
Mysterious App

Yamaguchi Ryuichi, discovered a mysterious app installed on his smartphone. Thanks to the app, his ordinary, flat life has taken a 180% turn. An ordinary man, but not ordinary if you get to know him closely. Tag : #Gender Bender #Netori #MindControl #Harem #Romance ================== But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama I WILL POST MANY INTERESTING NOVELS THERE

Bakakeju · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
67 Chs

Chapter 52

"Ahh, for now it's better to take a bath first. I still have a lot to do, so there's no need to rush out of the bathroom." Keina pulled Ryu's hand. Ryu didn't resist following Keina's pull, he was put into the bathroom and Keina locked it from the outside.

"I'll open it when the room is clean." Keina's voice came from behind the door.

Ryu just stood there as a woman locked him in the bathroom. The woman was also naked.

"Forget it, I have to give my body to you first." Ryu looked down at his own thighs which were covered in Keina's saliva, there was also his own urine because earlier Keina took Ryu's penis out of her mouth before she put it back in.

Ryu was completely bored as he stared at the door with a flat stare. I don't know how many times he heard 'One moment' from behind the door. Ryu had already put on his clothes from yesterday because Keina gave them to him and locked the door again.

It must have been quite difficult for Keina to clean the room and also get rid of the bad odor.

Ryu reached into his pocket several times, he couldn't find his cell phone. He tapped his forehead lightly as the name 'Hana' came to mind.

"Damn, I forgot to tell you."

He had predicted that Hana would be calling him all night.


Ryu heard the sound of a key turning, the bathroom door opened with Keina already wearing hotpants and a tight black singlet. She looked up at Ryu with a friendly smile.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Ryu just sighed and gave a small nod before exiting the bathroom. Only, he no longer saw the mattress on the bed that Ryu was sure had been dried by Keina on the front balcony.

The room was also very clean, unlike the night they had used the entire room to make love.

"Your cell phone, it's been ringing off the hook."

Ryu just smiled wryly, perhaps it had been ringing all night. Ryu picked up the cell phone that was on a short round table at knee height and sat on it.

"Your girlfriend?" Keina opened the can of beer and took a slow sip.

She couldn't help but notice that Hana's name had several love emoticons written on it. It was Hana's own doing, even though she already knew that Ryu created such a fake relationship. But Hana didn't care and unilaterally admitted that Ryu was her boyfriend, Ryu also didn't really care and let Hana do whatever she wanted.

"Yeah, you could say that."

Keina gave a small nod as she brought a can of beer and placed it on the table.

Ryu raised his eyebrows slightly as he picked up the phone from Hana.

"Yeah, sorry. ...I'll be home soon... No, I'm fine, you don't have to worry... Yes, until-."

"Ahnnn~" Keina teased Ryu at her side as he suddenly sighed sweetly near his cell phone.

"Ah, I'll explain later." Ryu pushed Keina's head away from his conversation with Hana.

"Mnhhh Yu-kun!!! Louder~."

"Yeah... See you later." Ryu hung up, making Keina droop a little in disappointment that Ryu didn't panic at all.

"So, what was that for." Ryu stared at the can of beer on the table.

He even ignored the previous can. Keina thought as she sipped her beer calmly.

"Drink up, you already made me drink a lot of disgusting liquid. So in return, I want you to finish this." Keina gently pushed the beer can away.

"You know I'm underage, this beer also has quite a high alcohol content." Ryu grabbed the beer can and looked at it carefully.

Honestly, Ryu was also interested in the beer can. He looked at Keina who was enjoying it very much while gently stroking Ryu's hair which was still wet from the shower with a slight hiccup coming out.

"You look like a moody guy if you don't tie your hair."

"Yeah, I hear that a lot." Ryu took a hair tie from his sweater pocket and gently pulled his hair back, leaving a few strands in front of him.

"And it becomes refreshing looking." Keina said with a faint smile as Ryu tied her shoulder-length hair back.

Ryu opened the lid of the can with a faint hissing sound, gulping it down once before he coughed and felt like his mouth was being stung.

"You really drank it." Keina chuckled at Ryu's behavior, it seemed the young man in front of her was really mischievous. Keina just wanted to punish Ryu for making her drink urine.

Well, to be honest. It was a bit stinging for Ryu, but he was also attracted to the fresh taste that ran down his throat.

Ryu swallowed a few times while tilting his head slightly. Keina also paused to stare at Ryu silently while swallowing roughly, watching some of the beer run down Ryu's chin and onto his neck.

Ryu let out a sigh of relief after finishing the can of beer in one gulp.

