it will automatically be upgraded to a higher level!]


This was actually an incomplete product!

Wang Teng was shocked. An incomplete piece had already reached the purple epic level. What level would it be if he collected all of them?

Wang Teng did not even dare to think about it. He picked up the finger bone relic and examined it carefully.

All of a sudden, the bone relic transformed into speckles of golden light and fused into Wang Teng's little finger...

After a long while, Wang Teng gritted his teeth and persevered, and his little finger finally returned to its original color.

However, Wang Teng could feel the destructive power contained in his little finger.

[Fusion of the bone relic completed. Your little finger has been strengthened. You've gained 10 Comprehension points! 10 points of Strength! 10 points of Constitution! Magic Resistance increased by 100%!]


He had gained 30 points in the fifth dimension!

As expected of a Dharma bone relic!

It was really too awesome!

Wang Teng was pleasantly surprised.

At this moment, his blood began to speed up, and then the sound of blood spread all over his body.

If Wang Teng could look into his body, he would have seen that his blood was already glowing with a dark golden light.

[Prompt: under the influence of the Buddha bone relic, 0.1% of your blood has been converted into Great Sun True Blood!]

[You have awakened a trace of the power of the Great Sun True Blood. At 12 noon, all five attributes will be increased by 10 points!]

"Congratulations, you've obtained the purple martial art, the Yi Yang finger!"

So cool!

After fusing with this Buddha bone relic, he had unexpectedly obtained the power of the Grand Sun True Blood!

At this moment, the joy in his heart was beyond words.

Sure enough, boys who liked to smile had good luck!

In short, this Dharma bone relic had given him too many surprises.

His strength had also increased rapidly!

Of course, the gains from this battle were not limited to this.

Therefore, he placed his palm on Yue Laosan's chest and began to extract ...

[Endless extraction successful! You have obtained 10 strength points!]

[Twice the result with half the effort talent bonus! Double strength attribute!]

[You have obtained the elite character [Yue Laosan] cosplay system. The system will last for 24 hours. You can choose to activate the cosplay system at any time.]

Not bad! Not bad!

Yue Laosan was a strength-type character.

As expected, with the addition of his talent, it was another 20 points of strength!

The attribute acquisition rate of elite players was much higher than that of ordinary players.

Then, he walked to the side of Ye Erniang's body and began to extract...

[Endless extraction successful! Obtained 10 spirit points!]

[Twice the result with half the effort talent bonus! Double attribute points obtained!]

"You have obtained the elite character [Ye Erniang] cosplay system. The system will last for 24 hours. You can choose to activate the cosplay system at any time."

Hmm ...

That's right, Ye Erniang was a mentally ill person.

At this moment, Wang Teng came to Duan Yanqing's corpse and pressed his palm down to lift it up ...

[Endless extraction successful! Obtained F-grade talent, 'Strengthened Bloodline'!]

[Bloodline enhancement: after awakening the bloodline enhancement, it will be easier to fuse the powers of various bloodlines and awaken various bloodline talents!]

"You've obtained a hero-level character [Duan Yanqing] cosplay system. The system will last for 24 hours. You can choose to activate the cosplay system at any time."


Wang Teng was pleasantly surprised by this change.

He had obtained another bloodline talent!

This talent might seem useless, but it had two special qualities.

One was to fuse with the power of the bloodline.

The other was to awaken the bloodline talent.

In other words, this talent could merge various bloodlines infinitely and awaken the talent power of various bloodlines.

It might have all sorts of restrictions, but he only had one bloodline power now, so he could not make a judgment.

Wang Teng thought to himself.

In short, he had gained a lot this time.

His strength had also become more tyrannical.

This feeling of constantly getting stronger was truly intoxicating.

At this moment, his latest data appeared in his mind again.

Name: Wang Teng

[Game ID: 440**************2868]

[Level 5 (780/800)]

[Murong Fu's obsession Level 2 (88/200)]

HP: 400/400

[Constitution: 126 points (please click to view)]

[Strength: 165 points (please click to view)]

[Agility: 123 points (please click to view)]

[Spirit: 117 points (please click to view)]

[Comprehension: 171 points (please click to view)]

[Luck: 8 points (please click to view)]

"Innate talent: non-equivalent exchange (SSS-rank)

[Secondary talents: Endless extraction (SSS-grade), Twice the result with half the effort (A-grade), Mountain-toppling strength (C-grade), Immovable mountain (C-grade), Spirit Storm (C-grade), Celestial Fire Prairie (C-grade), Tempest (D-grade), Cauldron-Bearing Power (D-grade), Astrology (E-grade), Vision Enhancement (F-grade), Hearing Enhancement (F-grade), Bloodline Enhancement (F-grade)]

[Martial arts: a glimpse, shifting stars (Level 3), Overlord's aura (beginner), chasing cicada in eight steps, Yi Yang finger.]

[Others: Poison resistance +100%, cold resistance +100%, magic resistance +100%]

"Total combat power: 702 (this combat power does not include talent)

He was currently Level 5 (780/800).

He was only 20 experience points away from leveling up to Level 6, which was equivalent to the experience points of an ordinary Western Xia soldier, and he would win this bet!

Wang Teng was overjoyed.

The dawn of victory was right in front of him.

He wondered how Liu Erlong and Park Baojian's level progress was.

Teng Wang entered the chat channel...