

When a hand lightly touched the small of my back, I felt the sheets glide down my body. It seemed as though the blood flowing through its veins was moving more quickly than the blood of a typical guy since it was so warm and hot.

I wouldn't be shocked if this were true.

It was dark when I opened my eyes. When he came to see me, it was usually dark.

When he showed there, I had a moment like every other moment. An interval of reason. There was a time when my thoughts told me to close my eyes, speak out loud, and order him to go.

I knew he would, though, if I did. He remained silent. He would go with the same level of silence with which he had arrived.

And then he'd never come back.

But that was the proper thing to do. That was a wise decision. The sensible thing to do.

And I was seriously considering it. I considered doing it every time.

Then I felt his weight on the bed, his body extending out next mine, he pulled me into him, I opened my lips to talk, and before I could even do the sensible thing, his mouth was on mine.

I didn't think for the next two hours.

But I felt. I felt a lot.

And all I felt was good.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When his shadow began to move into the room, it was still dark.

I was in bed, watching him as he moved. He remained silent. It was strange. There was stillness other than the rustle of clothing.

I could see he had manly elegance even as a shadow. men with strength and elegance. That was also strange. If there were such a thing, seeing my mysterious lover dress himself was like witnessing a fierce, masculine dance. Of course, when he came to visit, there wasn't somewhere except in my bedroom. No, as he was about to depart.

I should sell tickets since it was so amazing. But I would have to share if I did. I've probably already told half of Metro Manila, and they're all receiving their own solo show. That was enough to screw with my brain, along with the fact that he came at all; I let him come, then he made me come, and then he came. Then, as is often the case, repeat.

I wasn't interested in revealing any more than I already had.

I watched as he shifted to the bed. He knelt down, his hand on my knee, his fingers wrapping around the back, and he kissed my hip tenderly, his lips skimming across my flesh, making me quiver. The blankets were then pushed up my body to my waist, where he was dumped.

I was primarily on my tummy, with my hand tucked under my face on the pillow. His body went in that way, his fingers slid under my hair, softly tugging it back, and his lips pressed on my ear.

"Later, baby girl," he said quietly.

"Later," I said quietly.

His head moved inexorably, and his lips caressed the area behind my ear, then his tongue touched there.

That caused my skin to tingle as well, causing my entire body to shudder.

He drew the blankets up to my shoulder.

Then he turned and walked away.

There was no sound, not even the door opening and closing. He had just left. As if he hadn't even been there.

That's insane.

I stood there staring at my bedroom door for a long. My body was warm, satiated, and exhausted. My thoughts were not the same.

I flipped around, put the blankets about my nude body, and glanced at the ceiling.

I didn't even know what his name was.

"God," I said, "I'm such a slut."