He smiled at the empty can.

"Honestly, it's pretty good." Forgetting that his face was slightly flushed from a small hiccup.

It almost drew a laugh from Keina as the boy was instantly drunk not even long before he drank.

"There's more." Keina smiled as she put the liquid beer into her mouth, she didn't swallow it. Instead, she kissed Ryu and let him drink the beer in his mouth.

Ryu's head was already starting to spin with slightly blurred vision. Keina continued to do so until the beer was also empty. She was literally strangling the young man with her mouth.

"Damn it Keina... My head is really spinning..." Ryu got up while holding his weight with both hands on the wall.

Ryu really couldn't walk alone if it was like this, he only had two choices. One, stay longer. Or two, call Hana.

He chose the second option and sent Hana his location and Keina's apartment number.

Ryu sat back down with his head spinning, along with his already blurry gaze as a beautiful woman kissed him. Keina kissed Ryu gently as she was on the young man's lap, facing each other.

Ryu returned the kiss gently as his arms wrapped around Keina's waist.

"You're not going home, handsome?" Keina gently caressed the lips of the young man who had gone out of focus. Under these circumstances, Keina felt confident. That she would lead the direction of the game from start to finish even if it could be said to be a little cheating.

"Ughh... Hana will be here any minute..."

"Your girlfriend? Pick you up? Is that okay?" Keina raised her eyebrows curiously at that, was Ryu okay with his own girlfriend picking him up at another woman's house.

"It's okay-."

Keina turned her gaze towards the door as the bell rang several times, actually it rang many times very quickly. Making Keina get up irritably from Ryu and walk quickly, opening the door irritably.

"Eh?" She was slightly surprised to see a beautiful girl in front of her who was panting.

"W-Where... Ryu..." Hana, her breath coming in short gasps from exhaustion. Everyone must have thought that this girl ran here. Hana was only wearing short jeans and a jacket that covered her body. For footwear, she was still wearing the sandals she used to wear at home.

"Hana-chan, right? Ryu? Ah, Yu-kun, he's inside-." Keina stared blankly ahead as the girl suddenly walked in without even saying excuse me.

The younger generation was really messed up, they had no manners at all towards their elders.

As Keina turned around, she saw Hana holding a semi-conscious Ryu.

Hana just gave Keina a small nod as she walked out of Keina's apartment door carrying Ryu.

Keina was completely confused, there wasn't a hint of anger or annoyance in Hana even though she knew that Ryu was staying at another woman's house.

Hana also wanted to ask why Ryu was drunk, but her focus at the moment was to get home and let Ryu rest.

"Ah, I'll see you later." Keina just smiled wryly as she waved softly at the two of them walking behind her.

Arriving at her apartment, Hana immediately laid Ryu down on her bed while rubbing her sweat-soaked forehead.

Ryu woke up with difficulty in a sitting position.

"Uhhh..." He groaned softly as he touched his very dizzy head for the first time.

Hana already knew why Ryu woke up so unwillingly despite his condition. She opened Ryu's pants and underwear, squatted down and immediately took Ryu's drooping penis into her mouth. Ryu held Hana's head gently, the urine coming out with a slightly strange taste as it was Ryu's first time drinking alcohol. But Hana faithfully gulped down all the urine without any problem at all even though it was spurting faster than usual.

Hana gulps down all the urine that comes out, until it stops. Hana licks the tip of Ryu's penis to clean it. Due to Ryu's current condition, she didn't want to stimulate him any further. Hana puts his penis back into Ryu's underwear, while he pulls up Ryu's sweatpants.

She also removed Ryu's sweater and t-shirt to keep Ryu cool while sleeping, untangling his hair as well. Ryu lay back with a sigh of relief as his eyes closed.

Compared to her anger and annoyance, Hana was really worried about Ryu now and before for not hearing from him all night. She hadn't even slept at all and had been faithfully waiting for him, calling him repeatedly because she was so anxious when he disappeared without a word.

Hana sighed and turned around, about to clean her mouth first before going to bed.

But Ryu suddenly woke up clutching his stomach, his mouth clamped shut as if closing something.

Hana's eyes widened slightly as she ran quickly to Ryu and kissed him with her mouth wide open. There was no time to wash away the taste of urine in his mouth, as Ryu really couldn't stand his stomach. His head was literally spinning making his stomach rumble and threatening to spill all of its contents.

As Hana had expected, Ryu actually vomited from the alcohol. Hana firmly holds her mouth just below Ryu's open mouth, taking in all the vomit Ryu spits out and stuffing it all into Hana's stomach as a few quick gulps are heard.

