

"Oh my god! You even have a tail! Can I see it?"

I nodded to her with a silly grin on my face and then turned around and bent over a bit so she could get a really good look.

"This looks so incredible Myka. What is it attached to? The dress, the panties?"

I turned around again and giggled a bit then answered in a loud whisper, "It's attached to me."

Kelli looked confused for a minute, and then her eyes widened and she gasped in shock.

"You mean it's a..."

I nodded again with another giggle and topped it off with one more spin and shake.

"Cassandra gave that to you? When? And how the hell did you, or do you put it on," Kelli asked, with what looked like an eager look in her eye.

"How much time do we have before we leave," I asked.

"Well, we should probably go soon. Why?"

I sat her down on the couch and pulled my laptop in front of her and then said, "This takes just over 30 minutes to watch. I think we can afford to be a little bit late, and I really want you to see this."

Kelli looked at me for a moment, and then nodded her assent, so I reached over and pushed play on the video file I had made. From the first seconds to the last kiss and wink Kelli did not move, and as I sat and watched her I could see the effects the video had caused. She could not control her breathing, and also gave out small moans and gasps at the really good bits. I was sitting on the edge of the couch, my hands demurely in my lap, waiting for the video to finish and to hear what my best friend thought of it, and that half an hour was one of the most erotic experiences in my life. Eventually the file ended and Kelli turned to me again with very wide eyes.

"Jesus Myka! That has got to be the hottest thing I have ever seen! I mean, I have no other words I can use. I have never been this turned on by anything, not to mention that it's my best friend and a girl. You were really in character too. You sounded almost like a cat when you finished up that last time. And what was with the glowing writing on the plug and that black box near your bed? It got really bright."

I reversed the video back a bit and I took a look myself, and sure enough, that weird fiery moving writing was glowing brightly on both the box and the tail plug, and I did indeed sound very cat like as I howled out the last orgasm.

"I don't know. I guess I will have to go back to the shop later and ask Cassandra about it."

Kelli then jumped up and grabbed me by the hand and said, "Yeah. Do that. But right now we have a party to get to and men to turn into drooling puddles of mush!"

I gave a laugh of agreement and followed Kelli out to her car, still hand in hand, glad that I was going to spend New Year's with my best friend in the world.

By the time we got to the party it was already in full swing and we had to walk quite a ways from where we parked to get to the front door of the McAllister house. It was a really big place, and the grounds that it sat on made the area for the party even bigger, and the noise of people, music, and dancing was notable in the silent night air. The walk up to the house was also really fun because of the comments that Kelli and I were getting as we passed by, hand in hand. I really could not count the number of holy shits, the look at thats, and the oh my gods that passed our ears. It really made me feel good that we could cause eyes to pop out of nearly every male skull that glanced in our direction. We even caught a whispered comment or two from some of the girls that we passed as well, which inflated our egos even more. Finally we made it to the line to get in the door and we giggled excitedly to each other as we waited.

When it was our turn to get in we met a rather handsome gentleman in a nice sport coat and jeans who was seated at a table in front of the door.

He looked at us for a moment, and we both saw the brief flash of excitement in his eyes, as he said, "I need to see your IDs please."

I took a quick look at Kelli and then turned back to him and said, "We have ID, but we are both nineteen so I don't think it will help."

What I had said made him chuckle a bit and then he looked at us intently as he spoke.

"Ok. You are right, your ID will not help. To drink at this little gathering you need one of these non-removable arm bands and you will not have one, so please stick to the non-alcoholic beverages please. My name is Bill, a friend of the McAllister's, and a retired police detective. There are a few of us former cops here tonight, and if you are found with alcohol and do not have an arm band you will be escorted out to a waiting patrol car, joined very soon by the person who got the drink for you. Is this understood?"

Kelli and I both answered yes, and then Bill continued.

