
Myriad Realms Traveller

an usual harem fanfiction with xianxia elements

Xianxia_True_Lover · Derivados de obras
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3 Chs

The Beginning

Douluo Continent, Heavendou Empire, Imperial City...

"Young Master Yi, Master asked me to call you." In a relatively spacious room, a melodious voice has just sounded.

In front of the person whose voice sounded, a child of approximately six years old was sleeping, at this moment his eyebrows furrowed slightly and he seemed to be listening.

"Hmmm, give me a few more minutes, Yue'er" The child replied with a sleepy tone.

"Humph, in your dreams." Upon hearing what the child said, the person called Yue'er directly pulled the clothing covering the child without any ceremony.


The sound of something falling soon sounded inside the room, the child who was previously on the bed was now on the floor, showing a dissatisfied frown on his young face.

"Couldn't you take it easy? I'm still your young master, you know. Besides, shouldn't you be at the Sky Water Academy?" The child muttered while sitting on the floor.

Seeing this, a sweet and beautiful smile soon appeared on the face of the person who knocked him down, it was Xu Yue, a girl just over 8 years old, and the child on the ground was Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was not someone from this world, until six years ago he was an ordinary earthling, on a certain day he was reading one of his favorite novels, suddenly an invisible force grabbed him, when he woke up he was a baby in this world.

Like every reincarnated, Xu Yi obtained a system, but this was a different type of system, he just brought a bag of gifts, distributed it, and then uninstalled himself, leaving behind a seal, a seal that would be broken once Xu Yi began to cultivate when awakening his Martial Spirit in the future.

Xu Yi in this life was born into a noble family, his father is called Xu Wei, he is a Viscount of the Heavendou Empire, a level 74 Soul Saint of the strong attack system, his martial spirit was the Destroying Scepter.

His mother's name is Yu Lan, she is a level 68 Spiritual Emperor, from the support system, her martial spirit is the Star Scepter, specialized in buffs and debuffs.

Xu Yi has become accustomed to this world well and is extremely excited to be brought to the Douluo continent. Unlike other children, Xu Yi learned to read and write at age 3, shocking his parents.

After that he studied any and all books he found, especially books about Spiritual Masters.

Three years ago Xu Yi found a girl of about 5 years old on the streets of the city, being a romance reader in her past life, insisted that her parents adopt her as a maid, and named her Xu Yue.

Xu Yi just wanted to try his luck, he has seen many times in different soap operas where the protagonists always met an extremely talented person in the first years of their life, and to his surprise, or not, the girl ended up awakening the Arctic Cold Luan Bird Martial Spirit a year later.

This is a martial spirit that descends from divine birds, its bloodline belongs to the Vermilion Bird divine bloodline. The girl's soul power turned out to be level 10, or, to put it simply, the complete innate level.

To avoid trouble, Xu Yi asked her parents to lie, saying that Xu Yue's innate power level was 7, which despite already being considered a top-tier talent, was nothing alarming, Xu Yi made her wait. a year before obtaining the first soul ring.

Xu Yi used his knowledge of the Douluo Continent to his advantage, taught the girl about Spiritual Power cultivation, and personally took care of her physical training.

In addition to how he trained with her, even if he still couldn't cultivate, her body could benefit, as a result the first soul ring obtained by Xu Yue was 556 years old, surpassing the known limit.

Eventually she was recruited by the Sky Water Academy, after all there would be no more suitable place for her. Today, 2 years after she awakened, her spiritual power is at level 17.

"Humph, my young master, you say? See how this lady is going to teach you a lesson." Upon hearing Xu Yi's words, Xu Yue threw herself on top of him and started tickling him.

"Whatever, let's see who will teach who." Xu Yi responded before starting to fight back, soon the two were tangled up in a position that could be considered embarrassing if they weren't children.

"Cough." After some time in that friendly battle, a cough was heard, causing both of them to immediately separate.

"So that's why you guys are taking so long, wait until you grow up first, okay?" Before they could say anything, the person who coughed said with a slight joking tone.

"Mom - Madam!!" The two exclaimed at the same time, Xu Yue's little face turned slightly pink at this moment, she then looked away, not daring to look at Xu Yi or her mother at the moment.

Yu Lan was a woman who despite being over 40 years old, still looks young, anyone who doesn't know her could easily tell that she was only 20 years old, she had long brown hair, fair and smooth skin, her face was impeccably beautiful.

"Xiao Yi, your father is waiting to lead your awakening, let's go." Without further ado, she turned and left, Xu Yi and Xu Yue followed her obediently.

"Well, I will go quickly, Yue'er help me." Upon seeing his mother leaving, Xu Yi responded promptly, and then he stayed behind with Xue Yue, he needed to change and get ready.

A few moments later they both arrived at a large hall, but even though it was a huge place, there were only three people in it. They were her mother Yu Lan, a tall and robust man who appeared to be in his 40s, this was Xu Wei, her father, and finally an old man apparently in his 50s or older.

That was Xu Wei's father, and Xu Yi's grandfather, his name is Xu Han, a level 83 Spirit Douluo and currently one of the Counts of the Heavendou Empire. Xu Yi had met this grandfather before, and knows a little about him.

"Grandpa, dad." As soon as Xu Yi walked through the door he walked up to the two and greeted them, cupping his hands and bowing slightly.

As they saw this, they both laughed lightly.

"Xiao Yi, we will finally awaken your martial spirit, but let me tell you something, even if you don't become a spiritual master, you can still live well and comfortably, you understand what I say, right?"

The person who said this was Xu Han, Xiao Yi listened carefully, fully understanding what his grandfather meant, after all there is a 50-50 risk of a person awakening their martial spirit and spiritual power or not.

"The child understands, grandpa doesn't need to worry." Xu Yi only replied while showing a worried expression on his face, even though he knew that he was 100% sure that he would awaken a good martial spirit, he had to act like a child.

"Well, let's go. Get into formation, close your eyes and relax, Grandpa will take care of this for you." Xu Han said after hearing his grandson's answer.

Xu Yi did so, with light steps he entered the formation, he could barely contain his excitement, he could finally start moving, start following his journey towards the top.

Soon a dazzling light flashed, enveloping Xu Yi's entire body, and at this moment he felt a warm and comfortable sensation invade his entire body. The Light then intensified, becoming even stronger.

"This... Scepter of Destruction, possess!" Seeing the current situation, Xu Han immediately summoned his martial spirit, soon a black scepter approximately 1.5m long appeared in his right hand, and a configuration of soul rings appeared beneath his feet.

Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple, Black, Black, Black, Black. Eight rings rotated simultaneously, and a pressure surged throughout the place, Xu Han then pointed his scepter at the formation, touching one of the stones and channeling his spiritual power.

In the following moments, the Light eventually weakened, and on Xu Yi's hand a Scepter appeared, it was a Scepter about 1m long, with spiral patterns, having nine lines, each line of one color, totaling nine colors.

"Nine-Colored Divine Scepter." Xu Yi muttered lightly, feeling his spiritual power coursing through his veins.