Hana gently strokes the nape of Ryu's neck to get the young man to spit it all out. Some of it had texture as Hana quickly swallowed it, but over time, Ryu's vomit was just liquid.

Ryu's vomiting had begun to subside and stop, but Hana loyally waited with her mouth pressed under Ryu's while gently stroking the young man's shoulders.

The first minute nothing happened, two minutes, until five minutes passed. They were still in the same position, thinking it was all over. Hana slowly opened her mouth, but she found Ryu silencing her again.

Hana quickly closed her mouth again and more of Ryu's vomit came out quickly. However, not a single drop came out of Hana's mouth as she swallowed it all without difficulty. The vomit was liquid, maybe it was Ryu's gastric juices. Hana thought, because it was so thick.

Whatever happened, Hana faithfully swallowed whatever came out of Ryu's mouth until the young man regained his composure. But Hana faithfully pressed gently on the nape of the young man's neck, prepared in case Ryu wanted to vomit again without releasing his open mouth right underneath Ryu.


Hana heard the sound of Ryu vomiting, she could also feel the thick liquid crashing down his throat. Because of the vomiting, Ryu was really uncomfortable with his mouth drooling so thickly.

Ryu spat several times trying to get the thick saliva out of his mouth, Hana was still loyal to the same position by opening her mouth attached to Ryu's mouth. Swallowing whole the remnants of Ryu's vomit.


Ryu's voice was slightly echoing and weak as his mouth was covered by Hana's open mouth. Hana pulled his face away, she wiped Ryu's drooling lips with her index finger, took all the thick saliva and sucked it up. She quickly grabbed some water from the small table near the bed and poured it into a glass.

Ryu immediately gulped down the water when Hana offered it to him.

Hana picked up the empty glass as Ryu flopped wearily on the bed.

Hana lifted Ryu's dangling legs over the edge of the bed gently, straightening his body, lifting his head gently as she placed it back on the pillow.

He didn't know whether to hug Ryu or not, but he decided to hug Ryu to his chest.

Hana gently rubbed his forehead with the back of her hand as she sighed with relief when she saw Ryu begin to fall asleep comfortably.

Before sleeping with Ryu, Hana wanted to clean herself first so that Ryu would be comfortable while sleeping with her.

"Thank you, Hana..."

Hana's hand stops as she's about to reach for the door knob, looking up at Ryu with a gentle smile.

"Sure, I'd do anything for you, Ryu."

Hana is starting to feel better than ever.

When she had exposed her entire body and especially her mouth, she was only wearing a plain t-shirt with no underwear or pants, making her bottom completely visible. Showing off her pink pussy.

He kissed Ryu gently on the forehead before leaning in and pressing his body next to Ryu's while hugging the young man's head gently to his chest.

"I love you."

[Name : Yamaguchi Ryuichi

Age: 16 years old

Status : High school student.

Height : 173 cm

Personality : Doesn't hate crowds, just more comfortable alone. Can be said to be a closed person. Has a sexual disorder by degrading his partner.

Description: -


1. Discharged semen cannot make a woman pregnant.

2. Heals wounds quickly]

Name Serizawa Hana

Age: 16 years old

High School Student Status

Height: 167

Personality: She has such a firm and confident gaze that no one realizes that she is a masochist. Always doing perverted things, imagining herself being raped every night in her apartment room.

Description: Not wanting her parents to know that she has deviant sexual interests, she decided to live alone in a modest apartment under the pretense of wanting to be more independent. Good at masking her emotions and desires without others knowing. Ready to always spend his school breaks visiting the roof, because only the student council president can access the roof, he masturbates every break without anyone knowing.


1. Ingested semen and urine will not affect physical health.

2. Any liquid ingested from Yamaguchi Ryuichi can function the same as mineral water. For the body.

3. Cannot change the sex of Yamaguchi Ryuichi without consent).

Name Satoo Sumiko

Age: 16 years old

Status : High school student.

Height : 160

Personality : Tomboy, loud, independent. Loner.

Description Not interested in dating. Has interest in martial arts, joined Karate club. Joined Kendo club in junior high school.


1. Any liquid swallowed from Yamaguchi Ryuichi can function the same as mineral water for the body].

Name Mayumi Keina.

Age: 21 years old

Status : College student.

Height: 170 cm

Melancholic personality.

Comments: no longer interested in romance because she thinks it is a waste of time and money. Works part-time at a department store. Got into a top university because of her intelligence.

Duties: -


2 remaining female characters????