"Looking at your costumes, ladies, I need to tell you a few other things. First, please keep the public nudity to a minimum, but we do understand that the OCCASIONAL slip happens. Second, we understand that some attendees will feel the need to participate in, extracurricular physical activity this evening. If this is your choice, please use one of the many areas in this building or the other buildings on the estate that are private from the rest of the party. If this is your choice we also recommend that you protect yourself from any unwanted consequences of engaging in this type of physical activity. Again, is this understood?"

Kelli and I answered yes yet again.

"If you should have any trouble this evening, of any sort that makes you feel afraid or uncomfortable please find one of the designated chaperones, the ones with the yellow arm bands, and have them call me or one of the other former officers so that we can assist you. It's very important that you are safe. Finally, I just need to say that if I was perhaps twenty years younger, we would probably have had a different conversation this evening. You both wear it very well indeed," Bill said with a grin that made us both laugh in amusement.

"Now, I just need you both to find your name on one of these lists here, and sign next to it while Larry here takes your ticket. Your signature indicates that you were given the instructions that I have just given you, that you understood said instructions, and that you agree to all of the rules that will make this event fun and safe for everyone. Ok?"

We both nodded in the affirmative and found our names and signed, and the other attendant, Larry, took our tickets.

"Ok, ladies. Have fun," Bill said, and ushered us into the house with a wave of his hand.

Kelli and I kept ahold of each other's hands while we navigated the crowded party area, and we slowly moved our way to the back of the house and to the wide back lawn where the McAllister's usually put up the large TV screen with the Times Square ball drop on it. It was one of our favorite parts of this party, counting down with the rest of the crowd as the New Year began and the old one ended. And the kissing of random strangers that was tradition at the start of the New Year was really fun too. We wanted to hurry because there was just over an hour left till midnight and we both wanted to dance a bit beforehand too.

The music was loud and the energy coming from the crowd was infectious as Kelli and I moved out onto the dance area in front of the giant screen. Neither of us could help but move and sway to the loud beats and swift music that the DJ was spinning for the crowd. He really knew how to work the floor and had everyone under his control; moving, gyrating, and shaking to his every whim. Kelli and I stayed as near to each other as we could, but some separation was inevitable as we continued to dance and party. I got to meet and move with several cute guys, and one or two really cute girls, and the thought suddenly hit me that I was really glad to be here tonight. I really needed to thank Kelli for making me show up, for insisting that I did not let Alan and Madeline's actions dictate what I would do.

Nearing midnight, the DJ ended the current set and the mic was passed over to a young woman who had taken the stage with what were probably several friends. If I wasn't mistaken, this was Jessica McAllister and her girlfriends, and she was about to make an announcement. I have to say that they all looked fabulous, dressed up as group of sexy Disney princesses. Their costumes were impeccable to say the least, and were damned provocative, so much so that Uncle Walt was probably turning in his grave in rage. I also noticed, however, that I seemed to be getting just as many looks as the girls on stage, if not more, and it made me smile with glee.

We had about ten more minutes till the drop when Jessica gave her speech. She spoke on behalf of her parents, and thanked everyone for coming out this evening. She expressed gratitude for all the help and support she had received leading up to her graduation. She thanked her friends and professors for all the good times. In short, she was a thankful and gracious host, and we gave her a well-deserved applause at the end. Then it moved into the last couple of minutes before the ball was to drop, and I started looking around desperately for Kelli so that we could ring in the New Year together. Time was getting really short, and no matter where I looked I could not see her, and I was starting to panic. The ball was flashing and now moving and the one minute timer was counting down on the screen, and I just stopped where I was, a little disappointed that I would not have my friend right next to me this year. The count continued to wind down as the energy in the crowd ramped up, and then the magic moment was upon us.


The roar of the crowd was deafening, and the cheers went on and on for at least half a minute, and then we all started turning and kissing those closest to us to welcome in the New Year and a fresh start for all. I do have to admit that it is a bit of a turn on to put my arms around, or my hands on, or push into complete strangers and plant memorable kisses on their waiting lips. The energy of the event is thrilling, and you never know how it will play out. For me it's usually a firm closed mouth kiss, but there have been rare occasions where I have indulged in a softer, slightly open mouthed kiss. It just depends on the person I kiss. Tonight, however, it seemed like everyone was almost waiting in line to kiss me, and I made sure to do justice to my costume and curled the toes of both men and women alike. Then I was spun around so fast that I had to close my eyes and I was pushed firmly into another stranger's waiting arms. To keep myself from stumbling I put my arms around their neck and felt for their lips, still with my eyes closed.

