
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasía
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411 Chs

Zombie brain.

Inside the mothership was tense as Mark kept working on the zombies. He was to figure out where he had gone wrong in the experiment.

At some points, he even has to start working on the Headband device.

While this was happening, Bull as well was walking up and down the lab with a restless mind.

Nate observing all of this understood their feelings. Nate has felt the same way when Peter was evolving. Peter's evolution to a high-intelligence zombie came as a gradual process.

The latter has been put in a lot of physical fights with a lot of Nate's enemies and he was so good at it that he earned himself the title hazard.

Although Nate can also put the zombies through the same evolution, the problem is that Nate can't take all of them into his zombie horde since he has a limited amount of zombies he can have.

Aside from that, the zombies that were selected might not even survive the process.

Back then, when Nate was evolving Peter, the enemies back then was not as strong as they are now which is why most of the zombie most likely will die during the evolution process.

Having all this in mind, Nate was also hoping that there is another way he can survive the problem without putting the zombies into a fight.

Meanwhile, Mark have just finished what he was doing to the headband device and was ready to put test it out.

Unfortunately, the results were the same, the zombie he have been walking on have not yet shown any sign of intelligence or something of that sort. That's what they thought.

Angered by his multiple failures, Mark for the first time acted rashly in front of everyone. He pulled off the headband device and was ready to destroy it.

'What's the point of having you ...!!' Mark raised the device and throw it on the floor.

However, someone has caught the device before it could smash into pieces.

"You can't give up yet..." Nate said holding the device.

"It's useless... I have done the greatest upgrade I can on this device yet it's a disappointment," Mark replied before walking over to a sit.

It was strong to see him behave this way as if he was tiered or something. But as a zombie, they know tiredness isn't the case here.

"He is frustrated," Bull spoke out.

"The person you see here is called Petro, he used to be Mark's workmate. As a matter of fact, the one that turned him into a zombie," Bull explained.

It now made sense to Nate why Mark was so frustrated. It turned out that Petro was someone close to him in the past. Hearing this made Nate wonder about Peter.

'Although I have no idea where he is now, am sure his fine though. This also makes me wonder what is he doing out there,' Nate thought.

Looking at Bull, Nate know the latter wished well for his men and seeing some of them in this condition was kind of bothering them.

Although they are zombies now that had not felt, they still have a human conscience.

"I think it will be good if we just end their suffering once and for all," Bull said walking over to a zombie but was stopped by Nate.

"Don't be stupid, you all saw that Peter managed to evolve to our type, what makes you think they can't do the same, it will only take time that's all," Nate said stopping Bull.

"You all might have not noticed it but there is a sign of intelligence on him," Nate said pointing at Petro.

Mark and Bull were looking at Nate confused, even Lyon was confused.

"I will explain... In normal circumstances, a low-intelligence zombie should have walked out or should have been moving around this room looking for an exit but for some reason, he is still here," Nate pointed out.

Mark seems to noticed this also and decided to try something out.

He and the others started heading for the door. Looking behind, they were surprised to see Petro following behind.

The zombie known as Petro was following them and would stop when they stopped. Another thing the others found out was that Mark was the main person he was following.

"He's right, but what is the essence if he can talk ?" Mark said.

"Then teach him...am sure he will learn. But before that, I have something to try out first," Nate said.

They all went back into the lab where Nate instructed Mark to place the zombie down on a table.

Nate put on the headband before kicking into action.

However, before that, something Nate wasn't expecting happened.

[Do you want to mark this device?]


'Is this just like the mothership, can I also mark this device? If I do so what will happen ?' Nate asked himself.

Alas, the only way to find out what will happen is by accepting it.


[System will now connect to the device]

Nate was surprised to see this, however, what happened next throw him off guard.

[System connected!!!]

[Brain access activated]

'Wait.. what?! Who activated you, and how is that even possible..'

Before Nate could finish his thoughts, he found himself in another person's world, a world filled with activities.

Meanwhile, the others could see Nate just standing with his eyes close.

"What is he doing?" lyon asked.

Walking over to Nate, Mark looked at the device before noticing small green light beeping.

"The headband is active, I think he is sending commands to the zombie," Mark said.

"Why is he doing that when all the attempts have been a failure?" lyon wondered.

This also left Mark perplexed as he wondered what Nate was up to.


Meanwhile, Nate has just appeared in a new world, or to say how Petro used to view things before the apocalypse started.

Just like how Nate used to see things when using the brain access. In the memory, Nate could only see the face of those he have met or seen before while those he didn't know have some sort of hazy mist covering their face.

In the memory, Nate could see that Petro and Mark with a few others were working on something.

Mark's face was visible to Nate while the others were covered in the hazy mist.

'Fine...now I understand what just happened to me, but why am I here? Can his there something I need to know?' Nate wondered.

It was then, he heard a noise outside. It was the noise of gunshots and more.

"I will go and check what is happening outside," Petro said to the others in the lab as he walked outside.

Nate watching the scene before him could only guess one thing.

'This must be how it happened, how they were turned,' Nate thought.

'Wait...maybe if I stop him from getting bitten by a zombie here, it might change his mind right...,' immediately Nate thought about this idea, he quickly rushed towards Petro but it was useless.

'Shit...I can't interfere with the memory display,' Nate thought.

Just as Nate expected, as Petro went outside, a crazy human ran towards him. The person leapt on his body and bite Petro on his neck.

"Ahh..!!" Petro screamed in pain as he punch the zombie's face before pushing it off his body.

Unfortunately, it was already too late and the bite is on his neck. In no time, the virus was reaching out towards his brain while slowly shutting the other part of his body down.

Whereas, Petro managed to drag his body back to the lab where the others were.

"Hel..he..p," Petro wanted to say something but it was too late, the virus have taken over.

Nate was watching all this happening without being able to save anyone.

Just then, everything started to fade, and those inside the lab start to disappear, even Mark also disappeared leaving Nate and Petro alone inside the lab.

The worst part of it was that Petro was gazing at Nate as if he can see him.

'Something is not right here,' Nate noticed.

[New quest= Defeat the virus consciousness]

[Reward= set the zombie free]

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