When our lips touched I felt an electric jolt rip through my entire body, and another of those weird energy pulses that I had felt earlier in the day. God was that appropriate, because it was one of the softest, most tender kisses that I had ever felt. I had no choice but to open my mouth in surrender and allow our hesitant tongues to gently play with each other for an ever so brief moment. I finally had the strength to open my eyes and I was stunned to be staring at the closed eyed face of my best friend, Kelli. Even in the midst of my surprise I could not back away from the kiss and I moved my hands to gently cup her cheeks. She then opened her eyes and they widened with shock, but she did not pull away. After a few more seconds we both released each other's lips with an audible sigh and stepped back. The cheering and wolf whistles from the crowd that had cleared a space around us finally caught our notice and we both looked around with sheepish grins on our faces. We were giggling as we hugged each other which only made the crowd cheer louder for us, and then Kelli took me by the hand and moved us off to the side near the stage.

Kelli leaned close and spoke quietly to me, "Hey. We need to talk about this when we get home, ok?"

I nodded yes, but the worried look on my face gave away my confused emotional state.

"Oh sweetie," Kelli said, "This will be a good talk, nothing to worry about. Now, however, there are some people that I need to go talk to. I promised them I would stop by and say hello tonight. Will you be ok alone for a little while?"

"Yeah, I think so," I said after a short pause. "Let's meet back here at the stage at 1:30. Will that be ok?"

Kelli reached out her hand and again gently brushed my cheek, "That will be perfect. What are you going to go do?"

"I think that I am going to go back inside and find the classic jazz floor. You know how much I like dancing to that, right?"

Kelli smiled at me and said, "Oh yeah I do. Go, have fun. I will see you in a little while."

She then weaved her way through the crowd while I stood there for a minute watching her beautiful ass and giggling as she turned and blew me a kiss before disappearing from sight. I turned then and headed towards the house, eager to dance to what I considered to be some of the best music ever. I also felt a bit strange. It was like I was lighter on my feet, and like my senses, all of my senses, had gone into overdrive. I couldn't explain it. It was weird, but I felt so damned good that I did not care. I also did not really notice a new feeling that was pulling me towards the house for a specific purpose that I was not yet aware of. In time I would get better at recognizing these feelings for what they were, but right now I just really wanted to get inside the house.

I moved inside from the lawn and followed the signs in the house that led to the lower level area where the jazz room was located, and as I descended the stairs the sounds of saxophone and horn, piano and drum, and the occasional clarinet greeted my ears and made my heart leap with joy. I nearly bounced all the way down the stairs which had the effect of making the few guys I passed on the way stare speechless at me. God this was a really fun night. I got to the bottom and moved out onto the dance floor, the sounds of good soulful music ringing in my ears, and quickly found myself a dance partner. We moved, and twisted, and turned, and twirled to the music and I was blissfully happy to be here. We danced for a couple songs, and then I picked up another partner, and then one more before I noticed him across the room.

At the end of the next song I moved off of the floor and stood back to watch the young man who had caught my attention. He had opted for a prohibition era speakeasy bartender costume, complete with the bowtie and garter on the sleeve of his shirt. He was sort of cute looking, but something was really drawing me to him at that moment. I moved through the crowd slowly, keeping my eyes on him as I moved wondering what it was that had me so interested in this boy. I paused then, as he walked up to a small group of girls that were sitting off to the side and leaned down with and offered hand, and I presumed that he had asked her to dance. She sort of flippantly waved him off while shaking her head, and he had a slightly hurt look as he straightened up and turned to one of the other ladies there. Again he bent down and offered a hand, but this girl looked right at him with a very scornful look and said something to him that made him jerk back like he had been shot. All of the other girls there started laughing at him then, and he hung his head and walked off to an empty couch and slumped down in defeat and I could see the start of a few tears forming in his eyes.

I was pissed now! Really, really pissed! What right did they have to wantonly crush this boy's heart just because they thought he was beneath their notice? Fuck them. I then made my way purposefully over to his couch, my tail swaying and lashing about, and my ears twitching with irritation. When I got there I sat down next to this young man and finally got a good look at him. He had a short cut mop of sandy blonde hair, and wore glasses that, while functional, did not frame his face very well. His face was dusted with occasional freckles, and his ears did stick out a touch more than normal. He had a good frame to his body, however, and I agreed with my initial assessment. He was definitely cute, but was just in need of a bit of style advice, and a whole lot of confidence. The harpies that had rejected him probably did so because he was not as good looking as many of the other guests, and because his costume was thoughtful and intelligent rather than cool or sexy. Well they, and he, might learn a few things tonight.

I stuck out my hand to him and gave him my best mega-watt smile and said, "Hi! My name is Myka. What's yours?"

He looked up at me in shock, and then looked around as if I might be talking to someone else nearby, and then silently he pointed back to himself with a questioning look on his face.

"Yes you, silly! What's your name," I asked again as I took his hand and shook it firmly.

He seemed a bit flustered at this and almost could not answer because I had placed my hand on his knee after the handshake.

"Umm... My name is... Uhh... My name is Paul."

"Hi Paul. What do you think of the party so far?"

He still looked like a deer that was going to be eaten in a heartbeat by the wolf that was standing in front of him, and I really felt sorry for his hesitation.

"Uhh, it's, uh, going really good. I think it is better than last year for sure."

I smiled again at him, and then grabbed his hand and pulled him quickly to his feet.

"Paul, would you like to dance with me? I really want to dance some more, and I would love it if you did so with me."

Again, he paused for a moment before blurting out, "Oh god yes! I mean, yes ma'am. I would be honored to dance with you."

My heart did a little jump in my chest then at the reveal of his gentlemanly demeanor, and I silently wished a really bad round of misfortune on the bevy of bitches that had scorned Paul. They had no idea what they had missed, what a golden opportunity that they passed on. And with that thought Paul took me by the hand and led me out onto the floor to dance. And dance we did. Paul was a marvelous dancer and it was clear that he had at least had a number of lessons. It was easy to follow his lead, and he was able to smoothly transition between different songs, something which is really tough to do when you dance to jazz. I was having a blast and it was clear that Paul was having fun too. He was in his element and that gave anyone confidence in spades.

After a few dances I asked him if we could take a quick break for one song so that I could text my friend and ask her if I could be a little late in meeting her. Paul said it was ok and went to get us some drinks while I pulled out my phone and messaged Kelli.

"Having a ball, literally, dancing here. Can we make the meet up at 2:30? Is that too late?"

After a minute or so my phone dinged back, "Sounds great. I am SO HAPPY you are having a good time. See you in a while."

I put my phone away just as Paul got back with a couple of drinks, and we were able to spend the next few minutes between songs talking.

"So Paul, where did you learn to dance like that? You're really good."

Paul blushed, and I sensed that he really had a hard time talking to girls when he hesitated a bit too long before answering.

"Well, umm, I've always liked jazz music, and my mom made sure to have me take lessons in dancing. She is a really good dancer too, and we would often practice together so..."

I gently laid my hand on his and smiled as I said, "That is so sweet, Paul. You don't know how much it impresses a girl when a guy respects and loves his mother."

Paul just blushed again, and I listened to my instincts so that I could push the conversation forward.

"Are you going to school here, and what is it you are planning to do?"

Paul hesitated again, but finally gave me a thoughtful look, "I am not currently taking classes, though my parents really wish I would. Right now I am thinking about what I want to do. I just turned nineteen a month ago, and I really wanted to just work for a while before going to college. I just don't think that I'm ready for it yet. Do you think that's ok?"